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Another MN nerf war?

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#1 venom213



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Posted 30 March 2008 - 03:03 PM

Okay here is the deal, I am hoping to have another Minnesota Spring war, before the summer one. This one I am calling Minnesota Nerf Out, if you have a better name idea just say so. So here is the info. Most of this I am just copying over from the MNSBW thread, it is pretty much the same format.

Date: May 3
Time: 10-4 or 5ish
Location: Highland 9 Disc Golf Course
Type in "Juniper Ln, St. Paul, MN 55116" to
for directions.

Rules and reminders:
- Eye protection required, no exceptions.
- Gun restrictions will be decided on a case-by-case basis pending power (pain) and realistic appearance (police). If you aren't sure if it'll get banned, A) post it, B ) don't bring it, or C) bring a backup.
- DRESS APPROPRIATELY. It's on a hill and thus windy. It's in MN and thus cold. We'll have no clothes to lend for chills nor patience to lend for whines.
- We'll have a lunch break around 12 or 1; whenever people feel like it. Bring food or moolah for the close-by fast-food restaurants.
- Use common sense.

I think I will allow melee weapons. Here are the regulations:
-Swords/Spears/Daggers must be either a nerf fencing weapon, or a pool noodle/pipe insulation (with nothing inside it, like wood, PVC, etc.
- Sheilds must be no larger than 18 inches long or wide
-Weaker pistols may be allowed in place of a sheild, but they can't shoot over 50'

-Venom +1
-NerfCrazy +4
-Messiah +2
-Goose Island
-Flaming Hilt
-Bustaninja +1-2

-3rd n' Long +1
-2nd loser

So tell me what you think. I think I am capable of hosting a war, despite only have attended one.

Edited by venom213, 02 May 2008 - 06:27 PM.

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#2 NerfCrazy



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Posted 30 March 2008 - 03:09 PM

I think it would work for me. Also I love that place the tower games are the best. So it will be the same as MNSBW just not during spring break?

Edited by NerfCrazy, 30 March 2008 - 03:11 PM.

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#3 venom213



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Posted 30 March 2008 - 03:12 PM

[font="Tahoma"]I think it would work for me. Also I love that place the tower games are the best. So it will be the same as MNSBW just not during spring break.[/font]

Yeah same deal as MNSBW. I will most likely host it, enless Hilt or someone else with more experience takes control. If I can't make it, I would try to pass it on to someone else.

Edited by venom213, 30 March 2008 - 03:12 PM.

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#4 NerfCrazy



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Posted 30 March 2008 - 03:14 PM

Sounds awesome can't wait for it. Although my brother probably can't make it this time since it was hard for him last time. I can try to get my friend to come to it though.

Edited by NerfCrazy, 30 March 2008 - 03:16 PM.

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#5 venom213



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Posted 30 March 2008 - 03:18 PM

[font="Tahoma"]Sounds awesome can't wait for it. Although my brother probably can't make it this time since it was hard for him last time.[/font]

Sounds good. Just wondering, were the kid who was wearing the black sweatshirt and using the big blast, or were you the kid with the orange crossbow thing and blond hair?

I think we will have a good turnout, just got to spread the word.
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#6 sam



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Posted 30 March 2008 - 03:20 PM

Even though I won't be attending I'm willing to help you plan and give you advice.
PM me if you've got questions.
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#7 NerfCrazy



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Posted 30 March 2008 - 03:26 PM

I was the one using the orange just toys crossbow. The kid in the black hoodie was Goose Island. The tall one in the black hoodie that used the dtg was my foster brother.

Edited by NerfCrazy, 30 March 2008 - 03:48 PM.

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#8 venom213



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Posted 30 March 2008 - 04:24 PM

I will just go through a list of MN/Midwest nerfers that I know of. I'd like to hear from this about attending.

-Flaming Hilt
-Goose Island
-2nd Sn1per
-Bullet Dragon

This list will be edited as I hear from these people.

Edited by venom213, 12 April 2008 - 07:20 PM.

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#9 Ryan201821


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Posted 30 March 2008 - 04:27 PM

I will just go through a list of MN/Midwest nerfers that I know of. I'd like to hear from this about attending.

-Flaming Hilt
-Goose Island
-2nd Sn1per
-Bullet Dragon

Won't be able to come until this summer.
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#10 venom213



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Posted 30 March 2008 - 04:34 PM

Okay, noted. I don't expect a huge turnout, at least from vets. This is mostly to get myself, members of my clan, and other noobs ready for the summer war and possible future wars.

Edited by venom213, 30 March 2008 - 04:35 PM.

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#11 Carbon



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Posted 30 March 2008 - 04:56 PM

I'm out, as well...I'll be moving to a new place around then. Definitely summer for me, too.
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#12 venom213



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Posted 30 March 2008 - 05:26 PM

Dang, that's -3 vets. I hope Hilt or Carrtoon can show. I especially want Messiah to come again, he is just so fucking ridiculous.

Edited by venom213, 30 March 2008 - 05:34 PM.

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#13 NerfCrazy



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Posted 30 March 2008 - 05:57 PM

I am officially going and my friend will most likely come with me as I just talked to him about it.
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#14 venom213



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Posted 30 March 2008 - 06:00 PM

[font="Tahoma"]I am officially going and my friend will most likely come with me as I just talked to him about it.[/font]

Great, so either of those dates work for you?
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#15 NerfCrazy



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Posted 30 March 2008 - 06:01 PM

Both work for me and my friend.

Edited by NerfCrazy, 30 March 2008 - 06:01 PM.

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#16 sam



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Posted 30 March 2008 - 06:03 PM

I would recommend that you guys don't play to many tower rounds as we may not be able to use it that much during the summer when people will actually be at the play ground. Also, venom, you don't need to post after every post, we don't need another 12 page planning thread for a smaller war.

Edited by sam, 30 March 2008 - 06:05 PM.

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#17 venom213



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Posted 30 March 2008 - 06:22 PM

I would recommend that you guys don't play to many tower rounds as we may not be able to use it that much during the summer when people will actually be at the play ground. Also, venom, you don't need to post after every post, we don't need another 12 page planning thread for a smaller war.

Oh, yeah I was a bit excited. I don't get what you mean by don't play too many tower rounds, because wouldn't we want to because people won't be on it yet?, and they will be on it in the summer, therefore we should use it while we can.
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#18 Kanashimi



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Posted 30 March 2008 - 06:55 PM

If I can get a ride, I will be there. Put me down as a maybe.
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#19 sam



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Posted 30 March 2008 - 07:09 PM

Oh, yeah I was a bit excited. I don't get what you mean by don't play too many tower rounds, because wouldn't we want to because people won't be on it yet?, and they will be on it in the summer, therefore we should use it while we can.

I mean so people can get use to not playing in the tower, especailly the new players, since they are two different ways of playing.
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#20 LordoftheRing434



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Posted 30 March 2008 - 08:25 PM

I'm out on the spring one. Try to catch ya at a summer war though.

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#21 3rd n Long

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Posted 30 March 2008 - 08:26 PM

I'll try to be there with at least one other person!

Just put me on the maybe list for now.


Edited by 3rd n' Long, 30 March 2008 - 08:27 PM.

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#22 themessiahpsg1



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Posted 30 March 2008 - 10:28 PM

Dang, that's -3 vets. I hope Hilt or Carrtoon can show. I especially want Messiah to come again, he is just so fucking ridiculous.

i'm so there. i just finished my ls duet, so it's killin' time...

this time, i'll take a cab.
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#23 venom213



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Posted 31 March 2008 - 03:27 PM

Dang, that's -3 vets. I hope Hilt or Carrtoon can show. I especially want Messiah to come again, he is just so fucking ridiculous.

i'm so there. i just finished my ls duet, so it's killin' time...

this time, i'll take a cab.

Thank god. If Hilt or Carrtoon don't show, at least we will have at least one older/cooler person. This might actually be a good turnout, despite the fact that many of the vets can't come. I'll have to talk to my sister about taking me again, when she gets back from Europe.

Edited by venom213, 31 March 2008 - 05:20 PM.

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#24 Flaming Hilt

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Posted 31 March 2008 - 06:01 PM

I'll check in as a maybe, and my chances of coming will be increased by an official date and, say, 5 or more official people. Don't know about clan members.
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#25 NerfCrazy



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Posted 31 March 2008 - 06:19 PM

Alright my cousin that came last time is coming this time and two other cousins might also come with me.
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