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As And Pb Vs Nerf


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#1 Guest_Nerfornothin_*

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Posted 04 November 2003 - 09:27 AM

Why wouldnt you guys spend the extra money for something like a paintball or airsoft gun, i mean, they only shoot about 15 times as far as your "tricked out" nerf gun. My paintball guns range is 153.7(yes I measured) feet while my airsoft guns range is give or take 200 feet. I mean, comm'on, why not just cough up the money so you can have more fun? There isnt any stragity involved in nerf from what I've seen, they just all run towards each other and shoot. To me, that not fun at all, did you ever play airsoft or paintball with good guns? Or did they hurt too much or something, which if they did, learn to take a hit. Do yourself a favor and, save some time, save up money and buy yourself an airsoft or paintball gun.

Now, i know, this being a nerf forum, I'm going to be flamed, but I dont care, because I think you guys that play nerf all relize it sucks. I mean, its ok if your bored or something, but why in Gods name would you ever want to make nerf a hooby unless you like fiddleing with the guns, but to have skirmishs with them, thats just........stupid

Post your comments on what I had to say, feel free to disagree or get PO, but youll never change my opinion, but if you relly feel you need to go ahead.
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#2 Alexthebeast



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Posted 04 November 2003 - 10:05 AM

You know, half of us airsoft or PB as well.
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<Fooz> In a perfect world... spammers would get caught, go to jail, and share a cell with many men who have enlarged their penisses, taken Viagra and are looking for a new relationship.

#3 Groove


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Posted 04 November 2003 - 01:37 PM

You do realize you're not the first person to bring this up, right? You're like the 10th person I've known that's actually taken the time and registered for a Nerf board to trash-talk Nerf, or try to "convert" us to play Paintball. Just want you to think about that for a second...

I play Paintball. I play Nerf. I have my own Paintball gun. I have my own Nerf gun. What's the matter with them coexisting? Really, I don't understand your argument. It's always black or white in these arguments you bring up, I still don't understand that.

15x farther than a Nerf gun, eh? That's funny, I thought the average range for a nested brass Max Shot was around 115 ft. 15 x 115...that's what, 1725 ft. from a Paintball gun? Funny how that works out in the end. I've been down this road a million times, and it's getting all too familiar and tiring.

By the way: Nerf isn't a hooby. It's a hobby. Some people would argue it's much more than that.

Nerf on or fuck off.

PS - I think in this case it's going to be fuck off.
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#4 Kuhlschrank



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Posted 04 November 2003 - 02:11 PM

Don't you just love stupid people? I know I do!

There is no reason pb and Nerf can't coexist and if he insists that we should learn to take a hit, maybe he could realize that "taking a hit" means you might get knocked out of a round. Fucking asshole.
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+Kuhlschrank+ of the ~Lawnchair Mafia~

#5 merlinski



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Posted 04 November 2003 - 05:09 PM

Do yourself a favor and, save some time, save up money and buy yourself an airsoft or paintball gun.
I think you guys that play nerf all relize it sucks
thats just........stupid
but youll never change my opinion, but if you relly feel you need to go ahead.

If we can't change your opinion, then what in gods name makes you think that your (inaccurate) ranting will change our opinions? Learn to recognize your hypocrisy before you speak, its a good life skill that you obviously don't possess yet.
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#6 Guest_Nerfornothin_*

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Posted 04 November 2003 - 05:11 PM

ok, I played nerf when I was like 5(the majority shoot about 10-50 ft....with i guess some exceptions), and it was great then, but then came laser challenge. Much more fun, it shot further, and just seemed all around better. Now to me, thats also stupid. Why doesnt everyone grow up and get something to play with that will involve some kind of tactics, or obsticles that make you think, dont just run around and shoot like little kids. And for all you ppl that pb, as, and nerf, why????...your guns must suck ass. I still say you guys must be afraid of the pain, or your all little kids...one or the other.
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#7 Groove


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Posted 04 November 2003 - 05:16 PM

...And for all you ppl that pb, as, and nerf, why????...your guns must suck ass. I still say you guys must be afraid of the pain, or your all little kids...one or the other.

My God, how old are you, 6?
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"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"

#8 Sylent Blade

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Posted 04 November 2003 - 06:44 PM

Learn to recognize your hypocrisy before you speak, its a good life skill that you obviously don't possess yet.

I want you to read that at least 50 times before you post anything else.

As with the rest of you, paintball, airsoft and nerf will always co-exist right? If they don't something is definatly wrong, and I think this kid is the beginning.

Why would you bloody bother to register, to get flamed, try to change opinions and then back away after you've been beaten verbally and mentally by GrOOvE? This is funny, actually, really funny.

Post script: LEARN HOW TO SPELL. Thank you so much. (read that about 60 times if you can, it might help you.
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Sylent Blade


#9 Dan Wask

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Posted 04 November 2003 - 07:05 PM

. And for all you ppl that pb, as, and nerf, why????...your guns must suck ass. I still say you guys must be afraid of the pain, or your all little kids...one or the other.

You sir must never have been to maryland. I play with paintball on team that has only been beaten twice. In 3 years. By people who were 21. I'm 13, the people on my team are 14, 17 and 18.I paintball in a sleeveless team jersey, and shorts. Still think I'm fucking afraid of the pain ? I play frontman. I get bunkered some times with guns shooting 320 fps with rofs of 25 bps at point blank. Still think I'm fucking afraid of the pain ?

Next, I use only evil paintballs. My setup is a ANS GX4 Vertical Feed Chaos Auto-Cocker with Nitro Duck X-Stream 68ci 4500psi Nitro System, a Smart Parts Total Freak 8 piece Barrel Kit and a halo b hopper. Think my gun sucks ? Oh, and incase you'd like to insult the quality of oh, say my mask, I wear dye invision goggles.

Yeah I nerf, does that mean I'm any less of a paintball player ? NO. Leave you fucking hypocrit. Yeah, you are one being as your user name says Nerf or nothing.

Nerf on or Fuck off. BITCH
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#10 cxwq



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Posted 04 November 2003 - 07:29 PM

I've got to admire the quality of troll we're attracting these days. The guy can almost put together a complete sentence.

It's not about range or pain, it's about having fun. PB, AS, and Nerf are different things, with different strengths and weaknesses. As you've probably noticed, lots of people enjoy more than one of the three. They're obviously more open-minded than you are.

Acknowledge and move on.
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<meta name="cxwq" content="mostly water">

#11 Guest_Nerfornothin_*

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Posted 04 November 2003 - 08:27 PM

Will someone plz enlighten me on how nerf is fun? And like I said, im not trying to change ppls opinions, i just want them to relize how much time they are wasting, you cant really even gain experince playing nerf, all it is is running around and shooting each other from like 3 feet away, i mean GOD, play football or something if you want to practically tackle each other just to be tagged out. You guys know, i only made a name here because I have seen videos of ppl playing nerf, and my god, its like the game for faggits, and it is about range or how much somehing hurts, it make you think more cautiously because u dont want to get slammed by a few bbs going 450 fps in a burst to go up your ass. Im not really putting nerf down(though I know like hell it looks I am...just to make this pretty funny to me and hopefully some of you that dont take ppl on the internet seriously) Anyways, I guess its fun if you and your friends are having a good time(thats what all fun is about) but if your playing it with ppl you dont know, just for the love of the game......well ur an odd SOB.

And for that 13 yr old punk that thinks hes the shindig cuz he can get bunkered by a guy that is 21, i dont give a shit, and it doesnt matter how old you are, it makes no difference how good you are or arnt, and WTF would you make ur pb gun's fps higher than the 300 fps limit?.....dumb ass, you seem like the kid that has all this expensive gear that ur mom bought u but ur afraid to use it, i could be wrong on that one, but seems like it to me, no 13 yr old(unless they r extemely spoiled) can save up that much money unless they saved up for like 10 yrs.

No softers yet eh?, oh well.

BTW, if stuff as gay as these topics didnt exists...i think you woul all die from your anger, your all implosive ppl
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#12 Alexthebeast



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Posted 04 November 2003 - 08:33 PM

I want to shoot him, in the eye, point blank, with a brassed 5k. Any objections?
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<Fooz> In a perfect world... spammers would get caught, go to jail, and share a cell with many men who have enlarged their penisses, taken Viagra and are looking for a new relationship.

#13 cooldood31



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Posted 04 November 2003 - 08:38 PM

I say you guys should boot this moron. Alex, PLEASE blast nerfornothing!!! Dont forget to send me some of his hospital pictures.

just a thought, what would your parents say if you started plying pb in your living room?
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#14 NerfManiac



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Posted 04 November 2003 - 09:05 PM

I'll be more than happy to chip in a fractured skull and a few welts here and there.
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#15 merlinski



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Posted 04 November 2003 - 09:33 PM

And like I said, im not trying to change ppls opinions, i just want them to relize how much time they are wasting, you cant really even gain experince playing nerf, all it is is running around and shooting each other from like 3 feet away

...You didn't read my comment about the hypocrisy, did you? I'm not even talking about your name, I know that wasn't serious, but wow! I mean do you even read what you're posting?

If someone doesn't think they are wasting time, that is their opinion. Hence, trying to convince them that they are wasting time is trying to change their opinion.

I don't know why I try logic with you people.
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#16 Icy Rhapsody

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Posted 04 November 2003 - 11:01 PM

How ironic your name is... Nerfornothin
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#17 cxwq



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Posted 05 November 2003 - 12:21 AM

I enjoy threads like this. Especially the part where I delete people.
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#18 Grinch



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Posted 05 November 2003 - 12:46 AM

I enjoy threads like this. Especially the part where I delete people.

Yeah, that's one of my particular favorites.

On further thought, if this jerk is still reading this, I Nerf because...it's fun. And, in my opinion, involves more skill that paintball. Anybody can buy a paintball gun and pull the trigger back as many times as they want. With Nerf, you have to learn when to prime, conserve ammo, and most importantly, modify. I just don't understand this whole rivalry between Nerf and paintball. I'm fine with it, as long as we don't get assholes like this over here on NH.
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#19 nerfisgreat01



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Posted 05 November 2003 - 06:53 PM

I want to shoot him, in the eye, point blank, with a brassed 5k. Any objections?

I doubt it would hurt, i mean, its only nerf, what can foam do?
or something better...

#20 Ares



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Posted 05 November 2003 - 07:09 PM

I have varying opinions. The only peeps I have to nerf with just wait for you to run out of ammo then rush. They don't get farther than 40 feet away from you-ever. I like tactical games. Nerf is fun cuz u have to be stealthy-instead of, "I see him, shoot!" - your brain goes "I see him, how do I get within range?"
Though I am addicted to modding. It's my favorite part of nerf. And not a single one of you cares.
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#21 Jangadance



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Posted 05 November 2003 - 07:13 PM

I want to shoot him, in the eye, point blank, with a brassed 5k. Any objections?

I doubt it would hurt, i mean, its only nerf, what can foam do?

Unless you're using special darts, the foam will never come in contact with your retina. It's just used to stabilize the dart in flight, like wings- and to keep our game in the aesthetic realm of Nerf.

Instead, you'll be hit with what is essentially a metal BB encased in a cone of hard plastic. At least paintballs explode on impact usually, huh?

And if you're using a gun that shoots easily over 100 feet FLAT, at point blank range? You're in for a world of pain boy. So, show a healthy amount of fear.
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#22 Sylent Blade

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Posted 05 November 2003 - 07:16 PM

Wanna borrow my brassed SM5K? Shoots hard enough to break drywall, as I mentioned before... drywall vs. eye... heh.
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Sylent Blade


#23 nerfisgreat01



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Posted 05 November 2003 - 07:18 PM

At least paintballs explode on impact usually, huh?

I airsoft and paintball. Airsoft shoots over 200ft, at around 400fps...nerf doesnt scare me.
or something better...

#24 nerfisgreat01



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Posted 05 November 2003 - 07:19 PM

Wanna borrow my brassed SM5K? Shoots hard enough to break drywall, as I mentioned before... drywall vs. eye... heh.

so what are the feet per second on that?
or something better...

#25 Sylent Blade

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Posted 05 November 2003 - 07:24 PM

Wanna borrow my brassed SM5K? Shoots hard enough to break drywall, as I mentioned before... drywall vs. eye... heh.

so what are the feet per second on that?

Seriously, I haven't the slighest clue. Honestly, when I fire it, it's already through the wall by the time I blink... which is cool. Actually, my friend was the target for the maiden shot... let's just say he still has the bruise from 3 weeks ago.

Yep, I really don't know... it shoots fast, hits hard, and I like it. And yeah... 400 FPS? That's really crazy... in my paintball and airsoft experience, I haven't seen a gun do that... but whos to say it isn't possible? All I know is that my paintball gun doesn't shoot that fast.

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Sylent Blade


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