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#7821 [evolution] - Stage One

Posted by rawray7 on 07 August 2003 - 10:20 PM in General Nerf

how exactly do "cool, thoughtful, etc..." posts become archived in the glory of Nerf Evolved. it says something like: type something, read it, and if it's cool, it will go down in NE history. i'm assuming you guys are just attempting to make posts more article-type material, but the real question is who deems it worthy of evolution? i mean, do the 'allstars' go through every post and pick the ones that are noteworthy, then evolutionate them? i guess i just don't understand how you're building your content. i mean, look around: NC's content was all done by about 4 guys, about 3-4 years ago; NHQ has very little content, and what's there is all done by about 6 guys; and even here there are about 7 people who have contributed anything, and only 2 contribute on a regular basis. i'm a little skeptical on how you're building content out of a vacuum of useful ideas. maybe the whole point is to make people think about what the fuck they're posting, and if you can pull it off, i salute you, because that really needs to happen; but an outlet for the creative ideas of the majority of the NIC is really a wasted cause, because to tell you the truth, i don't see too many creative ideas coming out of the average forum-schmuck.

in conclusion: i'm not doubting your site so much as i'm doubting the source you're intrusting the content level to. it just means that now i have to check 4 boards instead of 3 to try and find something interesting.

#7943 [evolution] - Stage One

Posted by rawray7 on 09 August 2003 - 03:12 PM in General Nerf

i can't speak for them word for word, but why would the people who run NH put content up on NE? i mean, maybe if they really want to, but it's like the owner of Time magazine writing articles for Teen People or something. wouldn't it just be easier and more practical if the admins of this site put stuff up on this site?

spoon, vacc and c; if i'm completely wrong, feel free to correct me.

#7895 [evolution] - Stage One

Posted by rawray7 on 08 August 2003 - 09:32 PM in General Nerf

to tell you something, the one thing i can think of right now that would substantially evolve nerf would be getting more wars started up around the country. Tour de Nerf baby, get people to use the forums to do something useful to nerf: nerfing. locate a bunch of people around the country who have a place to nerf, and organize a huge tour of wars going coast to coast. kick it off with a YANO and end it with a NJNO. now, i doubt anyone has the money to do that, but i'll tell you, that's what evolved nerf would look like. evolved nerf would get people off the forums and into the game.

#45525 Xbow Help

Posted by rawray7 on 05 January 2005 - 11:29 PM in Modifications

All a crayola barrels is is just a brass replacement

I hope you are being funny. Yes, it is a replacement - a very poor one. Kind of like replacing the gas tank on your car with a milk jug.

You didn't find a crayola mod because no one is stupid enough to use one on a Crossbow.

NinjZ wins.

#50614 Xbow Mod Help

Posted by rawray7 on 26 March 2005 - 01:08 PM in Modifications

try this

#8593 Xbow Mod Submitted By Rawray7

Posted by rawray7 on 21 August 2003 - 11:06 PM in Modifications

i'll have my spring in there before YANO and try to get the spring model # posted somewhere around then. thanks for the feedback, make sure to send my way any questions or such about the mod: i'm afraid i might have taken a few too many steps for granted, if anything doesn't flow, tell me.

#24039 Xbow Sm1500 Integration Help

Posted by rawray7 on 11 April 2004 - 11:40 PM in Modifications

Posted Image
basically, ompa, you drill a hole for your barrel under the original barre, through the front of the casing. the valve goes where that black foam below the plunger tube is in the picture, then you drill a hole through the casing at the back end of where that foam filler is, and then the pump is epoxied onto the side of the gun at the height of the black grip. your tube goes from your valve through the hole to the pump, both should be epoxied on.

#45231 Xbow Spring

Posted by rawray7 on 31 December 2004 - 03:39 PM in Modifications

Im going to go all out on my xbow mod by following RawRay's mod here, then customizing it on my own but have hit some snags. I was wondering what sort of replacement spring to use (material, length, gauge, etc). Im sorry if this has been clarified before but I searched on NH and the rest of the internet and found nothing except a defender T3 spring, which I dont have.

Oh Im also having a rough time fitting the support bolts behind the spring compression wall. Should I secure the bolts in place with nuts? I tried but couldn't fit them in. Also, I don't understand the fourth piece of steel plating that he used on the wall, the triangular one. Can someone please give me some help?othing except a defender T3 spring, which I dont have.

very good questions, both that were only answered by my experience after i wrote that mod.

1:don't replace the spring. no one has ever found a decent replacement for it.

2: the triangular metal piece on the trigger is overkill, don't do that either. what you should do if your having trouble with the trigger being weak (which is why i added that triangle piece), take a spring from any airtech or supermaxx trigger and use that and the regular trigger spring. (the airtech springs fit inside the xbow trigger spring, and make the gun easier to fire).

3: i dont really know how to answer your bolt question. if your bolt isnt' secure because you can't fit a nut, try a smaller bolt. one thing that neonerfer did to solve this problem was to use longer bolts, and run them the whole way through the case (both sides) and put the nut on the outside of the case.

sorry, i thought you meant the triangle piece on the trigger, and i answered that in nuber 2. for the triangular piece behind the compression wall, i think you can get away without it given that you have bolts in place. if you don't have bolts, i'd go for the triangle behind the compression wall.

edit2: when i say don't replace the spring, i mean don't replace the spring. in fact, don't bother stretching the spring either - unless your adding less than a half inch to the length. DO use bands or bungees. i use 3 strings of 5 rubber bands tied together, but neonerfer found this really neat green elastic band at home depot that i can't find the name of right now. if you can find that, its way better than rubber bands.

#11812 Y Does Cpvc Work Better Than Brass?

Posted by rawray7 on 23 October 2003 - 10:51 PM in Modifications

If you're curious, the lecture was about Godel and M-Theory vs. Unified Theory. He has officially recanted his belief that we're headed towards a Unified Theory. It was a Schrodinger-like argument that suggests we can't form a completely accurate model of the universe from within the universe.

M-Theory as in part of the superstring (supersymmetry, mulitple dimensional dualities) theory? or maybe it's a completely different m-theory i'm unaware of. anyways, i'm sad i didn't read this thread sooner, i must have overlooked the fact that we were now discussion universal physics in the mods section. anyways, i'm interested to hear what hawking had to say, i'll get a summery of it from somewhere.

#12927 Yano - New Location Discussion

Posted by rawray7 on 16 November 2003 - 04:04 PM in Nerf Wars

bonelli park sounds like a winner to me. boy, i could get to YANOs in 30 minutes if they were there. that would most definately add to the number of people i could bring. good call.

#12834 Yano - New Location Discussion

Posted by rawray7 on 14 November 2003 - 12:49 AM in Nerf Wars

phew, finally. i thought someone would never boot me in the ass. anyways, my only other suggestion for the moment is to try and steer away from schools. at least where i live, most of the public schools have been really trying to make them not so public on the weekends. i just don't want the same thing to happen to our original spot.

i don't think i'd have a problem finding us a wilderness-like area to play at with ample food and rest nearby. i'll look for something with somewhat of an empty urban area also. if we do end up playing in the wilderness-esque places i can think of, the only problems i see are a) more running required than Irvine Bee) far less dart finding oppurtunities c) camo actually could help, meaning we may have to modify the camo rule to either 'no camo' or 'go camo'. it would definately make the game somewhat more 'serious' if we played in the 'jungle', but i wouldn't really mind that. i'll start looking for le creme de le creme of the spots i can think of.

another problem with me finding a spot is that you all get to drive a good distance to come nerf in or around pasadena, and the SD guys may as well fly up, that's like a 3-4 hour drive...or a 2-3 hour, $28.99 train trip. so...in conclusion, if we have a war here, people are going to have to be really committed. we could even have a super-duper-all-weekend-two-days-plus-campout-extraveganza, but that may not work out. i definately don't want to spend the night in the wilderness if spoon's coming.

#66100 YANO November 05

Posted by rawray7 on 19 October 2005 - 12:49 AM in Nerf Wars

i'm pretty much out for this one guys. there is a slight chance that i could make sunday the 6th, but i can't even count on that. After the end of november i am much more available, but at this point i've got too much to do with sports, school and my college apps. so i'm down for a december or january war, but i'm going to have to sit this one out. sorry guys.

#15483 Your Set

Posted by rawray7 on 02 January 2004 - 02:17 AM in Nerf Wars

My brass modded AT3K with my anti-skip mod so it never rotates improperly.

since when did you have an anti-skip mod? maybe i'm out of it, but last time i warred with you, you didn't have an ABS system on your 3k. the only time i even remember you referring to the rotating mechanism was when you said "it works like a mercedes". anyway, to get to the point, what does this anti-skip mod entail?