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Fitted Holster Shorts (fhs)

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#1 Groove


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Posted 15 March 2008 - 12:59 PM

So, last year (with the help of the mom unit) I sewed together some loops on a pair of shorts that I regularly used for Nerfing. Since then, the loops have frayed quite a bit and I've dropped down in waist size from a 36 to a 32 (yes, all from exercise & Nerfing) so it was time to make a new pair for the 2008 Spring and Summer Nerfing scene.

For these to work, obviously - you first need to be using a holster. I won't go heavily into the logistics of why a holster is better than whatever, because it's just what I prefer. Stuffing shit in pockets / cargo shorts seem to work for some, but for me I find this to be a more comfortable and practical alternative. When Little Jimmy goes and runs through the dense foliage and heavy brush because he missed with his shitty little Tek 6, I don't want my sidearm falling out or flapping around when I'm running after him. It's annoying, and not to mention really uncomfortable. If you're already using a holster, this will probably help with the straps shifting while you run. The loops simply act as a guide and limit the slipping of the holster itself, not the movement of your legs. So, on with the materials:

Posted Image

I use the UTG Drop-Leg Holster, which you can find on most Airsoft sites. It cost me about $15, I think. It's durable, easy to adjust and comes in models for Righties and Lefties, whichever your preference may be. Make sure you get the Drop-Leg Holster and not the Hip Holster.

Secondly, you need a pair of shorts. I went to my local Target store and bought a pair of "Mossimo Mission Cargo Shorts." They're comfortable, light weight to allow for breathing, but also offer some padded protection with the pockets and such. Plus, they were on sale for $16. Done. Cha-ching.

I don't have any in-progress shots because while sewing it didn't even occur to me that I'd be doing this. But luckily for you, if you're trying to replicate this, it's extremely simple. See those little cloth tabs on the bottom rim of the shorts? Cut those off, because they're going to be used for the loops. They're made of a strong but slightly bendy material which shouldn't fray, which is perfect for this application.

Now, mark off where you want the loops to go. This will require you to put on the shorts, and the holster (which needs to be adjusted to your liking) and probably have someone else (mothers or girlfriends work well) mark off where the sewing needs to be done. I did two on the front, and two on the back from the 4 cloth tabs from the shorts. Now, remove the holster and take off the shorts because I wouldn't recommend sewing while they're still actually ON your body. Yeah. It won't end well. Be sure not to sew your shorts together on both sides...you'll also have some trouble trying to stick your leg down in there when you're putting them on. For those of you like me who are somewhat sewing challenged (obviously not baghead), get your mother or girlfriend to help with the sewing. If you succeed, you will end up with something looking like this...

Front shot:

Posted Image

Back shot:

Posted Image

Attached holster:

Posted Image

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#2 slowguitarman



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Posted 15 March 2008 - 01:06 PM

I had actually been wondering why this type of thing isn't talked about very much. I have never really nerf'd outside, but I used to play airsoft a ton, and I can't stand having crap in my pockets. While others were fumbling for more ammo or wiggling their sidearm out of their pocket, I was blasting them with my glock. This is a really great idea.
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#3 Thom



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Posted 15 March 2008 - 01:06 PM

Neat. I thought that most holsters wouldn't fit the NF due to its size. Looks quite useful.
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#4 Groove


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Posted 15 March 2008 - 01:14 PM

Neat. I thought that most holsters wouldn't fit the NF due to its size. Looks quite useful.

Important quick note: my NF is a 1st gen style and has been minimized to allow it to fit in the holster. A stock one will NOT fit in this holster.

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#5 Jedijoe9



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Posted 15 March 2008 - 01:16 PM

I made the mistake of buying a hip holder and I find it incredibly inconvenient for drawing the gun quickly. This seems to solve all of the problems I've had with it. Is that NF cut down at all? I had to cut a significant amount of plastic off of mine to get it to fit in my holster. (nevermind)

and off topic:

What the fuck are those hanging string things for anyway? I always cut them off or buy other shorts because they really annoy me. I can't think of any useful reason for them to be there and I don't think they look too great either.

Edited by Jedijoe9, 15 March 2008 - 01:16 PM.

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#6 penguin807



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Posted 15 March 2008 - 01:40 PM

Pretty sweet. I may just have to try that out with my own little modifacations.

To everyone who doesn't have a 1st gen NF: I may have just found a solution for your dilemma. It was originally used for a Lazer Tag blaster, but I'm sure it could be modified to fit our needs. Link

Edited by penguin807, 15 March 2008 - 01:42 PM.

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#7 TED


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Posted 15 March 2008 - 02:13 PM

I can't believe how much you have written about adding two belt loops to your shorts.
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#8 laxtk88



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Posted 15 March 2008 - 02:53 PM

Nice idea Groove, but I personally use over the shoulder, cardboared and tape holster. They are customized to my blasters (I make a holster for each blaster (I have a lot of free time)).

Edited by laxtk88, 15 March 2008 - 03:04 PM.

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#9 Split



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Posted 15 March 2008 - 05:53 PM

Yeah I've been thinking about using a tool belt from Home depot or something. I personally like hip level holsters, and no sewing required...
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#10 Thom



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Posted 15 March 2008 - 08:26 PM

Neat. I thought that most holsters wouldn't fit the NF due to its size. Looks quite useful.

Important quick note: my NF is a 1st gen style and has been minimized to allow it to fit in the holster. A stock one will NOT fit in this holster.

I assumed that you had cut off the useless light bit.
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#11 Lynx



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Posted 15 March 2008 - 09:20 PM

I'm using kangaroo sweaty or cargo pant pockets for ammo or sidearms respectively.

I like this idea so I tried to create a tape and cardboard nf holster. After 2 failed attempts I made a nylon rope loop to attach to my belt with a clip (like a rock climber clasp).
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#12 d0nk3y k0n9

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Posted 15 March 2008 - 10:33 PM

I've been looking for a good but cheap holster and that one that you mentioned looks like exactly what I need. One question though... where is a good place to buy it, as my parents prefer if I don't have to purchase things off of random websites with which they are unfamiliar? I checked Amazon, and they have it, but out f stock, so I'm not sure where to get one.

Also, as far as what I use for holsters/etc., I generally wear black or jungle camo army BDU pants, as they have a gazillion pockets and tend to work really well for that sort of thing. They also have the added advantage of being pants, and therefore not letting your legs get torn up by running through bushes, etc. I'll occasionally add the BDU top to that, but I prefer not to because then it looks too military and tends to scare people. The only reason that I do at all is that the people in the general area tend to know me and I often wear a BDU top as a jacket anyways.
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#13 Cannonball



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Posted 16 March 2008 - 12:08 AM

I have a UTG drop leg holster too. It works alot better than the other one I have and I didn't have to stretch it or anything to accommodate the gun. great idea though. my leg straps always seem to shift a bit when I run.
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#14 KyleDarklighter



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Posted 16 March 2008 - 07:38 PM

Personally I Love my Drop leg holster. I also have a trimmed down NF for it. It works great, I never have to worry about it falling out & it dras very smoothly. Although I would not have a need to have loops for it. I like it to have more travel space on the leg. I don't really do Nerf Wars but the main LARP I play uses Nerf Guns. I've worn the holster for the better part of 14 hours with only a few breaks from it & it's quite comforable once you get your adjustments done. Of course I'm probably a bit more serious when it comes to gear than most.

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#15 Ubermensch



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Posted 16 March 2008 - 07:55 PM

Coolest. Article of clothing. Ever.
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#16 Captain



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Posted 16 March 2008 - 09:01 PM

Great idea. I've been thinking of making a duct-tape holster for pistols, hopefully a somewhat universal one. (You know, one that would fit just about every pistol except the Eagle Eye.) I just need the motivation. For some reason, I have to rally myself to get to work on a duct-tape project.
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#17 Groove


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Posted 16 March 2008 - 10:43 PM

What the fuck are those hanging string things for anyway? I always cut them off or buy other shorts because they really annoy me. I can't think of any useful reason for them to be there and I don't think they look too great either.

Probably the designer trying to appeal to a more "rugged" demographic. The tabs don't even tighten or loop around the shorts whatsoever. It's about as useful as an asshole on your elbow.

One question though... where is a good place to buy it, as my parents prefer if I don't have to purchase things off of random websites with which they are unfamiliar? I checked Amazon, and they have it, but out f stock, so I'm not sure where to get one.

If Amazon is out of stock, I can't think of any other places that would sell it. A little help from Google brings up a slew of Airsoft supply stores and eBay. My only suggestion would be to look for local Airsoft supply shops, try eBay, or wait till Amazon gets them back in stock. However, you'll probably find the best deals on those Airsoft supply shops.

Yeah I've been thinking about using a tool belt from Home depot or something. I personally like hip level holsters, and no sewing required...

A friend of mine tried using a tool belt from Home Depot (they made both nylon and leather versions, by the way) and had dismal results. While they are extremely well made and durable, they are somewhat cumbersome. Unless you're using a SSII with 300 Stefans in one of the pouches on that tool belt, I personally don't think it's very practical. Then again, isn't practicality one of the main aspects of a sidearm? Something practical, reliable, and moderately sized? Just my two cents.

Great idea. I've been thinking of making a duct-tape holster for pistols, hopefully a somewhat universal one. (You know, one that would fit just about every pistol except the Eagle Eye.) I just need the motivation. For some reason, I have to rally myself to get to work on a duct-tape project.

I have had a strangle relationship with Duct Tape over the past few years. I'm using it less and less, and see fewer and fewer people using it for Nerf applications. Don't get me wrong, I keep some around for quick patch jobs (like when the hot glue holding my SF to my Xbow melted). But honestly, unless you're very precise with how you construct your holster, you'll probably end up having adhesive residue on your sidearm or have the tape start to peel off in certain areas. More of a nit-picky thing than anything else, but whatever floats your boat.

This all goes back to what works for each individual. Like I said before, some people prefer pockets, and that's cool. Some people enjoy constructing Duct Tape accessories and using those, and that's cool too. Those are all fine and dandy, I'm not bashing anyone. In the end, if you're happy with what you're using and it works, that's what matters most, no? I just thought I'd shed some light on holsters since slowguitarman pointed out, aren't really discussed all that much.

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#18 VACC


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Posted 17 March 2008 - 08:29 AM

Great idea. I've been thinking of making a duct-tape holster for pistols, hopefully a somewhat universal one. (You know, one that would fit just about every pistol except the Eagle Eye.) I just need the motivation. For some reason, I have to rally myself to get to work on a duct-tape project.

I have had a strangle relationship with Duct Tape over the past few years. I'm using it less and less, and see fewer and fewer people using it for Nerf applications. Don't get me wrong, I keep some around for quick patch jobs (like when the hot glue holding my SF to my Xbow melted). But honestly, unless you're very precise with how you construct your holster, you'll probably end up having adhesive residue on your sidearm or have the tape start to peel off in certain areas. More of a nit-picky thing than anything else, but whatever floats your boat.

StealthBlade had a fantastic writeup for duct-tape holsters years and years ago, but I, unfortunately, have no idea where it could be found now. I made duct tape holsters for just about all my guns back in the day, including those formerly found on binky. They're custom made for the individual gun so you're not going to get a better fit anywhere. They're cheap and easy to create using nothing but household items. And they'rea lot more durable than you'd think when constructed properly. I've never had any "residue" left on a nerf gun, and at the most you may need to touch them up once a year in the off season. Personally I wanted to reconfigure them every year just for practicality anyway. The only downside is the same reason Groove created these Pantsters (and could be solved in the same manner). It's difficult to get a hip holster that doesn't slide or whose straps don't migrate up or down your thigh over the course of a war.

I'll take a look and see if I can't locate her writeup. I'm too lazy to recreate it myself. Maybe before the big summer wars if I go ahead and make one for my LNL I'll take some photos. MAYBE....bitches.

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#19 jwasko



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Posted 17 March 2008 - 10:58 AM

It's not StelthBlade's, but it is quite in-depth: Black Wrath's Ln'L Holster.

There are also some pictures of his NF holster on page 2 of that topic.
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#20 VACC


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Posted 17 March 2008 - 11:31 AM

It's not StelthBlade's, but it is quite in-depth: Black Wrath's Ln'L Holster.

There are also some pictures of his NF holster on page 2 of that topic.

Yeah, he puts a lot more steps than are absolutely neccessary for functionality into the holster itselt, and neglects the strapage to some degree, but the basis for a solid homemade holster is there (i.e. lots of duct-tape over cloth and coat hangers).
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#21 Captain



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Posted 17 March 2008 - 09:25 PM

Great idea. I've been thinking of making a duct-tape holster for pistols, hopefully a somewhat universal one. (You know, one that would fit just about every pistol except the Eagle Eye.) I just need the motivation. For some reason, I have to rally myself to get to work on a duct-tape project.

I have had a strangle relationship with Duct Tape over the past few years. I'm using it less and less, and see fewer and fewer people using it for Nerf applications. Don't get me wrong, I keep some around for quick patch jobs (like when the hot glue holding my SF to my Xbow melted). But honestly, unless you're very precise with how you construct your holster, you'll probably end up having adhesive residue on your sidearm or have the tape start to peel off in certain areas. More of a nit-picky thing than anything else, but whatever floats your boat.


Well, I am fairly precise when it comes to duct tape construction. I usually don't have any peels on my finished products, the hardest one being my helmet, because of the curved shape it's hard to get a strip of tape to lay flat on it. But, now that it's finished, I can wear it and take it off without any of my fairly long hair being grabbed by tape. When I need precision, I use scissors. (Which is pretty much all the time)
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#22 bobafan



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Posted 17 March 2008 - 09:29 PM

You really need to upgrade to steel.

I use the dart tag vests to make my holsters. It is kind of stiff and lightweight. I'll post a picture of my newest one when it is done.
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#23 Cheese-Boy



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Posted 18 March 2008 - 02:07 PM

well. that is officially awesome. i was wondering how to make a holster fit on the pants... because i wanted to crochet a holster... and thats about perfect. that's really really cool. if you don't mind, i would like to implement that with my crocheted holsters!
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#24 VACC


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Posted 19 March 2008 - 12:17 PM

well. that is officially awesome. i was wondering how to make a holster fit on the pants... because i wanted to crochet a holster... and thats about perfect. that's really really cool. if you don't mind, i would like to implement that with my crocheted holsters!

What, and give up work on the crochet condoms? I really thought you were onto something there!
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#25 TED


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Posted 19 March 2008 - 01:47 PM

It's about as useful as an asshole on your elbow.


I think an asshole on my elbow would be extremely useful. I never want to use a public bathrooms when I have to poop so if my butthole was on my elbow I could just shit in the sink.

OMC just think after every war you wouldn't have to use the stalls at the rest stops when you poop.
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