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Increasing The Nitefinder's Plunger Draw

change it's 1 7/8" draw to 2 3/8"

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#1 oodalumps



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Posted 10 April 2008 - 12:37 PM

While looking at my NF, I saw that a good deal of plunger space was never used. So I set out to fix that.

First you cut out parts of the shell so you can move the plunger tube up. Highlighted in red is required, and highlighted in blue is if you want to use the stock barrel.

Posted Image

Next, you find a longer spring. I used the stock spring from my Secret Shot 1.
(next to the NF spring for comparison)

Posted Image

Then you put it back in like so. I used some hot glue as a temporary way to hold it in place, but I recommend you find some other way to do it. (the white things are my old reinforcements)

Posted Image

Close it up and now your plunger can be pulled back 2 3/8" as opposed to the stock 1 7/8" (1/2" increase).

A couple pictures comparing it to my other NF.

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Posted Image

Edited by oodalumps, 10 April 2008 - 12:38 PM.

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#2 Wax



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Posted 10 April 2008 - 12:39 PM

Nice. Any comparison on ranges?
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#3 Bomberman



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Posted 10 April 2008 - 12:40 PM

I like it. Does this increase range at all? If so, then do you think it is because of the modification, or the new spring. I don't own a SS I, but how strong is it compared to the NF. Like, __ / 10.
EDIT: Wax beat me to the range question.

Edited by Bomberman, 10 April 2008 - 12:41 PM.

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QUOTE(silentsnipe) View Post

It's not like that. I put lube on it and its the same. Its just stuck. And when I cock it back it goes farther back then usual. Also I push as hard as I can and it wont go back in. I've tried the methods and they wont work. Also pics are up.

#4 oodalumps



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Posted 10 April 2008 - 12:42 PM

Nice. Any comparison on ranges?

I like it. Does this increase range at all? If so, then do you think it is because of the modification, or the new spring. I don't own a SS I, but how strong is it compared to the NF. Like, __ / 10.
EDIT: Wax beat me to the range question.

I have no range comparisons because I didn't takes ranges before the mod, and I ran out of epoxy so I can't put a new barrel on it. But I'm sure it will increase the ranges and allow for a longer barrel.

Edited by oodalumps, 10 April 2008 - 12:54 PM.

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#5 nerfboi



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Posted 10 April 2008 - 12:42 PM

I don't get it. Whats this supposed to do? Sorry if I came up strong.
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#6 oodalumps



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Posted 10 April 2008 - 12:46 PM

I don't get it. Whats this supposed to do? Sorry if I came up strong.

It makes the plunger's travel distance longer, so more air is pushed out the barrel. Adds range.
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#7 Galaxy613



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Posted 10 April 2008 - 01:37 PM

I don't get it. Whats this supposed to do? Sorry if I came up strong.

It makes the plunger's travel distance longer, so more air is pushed out the barrel. Adds range.

Adds range with a long barrel. It by itself doesn't add any range, but with a longer barrel it can continue pushing it down more, giving it more speed and more accuracy.
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#8 sputnik



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Posted 10 April 2008 - 02:03 PM

As far as the SS 1 spring goes, I know that Zippy and I had two longshots, stock, and I added an SS 1 spring to mine, and he added a Nf spring to his, and mine outranged his by about 10 feet.
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#9 oodalumps



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Posted 10 April 2008 - 05:18 PM

I was too impatient to wait for more epoxy, and I went ahead and did this mod to my best NF (ranges were around 70'). Has a full handyman spring and a 5 1/2" brass barrel. Held the plunger tube in place with 4 sticks of hot glue. I went to my backyard and fired 3 flat shots in the rain and measured them.

1: 83 ft
2: Lost in the bushes past the first dart (guessing around 88)
3: 70 ft

Posted Image

Edited by oodalumps, 10 April 2008 - 05:30 PM.

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#10 ChiliPepperFender



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Posted 10 April 2008 - 05:20 PM

Nice mod and ranges, with a better spring you could get much better ranges than that. Is the hot glue holding up well for you?
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#11 oodalumps



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Posted 10 April 2008 - 05:23 PM

Nice mod and ranges, with a better spring you could get much better ranges than that. Is the hot glue holding up well for you?

I edited my post a bit, it has a handyman spring in there. And the hot glue is holding up surprisingly well.
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#12 analogkid



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Posted 10 April 2008 - 05:43 PM

Impressive, I was thinking of a way to do this myself. A lot of people are putting up good Nightfinder mods lately, and I actually have one of my own that should be up sometime toward the end of the weekend. Keep up the good work.
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#13 Silencer



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Posted 10 April 2008 - 05:51 PM

Nice use of space, good thinking. Keep it up.
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