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Nerf History

NIC and such

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#26 Pointman



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Posted 11 February 2003 - 04:11 PM

Dont respect people Because you should take em' as they come.
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If you dont like what theyre tellin' you, you can't teach a blind man to see

#27 DarkCow



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Posted 11 February 2003 - 06:13 PM

Think about it. Although the Night Life and stuff was awesome, the rest of it must have sucked. Internet, computers, heck even nerf was non existant. I dont know what the heck i would do. Maybe take ballet......
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#28 cxwq



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Posted 11 February 2003 - 06:31 PM

Believe it or not, there was life before the Internet.

In 1979 I got a just-released Atari 800 with 1.8Mhz CPU and 48K RAM.

I had Basic and Assembler cartridges to start developing my code wrangling skills and an external cassette recorder to save my programs on. I had a subscription to a gamer magazine that had complete code listings you could type in to run some cool early scroller/jumpers.

Then there was the phone system... blue boxing was fun as well as profitable.

Of couse back then kids had something called 'friends' to spend time with.
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<meta name="cxwq" content="mostly water">

#29 DarkCow



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Posted 11 February 2003 - 06:46 PM

The only friends I really have are on the internet. Belive it or not, i do not like ppl that much. And i do know there was life before the internet. Comics were/are a good way to pass time, and as are sports. But if you knew what we had now, and had to live in the 70s, it would be heck. Good thing WE dont know what the future holds.....
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#30 Frenzied fury

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Posted 11 February 2003 - 10:49 PM

I wouldn't mind living in the 60's, just for the awesome music. The 70's too.
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Er... well, y'know. You can't make an omelette without um... destroying a forest. Or something.- Black Mage
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#31 ItalionStallion



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Posted 11 February 2003 - 11:24 PM

Damn this topic has gotten off topic.Dark Cow you read comics?? What do you read?? (fat cow heh)

Nerf history well all i know is that the first nerf like gun was the ghostbusers blaster made back in 84'.
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#32 DarkCow



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Posted 12 February 2003 - 02:30 AM

Ok, here it is. This is what i meant. The Sex and drugs of the 70s are what i despise. I actually love Disco, and Star Wars was the greatest. What i hate is the drug and sex content that is referred to. If you enjoyed doing drugs and other nasty crap like that, yes, then you are a **. But the rest of the 70s was totally pope. Oh, and i do read comics, Mostly marvel. And i am pretty skinny for a cow, like only 250 lbs.....
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#33 cxwq



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Posted 12 February 2003 - 11:35 AM

What i hate is the drug and sex content that is referred to. If you enjoyed doing drugs and other nasty crap like that, yes, then you are a **.

So the "nasty crap" would be referring to sex?
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<meta name="cxwq" content="mostly water">

#34 DarkCow



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Posted 12 February 2003 - 06:13 PM

Eh, the whole casualness of the thing. Sex before marriage is wrong in my opinon, and alot of it happened the. But the thing is, a lot more is proably happeneing now. So i dont really know what to think...
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#35 Famine



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Posted 12 February 2003 - 06:35 PM

Ok.. DarkCow.... he was referring to Dark Cow comics, a fairly large independent comic publishing company. And Vertigo prints the best books out there. You wanna argue it? Sandman. Blam. Done. And I, on the other hand, am completely down with premarital sex. I was gonna type some graphic stuff to explain why... but I decided not to.
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of Mag-7
East Coast Nerf 2005: Step It Up.
East Coast Nerf 2006: That's more like it.
East Coast Nerf 2007: I'm not driving to Massachusetts again.
East Coast Nerf 2008: Day of Regret.
East Coast Nerf 2009: Quid pro quo, douchebags!

#36 Groove


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Posted 12 February 2003 - 08:53 PM

Sex! Sex! Wild, animal SEX! Gimme! Gimme! Now!
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#37 Spoon



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Posted 12 February 2003 - 09:05 PM

And I, on the other hand, am completely down with premarital sex.

Spoon's Official Ruling Concerning Sex: It's fun. If it gets boring, add another person. Fun is good.
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Two roads converged in the woods, and I took the one less traveled......and now I don't know where the hell I am.

#38 DarkCow



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Posted 12 February 2003 - 09:31 PM

Dark Cow Comics? Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I was gonna name my company DarkCow. Dang it Dang it Dang it. Stupid natute putting me here. I decided to stop posting here, because it has gotten, way, way off subject.
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#39 Famine



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Posted 12 February 2003 - 09:34 PM

I decided to stop posting here, because it has gotten, way, way off subject.

I completely disagree. To truly understand the History of Nerf, you must first understand sex, comicbooks, time travel, and how all 3 are intimately connected through Isaac fuckin Newton. Only then can you truly appreciate all which the NIC has gone through.
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of Mag-7
East Coast Nerf 2005: Step It Up.
East Coast Nerf 2006: That's more like it.
East Coast Nerf 2007: I'm not driving to Massachusetts again.
East Coast Nerf 2008: Day of Regret.
East Coast Nerf 2009: Quid pro quo, douchebags!

#40 ItalionStallion



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Posted 12 February 2003 - 10:34 PM

Ok.. DarkCow.... he was referring to Dark Cow comics, a fairly large independent comic publishing company.  And Vertigo prints the best books out there.  You wanna argue it?  Sandman.  Blam.  Done.  And I, on the other hand, am completely down with premarital sex.  I was gonna type some graphic stuff to explain why... but I decided not to.

Yeah Dark Cow, they have the utter globe thing as their logo. Thats their name., Dark Cow
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#41 DarkCow



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Posted 12 February 2003 - 11:03 PM

I didnt know about that. I just thought DarkCow was a cool name. Stupid brain, y has thou forsaken me.......
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#42 neonerfer



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Posted 15 February 2003 - 08:10 PM

I wouldn't have minded the wild, promiscuous sex and all the wonderful hallucinogens of the 60's. It would be so awesome to have the music of then along with the technology of today.
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#43 VACC


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Posted 15 February 2003 - 08:24 PM

To truly understand the History of Nerf, you must first understand sex, comicbooks, time travel, and how all 3 are intimately connected through Isaac fuckin Newton. Only then can you truly appreciate all which the NIC has gone through.

What about sword wielding robots? Don't they factor in there somewhere?

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#44 Death


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Posted 15 February 2003 - 11:01 PM

To truly understand the History of Nerf, you must first understand sex, comicbooks, time travel, and how all 3 are intimately connected through Isaac fuckin Newton.  Only then can you truly appreciate all which the NIC has gone through.

What about sword wielding robots? Don't they factor in there somewhere?


Silly, silly man... Everyone knows robots can't use swords.
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Let a man never stir on his road a step
without his weapons of war;
for unsure is the knowing when need shall arise
of a spear on the way without.  --Hávamál 38

#45 GunnedDown



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Posted 16 February 2003 - 01:13 AM

Duh! Although robots get 360 degree wrist movement, they are just too uncool and gay to use swords. They don't have any style! They just stand around and swing like blind faggots. Humans, however, can move back and forth and exclaim things like "Touche!" and stuff. Plus we can dress up like Zorro and do crazy shit. Robots can't smoke pot either.
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#46 MysticFalcon182



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Posted 18 February 2003 - 11:58 AM

Aren't we talking about the history of Nerf? Anyways...

I think the only places we'll ever find history on Nerf is in NerfCenter (is that place even up anymore?) and in the elder ones.

As for sword-wielding robots... Kick them in the balls.

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#47 VACC


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Posted 18 February 2003 - 12:55 PM

Nerfcenter is post NerfOnline and very post Nerflist, so I'd have to say that you have no idea what you're talking about. The elder ones? If you mean nerf Elders, Famine and I created that listserve years ago, and it's never been active so I don't see how it even enters into the discussion...chances are you were talking about some other cryptic "elders" though, and if so you can ignore that last statement.

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#48 MysticFalcon182



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Posted 18 February 2003 - 03:52 PM

Sometimes you just need to use the literall meaning... I meant the older Nerfers that have been around since NO... And it's been a while since I tried to remember, so... You know...

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#49 VACC


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Posted 18 February 2003 - 07:40 PM

You see, I think this is generally where the problem comes in. You consider, and you're not alone by a long shot, NO vets to be elders, where I will always think of them as newbies. Most of them came in when I'd already been nerfing for something like 7 years, and on the NIC for nearly as long. Unfortunately I have less support in this stance because my perspective is only shared by a few. You just have to realize that NO was over only about a year ago. That is not a long time, I'm sorry it's just not. When I talk about history I'm talking about list serve days. I understand that you may not share this view, and this is why I think such a discussion is rather pointless.

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#50 MysticFalcon182



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Posted 18 February 2003 - 08:00 PM

Well, I've only been around since NO, and of course you've been around longer... The only thing is that most of the vets around here are usually from NO...

I still wanna match your SAT score :D

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