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Sm5k, The Blue Tiger

A Chili Creation

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#1 ChiliPepperFender



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Posted 11 July 2008 - 12:48 AM

Ok, so recently I traded Orange a Larami 1k for a SM5k and I'm happy about it. I would have never wanted to mod the 1k in fear of something that rare breaking. When I got this gun it was awesome. The stock feels perfect and I even got 1 pink and green larami to try out the gun. It shot around 20 ft. I read over Frost Vectron's and Silent Blade's SM5k write-up's alot so I basically knew what I was going to do with the gun before I ever got it. I did the regular tank relocation mod and I was very suprised at how easily and smooth that was. Next, I had to shorten the tubing and add some plumbers goop to seal it up.
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I also wanted to do a breech like FV's but I approached it so differently. He helped me with the better barrel size I used and I chose 9/16 brass with a 19/32 brass barrel making a seal. Like FV I put 3 in. of pvc over the 3in 19/32 brass. Although, instead of using a PVC endcap and such. I used a nail. Different, but it works. I put a crapload of epoxy putty around that, and believe me, that's not going to fall off. Ok, everyone knows that nails hurt, so I then put some crappy frost king foam on the nail. To add to appearence, I then added some e-tape to it.
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The breech itself is just a 9/16 brass barrel with 2.5 inches cut out of it, to put in the dart. Then 19/32 nested brass barrel to cover the main barrel. And as previous stated with the nail ect.. Now the way I cut the shell, I cut it a bit short so I can only see 1.5 inches of the insides of the 9/16 barrel, but it doesn't matter because my darts are 1.5 inches and I slide them to the back with the breech. Here's the shell cut down fit for the breech, also the scope with I cut off.
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Here's anoter picture of the awesome breech opened.
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Now to secure the barrel and make sure that it is straight, I did something that Silent Blade did. I put etape around the end of the barrel. Pic time.
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Also, what SB did, for looks.
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Here's the awesome detachtable stock, but I'll never take it off.
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The final product:
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This gun is literally the shit. The best gun I've modded so far and my best work. I'd like to thank Frost Vectron for the help and Silent Blade for the basic mod and inspiration.

Now the 9/16 is a bit big for my darts but the 17/32 is way too tight so ultimately I chose 9/16 which is probably why my results aren't the best 5k ranges but they get the job done. Also, my OP valve takes a little big longer to kick in also. With 10 pumps I am acheiving 150' but that's pushingit. 7 pumps is more like it and I'm getting around 120'. These ranges aren't exact ranges, so please don't flame me for them. Anyway, the best part about this gun, is the way it feels. I'd have to put it up there with a crossbow. I own both guns so I'm not just going off what people say. The stock on this gun is extremely comfy. Also, this gun isn't that loud either, other than a small pop.

Sorry for the horrible quality pictures too. Camera phones suck.
Oh yeah, about the name. I've recently bought COD4 and I have a MP5 with Blue Tiger camo and I thought that name suits this gun perfectly. Thank you for reading this if you actually did too. I'm sure there's some mistakes, but I'll fix'em later.

Wow, this took a long time to write. So finally, any questions, comments, flames?

EDIT: I don't want to make a new topic so I'll just post it here, buy my chainblazer!

Edited by ChiliPepperFender, 11 July 2008 - 12:19 PM.

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[The Blue Tiger][Manta Star]
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#2 thaygor



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Posted 11 July 2008 - 01:06 AM

Nice mod clean to!
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#3 Salmon



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Posted 11 July 2008 - 07:54 AM

It does actually look like an MP5 without the clip. I would recommend cutting off the lower rail on the stock, though. Then it will REALLY look like an MP5 with Blue Tiger camo.
*on topic* That mod gets surprisingly good results for something so simple as tank relocation and a breech system. I aughta try that.
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#4 doubleshot



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Posted 11 July 2008 - 08:16 AM

Man, one of these days I'm gonna get an sm5k. Maybe you should try a telescoping barrel for your darts?
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#5 MoonMaster



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Posted 11 July 2008 - 08:26 AM

That gun may have had collector's value. It is not a normal SuperMaxx 5000, but it was the rarer small soldiers version.Link.
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#6 Galaxy613



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Posted 11 July 2008 - 08:50 AM

THAT is a gun that could/should sell for $100+. SM5k, rare, Small Soldiers verison w/ stock, even rarer. Awesome preformance...

Very nice gun and modification. :)
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#7 Uncle Hammer

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Posted 11 July 2008 - 10:23 AM

Who gives a fuck, nerf isn't about how much money you can make off one gun. Besides the small soldiers version isn't that rare, they are becoming slightly more available as time goes on. Great mod dude, I'm sure it will serve you well in battle, alot better then 100 bucks would.
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#8 BlackFox



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Posted 11 July 2008 - 12:17 PM

Oops, nevermind. I guess I should scroll down further before I post.

Edited by BlackFox, 11 July 2008 - 12:18 PM.

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#9 ChiliPepperFender



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Posted 11 July 2008 - 12:33 PM

Thaygor: Thanks!

Salmon: I wasn't trying to make the gun look like an MP5. It's just my MP5 in COD4 has Blue Tiger camo which looks exactly like this. I was also suprised how easy this mod actually was. Who knows though, maybe I just got lucky and didn't screw anything up. I don't know if I put it in the description, but I also plugged the pump.

Doubleshot: Yeah, SM5k's are definently good. I have tried a telescoping barrel on my darts before and they results weren't good. But it's probably the way I'm making it or something.

MoonMaster: I know this gun has collectors value, I traded my Larami 1k for it. Thanks for pointing it out though.

Galaxy: Thanks for the compliments!

Uncle Hammer: Your right the Small Soldiers version isn't getting that rare. On ebay a couple of months ago I got a NIB SS SM500 for 25$ plus shipping off buy it now. Yeah I don't think I'm going to sell this gun though. Thanks for the compliments too.
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[The Blue Tiger][Manta Star]
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#10 Retiate



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Posted 11 July 2008 - 03:11 PM

That's awesome. It looks real slick and clean. What kind of epoxy putty did you use to hold the nail on to the handle? I might have to pick some up and use it for my breeched AT2K, I used a nail for the breech handle as well.
I really love the look of breeched SM5K's.
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#11 ChiliPepperFender



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Posted 11 July 2008 - 03:28 PM

Retiate: Thanks for the compliments! This is the exact same stuff I used. Same package and everything. I got this from Mclendon's Hardware in Kirkland, since you live in WA that's probably near you. The nail as a handle is holding on very well. The putty is like a rock, it's not coming off.

Later today I'm going to try and get some higher quality pictures, since yesterday I've made some changes after range testing last night. I opened up the gun again because everytime I'd open the breech the barrel would move, to fix this I filled the end of the barrel with FBR to keep it nice and straight.
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Also, I wanted to be able to open the breech farther so I cut the casing a bit more, now it works much better!
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[The Blue Tiger][Manta Star]
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#12 bpso86



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Posted 11 July 2008 - 05:00 PM

10 pumps??? Wow, I've only pumped mine up 5 before and even then it can break glass with a dart tag dart. I can't imagine going that far.

Literally, four pumps from my sm5k is big blast power. I'm amazed that you can safely pump yours up that far. I wonder what the difference is?

Did you do the hot glue on the trigger mod? So it lets all the air out at once?
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#13 ChiliPepperFender



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Posted 11 July 2008 - 05:05 PM

10 pumps??? Wow, I've only pumped mine up 5 before and even then it can break glass with a dart tag dart. I can't imagine going that far.

Literally, four pumps from my sm5k is big blast power. I'm amazed that you can safely pump yours up that far. I wonder what the difference is?

Did you do the hot glue on the trigger mod? So it lets all the air out at once?

The OP valve kicks in around 7-8 pumps.

I'm intrigued. Hot glue on the trigger mod? Like a BIC pen mod? Please explain.
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[The Blue Tiger][Manta Star]
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#14 nerfer34



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Posted 12 July 2008 - 11:00 AM

10 pumps??? Wow, I've only pumped mine up 5 before and even then it can break glass with a dart tag dart. I can't imagine going that far.

Literally, four pumps from my sm5k is big blast power. I'm amazed that you can safely pump yours up that far. I wonder what the difference is?

Did you do the hot glue on the trigger mod? So it lets all the air out at once?

The OP valve kicks in around 7-8 pumps.

I'm intrigued. Hot glue on the trigger mod? Like a BIC pen mod? Please explain.

The hotglue trigger mod is when you put hotglue on the trigger spring, basically making it the same thing as a bic pen mod.

So ya your right.

Edit- Really nice gun BTW. But it seems like loading the dart into the breech would be a little difficult. How far is the plastic from the brass breech. In the pic it looks like it's an inch, so what happens if you miss the breech? Or maybe the pic's decieving....

Edited by nerfer34, 12 July 2008 - 11:02 AM.

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#15 ChiliPepperFender



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Posted 12 July 2008 - 01:39 PM

The hotglue trigger mod is when you put hotglue on the trigger spring, basically making it the same thing as a bic pen mod.

So ya your right.

Edit- Really nice gun BTW. But it seems like loading the dart into the breech would be a little difficult. How far is the plastic from the brass breech. In the pic it looks like it's an inch, so what happens if you miss the breech? Or maybe the pic's decieving....

When relocating the air tank, you get rid of the trigger spring so you can't really do the BIC pen/hot glue mod.

In the begining I only cut the plastic for the breech to go about 1.25 in. so I redid and cut more, as you can see in my latest pictures. Now it will open 1.75 in. My darts being 1.5 in this is a perfect size.
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[The Blue Tiger][Manta Star]
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#16 Dayko



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Posted 12 July 2008 - 02:25 PM

Nice mod. Thats some pretty good range, also I love the paint job.
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#17 Renegademilitia15



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Posted 12 July 2008 - 03:02 PM

:blink: Wow. Awesome dude. Wicked mod.
Can't wait to see it in action ;)
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#18 Retiate



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Posted 12 July 2008 - 07:46 PM

Can't wait to see it in action ;)

Me neither.
Click. :blink:
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#19 Knud-Hansen



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Posted 12 July 2008 - 07:55 PM

that is sexy. I think your bolt handle turned out really nice, especially since its just a nail with padding. props :blink:
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#20 ChiliPepperFender



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Posted 12 July 2008 - 08:20 PM

Knud-Hansen: Thanks, I was actually suprised too, all I need to do is glue it one.

Retitate & Renegademilitia15: I'll try to make it out, but I've got to convince my mom to drive 2-3 hours for a nerf war though. W@MM was my best bet...considering I live up the hill from MaryMoor, but I had 2 baseball games that day so I couldn't make it...Anyway, I'll post in your thread if I can make it or not in a couple of days.
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[The Blue Tiger][Manta Star]
WTS: Stock Crossbow. PM me if you have interest.

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