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#334660 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by He Who Mods on 10 October 2013 - 04:20 PM in Homemades

My submission for the homemade's contest.
Posted Image
Write-up coming soon (hopefully). Name Pending.

#337535 Homemades Picture Thread

Posted by He Who Mods on 17 March 2014 - 08:51 PM in Homemades

Posted Image

My double snapbow, write-up here.

#337829 Apocalypse 2014

Posted by He Who Mods on 29 March 2014 - 11:21 AM in Nerf Wars

If there is any of the good ol' days footage it would be practically unwatchable. Our site used to be on the archive.org wayback machine but I can't get to it anymore.

I think I still have some of the footage from the first apoc somewhere. It's pretty bad.

Ok, I figured the footage wouldn't be too good, thanks for the offer! Langley I think I saw some APOC footage on your youtube channel from a looong time ago, but it may have been another war.

#337680 Apocalypse 2014

Posted by He Who Mods on 25 March 2014 - 03:25 PM in Nerf Wars

I will not be able to make the war, but would anyone be able to get some high-quality footage and maybe some interviews with famous nerfers? I am planning on making an episode on the channel dedicated to Apoc 2014 since it is hard to find good Apoc footage. Thanks guys.

#338904 TR-27 GRYPHON - CR-18 Rapidstrike Mod

Posted by He Who Mods on 12 May 2014 - 10:28 PM in Modifications

Wow. Probably the most in-depth overview/writeup I have ever seen. The blaster is awesome too. Hope we can see more things from you soon!!!

#337703 Joint youtube channel

Posted by He Who Mods on 25 March 2014 - 09:09 PM in General Nerf

I can make both.

Great! Message me when you are done.

#337695 Joint youtube channel

Posted by He Who Mods on 25 March 2014 - 07:55 PM in General Nerf

Wow, I would've never thought of something that ingenious, (no sarcasm intended).

It'd be best to structure a checklist such as:

The channel name,

the NIC modders loyal enough to the hobby, to keep it running.

the subject catagories, and news coverage,

the brocasting location, (if needed; multiple locations),

the channel, or network logo (to make it look official ).

The segments I'd like to see would be: upcoming wars, new porducts, mods of the week, rants,and modding materials.

It seems like a good idea as long as there is effort put into it.

My only concern is that it might tend to lean more towards general nerfing rather than modding itself and turn into another youtube version of Urban taggers, or my last dart, in which we have WAY too much of .

Thanks proplus, I do not intend this to be a "My Last Dart" or "Urban Taggers" style channel, I hope it to focus on serious mods, wars, and interviews with big name nerfers. In fact, I made this idea to avoid the generic nerf review channel. The channel name will most likely be "The Nerf Collab" or "NIC official". I am working on artwork and am starting a new topic dedicated to the channel.

EDIT: If anyone has mad design skills or can make a cool logo, PM me with the design. A cool animated intro sequence would be nice too.

#337628 Joint youtube channel

Posted by He Who Mods on 23 March 2014 - 06:25 PM in General Nerf

It might be worth breaking up a channel into two - one focused on the modding/homemades aspect of Nerf, the other on the Nerfing itself.

There is a huge existing pool of videos that we could ask people to upload, especially if in every video we include a link in the description back to the original channel (making this channel a sort of hub where you can branch out). I'm not sure what sort of community tools Youtube has nowadays, but we would want to take advantage of those.

That is what I am planning to do, I think we will have at least one video a month highlighting a war and have interviews and footage from the war and on other weeks, the episode will focus on a topic. The ideas are still being worked out, but I think the tentative release date for the channel will be May 1.

If there were going to be an official NerfHaven channel, it would be created and managed by existing NerfHaven staff. Unless a staffmember comes forward and volunteers to devote some of their time to setting it up and creating/aggregating content, it's not going to happen. That being said, nothing is stopping any of you from starting a youtube channel and making more videos. Ordinarily, we don't allow someone to post on NerfHaven just to promote their youtube channel, but I think we could make an exception for a collaborative effort that focuses on nerf wars and quality how-to videos. The main reason we are so hard on people posting videos is because most are unedited flat recordings of someone talking directly to the camera 'reviewing' their newest swag. Occasionally you get an unedited shaky cell phone video of a nerf war, or an unedited head-mounted or gun-mounted go pro video.

If you really want to do something for the modified/homemade nerf community on youtube, take the time to record something worth watching. Sit out a couple of rounds, get in the middle of the action and record some good war footage. Then watch it and edit together the best parts. Or make a real how-to video where you show the viewer every step of the process, not just a video of the finished product with voice-over. The thing is that making good content is hard, and not a lot of people have the time or inclination to do it. If someone were willing to make real quality content, for the benefit of the community (not their own ego) and put the time in to do it right, I might even stick it on the main page.

If I still haven't talked you out of making your one channel to rule them all for the entire community, I would recommend that you find a way to aggregate other people's videos and channels together into a blog, instead of having several people share a youtube channel. Trying to get lots of people to contribute to a single youtube channel is hard, and creates a single point of failure. But pulling together the content that is already out there into a blog is easy. Once you've done that you have tagging, search, and an RSS feed. With an RSS feed, you can automatically repost to facebook and twitter. By that point you have plenty of alternative ways to 'subscribe'. If anyone is seriously interested in doing this, I can set up a wordpress blog at videos.nerfers.com and turn it over to whoever want to curate it.

Thank you for all the feedback. I wasn't trying to promote the channel or anything, I just wanted to get the idea out. I highly agree on your view on crappy, un-edited videos of noobs posting crappy blasters on youtube, which is one of the reasons I am creating this channel. I think what is going to happen is me, along with the other people running the channel will have the password to the channel and a dropbox account dedicated to the channel (if you or another moderator would like access to these, let me know). There will be a topic dedicated to the channels as well, where we can tell people what the topic is for that week and ask for high-quality videos that myself and the other editors would put together to make a full episode. The idea is that everyone can help participate, but there is still a high-quality, informative video that showcases wars, ideas, and helps you get to know other nerfers in the NIC. War footage is going to be a big part of the channel since there currently is a lack of good-quality footage on the internet. Since I obviously can't make it to every war, people can choose to film their wars and send them in to us so we can edit them together. This would also be cool because we could do interviews with people like the LGLF, or other big name nerf teams and veteran nerf squads or individual nerfers. Hopefully that clarified what I hope the channel can become so it doesn't seem like just another channel to show off people's swag or rule all the other nerf channels, but to collaborate to make a group video that gives many points of view and opinions. Thanks again.

Will the modding/tutorial side of the channel focus more on stuff that is NIC worthy, Stefan firing, etc. or a hybrid of that and modded stock blasters?
I.e. Will it appeal more to more serious nerfers(Stefans, Homemades, hoppers) or serious nerfers and HvZer's and stock blaster modders?

I hope to mainly focus on the NIC part of nerf over the HVZers, but I think it would be cool to occasionally incorporate some HVZ videos to help expand the horizons of nerf. Remember, this channel is focused on letting nerfers know what's happening in the NIC, help them become better nerfers, and promote the hobby to others.

#337651 Joint youtube channel

Posted by He Who Mods on 24 March 2014 - 09:10 PM in General Nerf

Why not just call the channel Nerf Haven?

Because it is not officially supported by nerfhaven.

I sent you a PM.

I got it, check your inbox.

At least try using this guide to set up multiple users on one channel. https://support.goog...r/3046356?hl=en

Wow thanks, that tutorial will make multiple leaders so much easier.

I have a decent following now... I am more than willing to contribute stuff.

Great, I have seen your videos and would appreciate all the help I could get.

#337722 Joint youtube channel

Posted by He Who Mods on 26 March 2014 - 10:22 PM in General Nerf

Even if we pulled together most of the A list builders around here, there's no way in heaven we'd get that many uploads in a day, or in a week for that matter. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this seems more like it would be a once-per-week overview of the activities of builders at that point in time with a few extra goodies tossed in. Personally, I can only put in one, maybe two uploads per month with my schedule. This would be a nice way to keep people interested, and see new channels from Nerfers they otherwise wouldn't know about.

I am also a Youtube Nerfer. I would have no problem lending in some footage so long as credit was given. In this way both the conglomerate channel and my personal channel can grow from this. Even loaning war footage I would be OK with so long as the contributor got credit for it.

Exactly, what you stated is what the channel will be. Don't worry, credit will be given with advertisement to subscribe too. I hope that this channel will not not get people into the hobby, but also show people other nerfers and give them more opportunities to grow.

#337806 Joint youtube channel

Posted by He Who Mods on 28 March 2014 - 03:23 PM in General Nerf

Well I appear to be joining this conversation late. Guess that's what happens when you take a hiatus.
Anyways, I am definitely interested in this joint youtube channel. However, due to my ego-centric nature I would also want to run my own youtube channel like I am now, (albeit I don't upload much)
If you guys would be interested in a 3D printer segment, where I would show off custom parts I would be working on for projects I would be more than willing to do something like that when I have material available, and when I fix my current printer and or get my new one.

Also I'll be announcing this officially later, but the 3D Printed Wye project is going public, I'll go more in depth later, but the main reason is that I'm bored of wyes and I can't get the design to work effectively.

Edit: I would obviously be more than happy to promo the channel when it goes live. I have just passed around 400 subs, and I know it's not really that much, but I would like to help in any way I can.

Thanks a ton Kronos, I love your channel and would love your help. A 3D printing episode will come some time later in the future and I will contact you then.

#337872 Joint youtube channel

Posted by He Who Mods on 30 March 2014 - 10:28 AM in General Nerf

Ok. Thank you for clarifying. Also sorry for making a rant where I have absolutely no power...

It's fine man, I get what you were saying about the one-per-week episodes.

#337869 Joint youtube channel

Posted by He Who Mods on 30 March 2014 - 08:36 AM in General Nerf

I know you're running this and not me, but why put a bottleneck of one a week on it? I understand at least once a week, but you shouldn't limit it. When something good pops up just upload it! It's not TV where you have one day every week to show something

Each week a new episode will be produced but in between there may be shorter videos only reviewing one blaster or one war.

#337860 Joint youtube channel

Posted by He Who Mods on 29 March 2014 - 10:43 PM in General Nerf

What if this joint youtube channel were to just simply feature everything nerf? For example, if we had different people doing different things. There could be one person for reviews about new guns, a person for mod guides, a person for homemades,etc. We could even have videos every now and then stating online deals on nerf. Many of these things could be done by a single person so that the channel would not get too many moderators. As stated before, we only want three or four max.

That is exactly what is happening.

The tentative date for the first video will be Friday, May 2nd. The videos will come out every week and will feature a new topic each episode. The details are currently being worked out but once finished, a new topic will be started. Thanks for all of the support!

#337611 Joint youtube channel

Posted by He Who Mods on 22 March 2014 - 09:57 PM in General Nerf

I had a few ideas like"NIC Official" or "Nerf Tube" (super original lol) but if anyone can come up with a better name, feel free to comment it.

#337723 Joint youtube channel

Posted by He Who Mods on 26 March 2014 - 10:39 PM in General Nerf

I haven't had anything to upload lately :( I want to upload things, but there's nothing to show nor update, sooooo...
I'm interested to see where this goes. With multiple people putting up videos, the only concern I have is upload overload. Don't become Machinima or other popular channels that upload 5-10 videos a day. It's really annoying.

Don't worry Bobo, we will only be doing one 10-20 minute episode eachweek depending on the topic. I also would love your help as a runner of the site if you can.

#337631 Joint youtube channel

Posted by He Who Mods on 23 March 2014 - 06:47 PM in General Nerf

Youtube allows the channel to create "playlists" that makes it more friendly to viewers. I highly suggest the use of playlists if there is to be a large quantity of videos. I could see playlist titles including "Modification How-To", one "Homemade How-To", "War Footage", "Blaster overviews" (this could be modded/homemade blaster overviews, new nerf guns, old nerf guns, etc similar to Drac's review videos), "Darts", and any category that is necessary to keep a well organized list of videos. It is up to the channel moderator(s) to decide what videos to upload and what categories to make, but I think that if this channel is to maximize its potential with usefulness, then playlists will be very helpful.

One idea could be to separate videos with an HvZ target audience into their own playlist.

I totally agree, I am definitely going to make these playlists for ease of navigation.
EDIT: Whoops, I forgot P M was forbidden haha.

#337593 Joint youtube channel

Posted by He Who Mods on 22 March 2014 - 01:37 PM in General Nerf

Interesting idea. I have some plans to make a NerfHaven YouTube channel for war footage, but no plans for YouTube beyond that. The administrators and moderators here at NerfHaven are already somewhat overextended, and they probably would not be able to do much more than upload a war video every once in a while.

With that being said, I think a group channel would be a good idea, and I encourage other Nerfers to collaborate like that.

I figured it would be hard for the admins to do a youtube channel like that, but would appreciate the contribution of war footage.

I agree, and Coop has also retired which brought the youtube scene down a lot. I can try to find my footage from Massacre 7 to contribute :)

Great, it is really hard to find any decent footage from Massacre 7 and I am glad you want to contribute.

I'm kind of getting back into Nerf, and I would be interested in contributing to a collaborative YouTube channel every now and again. I feel like the community would benefit from some explanations of how blasters work and the like.

I agree, I love your channel and think we need some videos of that quality to benefit. It would also help reduce your stress of having to upload a video all the time if you only uploaded once a month or so on the joint channel.

This is a great idea and if it were to gain a following, the world of Nerf would gain popularity. Although pod casts are extremely popular on YouTube right now, a Nerf-specific podcast would have little to no competition. Also, the idea of multiple people uploading on the channel is a good one. I have a YouTube channel and frequent uploads are next to impossible to do with only one person, but something like you are describing in my opinion is genius. I wish you luck in the YouTube world.

Thanks for the support! I have seen some of your videos and would love to have another person helping out on the channel. I agree that this channel will really help nerfers who upload youtube videos, but have trouble getting frequent uploads because they are not the only contributer to the page.

Thanks for all the support guys! I will make sure to notify everyone once the channel is created. I think it would also be helpful to start another topic eventually where nerfers can plan the next episode and share video clips they want to show the nerf world.

#337581 Joint youtube channel

Posted by He Who Mods on 22 March 2014 - 12:17 PM in General Nerf

If you have not noticed, the big names of the nerf youtube scene(Nerfomania, Bobololo, etc.) have been uploading much less frequently then before. I am not saying they don't want to upload, but their lives are getting busy and constant uploads isn't the easiest thing for them. Now I know that this site is not too concerned about the youtube world in general, but I think a joint channel with the collaboration between nerfers uploading cool things on the channel could greatly pull more people into the hobby. I know that the reason I started nerving was back in 2011 when my crossfire stopped working. I looked up how to fix a crossfire on youtube and hundreds of results showed I could not only fix my blaster, but make it shoot further!

The creation of this youtube channel would consist of weekly to bi-weekly, high-quality uploads that would showcase some of the best mods/homemades/write-ups on the site. It could either be run by the moderators, or a few people could maintain the channel and make sure it consistently uploads. It could feature different modders each week and do podcasts and interviews with big name nerfers and show tutorials and war footage from big wars like APOC and Grid Codes.

The main reason of this channel creation is to increase the interest in the hobby, showcase blasters, and let nerfers from everywhere know what is happening in a video/podcast format instead of a blog. If you are interested in being a part of this channel, please comment below sharing your ideas. I hope this can become a great way to let people see what is happening in the nerf world!

#337602 Joint youtube channel

Posted by He Who Mods on 22 March 2014 - 07:18 PM in General Nerf

I also have a youtube. Ive done like 15 videos, and uploding frequently is hard. I would also contribute.

Great, anyone interested will have plenty of oppurtunities to contribute.

Even though no one really knows me I'm kind of interested. I only have 2 videos right now(both of which are pretty bad), but once I have more time and get better at making videos I might join up. Really just want to throw my name out there

Ok great, the more people ready to help the better. Keep working on your editing and quality of your videos, hopefully I will see you on the channel.

I feel like a YouTube channel that showcased strictly war footage and maybe player showcasings is what the community is lacking. Blaster build tutorials and reviews are done to hell, and we should be prioritizing people playing nerf, and the people who play over anything else.

I agree, I do not think the channel will focus so much on modding guns as the people of the community and wars. I was hoping to maybe occasionally do videos like "A Day at a War with the LGLF" (hint hint), and show tips and tricks from veteran nerfers. On the other hand, I think it would be neat to feature a write-up or blaster a member posted in a high-quality review video explaining how the blaster works etc. so that non-members or random people on youtube can understand what nerf is all about and hopefully join the hobby.

The fact that the lack of new Nerf related videos on Youtube is viewed as a problem saddens me.

It always amazed me why so much of Nerfhaven was opposed to nerf videos. I can see why people like LordDraconical would be excluded, but I like watching a video tutorial or review of a blaster opposed to a write-up or picture. If there is any particular reason you oppose nerf videos, you don't have to support the channel, but otherwise, I was hoping you would showcase your missiles sometime.

Alright guys, I need some ideas on how the channel should work. I thought I might either have a community password so people could upload their own videos, but I didn't want people spamming the channel with bad-quality stuff. On the other hand, I could have a group of "channel leaders" (3-4 nerfers who like editing and are good at it) that could edit together clips that people post on a separate topic. This way, I have some help editing videos and we can keep the videos frequent. Any other suggestions?

#337608 Joint youtube channel

Posted by He Who Mods on 22 March 2014 - 09:43 PM in General Nerf

Well, I would have no problems contributing my videos or just editing war footage that people send to me. I probably won't be that active, but I think I could manage posting a video once a month to the channel.

Edit: Also, I think that having only a core group of people with full access to the channel would be for the best.

Great, I PM's you about moderating/editing the channel.

EDIT to avoid double posting:

If you want to help, you need to meet these requirements:
be fairly good at editing
have more than a year-two years of experience
be responsible
stay active

Just because you aren't on the moderating squad doesn't mean you can't have your videos shown, so if you don't meet the requirements, don't message me. Thanks.

#337607 Joint youtube channel

Posted by He Who Mods on 22 March 2014 - 09:40 PM in General Nerf

A community password is a bad idea, anyone who wanted to troll the pge would be able to by deleting all of your content or spamming it with horrible content.

If you want a community feel you should start a dropbox account and invite people who want to contribute content. But keep it to a very small amount of people who have access to the Youtube account.

Your second idea sounds good, but people who are part of the core group should have a fair amount of free time to devote and be experienced with video editing to keep thing proffesional.

Yah, I figured I wouldn't use a community password for that reason, and so noobs couldn't post a crappy 240p video. Once I make a new email and youtube account ( which will happen in ~2-3 days), I will have a dropbox account up for anyone who wants to share their stuff. All the information on that will be on a new topic labeled appropriately after I have gathered my crew. I can help edit, since editing is one of my hobbies and I am fairly good at it, but do to business, I am going to need some more volunteers. Thanks for the advice!

#339952 Mayhem 3.5

Posted by He Who Mods on 02 July 2014 - 09:27 PM in Nerf Wars

Wow, all these years of wanting to go and of course, I am busy. Sorry to see this war go to an end, wish I could have made at least one of them.

#340373 2014 Nerf War Schedule

Posted by He Who Mods on 14 July 2014 - 09:18 PM in Nerf Wars

Month of Event: August

[http://nerfhaven.com...topic=25176]9th [MO] SLANE 3[/url]

#334157 W.W.A.C. (War Worthy Air Cannon)

Posted by He Who Mods on 19 September 2013 - 07:50 PM in Homemades

If this blaster was unsafe, we wouldn't let him use it in our wars. The pressures in the tank are no higher than the pressure of a 4B, also, the check valve he made cracks after a few pumps, since it cannot contain high pressures, acting as a sort of OPRV. The chances of the blaster exploding are extremely, if not completely low due to the fact that it is not even possible to put enough pressure in the tank with pump and set up shown. Also, while this may be an old design, many new factors are involved such as the homemade pump and check valves, and the design is much more streamlined and safe then the usual ball-valve cannon. Again, this cannon shoots even with a snapbow not at all being a "cheap blaster", and isn't the extremely unsafe cannon it seems to be.

#334090 W.W.A.C. (War Worthy Air Cannon)

Posted by He Who Mods on 17 September 2013 - 04:49 PM in Homemades

This thing outranged my 4B with stock pump, but during that match azrael was using double weighted slugs too, so it's difficult to say how overpowered the blaster itself is.

His air cannon rocks. This new writeup is great for people who do not want to buy a pump.

This is really simple and easy to build, and the quality of the writeup is good, but I have never attended a nerf war where this thing would ever have been allowed.

We let him use it at our Missouri wars with a certain number of pumps, it isn't too bad, shoots only a few feet further than my pumpsnap, it does not hurt any more than the other primaries. It just needs an adjustable OPRV to be perfect.

#338057 Mayhem 3.0

Posted by He Who Mods on 05 April 2014 - 05:44 PM in Nerf Wars

Awww, I probably won't be able to make this one. I have nothing scheduled that day but I get Confirmed that Sunday. Put me down as an unlikely maybe.

#331894 SLANE: The Second Coming

Posted by He Who Mods on 13 July 2013 - 09:50 PM in Nerf Wars

In agreement with Shanaynay, I had an an awesome time at SLANE 2 today, I definitely hope to see more Missouri wars on the forums and will look out for them. I think that the rounds could have been a bit more organized do to everyone just talking for 30 minutes in between rounds and also have a little more diversity of game types, but I still had a ton of fun and thank the coordinators for the pretty great war.

#331220 SLANE: The Second Coming

Posted by He Who Mods on 24 June 2013 - 09:05 AM in Nerf Wars

Count me in! I will be bringing one to three other people along. I can't wait for SLANE 2!

#331549 PANB 870

Posted by He Who Mods on 03 July 2013 - 09:56 PM in Homemades

Wow, like many of the others have said, this is an amazing design that is not too hard to replicate at all. I definitely hope to try and make on of these in the future. Also, judging that most of the blaster are PVC and wood, would this be a fairly inexpensive build? Again, great work on the loading mechanism. :D

#338699 Double SnapBow

Posted by He Who Mods on 05 May 2014 - 05:21 PM in Homemades

I know this thread hasn't had a post in a few weeks, and wouldn't try to revive it but I felt like this should be added. I saw that his Word document was kind of vague and only included the bottom pipe, so I made a bit nicer one in Photoshop for my own template because I would like to make one, and made a few minor altercations to the stock of it. I hope this isn't seen by the mods as posting in a dead thread.Posted Image

Wow, thanks. Currently myself and another member are working on version 2 of the double snap which will be easier to build and be much more efficient. Do you mind if we use this diagram in the second one?

Would like to hear how this worked out.

Not at all, that's a great contribution to the thread.

To He Who Mods, I'd really like to see you update this writeup now that you've had a chance to play with this blaster. I think if you gave it another revision, with a new inexperienced nerfer in mind as your audience, it would go a long way towards the criteria for the homemade contest. If I were in your place, I would try rebuilding it from raw materials and flesh out the steps you glossed over a bit. You could also incorporate bhajj's diagram or something like it. You could even try making printable templates that can be taped onto the blaster to show where to cut. In any case this is a great design and I'm looking forward to taking a crack at it myself.

Edit: I'm not sure this is a valid entry for the plusbow class. The materials and required tools would suggest that this is more of a snap entry.

Don't worry Langley, update will be out soon once finals are over. It will be much easier to follow, be cheaper, and have a super efficient design. I will edit this into the SNAP category and expect an update in the next month. Thanks for everyone's support and feel free to keep posting your ideas and designs for the Double Snap.

#339542 Double SnapBow

Posted by He Who Mods on 13 June 2014 - 02:30 PM in Homemades

Nope, go ahead and use this, its all yours. The Photoshop file is actually to scale completely, I could give you a link if you pm me. If you don't have Photoshop, GIMP is a free version that's not nearly as good, but will get the job done for templates, and I have that type of file too. Glad I could be of some help here.

Thanks man, the template will really help.

Sorry about the wait for version 2.0 of the double snap. I am planning ideas but summer has been super busy with getting ready for school and sports and all of that, which is why I couldn't make the contest deadline. I hope to produce a write up sometime by the end of July, but until then, feel free to post your improvements and versions you made to help other members make a better blaster.

#343649 Double SnapBow

Posted by He Who Mods on 20 December 2014 - 10:11 PM in Homemades

I think that could be the problem, but am not sure of a solution for it. I have tried using a 1.5 inch fender washer with a 3/8 ID for my seal,which fixes my problem of the slow plunger rod; but it only gets a 40% seal and does not fire a dart. I have no access to large hardware store here in Hong Kong and my hardware stores do not carry fender washers, is there any other way of centring the plunger rod?

Hey F man 47, glad you liked the design! Sorry about the late reply, I have slowed down with nerfing and only occasionally check the forums. As said before, I am almost sure a centered plunger rod is your problem. The best way I was able to center mine was by re-drilling the hole in the 3/4" end cap so that it is perfectly centered. I also made sure the CPVC "U" shape was perfectly level. If the centered plunger is your problem, that explains why the seal isn't 100% too. Hope that helped!

#337518 Double SnapBow

Posted by He Who Mods on 16 March 2014 - 08:24 PM in Homemades

After all the hype around Koree’s Double-Rainbow design recently, I decided I would try my luck with one that didn’t need polycarb or clear PVC. I went through many prototypes such as this
A latex powered double-SNAP

But I eventually decided I would put a spring in it and make it more practical like this.
This was a really fun blaster to make and is super accurate, shoots super far, and is super comfy. It isn't perfect aesthetically, but that's because this was made from scrap parts and my other prototypes that didn't always work.

Since this is my entry in the homemade contest, I am putting this in the “plusbow” category because while it doesn’t necessarily need power tools, they certainly do help and some experience is very helpful. On to the tool list! (warning-this write-up is EXTREMELY picture and text heavy)

Scroll Saw-Optional
Tap 6-32 and ¼-20-required(unless you use sheet metal screws, which will work, but won’t be as reliable)

Epoxy Putty-required
Super Glue-required
Hot Glue-Required
Packing tape-required

SUPPLIES (all required)
1-1/4” PVC
1-1/2” Thinwall PVC (I found mine at a small local hardware shop, look around and you’ll eventually find it)
small stub of 1” PVC
1/2” CPVC
1” to ½” PVC reducing bushing
2x 3/4” PVC endcaps
2x 1/2” CPVC elbows
2x ½” CPVC endcaps
1-1/4” PVC TEE
3/4” thick hardwood- doesn’t really matter what it is, just for a handle.
[k26] Spring-Link here: Mcmaster Link

1” long 10-32 bolt and nut
2x 1-1/4” fender washer
1-1/4” Neoprene Rubber Washer
1-1/2” Neoprene Rubber Washer
#8 finishing washer
Lots of 6-32 bolts- 1/2 “and 3/8” long
Lots of #6 sheet metal screws-1/2” long
1/4-20 bolts- 1/2” and 2” long with nuts
1-1/2” L Bracket


For the lower body, you will need:
22” of 1-1/4” PVC

Step 1
Mark Quadrants of PVC

Step 2
Cut slots and drill trigger hole where instructed by the diagram.
(sorry the image is weird, I currently don't know how to insert the word template I made)
The top slot is where the plunger rod will move through
Measure ½” from either side of the top quadrant line and dremel that section out.
The trigger hole should be drilled on the bottom quadrant.


For the plunger you will need:
16” of 1-1/4” PVC
Your reducing bushing
Packing Tape

Step 1
Make a 1” wide slot on the bottom quadrant line just as you did with the top line 8.25” from the front of your PVC
Step 2
Wrap the reducing bushing in packing tape until it fits snugly in the front of your plunger. Then goop it in and use sheet metal screws on each quadrant line to secure it. (you can countersink the screws if you want, I did just because it looks better)


For the plunger rod you will need:
A 7.25” length, 10.5” length, and small stub of ½” CPVC
The CPVC elbows and Endcaps
Two ¾” PVC endcaps
Two 1-1/4” fender washers
Your Rubber washers
The 10-32 bolt and nut
#8 finishing washer
Epoxy Putty
[k26] Spring

The Plunger rod is the most intricate piece of the blaster, but is very simple to understand.

Step 1
Make a standard washer-sandwich style plungerhead. To do this, drill a SUPER CENTERED hole in a CPVC endcap for the 10-32 bolt to go through, then lay on the fender washer, 1.5” rubber washer, 1.25” rubber washer, and then the #8 finishing washer and nut. If you want to make the sandwich more stable, sand the top of the endcap flat and superglue the metal washer on first.
Step 2
Move on to the catch face. Unlike normal SNAPs, the catch face and the plunger head are separate units. This is very simple, center your fender washer onto the top of the endcap and superglue it down. It helps to sand down the top of the endcap first. Then put epoxy putty around it in the shape of a ramp.
Once it dries, you can sand it down to make an even smoother ramp for the nail to glide up.

Step 3
Take your two ¾” endcaps and drill 5/8” holes in them to allow the ½” PVC to slide smoothly through them.
(there is no picture because it is fairly self explanatory)
Step 4
Assemble the rod. Put the small stub of CPVC in between the two elbows and screw them together. Then, put the two lengths of CPVC in each elbow. On the shorter length, slide an endcap on it and then secure the encap with your plunger head attached. On the larger length, slide down your encap, then slide on the [k26], and then secure the catch ramp.(there will be some pre-compression, so be careful not to let the catch ramp shoot off.

Here is the finished product, secure ALL the couplers with 6-32 bolts.
For the handle you will need:
Your hardwood of choice
A small stub of either 1.5” thinwall or regular PVC.

Step 1
Cut out a handle shape of your choice and sand to your liking.
Step 2
Secure a semi-circle of the PVC to the top of the handle. This will be used to secure the handle to the blaster.
For the stock you will need:
A 1.25” TEE
A small stub of 1.25” PVC
A small stub of 1” PVC

Step 1
Shove the 1.25” PVC all the way into the tee, cutting off any excess, then wrap the 1” PVC in etape until it snugly fits into the 1-1/4” PVC and leave 1.5-2 inches sticking out.
Step 2
Cut a 1” slice of 1.5” Thinwall PVC and cut that in half. Use the ½” long ¼-20 bolt and nut to secure them on top of each other.

For the foregrip, you will need:
6” of 1.5” Thinwall PVC
2” long ¼-20 bolt

Step 1
Take your 6” piece of thinwall and cut a 1” long and ¾” wide slot on the bottom quadrant of PVC.
Step 2
Drill 2 holes parallel to each other and tap them for ¼-20 ¾” from the back of the grip.

Finished Grip should look like this.

For the trigger you will need:
Epoxy putty
L Bracket

Since there are so many SNAP trigger instructions out there, I will provide a link to my favorite design.My personal favorite trigger
(all credit goes to NOM for teaching me how to make SNAP triggers-I have used his design 20+ times and it has never failed)


Step 1
Screw trigger so the nail lines up with the trigger hole shown in the diagram.
Step 2
Slide Plunger rod assembly into the lower body, you will need to pull the trigger down when you do this.

Secure the ¾” endcap with four 6-32 bolts.
Step 3
Slide on plunger.
Next, slide the separator we made in the back. Use four sheet metal screw to secure it- 2 on each side.
Hot glue a small piece of 1.5” PVC in between the plunger and the lower body at the front of the blaster. Make sure it won’t interfere with the foregrip.
Step 4
Attach the handle by drilling and tapping 4 holes, 2 on either side of the piece of PVC on top of the handle.
Step 5
Slide the stock in the lower body, the 1” PVC should fit snugly, if not, wrap a few layers of etape around it to make it snug.
Step 6
Slide the foregrip onto the front of your blaster and thread the 2” long bolt through

Step 7
Slap a hopper on your new blaster and fling some foam!
Here’s your pics.
Overall, I love this blaster. The feel of it is great, it is really accurate, it feels really solid in your hand, and I can’t wait to use it in the next war. The prime is one of my favorite parts of the blaster since it is SO smooth and I can spam darts like no other blaster in my armory, even my good ole pumpsnaps.

I don’t have official ranges yet, but they rival those of my pumpsnaps, which shoot 100-110 feet flat.

Alright guys, that just about wraps things up, hopefully you enjoyed my first real write-up. If you have any suggestions on the picture quality, write-up, or blaster itself, feel free to post them below to tell me what you think. I have some more ideas in the future for some crazy SNAPs so look out for those. Thanks for reading! biggrin.gif

#337546 Double SnapBow

Posted by He Who Mods on 18 March 2014 - 09:36 PM in Homemades

Ooohhh, I see, using one inch PVC as the lower receiver is a great idea and takes away the stress of finding 1-1/2 thinwall. I think that's a very possible solution to not having thinwall, while still keeping the same range, unlike what would happen with a pumpSNAP. I definitely would want to see if it works so if you finish your design with 1"PVC, could you either PM me a picture or post it in this write-up?

#337555 Double SnapBow

Posted by He Who Mods on 19 March 2014 - 05:51 PM in Homemades

Nice job! I'm really happy to see that my funky layout is being used in other people's projects. I'm glad to see a good writeup as well.

On the note of using 1" pvc for the lower body, I highly recommend doing this. I did it a version I made with a CPT. LINK It lightens up the blaster a ton and I think it's easier to work with as you can use 1 1/4" pvc for the pump sheath. Additionally I suggest not extending the PVC to the back to make a stock. I think it adds a lot of unnecessary weight and dremmeling out those channels is a pain. Instead I think it's more effective to take nylon rod or smaller diameter pvc to make a +bow esque stock.

Thanks koree! I remember seeing that when I was researching your double rainbow design and one of my first prototypes was highly based off your CPT with latex tubing and a 1" lower receiver. I also am planning a new version soon that incorporates more of your original design. Thanks for the ideas.

Will do he who mods. While the double design is not the best option for newer members if you can find thin wall, eliminating that should be easy enough.

Yeah, I know this isn't the best option for a "noob's first homemade, but I figured I might as well put the write-up into the contest. I think it would make it much easier to use 1" in the lower receiver and make it easier for a noob who doesn't have thin wall. On another note, if you are trying to find thin wall, the easiest thing to do is call ALL the hardware stores in your area or an area you frequently visit. I couldn't find any suppliers near me, but when I visited my grandparents, I was able to find it at a small, family run shop in their town. Hopefully that somewhat helps your search for the mythical 1.5" thin wall.

#337532 Double SnapBow

Posted by He Who Mods on 17 March 2014 - 08:43 PM in Homemades

Great write up! The pictures were good quality and it was all very clear. I have never built a "double" anything but I have made a pump action rl3. Would you say that newer members should start with something easier to machine (snapbow) or is the machining of the PVC minimal enough that people with a hacksaw and a dremel (like me) could manage?

Thanks andrew! I have built several homemades before (most being SNAP variants) , so this project was not too difficult for me. Even so, I don't think too much experience is needed for this blaster because it does not require any fine machining and is mostly cutting and fitting together PVC. I used a dremel for the entire project, only using my scroll saw to chop up lengths of PVC since I didn't want to use a hacksaw. Like Exo said, a hacksaw and Dremel is all you need to make this blaster since PVC is pretty easy to machine. Also, if you have already built a pump action RL2, you would have no problem with this blaster. Hopefully that helped.

#337522 Double SnapBow

Posted by He Who Mods on 16 March 2014 - 09:25 PM in Homemades

Let us know how that CPVC U holds up over time.

I have fired about 500 shots with this plunger rod since I had used the same plunger rod in many prototypes and casual wars with friends in snow and heat. So far, I see no sign of stress, but I will make sure to improve the design if it does. Also, is there really that much force on the U? Almost all the pressure from the spring is being supported by the 3/4" end cap. All the U has to support is the super light plunger head and there isn't that much friction on the prime to warp it.

#337827 Why do slug darts need to be made with washers?

Posted by He Who Mods on 29 March 2014 - 11:16 AM in Darts and Barrels

So, I have been making slugs for a couple of years now, I started off using washers and now use ball bearings, but these types of darts are not normally allowed at wars. The first washers I got were #8 washers and it was very hard to get a dart without exposed metal, so I switched over to #6 washers. These, albeit not giving much exposed metal, were too light and didn't shoot good distances. So I switched over to these: http://www.mcmaster....6455k74/=razl3l , and no these are not glue domes, they have felt over them. These give me no exposed metal, good weight, and are safer than washer slugs. So my question is why do people not allow them at wars if they are, in my opinion, safer that traditional slugs?

Wow, I have never really thought of that. I think from now on I will make darts this way. The BB in the middle would also make dart making 10000 times easier since you don't need to burn a giant hole in them.


Posted by He Who Mods on 31 March 2014 - 04:16 PM in General Nerf

Glad you like it. Where can I find this magic dropbox exactly?

Haha, sorry I forgot to send you the link. P'Med