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Moddel 2 Stefans

Stefans With a Twist

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#26 nerfer9



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Posted 11 October 2008 - 02:37 PM

it should theoreticly work. If it doesn't fine.

It won't even theoretically work. I am in the middle of 7th grade, just turned 13, even I can spell. What made me mad is that you said that I had no clue as to what I was talking about. learn about rifles and other firearms and stop being such a douche.
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#27 Falcon


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Posted 11 October 2008 - 03:21 PM

Okay, everyone should understand by now that everyone got carried away. No one STARTED OUT by being a douche, but responses to the initial topic caused anger levels to rise, and things continued to spiral downhill, if you'll pardon the pun.

No one can be pissed at him for not searching to see if rifling works in nerf or not because whether or not it works wasn't the purpose of his post. His post is a write-up for a concept, not asking if it would work. We have found in the past that it does not work appropriately, and as such, is unnecessary. However, he posted an IDEA, complete with instructions. Why would that give ANYONE reason to be angry, initially?

Please, everyone, think before you...well...think. And then think again. THEN, try thinking about typing up a post. Everyone'll go home a lot happier.

To address the situation in a more civilized manner:
Rifling has been found in the past to be more of a hindrance than a help in nerf applications. In short, darts are stable because the weighted front is pulled on by the nearly weightless back end, the foam. A single-line kite without a tail will spin out of control because it has nothing pulling on the bottom corner to hold it aligned. Similarly, a bullet is evenly weighted, and as such requires gyroscopic stabilization to remain on track. But darts DO have that back end applying drag, which keeps the heavier weighted end on front. In a higher powered gun, darts will fishtail if there is not enough weight because the drag isn't balanced by enough mass in the front end. If there is enough weight, the random flailing that the tip on its own would perform in flight is balanced by the drag of the foam pulling behind it.

Spin applied to nerf darts ends very quickly because the foam is affected so drastically by friction. When spinning down a barrel, even a BULLET is slowed slightly because some of its forward motion is being transfered into rotational motion. The differences are slight because of the sheer speed and mass of said projectiles. Nerf darts move at far lesser speeds, and as such, rifling not only (typically) dramatically reduces speed, but it actually encourages fishtailing.

So in short, the idea was nice, but this isn't the application for it. Nerf darts with built-in spirals, concave OR convex, have a greater surface area which will increase drag, and you'll wind up with reduced overall performance. We could easily label your idea as stupid, but we've all had dumb ideas. You live and learn.

That said, keep on learning! See you around.
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#28 badger


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Posted 11 October 2008 - 03:22 PM

It won't even theoretically work. I am in the middle of 7th grade, just turned 13, even I can spell. What made me mad is that you said that I had no clue as to what I was talking about. learn about rifles and other firearms and stop being such a douche.

Sorry to derail this topic, but how could you have even signed up for NH on February 17th of this year when you just turned 13, as you have just stated. Your profile says that you were born in April 4th, 1994, so why would you say you just turned 13 and are in the middle of the 7th grade, when according to your birthdate you should have turned 14 earlier this year?

Here is a copy of your profile, just in case you try to alter it before the admins get to put two and two together.

Posted Image

I love it when those that sneak in underage out themselves.

Sorry again for the derail, but this was needed. I was going to comment on the idea, but Falcon pretty much summed this all up nicely, so there is no need for me to fuel the topic any further.

Edited by badger, 11 October 2008 - 03:34 PM.

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As Carbon once said,

"The moment you can no longer see the fun in running around like a little child is the moment you begin to die."

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#29 nerfer9



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Posted 11 October 2008 - 03:32 PM

Yes, correct I snuck in while I was 12, but that was in February . 1994 or 1995, eh so what, I put 1994 instead of 95. I am not a 10 year old uin13 wannabe who posts all over the forum " h0w do3s I m0d teh longhshots". My first post was with good spelling and grammar, it could of been different. If the mods are gonna ban me, let it be after the war I am hosting.

Edited by nerfer9, 11 October 2008 - 10:05 PM.

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#30 Lynx



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Posted 11 October 2008 - 03:42 PM

Lets stop bashing the noob who started this thread. I did something like that too when I started.

The admins can do whatever they want to nerfer9. He isn't a dumbass so I don't care. Just don't be a dumbass and we usually won't look for problems/care. He wasn't a dumbass so we didn't look for problems/care.
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Columbus' original crazy asshole now comes with:


#31 saxynerfer



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Posted 11 October 2008 - 10:51 PM

I havent read about 60% of the topic so far, but I gather that we have gotten very off topic in general:


TC's idea of "rifling" the darts wouldnt work because it would allow air to escape around the dart without pushing the dart down the barrel. The whole reason stefans have a hole melted into the back of them is to keep air behind the dart.

The idea of "rifling" the barrel dosent sound all that bad, but VERY impractical. First, when you're talking about a gun that only fires 100' MAX accurately, sacrificing range for accuracy, is not practical. Secondly, rifling a brass barrel would cause it to have inumerable burrs down the entire length, rifling a PETG barrel would cut the barrel due to PETG being so thin. PVC or CPVC might work, but you would probably need a lathe to do it with, which most people (including myself) just don't have.

Back to your banning of underage n00bs
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I just usually bang mine against some sort of ananimaite object untill it eventually breaks off.

#32 nerfer9



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Posted 11 October 2008 - 11:30 PM

I am not underage, I was underage when I joined, and I am not a noob, young yes, noob no.
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#33 CaptainSlug


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Posted 11 October 2008 - 11:47 PM

Well which is cheaper, the agent or butter?

Price has nothing to do with it.
I use lard as a mould release when baking a cake, and it's a good lubricant to use with wood parts, but if you're casting plastics you shouldn't be using anything other than silicone mould release.
Every set of instructions I have read on the process of casting plastic and other resins used primarily silicone products. It's a matter of chemistry. Plastics are fairly soluble materials.
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The little critters of nature, they don't know that they're ugly. That's very funny, a fly marrying a bumble bee. I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me. Why didn't you believe me?

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