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Message To The General Public - Regarding Spud Guns.

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#1 Coodude26



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Posted 20 July 2008 - 02:30 PM

This topic made me think... most of you guys are fearful, and therefore most likely uninformed, about potato guns. With such responses as "Youll kill yourself" "You're an idiot" etc, I came to tell you all a couple things.

-Potato guns are as dangerous as the user is stupid.

-We're (we being the smart spudders) not shooting them at eachother, at living creatures, etc. REally it has all been an educational hobby. Learning how to use tools, solvent welding, pneumatics, valves, parts, pipe, etc.

-There have been nerf injuries as well, may I add. I only say that because many of you pretend there aren't.

-It is a more commonly... enjoyed, hobby than nerf - at least for adults.

-Yes, it's more dangerous, but that's part of the fun. With dart guns, noting that there isn't much danger, (opinion ahead)[b]IN MY OPINION(opinion begins) Nerf isn't fun. (OMG HE SED IT)[/opinion]


After leaving the nerf community for about a year, I have this to say...
All of your dart guns, may I remind you, are only plastic toys. I am surprised to see you all gathering, going hundreds of miles to run around and shoot each other. They're foam-shooting dart guns, and you're giving them names, paintjobs, personalities, places on your wall...It's amazing. A bunch of 12 year old kids shooting foam at eachother is part of childhood, but seriously, when twenty some year old kids are making a living out of it, that's a little odd. Sure it's a hobby and that's agreeable, you're allowed to your opinions, but please keep in mind you look like little children. That is all.

#2 A side of nerf

A side of nerf

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Posted 20 July 2008 - 02:52 PM

After leaving the nerf community for about a year, I have this to say...
All of your dart guns, may I remind you, are only plastic toys. I am surprised to see you all gathering, going hundreds of miles to run around and shoot each other. They're foam-shooting dart guns, and you're giving them names, paintjobs, personalities, places on your wall...It's amazing. A bunch of 12 year old kids shooting foam at eachother is part of childhood, but seriously, when twenty some year old kids are making a living out of it, that's a little odd. Sure it's a hobby and that's agreeable, you're allowed to your opinions, but please keep in mind you look like little children. That is all.

Did you really need to start a whole topic to tell us you think nerf isn't fun? This is a nerf forum. If you don't like nerf then why bother posting in it. Telling people what they do is dumb is just going to get you flamed. If you don't like nerf anymore, just unregister or stop coming here. We like nerf, you like spud guns. We don't go to spud files and tell them what they do is dumb and tell them how much better nerf is.
-A side of nerf

Edited by A side of nerf, 20 July 2008 - 02:53 PM.

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Southeast Nerf Contingent



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Posted 20 July 2008 - 03:44 PM

I just find it amusing that you waited months to be approved so that you could post that you don't like the hobby this forum centers around. You didn't even get in any profanity laced jabs or anything... Oh well, that's just one more missed opportunity. I'm sure your life will not wont for them.
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#4 CaptainSlug


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Posted 20 July 2008 - 05:05 PM

most of you guys are fearful, and therefore most likely uninformed, about potato guns.
No, I'm only fearful of idiots using potato guns. The same idiots you know exist within your own hobby.
My primary experience with potato guns has been with inbred retards in southern states who have no concept of safety. But you're not going to see me being stupid enough to assume that everyone in the hobby is represented by that small sample of individuals that I have interacted with.

-Potato guns are as dangerous as the user is stupid.

-We're (we being the smart spudders) not shooting them at eachother, at living creatures, etc.
This hobby IS PRIMARILY ABOUT SHOOTING AT OTHER PEOPLE in a way that is safe. Hence why we don't support potato guns within the context of this hobby.

REally it has all been an educational hobby. Learning how to use tools, solvent welding, pneumatics, valves, parts, pipe, etc.
DURHEY. And are you pointing this out in an attempt to say that this hobby isn't about those things or do you just enjoy stating the obvious? I use all of the above in Nerf. But I actually get to go out and use the things I make for more than just target practice.

-There have been nerf injuries as well, may I add. I only say that because many of you pretend there aren't.
Cuts, scrapes, bruises, and wrenched joints from running around sure. But this hobby does not even remotely come close to having the same risks as yours where if someone is really insistent on being an idiot can receive severe burns and shrapnel if they are so inclined. Your hobby involves pressure levels far beyond what ours does. NOBODY here is pretending that injuries are not possible or do not happen.

-It is a more commonly... enjoyed, hobby than nerf - at least for adults.
Thanks for making stereotypical assumptions about our demographics. Our median age of participation is 20, but the sample ranges from 13 to 45 years of age. You would know this if you attended wars more than once.

-Yes, it's more dangerous, but that's part of the fun. With dart guns, noting that there isn't much danger.
If I want a dangerous hobby I'll take up something dangerous. But big surprise, some people DO NOT enjoy danger.
If this were a dangerous hobby it also wouldn't be cheap and we couldn't do it in public places. This hobby has it's place BECAUSE we can do it in public places that do not cost money to use. Nerf is meant to be cheap, silly, accessible, and safe.

Nerf isn't fun.
If that's your opinion then quit shitting on our forum and go back to yours. We don't do the same on spudfiles. Nor do we do the same on airsoft or paintball forums.

After leaving the nerf community for about a year, I have this to say...
All of your dart guns, may I remind you, are only plastic toys.

DURRRRR REALLY?!?! No shit sherlock.

I am surprised to see you all gathering, going hundreds of miles to run around and shoot each other.
Again, I'm guessing you haven't attended very many wars.

A bunch of 12 year old kids shooting foam at eachother is part of childhood, but seriously, when twenty some year old kids are making a living out of it, that's a little odd.
Being odd is one of the primary sources of entertainment for many participants. Nevermind that this is one of very few hobbies that whole families can participate in.

Sure it's a hobby and that's agreeable, you're allowed to your opinions, but please keep in mind you look like little children. That is all.

Again, DUH and LURK MOAR.

Edited by CaptainSlug, 20 July 2008 - 06:46 PM.

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The little critters of nature, they don't know that they're ugly. That's very funny, a fly marrying a bumble bee. I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me. Why didn't you believe me?

#5 Llama Boy

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Posted 20 July 2008 - 06:19 PM

How would you like it if I went to Spud Files and created a message saying that potato guns are stupid,childish,and are not fun at all. I will not do this because I am more mature. I agree that potato guns are fun to play with but when I am in the mood to have some fun shooting my friends without getting welts I choose Nerf. I play it all airsoft,paintball,Nerf,laser tag, and I build potato guns, but I be mature and do not go to differnt fourms talking about how what they like to do isn't fun. So why dont you just leave. We dont like you here so just dont come back.

#6 Shadow 92

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Posted 20 July 2008 - 06:24 PM

Umm, I'm part of both Spudfiles and Nerfhaven. While you did make valid points (some I agree with), this isn't really the place to do so.
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#7 tatertotguy



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Posted 20 July 2008 - 06:57 PM

With Nerf guns you can't almost burn your eyebrows off, or dent the side of your neighbors wooden garage siding. What fun is a giant fun where flames shoot out the barrel if you can't shoot it at people? I own a potato gun and it is pretty fun but you can't shoot it in the city.
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"So thats when she says, 'No that's my belly button'."

#8 Blacksunshine



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Posted 20 July 2008 - 07:07 PM

Potato guns are for pussies. Real men shoot lead.

See theres always something that makes what you do look pathetic. I could easily say "If you want danger go to Iraq." But see the point as others have stated is about having fun. >Period< Each nitch has its place.
However you must be one of those silly kids that assumes that whatever YOU are into for the moment is the coolest thing and everything else pales in comparison. Simply put you're a tool go back to your shed hoss.
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Forgive my spelling and grammar. I post from my cell phone a lot. Sometimes when I'm on the can at work.

#9 BustaNinja



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Posted 20 July 2008 - 07:15 PM

Potato guns are for pussies. Real men shoot lead.

See theres always something that makes what you do look pathetic. I could easily say "If you want danger go to Iraq." But see the point as others have stated is about having fun. >Period< Each nitch has its place.
However you must be one of those silly kids that assumes that whatever YOU are into for the moment is the coolest thing and everything else pales in comparison. Simply put you're a tool go back to your shed hoss.

I disagree. It takes a pussy to shot lead at another man, but it takes a real man to be the one shot at.

Also, we have no need to prove our awesomeness, because if you can mod a nerf gun then paint it to look cool, that should speak for itself. Also, about looking childish? WHY DO YOU THINK WE DO IT???? Its not about military sims or fake urban combat for pussies. Atleast we know we aren't on the frontlines. Try telling that to some airsofters.....

Anyway, thats kinda my rant. I would say more, but do we really need to bitch at a guy who feels the need to have a bastardization of "Cool" in his name? I rest my case.
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Me: Yeah. he beat a hooker
Venom: Haven't we all?

#10 Forsaken angel24

Forsaken angel24


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Posted 20 July 2008 - 07:17 PM

Well, since Slug took the mature Nerf scientist approach, I will take the approach of my other hobby.

Say what you said earlier to my face and I will fucking break you. Plain and simple.
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I don't get my kicks out of you,
I don't feel the way I used to do.
I know its bad,
After what we had,
But I’m just not the angel you knew.

#11 Guest_OS1_*

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Posted 20 July 2008 - 07:22 PM

YEA!!!!!! I am one! I PAINT them, Give them NAMES, and I even give them MODEL NUMBERS. Oh, and then I SELL them to VERY educated people with fat pockets... I sold one this week for just under $450.00! HUMMMMM How much does a spud gun go for these days??? Anyone???? So, I am proud to fit right into that designation! Oh, I EVEN use a pseudonym... OLIVER SHAGNASTY.... HOW CRAZY is that???? My name is Oliver shagnasty and I approved this message.
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#12 baghead



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Posted 20 July 2008 - 07:25 PM

This topic made me think... most of you guys are fearful, and therefore most likely uninformed, about potato guns. With such responses as "Youll kill yourself" "You're an idiot" etc, I came to tell you all a couple things.

-Potato guns are as dangerous as the user is stupid.

-We're (we being the smart spudders) not shooting them at eachother, at living creatures, etc. REally it has all been an educational hobby. Learning how to use tools, solvent welding, pneumatics, valves, parts, pipe, etc.

-There have been nerf injuries as well, may I add. I only say that because many of you pretend there aren't.

-It is a more commonly... enjoyed, hobby than nerf - at least for adults.

-Yes, it's more dangerous, but that's part of the fun. With dart guns, noting that there isn't much danger, (opinion ahead)[b]IN MY OPINION(opinion begins) Nerf isn't fun. (OMG HE SED IT)[/opinion]


After leaving the nerf community for about a year, I have this to say...
All of your dart guns, may I remind you, are only plastic toys. I am surprised to see you all gathering, going hundreds of miles to run around and shoot each other. They're foam-shooting dart guns, and you're giving them names, paintjobs, personalities, places on your wall...It's amazing. A bunch of 12 year old kids shooting foam at eachother is part of childhood, but seriously, when twenty some year old kids are making a living out of it, that's a little odd. Sure it's a hobby and that's agreeable, you're allowed to your opinions, but please keep in mind you look like little children. That is all.

This douche is too weaksauce, he doesn't deserve my belligerent ranting.

so I won't even bother.

but I will say this:
I Play with Plastic Toy Blasters in Public Places and I do it with Pride!



that is all.

Edited by baghead, 20 July 2008 - 08:10 PM.

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Don't call it a comeback, I never left.

#13 Philote



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Posted 20 July 2008 - 07:31 PM

I'd like to sig that whole speech, but it would be to long. Honestly though, why would anyone bother going through the tedious process of joining to rat on us, when we've clearly never done anything to slander Spudd Guns. Because shooting Potatoes for science so much cooler than this.

Most of you guys are fearful, and therefore most likely uninformed, about potato guns.

By a show of hands, who besides this Asswipe, gives a rats ass aboot potato guns? You stick a potato in a barrel in pull the trigger. Fascinating!!! Do something useful with your potatoes and shove them up your ass.

Edited by Philote, 20 July 2008 - 07:42 PM.

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What do I wnat for my birthday? The usual, money, a Xbox Game, and a throng of bearded men. You know, the usual stuff.

#14 baghead



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Posted 20 July 2008 - 07:58 PM

Most of you guys are fearful, and therefore most likely uninformed, about potato guns.

By a show of hands, who besides this Asswipe, gives a rats ass aboot potato guns? You stick a potato in a barrel in pull the trigger. Fascinating!!! Do something useful with your potatoes and shove them up your ass.

*Raises Hand* I'm a "Backyard Ballistics" kind of guy, And it is indeed a blast to rocket a potato a vicious distance, but the appeal of nerf is something completely different. The basis of Coodude26's argument is completely flawed, as these are not analogous hobbies, and it is equally flawed as any Airsoft or Paintball Vs. Nerf argument. Trying to argue the "superiority of ones interest over an dissimilar interest" is pointless. That would be like someone telling me I shouldn't make Plushies instead I should ... paint with watercolors. Or telling someone who loves playing card games that they should switch to collecting comic books.

all foolish and fallacious arguments.

by the way, the more people who shit on him for acting like a dumbass the more we're doing exactly what he wanted, he wouldn't have posted the thread if he didn't want a negative reaction. Let this thread die people.


Edited by baghead, 20 July 2008 - 07:59 PM.

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Don't call it a comeback, I never left.

#15 Carbon



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Posted 20 July 2008 - 08:00 PM

Speaking as one of the "odd" adults on this site:

please keep in mind you look like little children. That is all.

The moment you can no longer see the fun in running around like a little child is the moment you begin to die.
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Hello. I am Indigo of the Rainbow Clan. You Nerfed my father. Prepare to die.

#16 Guest_DarkInfection_*

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Posted 20 July 2008 - 08:07 PM

I do find it mildly amusing that all of this lecturing on maturity is coming from a 14 year old who once claimed to have had a job with Hasbro. I lol'd.

Edited by DarkInfection, 20 July 2008 - 08:11 PM.

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#17 badger


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Posted 20 July 2008 - 08:11 PM

Speaking as one of the "odd" adults on this site:

please keep in mind you look like little children. That is all.

The moment you can no longer see the fun in running around like a little child is the moment you begin to die.

I could not have put it better myself Carbon, being another one of the "odd" adults on this site.

Consider that (and I hate this trend but for this one time I shall succomb) beautiful phrase added that hilarious quote to my signature, while playing with my butthole.
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As Carbon once said,

"The moment you can no longer see the fun in running around like a little child is the moment you begin to die."

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Violets are 0000FF


#18 venom213



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Posted 20 July 2008 - 08:13 PM

Zudikas, the starter of the topic that you linked to, is a good friend of mine. I thought I should give you all some insight on him. He had constructed a regular potato cannon prior to posting the topic about the mine. He says that he wasn't actually very serious about building it. He is not the kind of moron that does dangerous things with potato cannons. Zudikas is not stupid, but the idea was, but then again he wasn't seriously going to build it either. Personally I think that topic should have been closed immediately, to avoid such discussions that you mentioned. And if you don't like nerf, as said, get out of here. As Groove always says "Nerf on, or Fuck off".
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#19 badger


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Posted 20 July 2008 - 08:26 PM

I just find it amusing that you waited months to be approvedso that you could post that you don't like the hobby this forum centers around? You didn't even get in any profanity laced jabs or anything... Oh well, that's just one more missed opportunity. I'm sure your life will not wont for them.

Can everyone please just stop responding to this thread? I'm pretty sure that this post, quoted above, is VACC suspending the user, but I may be wrong. I doubt, if he indeed has been suspended, that he is going to bother to read the responses to his asinine thread.

And to quote Baghead (by the way Bags, did you get my PM?):

by the way, the more people who shit on him for acting like a dumbass the more we're doing exactly what he wanted, he wouldn't have posted the thread if he didn't want a negative reaction. Let this thread die people.

Let us listen to him and just stop posting here.

The topic is dead and so is Coodude's account most likely, so let it die.
  • 0
As Carbon once said,

"The moment you can no longer see the fun in running around like a little child is the moment you begin to die."

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Violets are 0000FF


#20 Killim-spree



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Posted 20 July 2008 - 09:54 PM

As Groove always says "Nerf on, or Fuck off".

Sorry to post, but I believe Vacc said that before Groove.
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#21 nerfer9



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Posted 20 July 2008 - 10:14 PM

Ok we get it , some body said Nerf on or fuck off, now start doing the "fucking off" part or the "jacking off" Part, whatever the hell it is.
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#22 keef



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Posted 20 July 2008 - 10:56 PM

Coming from the one with "Nerf Expo" in his sig? Funny.
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Timothy M-Lick <3

#23 VACC


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Posted 21 July 2008 - 07:49 AM

Yeah, Badger pretty much it the nail on the head; you guys are kinda talking to yourselves.

But there's nothing wrong with that. There were good points all around. So let's recap:

Nerf = Strange

Nerfers = We know, jackass

Non-Nerfers = tiny penis/sandy vagina (we don't want to discriminate here)

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