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There have been 411 items by Oroku Saki (Search limited from 19-December 96)

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#17809 Avatars

Posted by Oroku Saki on 01 February 2004 - 12:43 AM in Site Feedback

Getting back to the tmnt avatars, I hope you guys put up a Shredder. That would be sweet!

#17578 Avatars

Posted by Oroku Saki on 30 January 2004 - 02:33 AM in Site Feedback

I think some Ninja Turtle avatars would be great, please. Another suggestion would be some FF7 Avatars, maybe even the old-school FFI black mage, fighter, etc.

#33241 More Love From Hasrbo

Posted by Oroku Saki on 05 August 2004 - 08:52 PM in General Nerf

It should already be out. I got mine at my local Wal-Mart.

#140772 Why Did You Choose Your Username?

Posted by Oroku Saki on 17 February 2008 - 11:32 AM in Off Topic

Because I'm a HUGE fan of the Ninja Turtle series. Oroku Saki is the given name of one of my favorite comic-book villians, Shredder.

#40697 Election 2k4

Posted by Oroku Saki on 03 November 2004 - 06:33 PM in News

Well to some it up, either America has become as stupid as George Bush himself or they were all smoking pot when the voted.

If all of America were smoking pot, I think they would have all voted for Banandrick (sp) or Nader, who are more in favor of legalizing the shit, and save the government money that they are otherwise throwing away on our other noun-based war (besides terrorism)- the war on drugs.

For these election results, I am going with Cx's argument that our country is starting to combine church and state, which shouldn't even be happening to begin with.

The draft rumors may not sway me away from America, but having the country turning into a complete pseudo-Christain state will convince me to move to Canada. At least some people vote based on logic rather than religous beliefs which may or may not be right.

#40712 Election 2k4

Posted by Oroku Saki on 03 November 2004 - 07:17 PM in News

The only thing cheering me up today is the thought that I might get to vote for her in 4 years. Give me 12 years of Bush and 12 years of Clinton and we can compare notes in 2012.

Isn't that when the supposed "end of the world" is supposed to happen, according to the Incan and Egyptian calendars? Just kidding.

After this election, I have had enough of the partisan hackery from both sides. Bush won. If you voted for him, enjoy it. If you didn't, you should find ways to help or put up with him. It's not the end of the world. America is still a democracy, and we still have the same potential for change as we did 4 years ago.

#40683 Election 2k4

Posted by Oroku Saki on 03 November 2004 - 05:00 PM in News

If there ever is a draft, I'm just going to hightail it over to my local Air Force recruiter.

If there's ever a draft you can find me in Canada. This really really sucks. How did Bush actually win this? I mean let's look at the facts

-No weapons of mass destruction
-No use of weapons of mass destruction by Saddam
-No link between Saddam and the Al- Queda
-Bin Laden is still out there
-Kim Jong around the time of Iraq stated that he did in fact have weapons of mass destruction and Bush didn't go after him, however he insisted that we must go after Saddam for the very same reason (which as it turns out Bush was wrong about).
-Bush is about as intelligent as my three year old cousin.
-Bush has put the country into some extreme debt with the war. Future generations will be paying it off, not his.

I seriously have no clue how he won.

Then let's tell Bush to get off his ass and get these problems fixed. After all, he did win the popular vote. Since he most likely did win, we citizens have every right to hold him more accountable for his decisions in the next 4 years.

I figure if things keep turning out for the worst, it's only a matter of time before people start overthrowing the government. Then we can start fresh for a change.....

#40675 Election 2k4

Posted by Oroku Saki on 03 November 2004 - 04:34 PM in News

Hey, at least Jon Stewart will get 4 more years of good steady material.

I just hope that the opposition to Bush from this election helps him realize that he needs to straighten a few things out in his policies and administration. I have already heard of possible plans to change a few key members of his cabinet. As much as I do not agree with many of Bush's policies, I truly wish him the best in reuniting the country for the better. I intend to see through the next 4 years, and only plan to leave the country if shit gets REALLY bad.

Until then, I intend to start supporting the Libertarian party. I have researched alot about them, and their views actually seem to make sense compared to the Democrat/Republican party system we all hear about. Who's with me on refining the system?

You forgot one thing say goodbye to world peace and a voluntary army.

At this point, I'm not worried about a draft. Both sides oppose it anyways because it would do more harm than good to the military, not to mention fuck up the social and economical balances in the country. If there ever is a draft, I'm just going to hightail it over to my local Air Force recruiter.

#40614 Election 2k4

Posted by Oroku Saki on 02 November 2004 - 07:57 PM in News

Got my vote in for the Wisconsin polls. Let's see how this mess turns out. I also convinced my girlfriend to go out and vote, although she hates both Bush and Kerry. She told me she's going to vote for Nader this year. If you hate both the Republicans and Dems, then vote for the Libertarian, Green Party or Nader, or whoever the hell else is listed on your ballot.

One major reason why many undecided people choose the major parties is because they feel that their vote won't count if they vote otherwise. Although the third party candidates may not win this election, at least you are helping them put a dent in the current system by showing your support for them.

No matter who gets elected, I doubt that it will be the end of the world because of it.

Excercise your rights!

Vote, dammit, vote!

#40722 Election 2k4

Posted by Oroku Saki on 03 November 2004 - 08:21 PM in News

It isn't democracy when speaking out makes you a dissenter...
It isn't democracy when John Ashcroft is in the cabinet...
It may not be democracy for a long time with these upcoming Supreme Court Appointments...

As I have said before, if shit like that keeps up, I am sure someone out there is going to be pissed off enough to start making changes. Besides, Bush is changing some of his cabinet members, so there is at least some hope for the next 4 years. If Bush fucks up in his second term, he is more accountable for his actions. If he is the true christain he claims to be, his conscience will come back to him in the long run.

#40679 Election 2k4

Posted by Oroku Saki on 03 November 2004 - 04:53 PM in News

Despite my minor disappointment about Bush winning, I have remained pretty positive about it. Do any of you W supporters have any positive things to say about what may happen in the next 4 years?

#40747 Election 2k4

Posted by Oroku Saki on 03 November 2004 - 10:21 PM in News

Let's see if the Republican's predictions for a better economy, and stabilization on Iraq hold out in these next 4 years. I doubt that the Republicans would pull off any drastic legislation like the Patriot Act anytime soon unless they had a good reason. At this point, I don't think they can use 9/11 as an excuse anymore, and any future civil rights violations by the government will start to sway even the most hardcore Bush supporter. By the time that comes full circle, I no longer intend to be living here.

The Republicans are not going to give us a better economy. It is, and will continue to get worse. Bush's policys are shit, and everyone knows it.

In terms of a drastic legislation such as the Patriot Act, I guess you have missed the draft of the Patriot Act II (or The Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003) That Ashcroft sent around in Jan. of 2003. They dont seem too strongly opposed to the idea of finishing locking their mannacles around the American people's civil libertys. And if they do try it, I seriously doubt America would rise up. This election has proven that it most likey wont. Most Americans swallowed Bush's load deep-throat style when he said the Patriot Act was 100% justified and for our own good. Not a single person who voted for it read it front to back as far as Im aware. It was not written well enough, not specific and well defined enough, for something that deals so directly with the libertys of American citizens, and no one cared, because Bush told them not to. If you think that has changed just because Sept. 11th is a few years past I fear you may find yourself sadly mistaken.

If you think we're completely fucked, there is always the option of moving to another country. Bush is here whether we like it or not. I am not a big fan of him and his administration, but I am at least trying to look at the positive side of things, and find ways to take care of the negative.

Economy-wise, I have learned that the reason why there is a huge gap between the rich and poor is the fact that the poor do a bad job at managing and utilising the resources available to them. On top of that, the average citizen has become too reliant upon others for their well-being (i.e., a paycheck from their employer) America is still the land of opportunity, it's just that many people don't know where to look. I was raised in a family that learned to be self-reliant. If people don't learn to adapt to the economy climate, they are going to have serious problems, and I don't think that the government is going to do much about it.

After careful thought and discussion wih my friends, I have personally decided to do what I can to make this country better, regardless of who's in office. If things get to a certain point where the US's democracy turns into a fascist christain nation, and I have done everything I can to prevent that, I am going to figure, "Fuck this shit." and move to another country. There are many great countries in the world out there, and I am not afraid to open my mind to new ideas and options. Although the move to Canada seems tempting right now, I am going to at least do my best to make this country the best it can be.

#40860 Election 2k4

Posted by Oroku Saki on 05 November 2004 - 12:15 PM in News

I retract my previous statement. Thanks for clearing that up, I didn't realize that Mr. President had "accomplished" that. Hmmm....foundations of my support for Bush have been shaken. I do not agree with his faith-based initiatives now that I know of them. Man, I need to pay more attention to the news.

Sigh, unfortunately listening to the news rarely keeps you informed. The news networks are inconceivably evil. All of them. The news networks have been known to censor information that is important to the public, not just boring news material, but things that matter. Public health issues related to corporate pollution, the horrible divisions of wealth in this country will never come up on any news network anchor's teleprompter. On top of that, biased sources will even manipulate their material to suit their needs, Monica Lewinski, the Patriot Act, and Fox's declaration of Bush winning four years ago before the polls were closed. On top of that, they never comment on who owns them.

Gone are the days of Deep Throat and Reporters seeking truth. We are now ruled by Corporations who use their opinionated correspondents to keep us blind and unaware.

Sorry to vent like that, but we need the FCC to grab a Louiseville Slugger and beat some fuckin' ass. Fuck off RIAA, you corporate fucks are going to be the ones getting beat.

Damn, the RIAA has been on my personal shit list for a while, not just because of the lawsuits on file sharers, but because of the shitty music they represent. They can all kiss my ass fo all I care. One problem I found is that I have heard of John Edwards receiving funding from the RIAA.

It's a shame that Bush is funding a program telling children not to fuck until after they are married, and yet not even educating them about contraception. This is going to be pretty fucked up in the long run. Is this also going to apply to public schools as well? I sure hope not. I guess in the future, it will be up to the parents to teach their own kids about sex, because our education system is sure not going to tell them much. If I have kids, I am going to teach them of all of their options.

#40892 Election 2k4

Posted by Oroku Saki on 05 November 2004 - 03:26 PM in News

Well that does make sense. I remember reading that many of the biggest campaign contributors for both the Republicans and Democrats are the same corporations. At this point, I am not sure what to make of it all. Perhaps we may have been fucked either way. Then again maybe not. It's too soon to really jump to conclusions, and I am still sorting out the information I have been given over the past few years.

#40981 Election 2k4

Posted by Oroku Saki on 06 November 2004 - 01:45 AM in News

My state turned up blue, and I know of a pretty good t-shirt printer shop in my town. Maybe I can help put in the order. Also Lemmy, if you need some kickass TP, ask any of us living in the blue states. I am sure we would be happy to help so that wiping your ass can be more enjoyable.

Edit: Goddamn it, I just remembered that my county turned up red. Goddamn hicks and old people. At least my state actually turned up blue.

#40774 Election 2k4

Posted by Oroku Saki on 04 November 2004 - 12:50 PM in News

For these election results, I am going with Cx's argument that our country is starting to combine church and state, which shouldn't even be happening to begin with.

The draft rumors may not sway me away from America, but having the country turning into a complete pseudo-Christain state will convince me to move to Canada. At least some people vote based on logic rather than religous beliefs which may or may not be right.

Damn this discussion has grown since I read it yesterday night.

Oruku_Saki, how is our country starting to combine church and state? Could you provide some examples on what you mean? I'm not sure what you're referring to.

Mainly, I stated this due to the more moral issues based on most christianity that our government has gone through with in the last 4 years. Some examples of Bush's christain-based decisions:

-Marraige initiative: Bush is wasting money trying to get more americans to get married. For what? To raise a more traditional family? I don't believe that marraige is a completely terrible thing, but it is a personal choice. Right now, I personally do not see any point in getting married. These are our tax dollars being used on what I feel to be an arcane social ceremony. Looking from a legal standpoint, Marraige is simply signing over half of your assets to the other party. I love my girlfriend, but there is no way in hell I'm willing to sign over half my shit to her. This site has some pretty good arguments about marraige as well: http://www.dontmarry.com/

-Faith-based initiative: It makes sense that churches are able to work as a tax-free organizaion, but I think it crosses the line when the government gives direct aid to them. Sure, religous groups usually do helpful things. Hell, I even admit to donating to some of them, but the government should not step in and give the churches more money. I see this initiative as a violation of separation of church and state.

-Abortion: Personally, I feel that people using this solely on a whim is wrong, however I believe it should be kept legal for medical and certain social circumstances (i.e., minors who are too afraid to face their parents). Also, I do believe that the woman has a right to their own decision. To solve the more abusive uses of abortion, I think that the government should try promoting alternatives to help the public know about their options. Perhaps a less-biased sex education system that promotes the use of contraception, as well as abstinence. In my experience, Abstinence-only education is a waste of money. Telling young people to not have sex until they are married is not going to stop them, especially if you look at the link I gave about marraige. Putting an all-out ban is going to cause problems in the long run. If people are forced to carry children, our economy will make our current one look like a huge market boom.

-The Marraige ammendment: Just because bible beaters think that Gays should be treated like the plague doesn't mean they are right. From a christain standpoint, Jesus spent a lot of time and compassion on the sinners and other social outcasts. We should accept gays into our culture, and let them live their own lives. At least Bush seems to be backing off a little on this ammendment, but many states are banning same-sex marraige anyway. With some states making it legal, gays are going to move to these areas, fucking up our demographics in other areas of the country. Good job, bible beaters, you kicked a fellow American out of your state.

#40759 Election 2k4

Posted by Oroku Saki on 04 November 2004 - 12:56 AM in News

But France? Dude, those women don't shave. Ewww.

(Sorry, just wanted to lighten up the mood. Damn, guys, don't move! Stick it out, you'll survive. Really. I survived Reagan.)


I also heard that they rarely shower or take baths. They just douse themselves in perfume and call it good. If I were you, Lemmy, I would go for a German or Canadian. One of my friends went to Germany, and he said that there's some pretty hot girls there *wink wink*.

Come to think of it, I was born during the Reagan Presidency. Until after the 2000 election, I never really paid much attention to politics as I was too young to vote anyways. During the last few years, I got around to reading up on the events I have been fuzzy about during gradeschool, so I feel more up to speed.

Who knows, maybe Cheney will have another 20 heart attacks within the next few months, then he can finally drop dead. When Bush first got elected, I am starting to feel that Cheney's heart attacks within the first few months were a sign from God.

Also, getting back to the Supreme Court Justice issue, I think it was Julie that mentioned a while back that Laura, as well as Barbara Bush are Pro-Choice. If Bush wants to pull off overturning Roe V Wade, he has his wife (as well as his momma) to answer to.

Edit: I just found that Ashcroft may actually resign from his position as attorney general! WOOT!

After looking around on Fark, I found the link from the Drudge Report.

Damn, I'm liking this new administration so far.

#40725 Election 2k4

Posted by Oroku Saki on 03 November 2004 - 08:47 PM in News

If Bush fucks up in his second term, he is more accountable for his actions.

Bush Held Accountable? I mean really what are they gonna do to him. We missed our chance to get him out of office so accually all the people who voted for Bush should be held acountable.

The main thing that I'm trying to say is that since Bush noticed our nation's support due to the popular vote, he has more reason to live up to his campaign promises, whatever they may be. If I were president seeking re-election, I would be fucking grateful for the citizen's support, and live up to my more positive strengths.

Let's see if the Republican's predictions for a better economy, and stabilization on Iraq hold out in these next 4 years. I doubt that the Republicans would pull off any drastic legislation like the Patriot Act anytime soon unless they had a good reason. At this point, I don't think they can use 9/11 as an excuse anymore, and any future civil rights violations by the government will start to sway even the most hardcore Bush supporter. By the time that comes full circle, I no longer intend to be living here.

Besides, in about 20 years or so, the Baby boomers (who make up a huge majority of conservatives) will be dying off, and the younger generation will take control of our government. The GOP majority isn't going to last forever you know.

#40757 Election 2k4

Posted by Oroku Saki on 04 November 2004 - 12:41 AM in News

I agree that it's not easy to just pack up and leave, but it may not be a bad idea to be prepared just in case. I'm getting prepared, and I would probably be doing the same thing if Kerry were elected. If the situation were to warrant itself, I would have a hard time packing up right away too. I have two jobs, a house, many friends and family, a girlfriend who has been with me for about three years, and a whole shitload of other attachments. In my preparations, I am trying to find ways to convince the people closest to me to move with me if the situation in our country warrants it. Of course, this is all just in case something does happen.

Lemmypoo, Bush has already been planning changes to his cabinet, and I think Rumsfeld may be on the chopping block, as well as Rice and Powell, so I guess you could check #5 off your list, at least partially. Cheney is there to stay, but it will be nice to see some new faces in the White House for a change.

#40547 Halo 2

Posted by Oroku Saki on 02 November 2004 - 02:45 AM in Off Topic

You know guys, if you have downlaoded the leak of H2 I wouldn't be talking about it on here....or anywhere.

As long as no one posts a direct link or any other direct information on finding a download of the leak, I don't see a problem with it. That is at least the rule enforced on many game system modding/hacking sites and forums. The leak exists, and some people have copies of it. End of story. Besides, the leak is in French, and can only be played on modded X-boxes, so I don't think many of us would really bother getting it anyway.

I wasn't too excited about Doom 3 when it came out. One of my friends bought a copy and it was lagging pretty bad when playing online on his brand new Dell. I feel more excited about Halo 2 because it would be interesting to see some of the new shit they threw in. I haven't seen many shooters where you can dual-wield weapons.....

#40312 Halo 2

Posted by Oroku Saki on 30 October 2004 - 10:37 PM in Off Topic

Yeah thats true, but you have to consider that halo 1 was originally made for PC. You never know with gaming companies, they lie... alot.

Which explains why Fable didn't completely live up to its hype. I think it's still a pretty good game, but the designers promised so many things when they first announced it.

Usually, gaming companies are worst about release dates when they make press releases. Wasn't Doom 3 and Halo 2 supposed to have been out over a year ago? Not to mention World of Warcraft.

#40302 Halo 2

Posted by Oroku Saki on 30 October 2004 - 09:43 PM in Off Topic

I'm not sure but I think I remember hearing that it does not have LAN but don't quote me.

I hope so. Then I can at least use XBconnect to play online.

#40295 Halo 2

Posted by Oroku Saki on 30 October 2004 - 09:07 PM in Off Topic

I have my copy of Halo 2 preordered. Too bad I can't play Xbox Live due to my Xbox being modded. Does anyone know if it still supports LAN play like the first one?

#27106 Code Of Conduct

Posted by Oroku Saki on 27 May 2004 - 12:13 PM in Site Feedback

I don't have any problems with the current code of conduct, however I have seen many users abusing it way too much in the past. If only people could put more thought into their posts, instead of having the amazing posts we have all come to know and hate. As I type this, the famous postings of ninjayoshi ("Who's funnier? Mr. Bean or William Hung") and several other idiots come to mind. By the way, could someone please explain the story about .:BlueIce:.? Many of us seem confused.

#22486 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by Oroku Saki on 26 March 2004 - 06:27 PM in Site Feedback

Banning, deletion, suspension.....as far as I'm concerned, any of these are used to prevent idiots from posting, and any of them can be used on the individuals we are discussing. When you plan to take administrative action, choose your weapon wisely, Cxwq.

#22448 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by Oroku Saki on 26 March 2004 - 03:29 AM in Site Feedback

death to canadians

In the words of Mr. Mackey in the South Park movie, "DIE CANADIAN, mmmmmkay?"

#22479 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by Oroku Saki on 26 March 2004 - 05:36 PM in Site Feedback

Posted Image

Damn you Tripod, for not letting me link my picture properly.

Anyways, looks like Xcaliber is marked now.

I'm sorry, man, if you are going to post about a gun on eBay that you're selling, just tell us that you are selling the damn gun, instead of pretending that someone else is selling it. Also, if you are trying to sell a gun, claiming an 80' range on an otherwise mediocre gun is going to make people suspicious about what you are trying to sell.

If you do not get banned, I highly recommend that you follow Famine's advice.

That advice also applies to NinjaYoshi and any other dipshit n00b posting for no significant reason. Sometimes taking a vow of silence for a while here will help earn you more respect. These rules of etiquette have been said many, many times around here:

-Read before you fucking post.

I have seen too many n00bs on these forums claiming about a "breakthrough" they made about modding or whatever, but if you look around, the shit that they post about has already been done before. If something is already written about Nerf, odds are virtually all of us has already heard about it or done it ourselves. If it's already been done, we probably don't want to hear about it. Sometimes this can be as bad as the time Big Haul copied the write up about RF20 modding.

-If you do not have anything relevant or important to say, don't post anything at all.

I know I may be starting to rant here. Look, n00bs, no one here wants to hear about your fucking dreams about pointless bullshit that doen't affect us, whether a god-damn, overexposed American fucking Idol contestant is funnier than Mr. Bean (in my opinion, I can care less about both of them), or about how many girls you get to Nerf with you. If you want to post anything like this, take it somewhere else.

After seeing this shit going on, I think we should give the evolution of the NOC a helping hand, and eliminate the n00b dipshits. We have already given these people a chance, and they still blow it.

#22445 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by Oroku Saki on 26 March 2004 - 02:23 AM in Site Feedback

Sounds good to me. What sort of prizes do you plan to offer for catching people from Onatario? :w00t:

If I qualify for a prize, I am contemplating taking the prize behind door number 2..............or should I go with what's in the mystery box? Both of them seem rather tempting...........

#22420 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by Oroku Saki on 25 March 2004 - 11:13 PM in Site Feedback

I know I already voted, but I agree with Ice Nine. It gives me a headache just trying to read some of these n00b's posts. Also, none of them (ninjayoshi, xcalibur, or halfnhalf) ever contributed anything useful or significant to this site. Idiots that start useless or pointless threads like that probably shouldn't be posting here in the first place.

#22442 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by Oroku Saki on 26 March 2004 - 02:00 AM in Site Feedback

I'm surprised that Canada is ahead in this poll so far. In that case, we might as well just ban everyone in Canada, with the exception of reasonable people such as Zero.

#22492 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by Oroku Saki on 26 March 2004 - 07:20 PM in Site Feedback

I don't know about that. Observe this possible scenario if the n00bs in question were to do this:

n00b Leaves NH:
"I'm leaving Nerf until Hell Freezes Over"
posted by jackassn00b
-Well, it seems that you guys hate me because I like to post everything going on with my life including sleep, food, masturbation, random shit I watch on TV, the shitty music I listen to, and about the fact that I have no fucking life.

Soandso: I hope that we can part on good terms. I'm sorry that I posted about (insert stupid remark here)

Randomguy: It's great that we got along, but it's time to move on.

everyone else: I'm sorry that I pissed you all off, so I'm leaving you.

Goodbye NH,

n00b comes back:

"Guess what, I'm BACK BIOTCHES!"
posted by jackassn00b2

-Hey, it's been months since I posted, but I'm back. I used to be jackassn00b, but I added in the "2" because I am a born-again person. I promise you that this is the new, improved, cool jackassn00b, which happens to be my evil twin. lol.

First things first, I would like to start a survey: Do you think that George "W" Bush is stupid? I do. Also, who do you think will win the new season of "American Idol"? (I luv that sho)

And then the cycle starts all over again. Some of them learn, but others continue to be stupid regardless of us trying to get them to be good members. I am not interested in seeing stuff like this happen on the forums.

#22511 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by Oroku Saki on 26 March 2004 - 10:55 PM in Site Feedback

I was only poking a little fun at Canada, and I didn't mean any harm. In my opinion, I don't really care where people are from, as long as they stop acting so stupid.

By the way, I voted for kicking NinjaYoshi, because of his repeated stupidity. I have some tolerance for stupid posts, but I feel he crossed the line for posting his idiotic survey.

Xcaliber is also stupid for being deceptive in selling his guns, but when I was voting at the time, NinjaYoshi was pissing me off more.

#22596 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by Oroku Saki on 27 March 2004 - 11:31 PM in Site Feedback

I don't have any problem with you, Oompa. You are one of the best newbies to ever join the forums, and I don't think you did anything wrong. I don't hate all newbies. I just hate the ones that repeatedly act stupid, like the n00bs Cx deleted last night. I believe that newbies should have a chance to straighten out and learn, but some have a tendency to not listen to anyone, and continue their adventures in being idiots.

At GameFAQs, where I frequently visit the Diablo II message board, there has been an increase of stupid n00bs who can't find any fucking thing themselves and post a topic on what to do when the answer to the question is three topics down... Anyone else see this?

I see similar shit like that every time I go to work. Stupid AOL users who don't know how to use a god damn search bar at my work's website, people too fucking lazy to read the website, people asking the same question over and over........

#22581 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by Oroku Saki on 27 March 2004 - 09:19 PM in Site Feedback

At the moment, I think the USA and California are two of the best examples of head-up-ass leadership in the world.

Even though you guys in California have the Governator (which is an easy target for jokes), he at least seems to do a hell of a lot more compared to Wisconsin's governor. Even after being in office for about a year and a half, I still haven't heard of my governor do anything for our state worth shit.

Cx, this Tribal Council was a great idea to let us be able to help choose who gets the axe. I hope that this will also help send a message to all the other n00bs out there.

#48341 All Purpose Movie Topic

Posted by Oroku Saki on 01 March 2005 - 02:42 AM in Off Topic

Actually, the quote in my sig was from Airplane, another funny movie I forgot to mention.

#48262 All Purpose Movie Topic

Posted by Oroku Saki on 28 February 2005 - 03:13 PM in Off Topic

I don't go out to the theatres as much as I used to, but I still rent stuff every so often. Here are some of my absolute favorites:

1. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
2. Back to the Future Trilogy
3. The Matrix (The first one, of course. I thought the sequels were shit.)
4. Bulletproof Monk
5. Original Star Wars Trilogy (none of that butchered Special Edition crap)
6. Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels
7. Dawn of the Dead (2004)
8. Shaun of the Dead
9. Anchorman

#48536 Magazine-fed Fast-action Nerf Rifle

Posted by Oroku Saki on 02 March 2005 - 11:42 PM in Homemades

**drops down on the ground, bowing**

All hail the mighty boltsniper!!

You never fail to amaze us with your kickass homemades. This latest project is just beautiful! Great work!

#31117 The Michael Moore Movie

Posted by Oroku Saki on 13 July 2004 - 09:26 PM in Off Topic

I'm not surprised that Bradbury is pissed at Moore. Also, you would have thought it would have been reasonable for Moore's company to keep in touch with Bradbury, which he didn't. Mind you, that article was written almost 2 months ago. Bradbury thinks that the movie is just going to die off in the box office, and yet it outsold all of the other movies during its opening in theatres.

I already had my mind made up as to who I was going to vote for before I even saw this movie. Seeing F-9/11 only helped reinforce my reasoning behind this.

About the movie I, Robot? I think that it looks too lame for me to even bother watching it.

#31110 The Michael Moore Movie

Posted by Oroku Saki on 13 July 2004 - 07:28 PM in Off Topic

Points like the ones you made really make me wish that selective service was universal. I can say this considering that I am 18 and hold a draft card. I really don't think your opinion on the draft matters unless if you have or held that card, really I do.

I may be contradicting myself a little on this issue, but here goes: to even out the gap between the rich and poor being in the military service, there should be a draft, however looking at current events, it is really sad that a rich middle-aged white guy like Bush has the power to send young people to die for their financial gain. Selective service is a double-edged sword. It can be used for making sure all citizens provide a service to their country, however it can also be abused by sending them to die for lame causes.

#31095 The Michael Moore Movie

Posted by Oroku Saki on 13 July 2004 - 06:18 PM in Off Topic

Here's a question for all those people who have seen the movie:
Does it ever support anything Bush did? :lol: encourages critical thinking, huh? <_<


Come to think of it, what did Bush do to help the American people? Give us a false sense of security by using scare tactics about terrorism, and then taking away our freedoms? Lying to us that following him means being a patriot, but opposing him, or questioning his actions makes you a traitor to your country?

So what if the movie mainly bashes Bush? Are any of the facts presented in F-9/11 false? Like Rawray stated, there are at least 3 teams of independent researchers checking every single item presented in Moore's film, and found nothing inaccurate so far, except for the larger amount of Saudi money invested in the US economy. Moore himself even stated that he is considering offering a reward for anyone who can find any inaccuracies in F-9/11.

If a conservative like Limbaugh or Bill O Reilly released a documentary bashing Kerry, or showing Bush in a positive light, I would still go see it, weigh both views shown, and then come to my own conclusions, which is what INFORMED voters do. To make any decision in life, you need to weigh the consequences of both sides.

Even though I do not want to bring the whole debate about Communism, I feel that is necessary to address this. If the US became Communist, our enitre constitution would be scrapped, and most of our rights taken away. So why do you think that attempts to get rid of corporations who use the government for financial gain is an attempt to promote Communism? Actions like this are still upholding the Constitution, so I don't see why this can turn the US into a Communist government.

Getting to the military enlistments, because of the high unemployment rates in the US, the military looks better as a career option for the middle and lower class. Moore wanted to show that because of the indirectly-forced enlistments, the military has an easier time to strengthen their forces. Some of these troops are sent to critical terrorist hot spots, such as Afghanistan, while a majority of them are sent to Iraq, a place where we probably should not have started war with anyway. Sure, I hate Saddam as much as the next American, but when it comes to fighting the war on terror, America needs to set their priorities straight. There should be no reason why our troops should be sent to die in a country that most likely did not pose as a threat to us.

Sadly, we are at a point in Iraq where we can't just pull our troops out, and both Bush and Kerry have no doubts about that. Check the news and other resources, and compare what both candidates said about their plans for foreign policy. So far, I have found that Bush wants the US to continue fighting in Iraq indefinately, and Kerry wants to repair our diplomatic relations with the countries Bush pissed off.