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Saddam Hussein - Captured


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#51 J cobbers

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Posted 16 December 2003 - 03:40 PM

If all the money this planet has put into war and weapons over the last hundred years or so was taken back and pooled towards technology to make life better for eveybody, we would be on different Planets on a regular basis by now...and technology would adavnce 2 times as fast.

um no we wouldn't. How can you justify the statement that we would have interstellar travel by now? We might have a more advanced space program or have found solutions to world hunger, but I don't think we'd be to proxima centauri yet. Besides we do not know enough about the few planets we've found that scientist even think can support life, to know if we could even survive there for sure. At best we might be on Mars.

As noble as your notion is though, really as a speicies we will never get along well enough to not need, or want weapons. Besides thing about what this forum is based on, toy guns. Why do we have toy guns? because real guns are cool. Why are real guns cool? Becasue humanity is agressive against itself and idolizes fighting heros who use weapons. It goes all the way back to the cave man days when weapons were needed to hunt so a tribe could survive. The nerf gun is an exention of the early human spear. Spear to bow to gun to nerf. Each associated with heros to build up the coolness factor and interest by a new generation.
Look even at our board. Vacc, Spoon, Stefan, Ash ect are inspirational legends in their own time that create greater interest in the sport. So be thankful we have guns otherwise there would be no nerf, even if a vaction on Mars would be cool too.
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#52 Groove


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Posted 16 December 2003 - 04:17 PM

Cave men, Saddam, WMD, and Interstellar space travel. What can't happen in this thread? I tell ya'...
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"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"

#53 Spectre2689



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Posted 16 December 2003 - 05:52 PM

I'll tell you what can't happen in this thread:

So I told Groove, no you can't shove that many hamsters up your ass without feeling some sort of discomfort.

Oh shit, I just contradicted myself. I'll shut up.

P.S. Don't take that seriously Groove, I just like having fun picking on the first person I think of when I do something :huh:
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#54 merlinski



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Posted 16 December 2003 - 06:38 PM

Wait Merl I'm lost, did I comment on bunker buster nukes? I'm serious, if I did I don't remember. And by the way, I'm not psycho-conservative. Please, I'm not Pat Buchanan here, it's just that as I grew up I found myself more aligned with the rights platforms over the left. That's all. I'm not a bad guy.

In fact I enjoy walks on the beach, baking little brownies with cute candy faces, I love a good bowl of popcorn and snuggling. I'm not a psycho, if anything, I'm misunderstood. :huh:

Oh, sorry, I didn't mean psycho-conservative to refer to you. I meant to say that every so often there are psycho's from both sides of the political spectrum, and depending on which side they adhere to usually you or I will beat them down with logic.

I don't think you commented on the potential use of bunker-busters yet.

Oh, and to anyone who isn't up to date on the program:
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#55 Groove


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Posted 16 December 2003 - 06:56 PM

I'll tell you what can't happen in this thread:

So I told Groove, no you can't shove that many hamsters up your ass without feeling some sort of discomfort.

Oh shit, I just contradicted myself. I'll shut up.

P.S. Don't take that seriously Groove, I just like having fun picking on the first person I think of when I do something :huh:

Posted Image
So...by "do something" you mean shove hampsters up your anus, while thinking of me. Dude, I'm the luckiest man alive.

Edited by GrOOvE, 16 December 2003 - 07:00 PM.

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"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"

#56 Spectre2689



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Posted 16 December 2003 - 07:15 PM

Ouch...nice turn around on the words...I deserved that...
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#57 Sylent Blade

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Posted 16 December 2003 - 07:17 PM

Ouch...nice turn around on the words...I deserved that...

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#58 Guest_davboy88dc_*

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Posted 16 December 2003 - 11:13 PM

Am I still learning here or is a fight about to happen.
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#59 Zero Talent

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Posted 17 December 2003 - 02:25 AM

It took three years for anyone to get involved for the most part in World War II. At best, the invasion of Poland and other eastern European countries was left relatively quiet. It was a matter of appeasement. The French gave up, other countries faught valiantly but ultimately their efforts were futile. The west as a whole looked away as Hitler waltzed across most of Europe.

I'm sorry to do this, but this just kind of jabbed me in whatever silly nationalist pride I may have for this silly Canada country. I may be a bit confused, but do we count as the Northwest now, rather than part of "the west as a whole?" Could have sworn Canada declared war on Germany September 10, 1939. Crazy, that.

I would also think that Britain and France would be a bit concerned about the invasion of Poland by German forces. Like, somewhere around September 3, 1939. Call me crazy, but I think that was somewhere around the start of World War II, maybe two days after the invasion of Poland...

[/whored nationalism]

To say the truth, I don't really care anymore, for all we know the history could have been altered, all kinds of crazy conspiracies could have brought about everything in the first place... Maybe Canada joined the war effort because they were really jealous of Hamburgers? It's been a while, and I certainly wasn't there.

What concerns me is that the US has an inane surplus of high-quality, weapons-grade nuclear materials, and they're complaining about Kilowatt-hours in California. I'd feel just dandy if that was merely for trade relations with their Northern Neighbours, but I doubt this is the practice of a Capitalist regime.
Does the US honestly need that many nuclear weapons? At this point, I'd arbitrarily declare that they have enough nuclear weapons to decimate at least two of each existing country. Throw in their current [and perfectly sane] policy to use them only as a last-resort, and we'll say they'll be able to invade infinite numbers of the summation of all existing countries, with at least two ICBM's to spare.

Seriously, the US spent so much money on nuclear arms, isn't there something they can do with them? I hear fireworks is a blooming industry on Independence Day...

Edited by Zero Talent, 17 December 2003 - 02:26 AM.

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- Death

#60 Evil


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Posted 17 December 2003 - 01:48 PM

In 1939 France and England all declared war before we did. The war however, didn't really start to heat up until closer to 1940 and before our entrance late in '41. There was some cute name for that "pre-war" declaration of war which escapes me now.

(As I probably recall incorrectly) The first serious battle of World War II, at least the the first one with any impact in the European theater anyway, was El Alamein in 1942. Throughout which the US aided their allies during Operation Torch, the African campaign. America as everybody knows, declared war on the Axis in 1941. However we ran the gauntlet just like everyone else. We just declared war a little later, but we faught the same fight and the same battles as our friends/neighbors, Canada.

September 3 and 10 of 1939 are days when France, England, and Canada finally held Germany accountable for it's aggression (which was so easily appeased by shortsighted, unwilling nations including the US). The war did not start on those days. The signings of those declarations and the outrage of the masses got the gears turning. Essentially, it started the Allied war machine, it didn't get the wheels rolling though.

Okay that's like my weakest post yet, forgive me, I just got home.

Edited by Evil, 17 December 2003 - 01:53 PM.

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#61 Groove


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Posted 17 December 2003 - 03:02 PM

...this just kind of jabbed me in whatever silly nationalist pride I may have for this silly Canada country.

Posted Image

Me too man, me too...Oh Canada! Oh, Canada!!!

Sorry...I've had this picture on my hard drive for a long time, I've been waiting to use it.
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"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"

#62 Alexthebeast



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Posted 17 December 2003 - 03:18 PM

Wow, that just kicks some fat ass.
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<Fooz> In a perfect world... spammers would get caught, go to jail, and share a cell with many men who have enlarged their penisses, taken Viagra and are looking for a new relationship.

#63 Spectre2689



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Posted 17 December 2003 - 04:10 PM

If you're going to make fun of anything in the Canadian Armed Forces, make fun of the Air Force. We have a grand total of about 10 planes, what's left of our helicopters are falling out of the sky, and we have about 5 trained pilots to an aircraft. Our Air Force is a joke. Our Navy is not. In fact, we have one of the best navies in the world. Our ships are fairly modern, even though we have no submarines. With Paul Martin in place now, things should start to change with Canada's military. We just placed an order for a bunch of new helicopters, and a few weeks ago we placed an order for Stryker armoured vehicles (Although to replace our Leopard tanks? Hell no.) Also, recently, Canada's elites beat America's elites in a war game. And we have the best losers in the world. My rant is done.
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#64 cooldood31



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Posted 17 December 2003 - 05:00 PM

We have subs, we bought some second hand off the british.
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#65 Spectre2689



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Posted 17 December 2003 - 06:04 PM

Note: The subs are coal-powered and can't submerge more than a few feet. What good's a sub that can't submerge?
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#66 Sylent Blade

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Posted 17 December 2003 - 06:05 PM

Hey, Mike, my big dad flew Langcaster Bombers in WWII. He was highly decortated, I think I was going to show you his medals... anyways, we USED to have the best air force in the world. RCAF!!! But that's all gone now... too bad.
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Sylent Blade


#67 Spectre2689



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Posted 17 December 2003 - 06:12 PM

No sir, at no point in time did we have the BEST air force in the world. AT a certain point in WW2, the German Luftwaffe was the best air force. After the war got in to full turn, British and American planes ruled the skies. Canadians did indeed have quite the air force, but not as large as the others. Lancasters, handling as well as say...a pregnant cow...were frequently shot down on bombing raids, either by flak turrets or Luftwaffe. P-51s were only dispatched on short-range bombing runs, as they didnt have the fuel to carry them all the way to the destination and back.
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#68 Alexthebeast



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Posted 17 December 2003 - 08:18 PM

Hey, Mike, my big dad flew Langcaster Bombers in WWII. He was highly decortated, I think I was going to show you his medals... anyways, we USED to have the best air force in the world. RCAF!!! But that's all gone now... too bad.

How fucking old is your old man?
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<Fooz> In a perfect world... spammers would get caught, go to jail, and share a cell with many men who have enlarged their penisses, taken Viagra and are looking for a new relationship.

#69 Spectre2689



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Posted 17 December 2003 - 08:25 PM

big dad

He means his grand-dad.
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#70 cooldood31



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Posted 17 December 2003 - 08:40 PM

Our army kicked butt in WWII. Our generals kicked butt in WWII. Australia sent in less than half the amount of troups but lost the same amount. Also, Britan went into WWII the super-power, the states came out the superpower. Canadahas had an average army throughout history, except in 1812, the war the yanks say "never happened". We so owned the states, and detroit (the wimps gave in when they saw the troups, they were afraid of our native american forces).

oh yea, we burned the flag, and the white house.

Edited by cooldood31, 17 December 2003 - 08:42 PM.

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#71 Spectre2689



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Posted 17 December 2003 - 08:51 PM

Yes, Canada has had an average army throughout history, until recently. Yeah, the States got rocked in 1812, but we were on horseback shooting single-shot mullet rifles. Now, in a world of technology, we spend money elsewhere, improving the way we live (i.e. healthcare, hospitality, electricity, etc). Most of us don't care about how much military technology we have. Now with the recent wars (Afghanistan, Iraq), a lot of us are starting to realize..."Hey! Our military blows!"...so now, Paul Martin is going to start investing a whole bunch in the military to fix what that asstard Jean Chretien did. "A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven." Great words Chretien...I remember them each time I take a shit.
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#72 Ice Nine

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Posted 17 December 2003 - 09:20 PM

P-51s were only dispatched on short-range bombing runs, as they didnt have the fuel to carry them all the way to the destination and back.

Are you fucking kidding me? P-51D Mustangs were the elite in the air later in the war. They had the farthest reach of nearly all of the RAF and the Eighth, and the had one of the best kill records of all. Trust me, I know my airplanes.
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But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction

Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive

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#73 Spectre2689



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Posted 17 December 2003 - 09:35 PM

I'm talking about the RCAF. They didn't have extended range P-51Ds with the fuel pods on the wings. Well, they did, but not in huge supply. I'm pretty sure they were only used either in short- medium-range bombing runs, and some vitally important long-range bombing runs.
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#74 Jangadance



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Posted 18 December 2003 - 01:25 PM

Wait a second, since when was this thread about Canada? Let's get back on topic, and discuss how great America is. Carry on.
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#75 Evil


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Posted 18 December 2003 - 02:12 PM

Wait a second, since when was this thread about Canada? Let's get back on topic, and discuss how great America is. Carry on.

Dude America and Canada are like peanut butter and jelly, don't disrespect the BIG NORTH "C" bitch.
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2007 Great American GoreFest Champion (Aug. 4, Apoc)

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