As the topic creator, I'm getting annoyed with the backseat moderation in my topics. The kid had something significant, and I gotta admit, something damn cool to add to what I posted to the directory. I must commend you for your improvement on my mod, bassguitar. Improve your grammar, use word spellcheck, yadda yadda yadda.
It's also good to know now that plugging the pump apparently results in a dramatic range increase, as evidenced by his video. My pump was not plugged when I built mine. His was, so you can indeed add quite a few barrels on top of the recommended seven, as long as you are careful about minimizing dead space, and as long as you reinforce that trigger. A lot of BBBB shotgun mods have big expanses of air between the tank seal and the darts themselves.
Edited by BendyStraw, 04 December 2008 - 03:10 AM.