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What Is A Silencer? And A Breach Idea.

welll... read the title? =P

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#1 Exal



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Posted 03 October 2008 - 08:27 PM

Ok, first of all... what is a silencer? I've seen barrels with holes in them, but I don't know how that
silences the noise, and how do you make one?

I had this breach idea from angel,s mod.
Could we just link like a 1/2" brass to the peice that pushes the spring back, and receives the air, and just cut
a part of it out so that it would fit a dart, and put another barrel in front that the 1/2"
would fit into.
And so the dart wont fall back, drill a tiny hole across the back of the pipe, and feed a
string, or somthing that will stop the dart from going through. If you guys
find a problem with this mod, tell me and how to fix it.
If you don't find a problem, I will do this mod. =P


P.S. Please don't bag on me that much, I'm kinda new.
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QUOTE(nerfer9 @ Jun 21 2008, 10:05 PM) View Post

All he's got to do is roll it around in his fingers to start it getting hard and put in in the hole.

#2 Mr BadWrench

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Posted 03 October 2008 - 08:52 PM

Ok, first of all... what is a silencer? I've seen barrels with holes in them, but I don't know how that
silences the noise, and how do you make one?

I had this breach idea from angel,s mod.
Could we just link like a 1/2" brass to the peice that pushes the spring back, and receives the air, and just cut
a part of it out so that it would fit a dart, and put another barrel in front that the 1/2"
would fit into.
And so the dart wont fall back, drill a tiny hole across the back of the pipe, and feed a
string, or somthing that will stop the dart from going through. If you guys
find a problem with this mod, tell me and how to fix it.
If you don't find a problem, I will do this mod. =P


P.S. Please don't bag on me that much, I'm kinda new.

I had a problem understanding your mod...

Silencers on nerf guns are mostly for spring guns basically you baffle the noises that the springs make.

the holes you see on real silencers are to let gasses escape slowly from the barrel of a gun.... most of the noise that a gun makes comes from gasses coming out of the barrel at high speeds and the bullet breaking the sound barrier... a silencer is just an extension of the barrel with metered vents to allow the gasses to slow down while they escape the barrel, the length of the silencer sometimes contains the sonic crack that the bullet makes while leaving the pressurized section of the gun barrel.
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#3 NerfMonkey



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Posted 03 October 2008 - 09:29 PM

Silencers on nerf guns are mostly for spring guns basically you baffle the noises that the springs make.

That's not really a silencer, that's just adding insulating material to keep the parts from clanging around. An actual "nerf silencer" (which there is a writeup for on this site, so check it out before asking about them) is for air guns, not springers, and lets air from the tank out behind the dart before it leaves the end of the barrel so it's not all rushing out at once and forcing its way through the small barrel hole and so it makes less noise. They don't work that well and just make the sound of the gun more like a muffled pop than a loud cracking noise, if that makes sense. Not to mention they don't have any practical value in a war anyway, they're just kind of cool looking. But they decrease range somewhat and aren't worth the effort.

I think I get what you're saying with your breech idea but no, it wouldn't work. It would be too hard to get the brass to line up properly and it would end up coming loose eventually if you could get it in perfect alignment. This is one of those ideas that looks good on paper but would never really work in practice.

Edited by NerfMonkey, 03 October 2008 - 09:43 PM.

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#4 Guest_Killakit_*

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Posted 03 October 2008 - 09:37 PM

Well I was thinking that the best way is to just put FBR on the inside. And obviously it has to be a springer just because in an air gun there is no reall inner movement of anything thrusting forward. Thats the only real way I know.
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#5 xbox180



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Posted 04 October 2008 - 01:28 AM

It takes away some of the pop on a scout or crossfire, but otherwise it is useless on a spring gun. Like Killakit said you can use FBR to reduce the noise, maybe put some of it on the plunger head.
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#6 nerf365



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Posted 04 October 2008 - 02:08 AM

xbox180 and Killakit are right in a spring gun a "silencer" is practically useless, impractical, and not really worth your time. In a spring gun silencing is basically muffling the vibration of the spring and moving parts. A way to "silence" a spring gun is to insolate it. You can use fbr or spray foam. I would also recommend gluing some fbr or any high density foam on the end of your plunger. This will stop you from getting a "cracking" sound when the plunger hits the end of the plunger tube. This can also lengthen the life span of your gun.
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You plugged the fucking pump?!!!

What kind of performance are you seeing out of that beast? I shot myself with it stock and it left a mark for an hour. What do you do with that? Hunt small game and children?

#7 roboman



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Posted 04 October 2008 - 08:55 AM

In an actual silencer, there is a baffle to slow down the escaping gases from the gun. This would make it impractical for nerf guns, since the pneumatics are almost silent, and it wouldn't do much to a springer. There is a silencer design in the "homemades" directory by Zero. This may help. However, we aren't dealing with noise in the first place, so it probably would be just for aesthetic appeal. You really don't need a silencer for anything other than an air cannon, unless you have huge amounts of air exiting your barrel at a very high speed.

EDIT: You might want to fix your spelling and grammar before the mods get here.

Edited by roboman, 04 October 2008 - 08:57 AM.

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#8 tatertotguy



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Posted 04 October 2008 - 11:54 AM

A barrel with lots of holes in it is a muzzle break, it reduces the recoil of the gun like so. The gases being forced forward go backwards out of the holes and fight the recoil.
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#9 Mr Tubb

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Posted 04 October 2008 - 12:30 PM

A barrel with lots of holes in it is a muzzle break, it reduces the recoil of the gun like so. The gases being forced forward go backwards out of the holes and fight the recoil.

Here's an example of a gun with a muzzle break: (Barret .50 cal S n i p e r Rifle)
Posted Image
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#10 Banshee



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Posted 04 October 2008 - 12:56 PM

A barrel with lots of holes in it is a muzzle break, it reduces the recoil of the gun like so. The gases being forced forward go backwards out of the holes and fight the recoil.

Here's an example of a gun with a muzzle break: (Barret .50 cal S n i p e r Rifle)
Posted Image

Touche... however, muzzle breaks on Nerf guns serve NO purpose due to the fact that most of our guns aren't combustion powered. I saw most because I have successfully made a gun powered off of black cat firecrackers, but that's a different subject. Anyways, I have found that silencers do work on springers, but that means the sound has to be mostly coming out of the barrel, which is rare. That's why the scout and crossfire are a few of the only "silence-able" springers. When using an air gun however, its much more effective to use a silencer. Also depends on the gun because I've found it hard to silence mt AT2K, but not my MD2K water gun. So it really depends on what gun you're doing. If you told us what gun you were trying to silence, we could help you more. And on another note, a Longshot as yet to be successfully silenced... So don't ask us.
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#11 TheNerfLoki



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Posted 04 October 2008 - 07:19 PM

Ok, first of all... what is a silencer? I've seen barrels with holes in them, but I don't know how that
silences the noise, and how do you make one?

I would just like to point some thing out."silencers" in real life are actually know as suppressors, and work by slowing down the gases that are expanding rapidly because of the combustion of the gunpowder. They are known as suppressors because their use, mainly militarily is not to "silence" the blast, as Hollywood would like us to believe, but to quiet it down as much as possible so it sounds like something else, so in tactical insertions none of the enemies would suspect any troops are moving in. And the barrels with holes are muzzle brakes, which in real life is opposite of a silencer because by stopping the recoil of a gun, it generates an unbearable amount of noise. There is no point in using a muzzle brake, because nerf guns generally do not have recoil. Suppressors are only (usually) useful on air guns, because the noise in spring guns is made from the plunger head moving forward and hitting the piece in front of it.
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#12 Exal



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Posted 06 October 2008 - 05:14 PM

Silencers on nerf guns are mostly for spring guns basically you baffle the noises that the springs make.

That's not really a silencer, that's just adding insulating material to keep the parts from clanging around. An actual "nerf silencer" (which there is a writeup for on this site, so check it out before asking about them) is for air guns, not springers, and lets air from the tank out behind the dart before it leaves the end of the barrel so it's not all rushing out at once and forcing its way through the small barrel hole and so it makes less noise. They don't work that well and just make the sound of the gun more like a muffled pop than a loud cracking noise, if that makes sense. Not to mention they don't have any practical value in a war anyway, they're just kind of cool looking. But they decrease range somewhat and aren't worth the effort.

I think I get what you're saying with your breech idea but no, it wouldn't work. It would be too hard to get the brass to line up properly and it would end up coming loose eventually if you could get it in perfect alignment. This is one of those ideas that looks good on paper but would never really work in practice.

I tried searching for the write-up, but couldn't find it. Could someone please give me the link?

And thank you all for your words of wisdom.
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QUOTE(nerfer9 @ Jun 21 2008, 10:05 PM) View Post

All he's got to do is roll it around in his fingers to start it getting hard and put in in the hole.

#13 The Inventor Guy

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Posted 07 October 2008 - 12:37 AM

For what it's worth, I almost completely suppressed my MGS-inspired 1st Gen Nite Finder.
Internal silencing leaves for a soft, sharp clack, barrel suppressor reduces muzzle noise significantly.
Some may remember I posted this a far while ago...?

Well, just to say it can be done, it's done very well.
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#14 TheNerfLoki



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Posted 07 October 2008 - 03:55 PM

I tried searching for the write-up, but couldn't find it. Could someone please give me the link?

And thank you all for your words of wisdom.

I give you something better.In the homemade directory, scroll down to miscellaneous projects and you will see 3 different silencer writeups. Hope this helped. And foam glued in on the inside always helps keep the sound down.
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#15 najmodder0424



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Posted 08 October 2008 - 03:00 PM

Ok, first of all... what is a silencer? I've seen barrels with holes in them, but I don't know how that
silences the noise, and how do you make one?

I had this breach idea from angel,s mod.
Could we just link like a 1/2" brass to the peice that pushes the spring back, and receives the air, and just cut
a part of it out so that it would fit a dart, and put another barrel in front that the 1/2"
would fit into.
And so the dart wont fall back, drill a tiny hole across the back of the pipe, and feed a
string, or somthing that will stop the dart from going through. If you guys
find a problem with this mod, tell me and how to fix it.
If you don't find a problem, I will do this mod. =P


P.S. Please don't bag on me that much, I'm kinda new.

a silencer is a removable extension of the barrel the quiets or "silences" the gun. Considering these guns aren't to loud you probably don't need one. And for a breach idea im just using my dremmel to cut off a top section in my 1/2 inch pvc
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#16 TheNerfLoki



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Posted 08 October 2008 - 03:15 PM

a silencer is a removable extension of the barrel the quiets or "silences" the gun. Considering these guns aren't to loud you probably don't need one. And for a breach idea im just using my dremmel to cut off a top section in my 1/2 inch pvc

Do you not read any earlier posts? I just posted an (sort of) in-depth explanation. You basically restated everything said in this thread about suppressors.
Edit: If you cut off the top of a 1/2 in. pvc, you lose range. Not to be a backseat moderator, but to extend your stay at nh you NEED to follow the code of conduct (link at top of page).

Edited by TheNerfLoki, 08 October 2008 - 03:18 PM.

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#17 Exal



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Posted 09 October 2008 - 11:09 PM

I want to do a breech, but I don't have a dremel, is there any other way?
Can you all plesae list your ideas?
I also want to thank everyone who helped me.
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QUOTE(nerfer9 @ Jun 21 2008, 10:05 PM) View Post

All he's got to do is roll it around in his fingers to start it getting hard and put in in the hole.

#18 TheNerfLoki



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Posted 11 October 2008 - 02:57 PM

I want to do a breech, but I don't have a dremel, is there any other way?
Can you all plesae list your ideas?
I also want to thank everyone who helped me.

You could have looked more in the homemade directory. In miscellaneous projects is all the clip/breech designs you will ever need.
Edit: Is there any reason why your posts look like shopping lists?

Edited by TheNerfLoki, 11 October 2008 - 02:58 PM.

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Am I the only one who uses the sig function for a sig?

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