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Combo Upgrade

the best gun to compliment my current combo

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#26 sam



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Posted 23 February 2008 - 09:58 PM

Damnit I've been playing in fake wars this whole time? Shit, why hasn't anyone told me?

I'm wondering why so many people like the Big Blast. Sure, it's accurate and has the range, but it takes way too long to reload. I personally think that there's only two airguns out there that are primary worthy(without extensive modification like the eyes of fire, etc.) and they are the AT3k and At2k. Either go with one of those 2 or scoop up a BBB or LS.

Didn't mean to offed anyone, but there is big difference between just goofing around with friends and attending a big(ger) war.

The big blast takes anywhere between 5-10 pumps to break 100'. You can just throw a coupler on with a flip around clip and that gives you pretty quick ROF. Not as fast as a turret but it out ranges both AirTechs.
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#27 xNFx 37

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Posted 23 February 2008 - 10:53 PM

I remember you had a Magstrike with a pretty nice mod to it. I was just playing Call of Duty 2 and was using a Thompson.

It reminded me of a magstrike. If you do Angel's mod to it, you can get 80 foot ranges. (including the mods on the 2nd and 3rd page too)

Semi-auto at all ranges, and full-auto for big crowds. You wouldn't even need a secondary there.

Edited by xNFx 37, 23 February 2008 - 10:53 PM.

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it also has a cock on it


#28 AssassinNF



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Posted 23 February 2008 - 11:45 PM

The wars I'm involved in are usually only 4-8 people, but I've been in a shitload of them.

What always works for me are my longshots. My best one has a BBB spring and a front gun integration on it, and I usually use the 12 shot clip I made for it. Sure it's not as accurate as some of the long range guns, but the rate of fire makes up for it, and I can take on 3 people at once with that thing. I love it.

My other longshot has a DTG integration. It's ranges aren't as good as the other one's, but it gets the job done, and the nice ROF on the DTG makes up for it. I've had to go up against it enough to know it's a great primary. (My friend likes to snag it)

The recon is a nice primary, too. Once it's modified, it's one of the most easy-to-use guns I've ever had. (Just make sure you ditch all the shit attachments.)
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Probably dead by now, or something.

#29 VACC


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Posted 24 February 2008 - 01:48 AM

This is the reason I'm tempted to delete half the member base on a daily basis. Quite a few of you people post on a nerf site and have never been to a nerf war. Anyone who has not attended a couple of outdoor Nerf wars with MORE than 10 people just leave this topic now. I don't want to have to start deleting posts but you're screwing this kid up more than you know. I can't count on both hands the number of people in this thread who have, several by their own admission, recommended guns they have never used or modified themselves. I guarantee that I've been to more nerf wars than anyone else who's posted in this thread, and I have never been hit by half the guns they're telling this kid to pick up.

Ice, if you want to have a good time at ECNO you will consider what I have to say. Get yourself a good, reliable, single shot weapon with solid range, quick reload, and an assurance of war legality. Let me make it simple. I recommend pair your nite finder with a Big Bad Bow with a flip breach that chambers stefans. That is an easy weapon to come by that you can mod with little trouble, and will perform reliably for a long period of time. Bring all the other shit if you like and you may get a chance to use it, but have that one gun and you'll be a lot better off.

And people please....PLEASE!! Get off your heavily ass contoured computer chairs, put down the dremels and get to a mother Fucking NERF WAR!!!!

Get used to this theme, as it will be repeated on this site as the summer draws closer.

~Nerf On or Fuck Off!~
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#30 imaseoulman



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Posted 24 February 2008 - 02:21 AM

I'm always a little nervous posting after Vacc, he kinda carries this "My Word is Final!" I think even when he's not trying to. I'm definitely looking forward to NERFing with him at one of the East Coast wars this summer.

Anyway, as to gun combos, my personal favorite is a SuperMaxx 1500 (old style) with a Magstrike (some day I'll post my write-up). The only way this is practical is to have the Magstrike on a shoulder strap, slung behind your back. The Minnesota NERFers (Flaming Hilt, Sam, Carrtoon, and others) can attest to how fast the Magstrike can be flung from back to firing position...you won't get rushed. If you do, you'll survive 9 times out of ten.

I am, however, always tempted to carry extra side-arms. I'll often have two SF's holstered or a short barrelled AT2K in my left pocket. While the pocketed AT2K gets a lot of use, I find that I don't need two SF's holstered, one as a back up is usually enough, and two starts to slow you down.

If you can get an SM1500, I'd highly recommend it, and back it up with a shoulder strapped Magstrike or an AT2K. If you can't find an SM1500, an AT3K isn't a bad option either, but singled your ROF is too low and turreted reload time gets you. Personally, I've never been able to get enough range out of a BBB to make it worth it, but they are pretty comfy to hold.
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#31 VACC


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Posted 24 February 2008 - 02:35 AM

It's his first big nerf war. He doesn't need a doom canon, and carrying 3 guns is probably the worst thing he could do. Is a 2k or a 3k a bad idea? No, not at all. But carrying more guns than you can shoot with two hands is generally a recipe for death. Believe me, if he attempts to drop a primary and "swing" a magstrike around on me, he's just gonna give himself enough time to reload the thing while he's counting in.

Ice, keep it simple. I'm not gonna post anymore in this thread. If you decide other advice is more prudent so be it. I'll see you on the 22nd.
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#32 imaseoulman



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Posted 24 February 2008 - 02:56 AM

I totally agree with the two gun rule. When I said I'm tempted to carry multiple side-arms, I chose the word "tempted" because I know it's not usually a good idea. At the Minnesota wars I don't know how many times Sam had to tell me to drop my extra guns and shoot somebody. And you make a good point about it being his first war. In fact, at my first NERF war with modified blasters, I used my BBB until the coupler broke off (at which point I switched to an AT3K).

And while we're on the subject of war worthy weaponry, I war-tested Arachnophobia II for the first time today. It's going to take quite a bit of tweaking before it's as menacing as its older brother, Arachnophobia, but hopefully it will be formidable by this summer.

Oh, and just for the record, when "slinging" a Magstrike properly, there is no dropping of the primary.

And as always, Vacc, you have good, practical advice based on actual NERF experience. If more of our young NERFers followed your advice concerning a good, reliable, single shot weapon with solid range, quick reload, and an assurance of war legality, NERF wars would be much more exciting.
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#33 Famine



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Posted 24 February 2008 - 12:48 PM

Ice, the Nitefinder is about as good a secondary you're gonna get right now.

As for a primary, your best two choices right now would either be a Nerf Big Bad Bow or Buzzbee Big Blast.
Both are readily available at either TRU or Target, are a reasonable price, easy to mod, and will give you solid performance.

IMHO the BBB is easier to mod and I'm a little partial springers. Based on your homemades you seem to be more of an air pressure guy so maybe you'll feel more comfortable with the Big Blast.
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of Mag-7
East Coast Nerf 2005: Step It Up.
East Coast Nerf 2006: That's more like it.
East Coast Nerf 2007: I'm not driving to Massachusetts again.
East Coast Nerf 2008: Day of Regret.
East Coast Nerf 2009: Quid pro quo, douchebags!

#34 ice



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Posted 24 February 2008 - 01:28 PM

Ok, first of all, thank you all so much for posting in my thread. I really appriciate the help, and am going to get a bbb, mod it and bring it as well as a modded DTB, and my scatter titan. At the war, I will probobly use all of the guns at one point or another. I'll only use 2 per battle or round, one of which will use a strap so that i can carry it on my back while using my other gun. Thanks again guys.
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<!--quoteo(post=206428:date=Jan 25 2009, 05:17 PM:name=Mukersman)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mukersman @ Jan 25 2009, 05:17 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
Turd stefans. When I pulled these out of the pillow case i was just like, what... the... fuck...

#35 nerfer34



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Posted 25 February 2008 - 08:19 PM

Ok, first of all, thank you all so much for posting in my thread. I really appriciate the help, and am going to get a bbb, mod it and bring it as well as a modded DTB, and my scatter titan. At the war, I will probobly use all of the guns at one point or another. I'll only use 2 per battle or round, one of which will use a strap so that i can carry it on my back while using my other gun. Thanks again guys.

I HIGHLY recomend you don't use a DTB(DTG) at ECNO. I've never been to one, but I know for a fact that there's no way a DTg is getting more than 60' unless you're carrtoon. A magstrike would be better than a DTG(I don't recomend a Magstrike either though).

If I were you I'd bring
-Another backup primary that is close to the BBB in range/ROF
-Magstrike(only if you really insist on being a "gunner"
-Sidearm(NF, SF, even a 2k maybe)

Vacc knows what he's talking about as do Imaseoulman and Sam and some other well known members.
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<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->God Damn it Groove, you stole my kill.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->-OMC

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