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For Those That Think I Seem "mean"

atleast in the past few months

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#1 CaptainSlug


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Posted 24 April 2008 - 11:00 AM

Dang Captain Slug, you're starting to sound a bit mean. Or, are you getting annoyed by these boards? Your recent posts make it sound like lots of people are starting to annoy you.

This forum is changing. My life is changing too. Right now I do not have time to modify or machine new things, so my role is limited to watching what other people are doing.
Due to an increase in participation by older members and newer members people are trying to get far more ambitious with their mods than ever before. However, very few of the individuals trying such advantageous things have any clue as to how difficult the task at hand is nor any experience relevant to accomplishing it.

In the past this involved far less risk or expense because the most ambitious thing any of us could even possibly imagine trying was building an FAR. Something that, compared to most of the things I've had to try to shoot down, did not involve a huge monetary investment or extreme risk of bodily harm.

If I come off as sounding annoyed I apologize. But some of the things some of you are proposing are just extremely ridiculous and so far out of reach that I just can't help but laugh. You're all trying things that even I would not even want to attempt because they're so difficult, expensive, or complicated.

Most notably, some of you have the misconception that machining services don't cost anything or grow on trees. Or that you can somehow create extremely complex parts without owning or having access to a decent variety of tools. Both of these are very naive assumptions, and in some way I'm partly to blame by having offered so many services here at prices that undercut all other options by a factor of 10.
If you have done any kind of work with a machine shop or tried to get a part made by a professional you would understand that the longshot foregrip kits that I had made and sold for $15 shipped each would have cost you at least $150 each if you had tried to get them made in limited numbers at a machine shop or plastics shop.

I criticize because I care. I've been doing this a little bit since I registered here. But it's only becoming more obvious lately because they're the only posts I'm making at the moment.
If I didn't care I wouldn't be saying anything and would just leave all of you to make the mistakes I had to learn the hard way.
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The little critters of nature, they don't know that they're ugly. That's very funny, a fly marrying a bumble bee. I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me. Why didn't you believe me?

#2 themessiahpsg1



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Posted 24 April 2008 - 11:13 AM

(applause) I think we should all be grateful CaptainSlug is sharing his acumen and experience with us. just as I look up to my commanding officers, I believe we could all benefit from his knowledge, and see him not just as a senior member, but as a big brother of sorts.

not to be kissing ass or anything...

Edited by themessiahpsg1, 24 April 2008 - 11:19 AM.

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#3 ompa



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Posted 24 April 2008 - 11:16 AM

CS, you going soft on me? Don't you dare do that. There isn't enough room for two forgiving people in this forum; that's my job.

Anyways, I do agree that some of what I've seen is almost too ambitious for anyone lacking experience. I always figured when I first starting that modifications and homemades would never be difficult, but after working with a few, I realized that some of the more advanced mods and homemades are a lot more difficult than one might originally think, as well as a lot more time consuming. However, you have to let people dream of big things, no matter how ridiculous they are. There are ways of shaping the ideas of others so that the result may be something useful, rather than something dangerous. Keep in mind that people in general (especially given the age group) aren't used to the heavy criticism that some of the members here dish out. Such criticism, while rooted in a good will, can result in a lot of disgruntled/disenchanted people. Given, for the most part it doesn't matter if that happens, but killing off all new members that way might not work to our advantage.

Speaking of foregrips, the materials for my version are coming in today; the rest of my dormitory floor are going to hate me, unless they love the sound of a power drill and a dremel cutting into various materials.

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#4 CaptainSlug


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Posted 24 April 2008 - 11:21 AM

Things are only slightly different now compared to a year ago when I had far more time to respond to far fewer threads.
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The little critters of nature, they don't know that they're ugly. That's very funny, a fly marrying a bumble bee. I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me. Why didn't you believe me?

#5 Devious



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Posted 24 April 2008 - 11:54 AM

We need more mean bastards on here

There, i said it, i went into limbo for almost a year, come back, and some of the homemades and things people want to make, or are trying to make, are far to difficult for them (Rebarrelling an NF Doesnt mean you can make a FAR)

So keep shit up CS, glad to see the contributions (and it's sparking my ideas again...)

(Edit: Fixed it...i think, happy O?)

Edited by Devious, 24 April 2008 - 07:30 PM.

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#6 ompa



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Posted 24 April 2008 - 12:03 PM

You got it, Devious.

Fix your fucking capitalization. Now.

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#7 ice



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Posted 24 April 2008 - 12:11 PM

I guess me (and other members) could do a better job on explaining our ideas, and I fully welcome the fact that you try (and usually succeeds) to help, depending on how stubborn the person your talking to is. Thanks for looking out for us.
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<!--quoteo(post=206428:date=Jan 25 2009, 05:17 PM:name=Mukersman)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mukersman @ Jan 25 2009, 05:17 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
Turd stefans. When I pulled these out of the pillow case i was just like, what... the... fuck...

#8 TED


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Posted 24 April 2008 - 12:35 PM

We need more mean bastards on here

I'm here. I only post to either say I'm coming to a war or to make fun of the retards on this forum.
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#9 Dayko



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Posted 24 April 2008 - 12:56 PM

I never thought that you came of as "Mean". I have always found that you are vary helpful to people. I know you have helped me a lot in the past.
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#10 Toastie



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Posted 24 April 2008 - 01:21 PM

I was going to leave a long reply until I noticed VACC reading this post. I think he and Ompa's replies are all that's needed.

I'll just summarize my point and say that bringing the hammer of realism down on their dreams of glass is not cruel, it's just how honesty works. That and I appreciate your realistic builds over their fantasies any day; so keep up the excellent work!
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#11 TAiLsChaser



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Posted 24 April 2008 - 02:39 PM

Well I just got my LS shell from you today. With that being said, I appreciate the little that you can do now. I just compared the shell to the pieces I already had and it will definitely work.

Before this, I know we didn't start off on the same page; however, over time, you can't help but just not give a damn anymore. I've got three projects but I'm not working on them everyday. Nerfing was only supposed to be a hobby and something fun to do, not a life-altering thing.
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#12 mystefansdontflystraight



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Posted 24 April 2008 - 03:04 PM

It's great to see someone who really cares about what happens around here. I love this place. I mean, it is safe, everyone (almost) is honest with each other about trading, and there are the admins, who help keep the place in order and weed out unsavory characters. It is good that we have some slightly strict ( I wouldn't go as far to say that they are mean) admins to keep the place free of idiots, like they have over at nhq. Some guy tried to sell me multiple sex toys there, and he didn't get banned as far as I know. It is great that CS is standing up for what we value here. Thanks a lot, man.
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QUOTE(Blacksunshine @ Dec 24 2009, 02:15 PM) View Post

QUOTE(white moonlight @ Dec 23 2009, 01:29 PM) View Post

It's just screaming to be rearloading...

I seen a movie about that once.

#13 Kanashimi



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Posted 24 April 2008 - 03:07 PM

Ah Captain Slug, I don't think you're mean. I just thought that some things seemed to be getting on your nerves, and wanted to ask you about it.

By the way, I think that you criticizing things is a good thing. Because you have done many good mods/homemades, and seem to know a lot about the materials the NIC uses, any criticism you have would probably help us a lot. Or, keep us from blowing each other up. That makes sense, right?


EDIT: Oh yeah, also the mean part was mainly because of your evil laugh. =)

Edited by Kanashimi, 24 April 2008 - 05:23 PM.

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#14 Sqiggs89



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Posted 24 April 2008 - 04:32 PM

admins to keep the place free of idiots, like they have over at nhq. Some guy tried to sell me multiple sex toys there, and he didn't get banned as far as I know. It is great that CS is standing up for what we value here. Thanks a lot, man.

Ahh yes, well are you interested in those dildos? I still have a backpack full of them.

Edited by Sqiggs89, 24 April 2008 - 04:33 PM.

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Been a while.

#15 Ubermensch



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Posted 24 April 2008 - 04:58 PM

You never struck me as mean, just a little blunt. Maybe you could keep your criticism slightly on the more "constructive" side.
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#16 Salmon



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Posted 24 April 2008 - 05:04 PM

I personally reject the idea of Slug being mean. He was the first poster on my first thread, helping me on a homemade. Granted, that homemade never made it, but I would have attempted it and wasted a lot of time and money if it weren't for CS. Of course he criticizes, and can sometimes offend people, but really, Captain Slug is nothing but helpful, and a genius, at that.
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Welcome to I-dont-care-isburg, population: me.
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#17 Cannonball



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Posted 24 April 2008 - 05:24 PM

I agree with everyone else in saying that your criticism is not misplaced and that you do help people out. With that said, I think you should press that condescending/douchebag/angry criticism button a little more sparingly. In some situations where people are asking for help, they simply have no idea how to do something or are just asking a simple question, the meanness is unecessary. People can't be expected to know everything or be as profficient as you are in putting stuff together and so forth. Just thought I'd say that bit. You're being honest with everybody though, and it takes a real man to do that. Keep up the good work slug and I hope things get easier on ya.
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#18 Omega



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Posted 24 April 2008 - 05:36 PM

This is one of the few forums I've stuck with for longer than a year. Why? We have kickass admins who ensure that quality is always maintained. True, there are one or two people that I genuinely wish would get banned, or at least leave forever. But I don't say anything because I know if anybody was really a problem, it'll be taken care of.

Keep up the great work, Slug.
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#19 mystefansdontflystraight



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Posted 24 April 2008 - 06:39 PM

admins to keep the place free of idiots, like they have over at nhq. Some guy tried to sell me multiple sex toys there, and he didn't get banned as far as I know. It is great that CS is standing up for what we value here. Thanks a lot, man.

Ahh yes, well are you interested in those dildos? I still have a backpack full of them.

Nope squiggs, im not. CaptainSlug and the other admins are around to keep perverted trash like you out.
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QUOTE(Blacksunshine @ Dec 24 2009, 02:15 PM) View Post

QUOTE(white moonlight @ Dec 23 2009, 01:29 PM) View Post

It's just screaming to be rearloading...

I seen a movie about that once.

#20 CaptainSlug


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Posted 24 April 2008 - 07:05 PM

I think your sarcasm detector is broken. Or you know each other in ways I don't want to contemplate.

Edited by CaptainSlug, 24 April 2008 - 07:05 PM.

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The little critters of nature, they don't know that they're ugly. That's very funny, a fly marrying a bumble bee. I told you I'd shoot, but you didn't believe me. Why didn't you believe me?

#21 mystefansdontflystraight



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Posted 24 April 2008 - 08:24 PM

I think your sarcasm detector is broken. Or you know each other in ways I don't want to contemplate.

Oh god no. He was the weird guy who tried to sell me dildos on NHQ, that I was citing as an example of why we need strict admins.
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QUOTE(Blacksunshine @ Dec 24 2009, 02:15 PM) View Post

QUOTE(white moonlight @ Dec 23 2009, 01:29 PM) View Post

It's just screaming to be rearloading...

I seen a movie about that once.

#22 Galaxy613



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Posted 24 April 2008 - 09:08 PM

I don't know if those are jokes, but I'll laugh anyways.

Anyways, I don't think ANY admin on here is truely mean for the sake of being mean. Least of all CS.
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#23 Blasphemy



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Posted 24 April 2008 - 09:52 PM

I remember a few weeks after I joined I pm'ed Slug to see if I could e-mail him questions about a blaster overhaul I was attempting. He, of course, say yes and I then e-mailed him my ridiculously complex and poorly-conceived plans along with a series of several questions I needed to make it work (or not). He quickly responded to my e-mail answering all my questions thoroughly in a short, sweet, and to-the-point manner. I realized that half of the stuff I was planning wouldn't work the way I thought I could do it, but that was okay. I've recently discovered better, cheaper, and faster methods of doing what I originally wanted to achieve. If it hadn't been for CS I would've ended up spending large amounts of money on a long in-progress project in order to get sub-par results. Since then I have always pm'ed any questions I have about McMaster-Carr products etc. to CS and I have always gotten answers promptly and never in any mean or offensive tone. So I say, thank you CaptainSlug, you are probably a noob's one and only friend on this site. I think there is a big difference between brutal honesty (A trademark of Badger) and just being downright mean, CS is just may sometimes seem a little edgy. but he's really just being brutally honest.
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#24 Groove


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Posted 24 April 2008 - 10:08 PM

This reminds me of a topic that's been bugging me for some time now. How exactly does one pluralize "dildo?" If I just add an "s" on the end it looks awkward, but if I add an "e" to it then it becomes "dildoes," almost like its pronounced "dill-duzz."

Anyways, I don't think ANY admin on here is truely mean for the sake of being mean.

Shut the FUCK UP and go sit in your GODDAMNED corner until I grant you permission to speak.

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#25 ompa



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Posted 24 April 2008 - 10:31 PM

–noun, plural -dos. Slang.

The above has been somewhat cut down from www.dictionary.com

Speaking of dildos, my roto-rocket launcher has earned the name "dildo gun" due to the phallic nature of the rocket. Pretty much everyone calls it the dildo gun, even though it fires darts now.

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