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As And Pb Vs Nerf


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#76 VACC


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Posted 07 November 2003 - 03:29 PM

Hail to the king, baby.
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#77 six-hungry-ducks



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Posted 07 November 2003 - 06:13 PM

Okay her is what I have to say:  Paintball automatic:  $300+ (I think) Paintballs:  $15 for 500 and like $50 or $60 for 2000.  Nerf Automatic:  Like $10 or $15.  Nerf Darts: you can make 100 for $3.

Uh, yeah. We know that. Stop arguing. It doesn't bother me, it shouldn't bother you. I don't really care what one guy halfway across the country says about my hobby.

And if you're that self-consious you should really seek help.

Dude, I'm not arguing, I'm just stating my point.
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#78 Subterfuge



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Posted 20 November 2003 - 01:03 PM

Just to say this. I think nerf guns are very fun to fight indoors with the lights off. I love taking out my nephew with a few well placed darts. One of my favorites was the one with the condensed flashlight on the front that made it like a laser. All I had to do was point it at me cousin and shoot. My bro modified one of his with rubber bands to make it shoot 40 feet farther.

My paintgun is the most customizable paintgun on the market. All paintguns can be modified. I wish I could put up a picture of my paintgun for you to look at. Autocockers have all thier parts sticking out for the world to see. They are the american chopper of the paintball world. I can't modify my paintball guns? hahahaha. My parts are from austrailia and the uk; from the university of purdue, to someone's backyard airsmithing. None of the parts are from the same company. The jackal RDL body has only 50 bodies made so far I think. I can choose what regulator I want to use, as well as the barrel. The barrel has inserts to measure what type of paint I am using. I built the gun my self from the ground up. I took all the parts out of my old autococker and put it into the new body. I do know paintball is expensive though. I believe my paintgun cost me around $1300 dollars to create. I only make 13000 a year too so I am poor. I just have this adrenaline addiction that makes me spend so much to go.

Paintball has no tatics? I can't help but laugh at that misconception. Man I can tell you sooo many stories of my real adventures. A paintball kind of hurts when you are 3 feet away from the other person so thier is a fear factor. Longtime paintball players do not have any fear at all and can play with the other newer guy's fear. 24 hour scenario games go on into the night. At night usually the players that are able to equip nightvision scopes onto thier guns have the advantage. My captian and I had no nightvision so we had to use TATICS to our advantage. I cannot forget the night when we were scouts for a 30 man team. Walking in pitchblack darkness (not just any darkness, CAVE darkness, darkness that makes you feel almost blind, which makes night vision almost useless I might add). Suddenly my captain stops. I stop too. We wait for 30 awkward seconds and then all of a sudden this flashlight pierces the darkness 20 feet away from me (30 on 30 and I am a scout right on top of the other team). Instantly there was a roar (hard to describe, it's like so many guns discharging it molds into one sound like thunder or an earthquake.) of paintguns, I unloaded as much as I could before inevitably getting out. My captain rolled off the trail and took position behind a tree. As I walked away to the hospital lights were flashing all over the place in the woods in the distance accompanied always with fire. It was quite a moment. The first time of course I got eliminated. The second times I helped ambush teams to the point of mass slaughter.

Somehow I met my captain in the dark again (this field is like 100acres), he told me our entire squad was wiped out and only he was left. He waited and then walked behind the other team as they continued down the trail and eliminated them one by one until they were all gone. Our next mission was to patrol the trail from the pyramid. We didn't get very far when these glow in the dark paintballs started whizzzing over our head (it was a distracting technique I read later on that was supposed to get their MAIN team to flank us). The three people were equiped with a spotlight which kept me from getting close (I kept getting stepped on by my own team as I dodged the spotlight);however, my relentless friend ran up and bunkered them before the other enemy team arrived to flank us. My friend had major vertigo so he was lost and didn't know where he was after he took out the spotlighter. He crawled onto the trail and sat down while the enemy team ran up and took him prisoner not knowing that our entire team was siting there in the blackness waiting for them. 4 of our team had spotlights which lit up the entire enemy team as bright as noonday. All of us unloaded our entire hoppers into the other team. It was strange and funny, because the other team had no where to go and all of them were clinging to the fence; some were curled up into a ball, others were jumping up and down screaming. It was like an old testament stoning.

I have a ton more stories to tell; but there is too many. I mostly play speedball; however, scenario games are just plain fun. I love it when my friend (who has been playing for 15 years) invites me to go. I just can't wait for the next one. It was an experience I will always remember. Doding tanks, room clearing buildings, infiltrating enemy bases, holding a tower in a mock airbase.

Speedball has tatics in that you learn to "treewalk" people to get close. It's where you always keep a barricade (bunker paintball speak; any distance) between you and your opponent until you are right on top of him. It works in nerf too accept bunkering does not really have the element of fear and adrenaline in it because it doesn't hurt.

Do you guys have pictures of your gun's? Or picture of you in a game? Here's a pic of me at a outlaw field (uncertified). http://pbreview.com/...&postid=1523839
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Psalm 27:1
The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?

#79 Subterfuge



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Posted 20 November 2003 - 01:16 PM

Paintball has one virtue that makes me keep coming back. I just have less of it when I am playing nerf guns. Here is my favorite quote.

G.K. Chesterton
Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of a readiness to die. "He that will lose his life, the same shall save it," is not a piece of mysticism for saints and heroes. It is a piece of advice for sailors or mountaineers. It might be printed in an Alpine guide or a drill book. The paradox is the whole principle of courage; even of quite earthly or quite brutal courage. A man cut off by the sea may save his life if he will risk it on a precipice. He can only get away from death by continually stepping within an inch of it. A soldier surrounded by enemies, if he is to cut his way out, needs to combine a strong desire for living with a strange carelessness about dying. He must not merely cling to live, for then he will be a coward, and will not escape. He must not merely wait for death, for then he will be a suicide, and will not escape. He must seek his life in a spirit of furious indifference to it; he must desire life like water and yet drink death like wine.
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Psalm 27:1
The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?

#80 Sylent Blade

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Posted 20 November 2003 - 03:59 PM

Nice rant... just a little too late, don't you think?

That's two topics you've brought back... this is starting to agrivate me, and I don't know why.
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Sylent Blade


#81 waspy



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Posted 20 November 2003 - 06:27 PM

Have ever been shot by a powerfull nerf gun from close???
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#82 smeghead



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Posted 20 November 2003 - 06:30 PM

have you every been shot with any paintball gun from close?? B)
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#83 Daedarus



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Posted 20 November 2003 - 06:34 PM

Thanks for scrogging up the forums with an old topic, guys.
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#84 smeghead



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Posted 20 November 2003 - 06:39 PM

anytime anytime... here i will go bring another one back!!!1
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#85 Sylent Blade

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Posted 20 November 2003 - 07:00 PM

Thanks for scrogging up the forums with an old topic, guys.

Read that and take it to heart... you are just messing up the forums with your late posts, it really is annoying.


It ends here guys... Listen to Daedarus, he actually has his head straight.
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Sylent Blade


#86 wtrent10



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Posted 20 November 2003 - 09:39 PM

um... my friend did this....
"This movie is the cause for all mental retardation. every kid I see walking down the street slamming their hand against their chest and yelling some incoherent sound I'm gonna point at them and yell, 'NO!!!!!!!! YOU WATCHED SKY CAPTAIN!!!!'"


#87 Subterfuge



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Posted 21 November 2003 - 09:42 AM

Do you ever bleed when you get bunkered by nerf guns? I have been shot by hot paintguns (illegal high velocity) 400fps. The scars are still there after a year. There was one hot shot I got recemtly while refing a paintball game. This hickey won't go away and now I look like I am unavailable LOL. This was all ilegal speed though. Make sure if you ever want to play paintball, that you have a chronograph. The legal limit is 300.

You always get a bruise from a paintball hit, no matter what the distance. It disappears after 2 days and it doesn't hurt. When I bunker (paintball terminology for using the bunker against someone to nail them 3-10 feet away) people, sometimes I fail and get lit up nasty. My t-shirt gets ripped up sometimes and I bleed, but that's really rare. I think it's only because I wear a t-shirt and the paint is hitting bare skin.

I also like the player base. It is literally everyone. There is the 60 years old that played the pro circuit for team Rage as a backman years ago. There is a 10 year old frontplayer that can just disappear behind bunkers at the 50 (middle of the field). Fathers and sons play it on the same team are verse each other. Last sunday I played against an entire team of fireman who used thier athletic ability to thier utmost potential. Usually I see athletic people that don't know the technique, but these guys did. The speedball field was literally like a baseball game, except that you had to steal bases all the time. Grass is a good surface to dive on. Can you guys get your parents to play nerf gun's seriously?

Just to let you know about the scenario game war. It was 500 vs 500.
Other more major events are 1000 vs 1000vs 1000. It's like you are playing a civil war because the regulars (they aren't as suicidal as a speedball frontman) line up in one huge line. All I have to do is walk behind them and I am out of range. They effectively make a siege line along the treeline. When I ask for cover to run out of the tree line into the buildings, boy do I get it. One big heavy roar as me and a couple other people run like heck into the buildings across the clearing. We all like slid 10 feet into the buildings (the buildings were 200 feet away from the treeline). I got to room clear one of them before I ran out of paint.

Wasn't this topic 4 threads down?

Nerf is really fun, though I haven't played it in 10 years. What's the best nerf gun you can get on the internet brand new? I remember the gatling missle gun somebody used, it didn't provide any signifigant advantage. I'd just wait until he wasted all his ammo and melee him.
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Psalm 27:1
The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?

#88 Subterfuge



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Posted 21 November 2003 - 11:35 AM

Well I see this topic was already debated before. This is the last post I post. Most of your arguments about paintball are mainly due to ignorance. You haven't played paintball; probably because it was too expensive. I saw later on down the posts these posers bragging about thier equipment. Posers brag too much; therefore get eliminated quicker. When I eliminate 5 guys in one game; no one thinks I did anything and I still get picked last. I make sure of this; because I don't need 5 guys trying to eliminate me off the break (the break is the place where you start; which a frontman immediately rushes right into the fire of the opposition at the whistle). I urge you to try out paintball when you grow out of nerf. 35 year olds still play in the pro leagues such as Chris Lasoya.

I haven't actually been to a real tourny yet. Mostly because my job gets in the way (do yourself a favor and never work at a retail store). I play every weekend as much as my job will allow. I've been asked to join a dozen teams, but my stupid schedule always gets in the way of the practices. My main argument was that paintball is more organized than nerf. You guys don't have dedicated teams that play at the international level. Russia vs USA or UK vs Sweden at most of the world cup tournaments? Does nerf have a world cup? Do you guys have permanent fields to practice in setup specifically for nerf everyday? Do you have novice amatuer and pro leagues of nerf? Do you guys have supermodels posing with nerf guns? Do you have magazines for nerf that come monthly? Do you have magazines of only supermodels posing with nerf guns? Do people come just to watch you play nerf? Did nerf become as close to 1 vote in to becoming an olympic sport like paintball did? Was it even considered? Do you have local tournaments of nerf? Are any of you sponsored to play nerf like paintball players are?
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Psalm 27:1
The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?

#89 cxwq



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Posted 21 November 2003 - 12:35 PM

I'm not going to bother quoting and addressing everything since this has been done before, but since you seem willing to listen and I'm not quite ready to delete you:

Can nerf guns make you bleed?

Yes. At the Los Angeles area war (YANO) I run, we have banned several modded variants of the sm5k because of precisely this problem. We also don't allow homemades because of their arbitrary power. I have bled from dart hits, I have had the lens shot out of my glasses, I have had welts that lasted several months. Some of these guns are reasonably accurate beyond 100' and they hit you quite hard. Like PB, you don't really notice it if you're wearing long sleeves but if you get a t-shirt or bare skin hit, it can be quite painful.

Do people of all ages play?

Yes. At the YANO we have a father and son who are regular participants. In addition, I am 30 and expect that my 3 year old son will be out there playing in a few years.

Is Nerf as well sponsored as PB?

No. For obvious reasons. There is no financial incentive to sponsor a Nerf team because it's a sport that costs nearly nothing. There are lots of companies making money off PB because a nice rig costs upwards of $1k and the playing fields are making money and the paint companies are making money. It makes sense from a marketing perspective for these companies to give money or equipment to a relative handful of the best players or sponsor a competition because they see a real return on their bottom line when a bunch of people kick down their money to emulate the pros.

Some Nerf guns are worth decent money but that money goes to the players not any corporate entity. If someone pays me $50-100 for my modded xbow that doesn't change the fact that Nerf only made about $15 profit when they originally sold it. This isn't likely to change because the very essense of what we do is the ability to take cheap kids toys and make them fun for serious combatants of all ages. When people say that you can't mod PB, they don't really mean you can't customize your rig, they mean that you can't take a very flawed gun design and grab some stuff lying around in your garage and apply some ingenuity to triple its range.

You don't play PB because it's too expensive

Yes and no. This one is different for everyone. Certainly there are a lot of people who choose Nerf over PB because of cost. Some of these people move on to PB when they get decent jobs. Other people could afford PB but decide they like Nerf better. A few people have come to these forums and said they used to PB but this looks like more fun. Speaking for myself, I could easily afford PB but really enjoy Nerf. I think if I spent $1k on a PB rig I'd take the game way too seriously and I'm in it for the fun. Going to the park to compete with a $20 gun that I modded myself is just a blast for me. The money I saved went towards this gun.

Hope this answers some of your questions. If you're in the general vicinity of Jersey or Los Angeles, come on out to a war sometime. We'll loan you a gun and darts and I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun.
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#90 Ginjiroku



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Posted 21 December 2003 - 03:00 PM

To everyone that thinks nerf is stupid
I'm not the biggest fan of nerf, it is someting I do in my freinds backyard when I'm not paintballing. But if you think it's pointless ok that's what you think but let the people that nerf nerf, and let the people that hate nerf hate nerf and just shut you face. you don't have to like it but there are people that do and let them have fun. stop trying to get everyone to think like you. And another thing everyone is saying nerf guns don't hurt everyone that nerfs is a pussy. Well I don't think any one should give a crap about how much the projectile hurts. If you play paintball because you like pain go do something else you idiot. Paintball, Airsoft, and Nerf are about fun not pain so if you think Nerf is stupid only because you think it doesn't hurt get help. So just let people have fun and enjoy life stop fighting about wich is better.

Edited by Ginjiroku, 21 December 2003 - 03:31 PM.

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#91 IronRhino



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Posted 21 December 2003 - 03:05 PM

Dude. Shut the fuck up. This topic is from november.
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#92 Ginjiroku



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Posted 21 December 2003 - 03:33 PM

man i'm stupid I didn't read the post date I won't post in this thrad again. there are almost no threads in this forum it is hard to tell which ones are old.
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#93 Jappo



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Posted 22 December 2003 - 03:53 AM

I like nerfing. And I also didn't notice that this topic was old. My bad. If i could delete this i would.

Edited by Jappo, 22 December 2003 - 03:54 AM.

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#94 Subterfuge



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Posted 02 February 2004 - 11:47 AM

I didn't get a chance to show you the gun that I built in response to you guys thinking that I couldn't custom modify a paintgun. Here she is. My custom autococker. She was created around adrenaline.
Posted Image
Posted Image
The parts ae from different companies. None of them are from the same. The body is JackalRDL so I call it that.

Edited by Subterfuge, 02 February 2004 - 11:49 AM.

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Psalm 27:1
The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?

#95 blink 182

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Posted 02 February 2004 - 01:54 PM

but dude whats stoping you people from playing both nerf and airsoft/paintball. change it around every so often. play nerf when u run out of paint and bb's(save up some cash to bye some) and when u got some play wit that...?

thats what we do
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Posted 02 February 2004 - 03:08 PM

Fudge, we know you can customize and personalize a PB gun, and I even have soe gun plans right next to me. The difference between nerf modding and PB customizing is that in nerf, we change the use of materials, and use it for a compltetly different purpose. We have to find these materials, and expirememnt.

The parts that you used to cuztomize you PB gun, were manufactured for that purpose, and are meant to perform for the gun, whereas in nerf, we must compromise.

BTW, thats a nice gun, Im sure it costed you a fortune. Whereas Ive got about 30 custum nerf guns, that all costed me under $30 to buy, and mod, exluding labor. How much did that cost you?


Some old topics never get old it seems...
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#97 Blaster



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Posted 03 February 2004 - 04:46 PM

Holy crap this topic is old. Besides that i think the "nerfornothin" guy isn't even around anymore. Either cxwq deleted him or he just sat back and watched everyone curse at each other and had a little laugh at the chaos he caused the nerfers to have amongst themselves. Dammit even if he's gone he's going to see how many people just went at each others throats and how he caused it. Great now he's actually done something and we let it happen. He himself hardly did anything. Besides cursed nerf (BLASPHEMY I TELL YOU).
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#98 Talio


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Posted 03 February 2004 - 05:30 PM

Well first off, your pics are working at this end.

And secondly, I understand what your getting at. Yes you can modify a paintball marker. I've heard this arguement a million times. But the difference is that in paintball you don't have to modify your marker to be competitive. In nerf it's absolutely nessecary for you to do some kind of modification on your blaster to go into battle. You can play with stock guns, but I think mostly you'll find folks here and the hobbiest to play with modified weapons. I would be more impressed by the guy who made his nerf blaster shoot 90 feet, then a guy who made his paintball marker shoot semi auto. Although this is probably effected by my relative interests in the sports.

By all means play Paintball. I really don't care what you do. But when we make a point about the modification of Nerf blasters, it's based on the condition of need in the game.

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#99 Subterfuge



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Posted 04 February 2004 - 10:39 AM

Well I slapped on the magnaoptic infrared trigger frame because there was so many newbies buying angel speeds, stopping me from moving up or bunkering them. Now I get to hold them down with 14bps (it's set at 24bps but I don't have a loader yet that will feed at that rate) They would freak out when I got close and just unload like crazy keeping me in and stalemating the game. I said good bye to my mechanical trigger and bought a lighter, smaller more compact body. I also added qevs on the end of the ram to increase my cycle speed even more. The delrin bolt also increases cycle speed because it has less friction on metal. I also finally bought a barrel with inserts to keep the ball from rolling out of my barrel (paint is different sizes and autocockers don't have a ball detent to hold the ball in the barrel). I beat my best time of 8 guys in 2 minutes with my mechanical. 7 guys in 30 seconds with my electric. Trigger pull could be lighter; unfortunately, I have a low pressure valve that requires heavy mainsprings. With heavier springs the recoil makes it go full auto so I have to raise the trigger filter settings to compensate for it (trigger bounce, reactive triggers and full auto are illegal in tournaments). It's already like clicking your mouse button, and I still am not satisfied lol.
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Psalm 27:1
The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?

#100 Jangadance



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Posted 04 February 2004 - 05:43 PM

Now I get to hold them down with 14bps.

Tee hee hee! Balls per second? That's just friggin great.
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