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W@m X2


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#26 Dayko



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Posted 02 October 2008 - 01:40 AM

Does anyone else have any ideas for game types?

How about Odd Ball? I got the skull. I can explain it here or I can explain it at the war. It isn't that hard to play.
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< One foot in death...The other in life. >

#27 Blacksunshine



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Posted 02 October 2008 - 07:34 AM

yeah chat it up here.

As to the hostages thing. Have you ever played counterstrike? Its the hostages scenario type deal. you have a couple people play hostages and they are at a set point. That point is guarded by team A and the hostages are theirs. Team B who starts at a seperate point tries to rescue the hostages. Each person gets a # of lives and have to return to a spawn point after a count out to resume play. If you hit a hostage they lose a hit point. they lose too many and they die. If you kill a hostage you also lose a life.

Something like that. You get the idea.
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Forgive my spelling and grammar. I post from my cell phone a lot. Sometimes when I'm on the can at work.

#28 Dayko



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Posted 02 October 2008 - 04:08 PM

The game is pretty simple. Two teams go for the ball ( A.K.A Skull ) and try to hold it for one minute. Each team has unlimited amount of lives but you have a ten second re spawn. The only part of this that might be difficult is that we will have to draw straws ( Or something along those lines ) to see who will keep track of the score on each team. I volunteer for the first few matches if we play this. If I left anything out or if I didn't explain something please tell me.
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< One foot in death...The other in life. >

#29 BlackFox



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Posted 02 October 2008 - 04:33 PM

I am trying to prep up a few guns as well as find time to make some more darts. will probably do darts tonight at work. I will make sure to make a few extra green packs.

I will buy a few packs of green tipped too. Save some for me!

Does anyone else have any ideas for game types?

Since a Halo gametype was brought up, why not try Juggernaut? I've played similar games, but only small scale indoor wars.

-The Juggernaut plays 4-20 and uses a primary of his choice
-All other players have one life and use pistols
-Once a player is hit, he is out of the game
-If the Juggernaut is hit, he has twenty seconds to get out of the line of fire and clear

Granted, this is a game based on how many people attend, but I could see a team of two Juggernauts for a large group.
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"Until we meet in the place where there is no darkness"
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#30 TantumBull



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Posted 02 October 2008 - 05:08 PM

Sadly, I will not be able to make it to this war, but look forward to coming to future wars. How often are WA state wars held?
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#31 Retiate



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Posted 02 October 2008 - 05:18 PM

yeah chat it up here.

As to the hostages thing. Have you ever played counterstrike? Its the hostages scenario type deal. you have a couple people play hostages and they are at a set point. That point is guarded by team A and the hostages are theirs. Team B who starts at a seperate point tries to rescue the hostages. Each person gets a # of lives and have to return to a spawn point after a count out to resume play. If you hit a hostage they lose a hit point. they lose too many and they die. If you kill a hostage you also lose a life.

Something like that. You get the idea.

I have never played Counterstrike before. I'm guessing to rescue a hostage you just tap them or something?
What do the hostages do in the meantime?

I remember a long while back I was airsofting with a group of friends. We played a game where when you were shot, you went to the other team's jail, which was just a spot on their side of the field. To rescue someone from a jail, you just had to run inside the jail and touch a player.

Edit: TantumBull, this is our third war this year. We hold an annual WALL War in Port Orchard, and this, W@M.

Edited by Retiate, 02 October 2008 - 05:20 PM.

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#32 BlackFox



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Posted 02 October 2008 - 05:54 PM

My guest and I will be arriving a little late. We'll probably be headed for the war around 10:30 and so we'll get there around noon if that doesn't mess up too many plans...
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"Until we meet in the place where there is no darkness"
-George Orwell, 1984

Think that piece is beyond repair? Think again!

#33 Dayko



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Posted 03 October 2008 - 07:37 PM

This is it people. Tomorrow is the war. Everyone ready?
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< One foot in death...The other in life. >

#34 Blacksunshine



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Posted 03 October 2008 - 11:19 PM

Pray for the death of the rain god.
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Forgive my spelling and grammar. I post from my cell phone a lot. Sometimes when I'm on the can at work.

#35 Renegademilitia15



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Posted 04 October 2008 - 12:08 AM

Frick, I hate myself. I so wish I could go...... :)

You guys better have a W@M X3 in the summer.
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Singled RFS
FA_24's response to Ice's back pain thread:

I used to have that problem until I got circumcised. 15 pounds later I was able to stand up straight.

#36 Dayko



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Posted 04 October 2008 - 11:47 AM

All right people this is it. The war. I'm just about to head out. see you guys there.
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< One foot in death...The other in life. >

#37 Blacksunshine



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Posted 04 October 2008 - 01:01 PM

im here. Its a bit wet but the area is open. i also found a great spot for an assult game. Dont be afraid of a little water.
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Forgive my spelling and grammar. I post from my cell phone a lot. Sometimes when I'm on the can at work.

#38 TantumBull



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Posted 05 October 2008 - 02:58 AM

So guys, how was it? The wind was fucking howling today.
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#39 hierarchy



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Posted 05 October 2008 - 11:44 AM

The war was fun. We started off with a few normal games, then we went on to assault. Assault was definitely my favorite game type that we played. There was a small shelter in the park with lots of openings. We had a team of five that had five minutes to plant a bomb in the center of the shelter. The person who planted it had to get out alive. If the person who planted the bomb died before exiting the building then another person could touch the bomb and leave the shelter to win. So overall it was fun and we had a great time.

Only getting shot a few times
Getting some good shots on people
Playing lots of assault rounds
Dancing out of the shelter after planting the bomb
After a fellow teammate planted the bomb but died before exiting I ran in and touched it and escaped.
Getting some more darts from Blacksunshine
After the war stopping at Goodwill in Gig Harbor and getting a switch shots ultra

Light rain
Getting shot on the tip of my finger
Having both of my X-bows stop working
Having one of my SF leak like crazy
After the war stopping at the Goodwill in Tacoma and finding nothing but a speed-loader and a tec 6 (we didn't get either of them)
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QUOTE(Retiate @ Aug 13 2007, 08:43 PM) View Post

I guess you have some heavy duty industrial strength toilet paper holders. Do they advise you to wear eye protection when changing rolls?

My TTG mod.

#40 BlackFox



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Posted 05 October 2008 - 01:50 PM

Dancing out of the shelter after planting the bomb
After a fellow teammate planted the bomb but died before exiting I ran in and touched it and escaped.

I didn't die! That was the funny thing; the guy knocked the skull off the table, but didn't shoot me and turned his back on me. So I promptly shot him in the back. Easiest shot of my life.

-First shot of the day was a headshot
-Using the crossbow the whole day. I didn't turn to the sm1500 once.
-Finally getting some high quality darts
-My crazy face off with Retiate during an assult round. Our skill is almost perfectly equal. *Fire*, *Dodge* *Fire*, *Dodge*, *Both draw splitfires*, *Fire, fire*, *Dodge, dodge*
-"Dance out!"

-I noticed that just about every bush had inch-long thorns on them...
-Weather (although the crazy wind was kinda cool)
-So many of my shots bounced off foilage. ie I fired at BlackSunshine with my xbow and it hit a blackberry branch, he fired his pistol splat through the bush and hit me...
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"Until we meet in the place where there is no darkness"
-George Orwell, 1984

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#41 Retiate



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Posted 05 October 2008 - 02:14 PM

Dancing out of the shelter after planting the bomb
After a fellow teammate planted the bomb but died before exiting I ran in and touched it and escaped.

I didn't die! That was the funny thing; the guy knocked the skull off the table, but didn't shoot me and turned his back on me. So I promptly shot him in the back. Easiest shot of my life.

He was talking about to the first game that the offense won when I sprinted into the building, dropped the skull off, then got bombarded. Then he just ran in, touched it again, then ran back out.
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#42 Dayko



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Posted 05 October 2008 - 02:25 PM

Awesome war. We played some 4-20 Death matches in the beginning then we moved to the Assault and this was my favorite game type we played.


Using my Pump Action Shotgun all day and having it preform better then I thought it would.
Having the rain to a minimal.
Playing a bunch of Assault rounds.
Getting some good shots with my Pump Shotgun.
I know there is more but I can't think of them at the moment.


Having the wind blow some of my shots off course.
Having my NF keep falling out of my case while I was running. I lost my NF like five times during one of the Death Matches.

Overall a vary good war. Can't wait to do it again sometime.
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< One foot in death...The other in life. >

#43 Blacksunshine



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Posted 05 October 2008 - 02:56 PM

Glad everyone had a good time and liked the assault setup. I'd like to also thank you guys for even coming out even with the weather all jacked like it was at times. And I'm glad no one fell and got hurt..oh wait. I think the finger is only sprained, and it did stop bleeding. A big thanks to Daykos pops for having a first aid kit on hand.

Tho I'd like to say we will do it again this year, it's very doubtful that the weather will permit. But we will see.

For my own highlights of the day
Getting to use my new longshot/pistol splat combo and it performing great. Kept you Xbow whores at bay.
Taking the time before the war to walk around the area and finding the bunker for the assault game.
Using the only workable part of the violator (the 2k barrel) and using it as a blow gun.

Charging thru the bushes and mid pivot hitting a mudpuddle and eating shit, twisting my trigger finger and splitting it open.
Trying to use the violator and it failing miserably. First the tube from the 2k pump snapped then the DTB turret refused to turn and fire a dart while I had the flank of everyone on the opposing team in assault WHILE they were in its 5-10ft range. forcing me to miss 3-4 dead on kills.
Setting up my portable trenches only to have the wind promptly take them down.

Taking some video of the day and then today realizing I had my phone on the lowest smallest setting and it being barely if even watchable.
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Forgive my spelling and grammar. I post from my cell phone a lot. Sometimes when I'm on the can at work.

#44 BlackFox



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Posted 06 October 2008 - 12:28 AM

For my own highlights of the day
Getting to use my new longshot/pistol splat combo and it performing great. Kept you Xbow whores at bay.

Haha. I've got tons of stuff in the works, but it's all half-finished. Hopefully, I'll have some great stuff by the time we meet at another war. Until then, my xbow will hold out for me :P

Taking some video of the day and then today realizing I had my phone on the lowest smallest setting and it being barely if even watchable.

Aw man! That sucks. Oh well, we've been there before. It teaches one to enjoy the war while we're there.

Thus, our nerf-season is fading. Time to prepare for spring!
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"Until we meet in the place where there is no darkness"
-George Orwell, 1984

Think that piece is beyond repair? Think again!

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