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There have been 9 items by GCAnthem07 (Search limited from 04-January 97)

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#3295 All Ammo Barrel

Posted by GCAnthem07 on 11 April 2003 - 06:25 AM in Modifications

Yea, I'll steal, I mean, borrow my mom's camera so I can take the pics and then scan 'em. I might have a Nerf section on my new site, but if I don't make the Nerf section, I'll probably send it to you.

#3265 All Ammo Barrel

Posted by GCAnthem07 on 10 April 2003 - 05:40 PM in Modifications

Yay! Thanks C, I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do with my BBB, mostly because I didn't know what barrel I wanted. With this I can shoot almost all dart ammo types. Now, I just need to buy:

10" long 1/2" diameter PVC
7" of "perfect" size brass
1/2" of brass 1/64" smaller in diameter (is it 1/64" or 1/32"?)
1/2" PVC coupler
Electrical tape

How much do yot think that will go up to?

Also, how well do BBB arrows fit over PVC?

#3235 All Ammo Barrel

Posted by GCAnthem07 on 10 April 2003 - 06:21 AM in Modifications

How do you put the coupler on the stock barrel, and how do you make the telescoping barrel without a soldering iron?

Wait... I got it! In your article you said to put the telescoping brass barrel in PVC so you can attach it to a coupler, making a breech loader. Doesn't that mean I could just put in regular PVC to shoot Nerf micros? Will that work?

#3184 All Ammo Barrel

Posted by GCAnthem07 on 09 April 2003 - 06:29 PM in Modifications

Wait... I got it! In your article you said to put the telescoping brass barrel in PVC so you can attach it to a coupler, making a breech loader. Doesn't that mean I could just put in regular PVC to shoot Nerf micros?

No to be a pain in the ass, but can you give me step-by-step instuctions to do the whole thing?

#3180 All Ammo Barrel

Posted by GCAnthem07 on 09 April 2003 - 05:10 PM in Modifications

Ahh, nothing really. Lazyness got the best of me. :lol:

Should a PVC or brass it? I was thinking brass now because it can still fit nerf micros, just they don't go in the whole way. What is good length? I was thinking 6".

#3173 All Ammo Barrel

Posted by GCAnthem07 on 09 April 2003 - 03:40 PM in Modifications

Would the nail stop a lot of airflow?

#3154 I'm Trying To Make A Site.

Posted by GCAnthem07 on 09 April 2003 - 06:38 AM in Off Topic

I was using Frontpage. I had to do some manaul HTML tweaking, though. My site has been acting up, and you may see a "User:Freak Pass:Nano" below the banner. If you don't see it, it's because it's covered by a movable picture. Move the mouse over the area below the banner. When it turns into the "over a hyperlink" pointer, hold the mouse domn as if to drag a folder. Move the black picture, and it will show the secret password-thingy. The moving picture and the login screen are both things that I had to tweak.

#3144 I'm Trying To Make A Site.

Posted by GCAnthem07 on 08 April 2003 - 10:32 PM in Off Topic

Heh. My dad might get a fixed IP for our house, and that would give me super-duper website powers. I could host my own site, and my dad runs his own business so he could host his, too. Wait... the office that dad used to be at went outta business, so that means he has no host, anyway. That means he needs a fixed IP, or at least another host. Anyway, I've made 4 sites, my first site, which was accually pretty decent for a 9-year-old. It was better than a lot of site auto-builders. It had a lot of pages, too. Then I made my current one, http://mywebpages.co...arker/inde.html. I made a completely new site with an awesome layout and decent grafics, but Comcast won't let me upload it. I also made my dad's business' site, which is pretty basic, just a site with a banner, frames, and roll-over images.

#3033 All Ammo Barrel

Posted by GCAnthem07 on 06 April 2003 - 06:05 PM in Modifications

I just got my BBB and I was thinking about what kind of barrel to give it. Brass is good for micro stefens, and PVC is good for stock micros. What is the best way to make a barrel that shoots both micro stefens and stock micros effectively?

Also, when you pull the BBB back to cock it, it sucks in air and sucks darts out of the barrel into the plunger. If you shoot, the dart is squished and you have to open the gun to remove the dart. Is there a way to fix this, or do I just have to cock before loading?