Edited by angrscottishkid, 14 January 2008 - 04:57 PM.
Posted 11 January 2008 - 11:16 PM
Posted 11 January 2008 - 11:24 PM
QUOTE (Talio) |
Catagory 5 hurricanes are the mighty dick of God. You don't mess with that! You don't mess with Gods dick! |
Posted 11 January 2008 - 11:24 PM
Sorry I don't have more to offer. Although I will say, if you don't do it classy, it's not gonna come out well.
Edited by RAMBO, 11 January 2008 - 11:28 PM.
Posted 11 January 2008 - 11:30 PM
Sounds more like your trying to get in there pants, home alone, dark basements? tee heee.
Agreed just do it and get it out of the way. That's you best bet.
Posted 11 January 2008 - 11:33 PM
Make some shit disappear.
Edited by nerfturtle, 11 January 2008 - 11:35 PM.
-Dr. Suess
Posted 11 January 2008 - 11:35 PM
But seriously, do it tastefully. You'll get a swift kick in the groin if you pretend to be your friend's dead grandma.
#7 Guest_CornMan_*
Posted 11 January 2008 - 11:57 PM
EDIT: My friend's dad suggested that around halloween for their haunted house by the way. Just do you don't think I'm gay.
Edited by CornMan, 12 January 2008 - 12:02 AM.
Posted 12 January 2008 - 12:21 AM
Posted 12 January 2008 - 12:52 AM
Posted 12 January 2008 - 08:20 AM
Posted 12 January 2008 - 11:51 AM
Edited by CAPS, 12 January 2008 - 11:52 AM.
Posted 12 January 2008 - 02:51 PM
Posted 12 January 2008 - 03:05 PM
Posted 12 January 2008 - 06:04 PM
Posted 12 January 2008 - 06:41 PM
Posted 12 January 2008 - 08:06 PM
- Buy fake cobwebs, masks and/or fake axes.
- Close off your basement to make it all dark/scary.
- At 11:55 pm, bring friends to basement which is now scary as heck.
- Get friends with masks to stay down near stairs or in undisclosed places.
- Bring friends down.
- BOO!!!
- Proceed to shoot friends with Nerf weaponry.
Posted 12 January 2008 - 08:19 PM
Most likely, your friends are going to end up being stupid (i know mine are), and be loud or whatever and won't turn out scary, they'll turn out goofy and, while the party-goers may be scared for say, 10 seconds, they won't leave with a truly memorable experience other than you tried to set them up with some stupid bullshit. you want to get in this girls pants yes? you don't want to make her think you're a friggin idiot.
The best scariness is SUSPENSE. While I think seances are dumb and so is the supernatural, if you wanna get in these girls pants and scare them you can't run around with masks or do fake cobwebs or shit like that, its going to turn out like a cheesy haunted house. What you want are slight nuances that allude towards suspense, not a quick scare, but one that builds up.
the only thing people are truly frightened of is the unknown.
have everything proceed as normal. don't be different. be yourself. don't put on some shitty persona.
have a good time
have a few drinks, but don't get drunk. (only if you're of legal age for your area)
the seance doesn't work
surprise surprise we were all skeptical, it didn't work. ok lets have a mini party or whatever.
then have the lights for the house go out, or that particular area. it would be better if you could just blow up the transformer for your city block, but as that's against the law, i wouldn't go that far unless you can afford it.
instead of trying to be over the top scary, focus on the more subtle scariness that encourages the imagination rather than an overstimulation of the senses. darkness, small sounds where people are like "did you hear that?" and you're all like "no wtf r u thinking fgt".
if you have rats in your basement even better.
Edited by Richomundo, 12 January 2008 - 08:20 PM.
Posted 12 January 2008 - 11:27 PM
To be truly scary you have to incite their imagination.
Most likely, your friends are going to end up being stupid (i know mine are), and be loud or whatever and won't turn out scary, they'll turn out goofy and, while the party-goers may be scared for say, 10 seconds, they won't leave with a truly memorable experience other than you tried to set them up with some stupid bullshit. you want to get in this girls pants yes? you don't want to make her think you're a friggin idiot.
The best scariness is SUSPENSE. While I think seances are dumb and so is the supernatural, if you wanna get in these girls pants and scare them you can't run around with masks or do fake cobwebs or shit like that, its going to turn out like a cheesy haunted house. What you want are slight nuances that allude towards suspense, not a quick scare, but one that builds up.
the only thing people are truly frightened of is the unknown.
have everything proceed as normal. don't be different. be yourself. don't put on some shitty persona.
have a good time
have a few drinks, but don't get drunk. (only if you're of legal age for your area)
the seance doesn't work
surprise surprise we were all skeptical, it didn't work. ok lets have a mini party or whatever.
then have the lights for the house go out, or that particular area. it would be better if you could just blow up the transformer for your city block, but as that's against the law, i wouldn't go that far unless you can afford it.
instead of trying to be over the top scary, focus on the more subtle scariness that encourages the imagination rather than an overstimulation of the senses. darkness, small sounds where people are like "did you hear that?" and you're all like "no wtf r u thinking fgt".
if you have rats in your basement even better.
Now that's a creative genius! Props mans props!
Posted 13 January 2008 - 01:28 AM
Posted 13 January 2008 - 05:25 PM
Before the seance:
1. Rig small speakers around the room, hide them with some fake cobwebs, and hook them up to a CD player.
2. Record some demonic laughing and transfer it onto a CD to play on the CD player.
3. Set up some red lights, but don't make them obvious.
4. Using lots of gluesticks, fake blood, and red and brown markers, cover your left (or right, depending on your hand) in fake scabs. Use, toothpicks and popsicle sticks to give them texture. It'll take a while, but they can turn out pretty good, I've been doing it for a couple years.
5. Wear a long sleeve shirt to cover the scabs.
6. Invite friends who will help with the effects.
7. Invite friends to prank.
During seance:
1. Summon demon of your choice.
Do this in rapid succession:
2. In the middle of the seance about 10 - 20 seconds after sommoning the demon, kill the normal lights, and switch to the red lights.
3. Play the track of the laugh right when the red lights come on, only play one laugh for no more than 5 seconds.
4. Kill the red lights and switch to the normal lights, and act like that was REALLY wierd (don't over act though, keep it real, say things like "what the hell was all that?").
5. About 20 - 30 seconds after the lights come back on start casually scratching your arm durring the conversation, but be careful not to damage the scabs.
6. Say something like "Damn, my arm is so itchy."
7. pull up your sleeve to look, and start screaming when you see the scabs.
8. Improvise from there.
REMEMBER: Do this late at night, hopefully at around midnight.
Hope this helps,
P.S. Watch Scare Tactics on YouTube for more ideas.
Edited by Spectre666, 13 January 2008 - 05:34 PM.
Just because you can't see me doesn't mean I'm not there.
"Quoth the Raven,'Nevermore.'" - Edgar Allan Poe
Posted 14 January 2008 - 02:41 AM
Buy a cheap vase and put it on an end table. Rig it to fall over and break somehow, possibly with fishing line. Something falling on its own can be scary, and even scarier when it crashes and makes a loud noise. Have some other things fall over and break to keep your guests thinking, "Is there really something happening?" Start off with something small (like the vase) and build up to something much larger. You can probably come across a cheap junky TV at a thrift store or pawn shop. If your friends don't already know what kind of TV you have, rigging that to fall over and crash to the floor would be very nice. If they already know your TV is different than the junk one you bought though, and they see it fall over, they might realize you're setting them up.
After two or three things falling over, everyone is going to be freaking out. You should act tough, saying that the seance was stupid and that it's just a weird coincidence. A few seconds later, have the TV (if you didn't break it) turn on. You know the channels that are just the white fuzz and make that awful noise? Have it turn on to one of those. Then have it flip through the channels one after another. Obviously this would be done with a remote control: I suggest having someone have it in their pocket. If you already broke the TV or don't have access to one, do the same scenario but with the radio. Have it on AM stations, talk would be weirder than music and it has much more static.
After that is happening people will probably start freaking out more. Three to five minutes later, kill all the power in the house. The girls will probably scream, shout something like "I'm getting the fuck out of here!" Run to the door and pretend like you can't open it. Rigging the door handle to stay locked should be easy to do, that might get the girls a little frightened. Proceed to the backdoor/side door and go outside.
Do your girl friends drive? If so, there are some nice things you could do to it to give them a good scare. I'm not sure exactly how you would do this, but I'm nearly certain you can rig a car so that it wont start. I'm guessing that if you disconnect their battery cables, no harm would be done to the car and it shouldn't start. A good way to do this would be to make them empty their pockets before the seance. Have them put their wallets, purses, cellphones, and keys on a table outside the basement door. Make up some bullshit about spirits hating technology for your reasoning. As you're doing the seance, have a friend who is not in the room take the girl's keys and fix up her car all nice for her.
These are just some ideas for you to toy around with. Hopefully I was helpful.
NHQ Administrator | www.nerfhq.com
Posted 14 January 2008 - 04:54 PM
I'm gunna do it this weekend, and I'll try what your ideas. I also made a repeating cd of the first 20 seconds of number of the beast. I'm gunna play it over the suround sound in my basement.
Posted 14 January 2008 - 09:06 PM
SERIOUSLY IF YOU UNPLUG THE CAR BATTERIES FROM SOMEONES CAR, YOU WILL ERASE ALL THEIR RADIO SETTINGS, ALL THEIR ALARM SYSTEM SETTINGS, AND POSSIBLY DISABLE THEIR CD PLAYER OR NAVIGATION SYSTEM REQUIRING THEM TO HAVE THEIR RADIOS RESET BY THE DEALERSHIP. THIS COSTS MONEY (in the hundreds) YOU STUPID FUCKS. The ECU of a car gets reset when the battery is changed. The ECU is the computer chip of the car. It runs off the car battery. It regulates the gas mixture of gasoline to oxygen depending on how you drive. If you reset this, their car will run shitty until it recalibrates itself back to optimum settings. This can take anywhere from 1 week to 2 months depending how often and how far they drive. It fucks with your gas mileage.
unplugging a car battery is not harmless you idiots. learn something about cars before you go around tampering with them.
I can't believe you guys would even suggest messing with anyones vehicle, harmless or not.
your sig serves you correctly
I miss talio.
Edited by Richomundo, 14 January 2008 - 09:10 PM.
Posted 15 January 2008 - 12:58 AM
Posted 15 January 2008 - 01:41 AM
you guys just get cornier and cornier AND STUPIDER AND STUPIDER.
SERIOUSLY IF YOU UNPLUG THE CAR BATTERIES FROM SOMEONES CAR, YOU WILL ERASE ALL THEIR RADIO SETTINGS, ALL THEIR ALARM SYSTEM SETTINGS, AND POSSIBLY DISABLE THEIR CD PLAYER OR NAVIGATION SYSTEM REQUIRING THEM TO HAVE THEIR RADIOS RESET BY THE DEALERSHIP. THIS COSTS MONEY (in the hundreds) YOU STUPID FUCKS. The ECU of a car gets reset when the battery is changed. The ECU is the computer chip of the car. It runs off the car battery. It regulates the gas mixture of gasoline to oxygen depending on how you drive. If you reset this, their car will run shitty until it recalibrates itself back to optimum settings. This can take anywhere from 1 week to 2 months depending how often and how far they drive. It fucks with your gas mileage.
unplugging a car battery is not harmless you idiots. learn something about cars before you go around tampering with them.
I can't believe you guys would even suggest messing with anyones vehicle, harmless or not.
your sig serves you correctly
I miss talio.
Woah there tiger.
If I was wrong about my car statement, then I apologize. But there is really no reason to jump down my throat the way you did. You just look silly when you claim that you'll buy a plane ticket to shoot me in the ass with a Nerf gun. And I also highly doubt I'll be banned from this forum; I may be an administrator at NerfHQ, but that doesn't mean I'm not at least a mildly respected member of the community.
Also, I used to talk to Talio all the time on AIM. We haven't in a very long time, but I doubt he would reprimand me on this forum because of my misunderstanding of the operations of a car battery. You need to chill dude.
NHQ Administrator | www.nerfhq.com
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