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"stix" Commercial

Copy of the Wii?

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#1 1000 Zombies

1000 Zombies


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Posted 19 September 2008 - 03:53 PM

So the other day, I discovered something on the TV. It was a commercial for a game system that used a remote and motion sensors. So I thought "Cool! The Wii!" and I turned the volume up only to find that this was almost an identical copy! White remote, button on the back (the B button, on the real Wiimote), motion sensing... Now, I've only seen this commercial once, so I may be judging it too quickly, but does anybody know if that's like, illegal or something?

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#2 Natbeanz



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Posted 19 September 2008 - 03:57 PM

Over here in england it is, but im not sure about the laws over there.

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#3 Ubermensch



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Posted 19 September 2008 - 03:59 PM

I've seen that. I love the commercial.

"Experience Wireless motion Control!" "...Just plug it in!"

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#4 Bomberman



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Posted 19 September 2008 - 04:06 PM

I saw this. I own a wii, and I love it. More than my PS2, and I like it more than the XBox 360. It's just more fun. But on topic, there must be some little loophole, because the Wii is patented, and they can't just steal an idea like that. And Nintendo would have already sued before they put out a TV commercial, right?
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QUOTE(silentsnipe) View Post

It's not like that. I put lube on it and its the same. Its just stuck. And when I cock it back it goes farther back then usual. Also I push as hard as I can and it wont go back in. I've tried the methods and they wont work. Also pics are up.

#5 Blue



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Posted 19 September 2008 - 06:21 PM

Does anyone have a video of it? I've never seen the commercial.
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#6 DTReaper



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Posted 19 September 2008 - 06:35 PM

The wii is actually being sued alot for patent infringements in fact I think a company is stopping them from importing them to the U.S. but that wont take effect for awhile since the agencies are slow.

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QUOTE(VACC @ Dec 5 2008, 12:09 AM) View Post

That's it. I'm done. I'm sorry there are breasts on the Internet.

#7 Shrub



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Posted 19 September 2008 - 08:42 PM

I saw that commercial shortly after I read this. :blink: I think it's a cheap ass knock off.
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#8 Captain



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Posted 19 September 2008 - 09:01 PM

The wii is actually being sued alot for patent infringements in fact I think a company is stopping them from importing them to the U.S. but that wont take effect for awhile since the agencies are slow.


Really? What is the Wii copying that would infringe a patent?

Anyway, weird little thing you found. I did some quick research and found that it's like a Wii, but you use it with your computer rather than a TV. You can apparently play all kinds of web-based games on it, and stuff like that.

Edited by Captain, 19 September 2008 - 09:08 PM.

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#9 Aimless



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Posted 19 September 2008 - 09:05 PM

Really? What is the Wii copying that would infringe a patent?

IIRC, an American company claims it patented the concept of the Wiimote and it's technology before Nintendo did. Yes, thats right, concepts and ideas can be patented, so can genetic sequences, don't we live in a wonderful capitalistic world?

Edited by Aimless, 19 September 2008 - 09:08 PM.

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#10 Captain



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Posted 19 September 2008 - 09:12 PM

Really? What is the Wii copying that would infringe a patent?

IIRC, an American company claims it patented the concept of the Wiimote and it's technology before Nintendo did. Yes, thats right, concepts and ideas can be patented, so can genetic sequences, don't we live in a wonderful capitalistic world?

That's strange. It would seem that if the company patented the concept, but Nintendo beat them to actually building a similar device, then the company wouldn't be able to do anything. But, I suppose you can really sue somebody for any reason you friggin' want nowadays.
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#11 hierarchy



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Posted 19 September 2008 - 09:43 PM

Found the commercial on it. Here is the video.
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QUOTE(Retiate @ Aug 13 2007, 08:43 PM) View Post

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#12 Carbon



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Posted 19 September 2008 - 10:46 PM

Here's their website. It's pretty much a wireless motion sensitive controller for flash games.
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#13 AssassinNF



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Posted 20 September 2008 - 12:00 AM

Really? What is the Wii copying that would infringe a patent?

IIRC, an American company claims it patented the concept of the Wiimote and it's technology before Nintendo did. Yes, thats right, concepts and ideas can be patented, so can genetic sequences, don't we live in a wonderful capitalistic world?

That's strange. It would seem that if the company patented the concept, but Nintendo beat them to actually building a similar device, then the company wouldn't be able to do anything. But, I suppose you can really sue somebody for any reason you friggin' want nowadays.

I did a little research and this is what I've pieced together. Some of it may be off, but I am fairly certain of most of it:

A company (not really a company, but just some random dickhead in Texas who has never made or sold a product) calling itself Anascape claims patents on analog stick and rumble technology (along with many other technologies used in game controllers) used in the Wii Gamecube controller, Wavebird, and Classic Controller. This little shit company sued Nintendo, and won. Now they are calling for a ban of nintendo's GC and Classic controllers, and Nintendo is trying to postpone or avoid that. Wii-Motes, however, are in no danger at all, and Analscope (as I will now refer to them) has no valid patent claims on Wii-mote technology (though it tried).

This bastard also sued Sony and Microsoft for the same thing, claiming patents on the technology in their controllers. Sony and Microsoft settled, rather than fight it out. Nintendo decided to fight, and they got screwed out of $21 million in "damages" to a company that has never sold a product.

Here's the most irritating part: The main patent argued in this case was analog stick technology. Nintendo used the same technology in their N64 controllers, dating back long before Analscope's patents. Analscope has avoided mentioning the N64 controller. (I wonder why :blink: )

This battle started in 2006, I believe, and is still going on.

Personally, I think "Analscope" should have been laughed out of court. The fact that they won sheds some light on just how fucked up America's patent system is. A bastard in Texas played the system and won.

If anyone wants to research this on their own, search for Anascape.
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#14 TimmyTown



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Posted 20 September 2008 - 01:09 AM

IIRC, an American company claims it patented the concept of the Wiimote and it's technology before Nintendo did. Yes, thats right, concepts and ideas can be patented, so can genetic sequences, don't we live in a wonderful capitalistic world?

Yes we do. The patenting of ideas is a long and hard process let me tell you though. Its not simple and you have to shell out tons of cash to get your patent. And no one gives any respect for a product unless you have some kind of patent associated with it. My father runs an internet business and he patented his idea for the whole thing 5-6 years ago. The company has been around and growing and selling the patented product for 5 years and the patent is still not finished (aka patent pending).

How in the hell can you patent genetic sequences? Thats bullshit if you ask me. Hey look what I made I now legally own its genetic design, wow thats creepy. Think about patenting the genetic code for a home grown human of the future. "Hi welcome to the world #349 I own you."
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QUOTE(rork @ Mar 16 2009, 05:30 PM) View Post

I, too "have recon," as they say. I get him in old country. Then I realize he sucks like bog. So I trade him for potato.

#15 Galaxy613



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Posted 20 September 2008 - 08:12 AM

People get mad at Microsoft for patenting the right mouse button and middle mouse wheel. The thing is, they only got those patents to protect themselves from other idiots like Anascape.

How in the hell can you patent genetic sequences? Thats bullshit if you ask me. Hey look what I made I now legally own its genetic design, wow thats creepy. Think about patenting the genetic code for a home grown human of the future. "Hi welcome to the world #349 I own you."

Yep. It's great way to freeze research on the genome because scientists don't want to mess with parts that *might* be patented, if they are patented, they'll get sued up the arse. SO yeah. Patents are stunting the growth of medicine.

Edited by Galaxy613, 20 September 2008 - 08:14 AM.

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#16 roboman



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Posted 01 October 2008 - 10:24 PM

A company (not really a company, but just some random dickhead in Texas who has never made or sold a product) calling itself Anascape claims patents on analog stick and rumble technology (along with many other technologies used in game controllers) used in the Wii Gamecube controller, Wavebird, and Classic Controller. This little shit company sued Nintendo, and won. Now they are calling for a ban of nintendo's GC and Classic controllers, and Nintendo is trying to postpone or avoid that. Wii-Motes, however, are in no danger at all, and Analscope (as I will now refer to them) has no valid patent claims on Wii-mote technology (though it tried).

How can you claim a patent on analog stick technology? It's used in almost every modern R/C transmitter and game controller!
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