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Nf Mod Collection


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#1 Shrub



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Posted 08 June 2008 - 12:54 PM

The Nite Finder my favorite gun cheap, durable, and easy to mod.

1 Night Finders
9 Inches CPVC (Add 8 inches for each extra speedloader you want)
4 Inches PETG (Alternative mod to CPVC)
1 CPVC coupler
1 1min-5min Epoxy (mix well) or hot glue
E-Tape (Optional for a different reason than usual)
1 #14 O-Ring

Pipe Cutters (Alternitive is saw of sorts Hack, scroll, etc.)
Screwdriver (DUH)
Something to mix epoxy with.

Posted Image

1. Open it up

2. Take out these pieces

Posted Image

3. Bore out the AR's:

Posted Image

4 and 5 will be explained in this video. (Don't do the barrel mod unless you want to ramrod.)


Ok at this point you have a good Nite Finder and can stop but the next part helps.

There are two barrel replacements I recomend Gengars and Ryans (www.FortNerf.com)

Ok I'll just let pics explain from here.

Posted Image
That's 4 inches of OMC PETG

Posted Image
1 inch of CPVC

Posted Image
Put the Coupler on.

Posted Image
Thats a speed loader on the gun.

Thanks to
and Ice

Edited by Longshot Wielder, 09 June 2008 - 08:36 AM.

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Sorry to hear that man, it's like that one famous bumper sticker, "Shit Happens"
it still seems that your balls drop very rapidly

#2 deaddumpster



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Posted 08 June 2008 - 01:58 PM


What's the point of this thread? Couldn't noobs just go the the Mods Directory to find a ton of NF mods?
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QUOTE(VACC @ Jan 15 2009, 01:55 PM) View Post

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. A good nerf gun is like a good woman. It shouldn't require extra lubrication.

#3 Blasphemy



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Posted 08 June 2008 - 02:39 PM

It kind of lacks quite a bit as modification, especially a compiled modification. You kind of took Gengar's mod, ice's video, and a picture or two from Ryan201821 and stuck a few of your own pictures in front of them. Not to mention, buying another NF just for another o-ring is wasteful. You could just as easily buy a pack of 10 #14 o-rings at Home Depot for a little over 2 dollars or find the same size on Mcmaster-Carr and buy in bulk there for even cheaper per o-ring. Not only are they cheaper but #14 o-rings are slightly thicker also, meaning better sealing and better durability. Also, you missed tons of other things you could do to an NF, most notably a spring replacement/addition.

Edited by Blasphemy, 08 June 2008 - 04:02 PM.

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#4 badger


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Posted 08 June 2008 - 02:53 PM

Here's where I have a problem with this. You posted up two mods that aren't even your own. I recognize the table in the first set of pics as being ryan201821's table as I have received a pictures from him of a NF in the past and they were taken on that table.

Gengar's mod doesn't even need to be listed here as it is in the Nerfhaven Modifications Directory. There is no need to list it seperately from the Directory.

Edited by badger, 08 June 2008 - 02:54 PM.

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As Carbon once said,

"The moment you can no longer see the fun in running around like a little child is the moment you begin to die."

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#5 Shrub



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Posted 08 June 2008 - 04:54 PM

Um I said for noobs so they don't necro they necroed Man with many guns and this would be new and they would be able post and wouldn't be necroed for a month after the last post.

Also I didn't know about buying O-Rings for $2 I'll just edit the post.

The spring replacement was in the video so was the double O-Ring

Edited by Longshot Wielder, 08 June 2008 - 04:55 PM.

Favorite Quotes:
Sorry to hear that man, it's like that one famous bumper sticker, "Shit Happens"
it still seems that your balls drop very rapidly

#6 Kanashimi



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Posted 08 June 2008 - 05:10 PM

I have three questions.

1. What the hell is that giant run-on sentence supposed to mean?

2. What makes sure that newbs see this thread before others? It is definitely not going to stay in the front page forever, (unlike FA24's mod directory) so there no guarantee that they'll see this first.

3. What keeps someone from having a question and necroing this topic? Please see reason for 2nd question.

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#7 badger


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Posted 08 June 2008 - 05:16 PM

Um I said for noobs so they don't necro they necroed Man with many guns and this would be new and they would be able post and wouldn't be necroed for a month after the last post.

Also I didn't know about buying O-Rings for $2 I'll just edit the post.

The spring replacement was in the video so was the double O-Ring

Can you translate that sentence for those of us that have now seen the most confusing run-on sentence? What the fuck did you just say?

Now on the topic of necroing old threads (from what little I could descern from that jumble of words)...the way to avoid this is to send the creator of a mod a PM to ask the question, thereby avoiding the necro problem alltogether.

There is still no need for this thread. You are just reposting things that are listed somewhere else and, if the new users would read the CoC, there wouldn't be a problem, and no thread trying to help new users like this one, will help. We know that most of them don't read the CoC, but this topic will not help them. What are you going to do next...post every major and popular mod thread into new topics? You're not really helping anything except to get the users here to comment on why this wasn't to bright an idea at all.

[[Kanashimi beat me to most of my points as I was watching SVU]]
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As Carbon once said,

"The moment you can no longer see the fun in running around like a little child is the moment you begin to die."

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Posted 08 June 2008 - 05:24 PM

Don't ever re-post someone's work. There's no point, it's cheap, and you look like a post-whore and an ass. If newcomers want to find something on modding, they'll go to the directory, or they'll neglect that option like usual, post a question, and thereby let us know that they are an idiot and a ban candidate. The Directory itself has a far more extensive collection of information on NF mods than this thread, which barely serves to outline the mods. (Again, mods that aren't yours.)
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The only commonly shared fate among us all is death. I turn to the shadows so that I may not be unfamiliar with hell's corridors when I arrive. - SHADOW HUNTER ALPHA

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#9 Omega



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Posted 08 June 2008 - 08:29 PM

Translation for Badger:

Um I said for noobs so they don't necro they necroed Man with many guns and this would be new and they would be able post and wouldn't be necroed for a month after the last post.

Corrected version:

Um, I said [that this write-up was] for noobs so [that] they don't necro [old topics.] [T]hey necroed [the] Man with many guns [writeup] and this [mod] would be new and they would be able [to] post and [old threads] wouldn't be necroed for a month after the last post. [P.S. I have never known the caress of a lover and will die alone.]

Hey moron: Do you think this will actually stop noobs (like you) and morons (like you) from necroposting in old threads? They found those threads through the modification directory. I guarantee that your imbecilic, incoherent plagiarism will be put in the directory. Noobs will always be noobs, and you will hopefully always be banned.

Here's a still-further corrected version of his blathering:

Please don't touch me- I have crabs. And Down's Syndrome.

Edited by Omega, 08 June 2008 - 08:31 PM.

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My rule is that those wearing a thong are considered to be invisible to other players.

#10 Lynx



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Posted 08 June 2008 - 08:52 PM

Here's a still-further corrected version of his blathering:

Please don't touch me- I have crabs. And Down's Syndrome.

I know smarter people with Down's syndrome...
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Columbus' original crazy asshole now comes with:


#11 Bullshit Dragon

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Posted 08 June 2008 - 09:38 PM

Here's a still-further corrected version of his blathering:

Please don't touch me- I have crabs. And Down's Syndrome.

added that hilarious quote to my signature, while playing with my butthole.
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Gimme back my bullets....

#12 Shrub



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Posted 09 June 2008 - 08:33 AM

Ok for one I don't take any credit for any of that. Just because they should PM the creator of that mod doesn't mean they know to. Kiss my ass Omega.
Favorite Quotes:
Sorry to hear that man, it's like that one famous bumper sticker, "Shit Happens"
it still seems that your balls drop very rapidly

#13 Kanashimi



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Posted 09 June 2008 - 09:41 AM

Does anyone besides me think that Longshot wielder is just trying to get banned? I am getting this feeling from how he's been behaving recently.

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#14 PC III



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Posted 09 June 2008 - 10:03 AM

Does anyone besides me think that Longshot wielder is just trying to get banned? I am getting this feeling from how he's been behaving recently.


You didn't take credit? So? The problem is that you plagiarized from other peoples work. If you had asked their permission, then gave them credit this would be fine. Although why "NOOBS" need a directory of their own is beyond me. When I was a lil' nooblit, I did just fine with FA_24's directory.
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QUOTE(ultra920 @ May 19 2008, 06:18 PM) View Post

Don't want to shove balls in tight spaces. Trust me, bad idea.

For sale: Vintage WWII French rifles. Dropped once, never fired.

#15 BendyStraw



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Posted 09 June 2008 - 10:34 AM

You will be more accepted here if you come up with something original rather than making unnecessary compilations of other people's work. I look at the modification directory, and other new members can either do the same, or post lame topics on things they could have researched themselves until they get banned.

Oh, and stop using the word "noob" to describe new members of a web forum. This isn't Runescape, Maple Story, or whatever trash that passes for an online game these days.
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#16 Bomberman



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Posted 09 June 2008 - 11:43 AM

It's the chaos right before a ban. I agree with everyone else in this thread, it is a waste of time and bandwith. Here's how some people think of it. New members, who don't know the rules, or "Noobs", are kind of like cows. They are stupid and painfully ignorant on the forums, and people think that you can yell at them and they will shut the hell up, and walk in the right direction. The ones that don't learn, which are the "noobs", are more like a bull. A bull in a china shop. You can yell at them, and they don't listen, they just keep posting random crap, until they really test the administrators, (mostly VACC's) nerves; Then get the 9999 day special served to them. But really, new members are not infants. Any new member who is'nt an ignorant douchebag can find the mod directory, and have the common sense to look at the date. But sadly, among most new members, common sense is'nt that common.
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QUOTE(silentsnipe) View Post

It's not like that. I put lube on it and its the same. Its just stuck. And when I cock it back it goes farther back then usual. Also I push as hard as I can and it wont go back in. I've tried the methods and they wont work. Also pics are up.

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