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Matrix Revolutions


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#51 VACC


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Posted 12 November 2003 - 10:16 AM

I saw it the day it came out and it was not that great. As to a fourth movie, they want to make one and Keanu Reeves has already signed on and it is expected to come out in like 4 years. My main problem with the movie was with it's lack of answering questions. After reloaded I thought they were simply building suspense and were going to reveal it all in the 3rd one but instead they just arouse more questions. I thought that they should have had more extensions on the whole trainman. That was a cool idea but they just ended it way too quickly. For biblical references, the whole trilogy is full of them. Even all of the names are biblical references as well as the characters. In the 4th movie I think that it is pretty obvious that they're simply going to try to wrap up the trilogy and leave the viewer with soe sense of resolve, like they should have done in revolutions.

I'm not sure this plan is still holding. The film, since opening weekend, has proceded to bomb like no other. Once somone saw it did they really expect them to let anyone they cared about see this film? I mean really. Anyway, Warner Bros (as famine has informed me) is so distressed by this films impending failure that it plans to release the third film on dvd by christmas. Not only that, but it wants to package it with the previous two films because they believe no one will purchase this chunk of cinematic shame by itself, I think they're right. ONE WEEK after release...It's a fucking trilogy...these things are supposed to sell like hot cakes, I mean, episode 1 and 2 killed....regardless, I think Warner Bros. is going to have to reconsider pushing any more films in this defunct series.

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#52 ItalionStallion



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Posted 12 November 2003 - 11:43 AM

Its amazing how much they screwed the up the whole matrix trilogy. The first and second movie were great and i could watch them many more times. But this one just sucked so bad. Throught the whole movie it was just sooo boring. THe huge fight scene with the sentinels was cool but that shouldnt have consumed 3/4s of the movie. This might have been the worst ending to any movie ive seen in my entire life. Its amazing how much they have fallen after the second film. The second film was very well witten and played out very well. This one just was horrible. IMO one of the reasons that revolutions sucked was because they had to rush through the entire movie. The second movie accomplished a little bit. But this one needed to resolve several issues. IN the end all our questions that we had at the beginning were still there. The only way to save the matrix as one of the best series of movies of all time is to make a sequel and/or prequel.

Ohh and what my belief on the prophecy of the one was that the only reason he was made was to buy time for the humans. Thus the people inside the matrix have time to re-build, etc. Thats so incredibly stupid. Honestley if NEO would have killed all the machines and returned the humans to their dominant role on earth, the movie would not have been as bad as it was. Its as simple as that.

All in all the wachowskis must have been out of their minds when they wrote this.
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#53 Stefan



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Posted 12 November 2003 - 03:01 PM

There's some great debates on the imdb forums about this.
The POV I like best is that this was supposed to be a character-driven story, and yet in this movie there were no characters left to care(cept Neo and Trinity), and as a result *we* didn't care about any of them.
Did you really give a shit about the dude in the mech suit screaming and yelling tough guy shit? Yawn.
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#54 serpent sniper

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Posted 12 November 2003 - 04:20 PM

Did you really give a shit about the dude in the mech suit screaming and yelling tough guy shit?

That was the worst part of the movie...since it was half of it... :P
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#55 VACC


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Posted 12 November 2003 - 04:26 PM

Did you really give a shit about the dude in the mech suit screaming and yelling tough guy shit?

That was the worst part of the movie...since it was half of it... :P

That was the only human part of the entire movie. I didn't care much about him, but his interaction with the kid was at least interesting and somewhat developed. Every other conversation in the film couldn't end quick enough. Chris, didn't trinity and Neo have chemistry at some point in time? What the fuck happened to that?!? And when did Trinity stop being a character and start being Neo's bitch..oh yeah the second movie.

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#56 wtrent10



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Posted 12 November 2003 - 05:37 PM

And so, in turn, the third Matrix movie... Revolutions... Sucked.

He,he, ya know sumthin... YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!

anyways. How could anyone like the 2nd one (except the fight scenes)??? It really was just to;

A. confuse the shit out of you.

B. show off all of neo's new abilities and stuff.

In other words it was made to look cool. So, yeah.
"This movie is the cause for all mental retardation. every kid I see walking down the street slamming their hand against their chest and yelling some incoherent sound I'm gonna point at them and yell, 'NO!!!!!!!! YOU WATCHED SKY CAPTAIN!!!!'"


#57 waspy



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Posted 12 November 2003 - 05:59 PM

I liked reloaded alot more than revolutions.In revolutions its boring alll it is,its just machines fighting humans in big robot suits.Reloaded however had alot more content.I just liked relaoded ALOT more.The end figh scene is cool,but i didnt really like it when the machines fighting humans in big robot suits.
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#58 Grinch



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Posted 12 November 2003 - 06:52 PM

I liked reloaded alot more than revolutions.In revolutions its boring alll it is,its just machines fighting humans in big robot suits.Reloaded however had alot more content.I just liked relaoded ALOT more.The end figh scene is cool,but i didnt really like it when the machines fighting humans in big robot suits.

By "content", do you mean 50 million dollar fight scenes with hundreds of computer generated effects? In my humble opinion, the second movie had very little content. The only reason I bought the DVD was so I could re-watch the highway scene and the Smith scene. Everything else in the movie was way too confusing and was hard to relate to.

The reason I liked (and many others) the original the best is because the first time new technology is introduced it's very entertaining. Before the movie in 1999, nobody had ever heard of "bullet time", or any of those amazing special effects. On top of that, it's easier to relate to your average everyday guy that's exploring a whole new world for the first time. It's more interesting to see a main character that's not so sure of himself. Not knowing that he'll win the fight. In Reloaded and Revolutions, there wasn't a doubt in my mind.

I think you guys are beating down on Revolutions way too much. It's not that bad of a movie, and I think it's a decent ending to a great series. I personally enjoyed it. The reason everybody is disappointed is because you're all expecting it to be like the original, and, well, it's not. A lot of people were expecting the same suspenseful plot rather than a predictable plot in Reloaded, which is why many people walked out of the theater disappointed. The original movie is done with, and you have to accept the next stages of the story line. If you really want to pretend that Reloaded and Revolutions were never made, do so, but make sure you know you're only denying yourself from the true ending.

I'll say it again. There won't be another movie like the original Matrix. Technology gets old after a while, and it's not going to be the same again. Either accept it, or leave it. When Super Mario Bros. came out in 1985, in full color, playable on your home TV in the comfort of your own home, it was an instant fad. After a string of declining Mario games since, the series has gotten less popular. The same goes for Tomb Raider, Tony Hawk, etc. The only reason certain movies like Indiana Jones and Star Wars is because each one of them houses a different story, with an original idea in each one. That's why (for many) Reloaded and Revolutions were so disappointing, because it's the same plot all over again.

In closing, you can say whatever you want, but I think that Revolutions was an excellent movie, and I'm able to see beyond the fight scene. Reloaded sucked because it had too much action, and too little dialogue. The original had a great combination of both, which was (and is) the key to success. I'm going to buy the DVD of Revolutions when it comes out, because, frankly, I enjoyed the ending and thought it satisfied me. I'm still confused, though...
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#59 waspy



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Posted 12 November 2003 - 08:06 PM

I still like revolutions,it's a good movie.What i mean by content is that alot of people didn't really understand the original,I think that reloaded raised a few questions and awnsered some.But in the end revolutions ended it,it awnsered the questions raised in reloaded.

Stevo123 I don't think there's gonna be a fourth one,I really think revolutions is the end, I may be wrong though.
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#60 Groove


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Posted 12 November 2003 - 09:19 PM

I think you guys are beating down on Revolutions way too much. It's not that bad of a movie...

You're right grinch, it wasn't that bad of a movie, it was fucking horrible.

and I think it's a decent ending to a great series. I personally enjoyed it.

Good for you.

The reason everybody is disappointed is because you're all expecting it to be like the original, and, well, it's not. A lot of people were expecting the same suspenseful plot rather than a predictable plot in Reloaded...

Here's where I'm going to really disagree with you. I wasn't expecting the original Matrix in a whole-new nutshell when I walked into my theatre, infact I was expecting something totally different. Given the ending in Reloaded I knew I was in for a ride more wild than anal sex with a 500 lb. Gorilla at the zoo.

It's all about the plot and cinematography in Reloaded, I knew the second the movie (Reloaded) ended that Revolutions was going to be weirded out in the sense that the Wachowski Bros. had gotten so skewed in my conception of the first movie overall that the rest of the series was just going to be perhaps less fufilling than the original movie.

...which is why many people walked out of the theater disappointed.

I went at the midnight showing, and I'll tell you what - nobody fucking walked out. Did you not see Neo take on about 3 dozen Smiths with a metal pole?!?!

The original movie is done with, and you have to accept the next stages of the story line. If you really want to pretend that Reloaded and Revolutions were never made, do so, but make sure you know you're only denying yourself from the true ending.

It's not like we're attempting to erase history here or purge the "controversial art out of Nazi Germany" or anything...some people like to hang on to what they enjoy, and for some fans, that's the original film. We're not denying their existence...I have no fucking clue where you got that from, but I, for one, am going to keep hanging on to my original feelings about the first film, and much less about the sequels.

In closing, you can say whatever you want, but I think that Revolutions was an excellent movie, and I'm able to see beyond the fight scene.

See beyond the fight scene...I see...I see...crap, followed by...more crap.

I'm going to buy the DVD of Revolutions when it comes out, because, frankly, I enjoyed the ending and thought it satisfied me. I'm still confused, though...

So then you'll be able to get confused time and time again, perhaps a little more each time after you watch it. That's awesome.
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#61 VACC


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Posted 12 November 2003 - 09:41 PM

I'm going to buy the DVD of Revolutions when it comes out, because, frankly, I enjoyed the ending and thought it satisfied me. I'm still confused, though...

Did you read a god-damn thing I said? You WON'T buy the third movie because it's doing so poorly that they're not even going to package it individually. You're going to have to buy the trilogy.....oh, and I hate you.

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#62 Zero Talent

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Posted 12 November 2003 - 10:32 PM

So then you'll be able to get confused time and time again, perhaps a little more each time after you watch it. That's awesome.

Feh, I thought it made plenty of sense, and coincided quite well with the last movie. They ended The Matrix, so Reloaded was sort of a fresh start of the series. I just think the dialogue could have used a lot of work, and that imagery is no replacement for substance. To say the truth, I liked Revolutions better than Reloaded now that I think of it... Though Reloaded can be rerun a lot more than Revolutions, due to the smooth fight scenes (and scene skip). Revolutions... The imagery was like a jackhammer, the philosophy ended like most "deep philosophy:" In undefined realms, and the movie's plot and meaning was.. Well, horridly obvious. I'm not sure what you kids are confused by, aside from Neo's ability to percieve the Machines. That was the core concept they never solved; The ideas of a nested Matrix.

Otherwise, I think Zion should have been rampaged by the machines. Damn bastards will just start the war again anyways, if there's a fourth to come. I have no forgiveness for any who are so stupid as to let Keanu Reeves appear naked at any time. Besides, blasted Commies are too busy reproducing like rabbits to learn their hand-me-down technology; Piss to them.

And as I've ranted before; Where were my Spirit Bombs and Energy Beams, dammit!? They had everything short of a wild crash into a peroxide tank.
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#63 Groove


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Posted 12 November 2003 - 11:47 PM

Meh, I never said I was confused. I understood it. How could you not understand it? They were spoon-feeding it to you.

Zero, you obviously missed the DBZ character flying around amongst the sentinels in the zion fight scene. There was an energy beam to two as I recall. Along with some grunting.

4 minutes of grunting, actually.
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#64 Grinch



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Posted 13 November 2003 - 12:49 AM

Nice rant, GrOOve, I gotta hand it to you. But...

You're right grinch, it wasn't that bad of a movie, it was fucking horrible.

We are all entitled to are own opinions, and under no circumstances am I going to try to change yours. I enjoyed the movie to a certain extent. I didn't like it as much as the original, but I do think it was better than Reloaded.

Good for you.

Thanks for the compliment.

Here's where I'm going to really disagree with you. I wasn't expecting the original Matrix in a whole-new nutshell when I walked into my theatre, infact I was expecting something totally different. Given the ending in Reloaded I knew I was in for a ride more wild than anal sex with a 500 lb. Gorilla at the zoo.

I don't think you understand. I obviously didn't put it in the right words, because I got the wrong idea across. When I walked into see Reloaded, the only other Matrix film I'd seen was the one in 1999, and I was expecting it to be very similar. After seeing Reloaded, however, I was completely prepared for a different story in Revolutions. Maybe that's why I enjoyed Revolutions more.

It's all about the plot and cinematography in Reloaded, I knew the second the movie (Reloaded) ended that Revolutions was going to be weirded out in the sense that the Wachowski Bros. had gotten so skewed in my conception of the first movie overall that the rest of the series was just going to be perhaps less fufilling than the original movie.

Well of course a sequel isn't going to be as good as the original. Things are popular because they are original. When you tack a sequel on to extend the original story line, it's never going to be as fullfilling or as exciting. I don't think that the Wachowski Bros. have had their conception "skewed". They had already written a plot for the whole saga, although I will agree that the second and third movies were vastly different from the original.

I went at the midnight showing, and I'll tell you what - nobody fucking walked out. Did you not see Neo take on about 3 dozen Smiths with a metal pole?!?!

Nobody walked out of the theater in the showing I went to either. Not during the feature. I'm talking how afterwards people left feeling somewhat disappointend that Reloaded wasn't exactly what they wanted to see in comparison to the original. Oh, and, as I said before, the only reason I bought the Reloaded DVD was for the scene with 3 dozen Smiths and the pole, and the freeway chase. Good stuff.

It's not like we're attempting to erase history here or purge the "controversial art out of Nazi Germany" or anything...some people like to hang on to what they enjoy, and for some fans, that's the original film. We're not denying their existence...I have no fucking clue where you got that from, but I, for one, am going to keep hanging on to my original feelings about the first film, and much less about the sequels.

I'm saying that people have expressed forgetting about the sequels and pretending that the original was the only Matrix film ever made. The way I see it, if you go by that standard, you're only missing out on the true meaning of the trilogy.

See beyond the fight scene...I see...I see...crap, followed by...more crap.

Yes, I will admit, the dialogue was a bit "cheesy" at times, but by that I meant I enjoy the movie for more than the 50 million dollar fight scenes.

So then you'll be able to get confused time and time again, perhaps a little more each time after you watch it. That's awesome.

There are a lot of things the brothers brought up but - never explained. For example, why does the Oracle look different? In the movie, she says, "Some things stay the same, others change. I still don't recognize my face in the mirror." That's great, we know stuff changes, but why and how did she come out looking drastically different? Oh, that's right, we're just expected to take what they give us.

Everybody is going to have there separate opinions, and there's honestly no way you can change mine. I'm not going to come out and say Revolutions was, eh, "phenomenal", but I will say that I liked it better than the first sequel.
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#65 Groove


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Posted 13 November 2003 - 06:59 AM

I don't think you understand. I obviously didn't put it in the right words, because I got the wrong idea across. When I walked into see Reloaded, the only other Matrix film I'd seen was the one in 1999, and I was expecting it to be very similar. After seeing Reloaded, however, I was completely prepared for a different story in Revolutions. Maybe that's why I enjoyed Revolutions more.

Oh no, you don't have to think anything - I understood what you were trying to say, you just came across as saying something different.

When I walked into see Reloaded, the only other Matrix film I'd seen was the one in 1999, and I was expecting it to be very similar...Things are popular because they are original. When you tack a sequel on to extend the original story line, it's never going to be as fullfilling or as exciting.

You're contradicting yourself somewhere in there, and I can't put my finger on it...

I don't think that the Wachowski Bros. have had their conception "skewed".

You obviously didn't read my post in it's entirety - I said they had skewed my overall and general conception of the Matrix.

the only reason I bought the Reloaded DVD was for the scene with 3 dozen Smiths and the pole, and the freeway chase. Good stuff.

Indeed some good stuff.

I'm saying that people have expressed forgetting about the sequels and pretending that the original was the only Matrix film ever made. The way I see it, if you go by that standard, you're only missing out on the true meaning of the trilogy.

Feh, I still don't think you get it.

Yes, I will admit, the dialogue was a bit "cheesy" at times, but by that I meant I enjoy the movie for more than the 50 million dollar fight scenes.

I got you the first time you said it. It was a joke...move along, get over it.

...Oh, that's right, we're just expected to take what they give us.


Everybody is going to have there separate opinions, and there's honestly no way you can change mine. I'm not going to come out and say Revolutions was, eh, "phenomenal", but I will say that I liked it better than the first sequel.

I was never out to change your opinion bro, just to add in my two cents off the basis of your argument. I also didn't intend for this to be a debate over this trilogy - infact it's downright dorkish come to think about it. You can continue to nit-pick my every word and re-state what you said earlier, but as far as I'm concerned, it's over, it's like beating a dead horse now. You said how you felt, as did I...move along.
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#66 wtrent10



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Posted 13 November 2003 - 11:34 AM

I know I'm gonna get my ass flamed for this.... but....

"This movie is the cause for all mental retardation. every kid I see walking down the street slamming their hand against their chest and yelling some incoherent sound I'm gonna point at them and yell, 'NO!!!!!!!! YOU WATCHED SKY CAPTAIN!!!!'"


#67 Daedarus



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Posted 13 November 2003 - 03:50 PM

If you don't like it, then don't read it.
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#68 Grinch



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Posted 13 November 2003 - 05:41 PM

I was never out to change your opinion bro, just to add in my two cents off the basis of your argument. I also didn't intend for this to be a debate over this trilogy - infact it's downright dorkish come to think about it. You can continue to nit-pick my every word and re-state what you said earlier, but as far as I'm concerned, it's over, it's like beating a dead horse now. You said how you felt, as did I...move along.

Deal. Let's end all this quoting business. Let's just leave it at this:

The original Matrix movie was the best one to come out.

See? Now we're all happy.
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#69 Zero Talent

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Posted 13 November 2003 - 09:19 PM

Still, I always thought horizontal stripes were supposed to make things look thinner... From the deepest, sub-optimalest pit of eyestrain, I spit at you, Bware!

And as to the 4 minutes of grunting (so as to avoid quoting); It's better than the nigh 30 minutes in Reloaded. *Scene... Skip!*
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#70 serpent sniper

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Posted 14 November 2003 - 07:01 PM

Hehe good one Zero...

Anyways, to start a "lighter" conversation, so to speak... Does anyone have the same problem with the matrix movies as I do? The problem being shooting hudreds of bullets out of guns with 30 round(or so)mags and never reloading... Ironicaly this was most obvious in "Reloaded"...
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#71 Grinch



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Posted 14 November 2003 - 08:30 PM

Hehe good one Zero...

Anyways, to start a "lighter" conversation, so to speak... Does anyone have the same problem with the matrix movies as I do? The problem being shooting hudreds of bullets out of guns with 30 round(or so)mags and never reloading... Ironicaly this was most obvious in "Reloaded"...

Actually, I found that Reloaded had more "kung-fu" type fighting than just shooting, like in the orignal.
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#72 Zero Talent

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Posted 14 November 2003 - 09:13 PM

Anyways, to start a "lighter" conversation, so to speak... Does anyone have the same problem with the matrix movies as I do? The problem being shooting hudreds of bullets out of guns with 30 round(or so)mags and never reloading... Ironicaly this was most obvious in "Reloaded"...

Obviously, they reload so fast that you just don't notice.

Ever wonder why they'd have to reload in the first place?
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#73 waspy



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Posted 14 November 2003 - 09:15 PM

Well in the original Neo didn't know how to fight super kung-fu style,so he just used guns.In reloaded he knows how to and he kicks so Smith ass.
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#74 Daedarus



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Posted 15 November 2003 - 10:03 AM

Well, he didn't know how to stop bullets in the first one. When he can render people unconcious without killing them and not worry about being shot, guns would be a hassle.
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#75 Groove


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Posted 15 November 2003 - 05:00 PM

Well, he didn't know how to stop bullets in the first one. When he can render people unconcious without killing them and not worry about being shot, guns would be a hassle.

Actually he did...once Smith killed him, and Trinity revived him.
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