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#130646 Stock Streamlines = Major Range

Posted by raw shrimp on 25 November 2007 - 04:25 PM in General Nerf

You can make the streamlines a little more accurate if you just cut the empty plastic dome on the top of them. I did it to mine and they work alot better.

#129174 Magstrike Ar

Posted by raw shrimp on 08 November 2007 - 10:24 PM in General Nerf

Or for a quick fix just drill out the ARs through the holes at back of the clip.

That's essentially what he did prior to posting.

Then how did he lose range? I drilled mine out and it gets around 3-5 feet more than stock.

Thats why I'm asking.

#129049 Magstrike Ar

Posted by raw shrimp on 08 November 2007 - 12:10 AM in General Nerf

Or for a quick fix just drill out the ARs through the holes at back of the clip.

That's essentially what he did prior to posting.

Except I hammered mine out

#129011 Magstrike Ar

Posted by raw shrimp on 07 November 2007 - 09:23 PM in General Nerf

I just got a magstrike the other day. It didnt have that good ranges, so i tried to remove the ARs. I took a screw driver and forced them out. Everything is flush with the walls. Now when i use the clip that I think has the ARs removed it shoots a little less than the one with the Ars. (When i AR i mean the crosses and pegs in the back of the clip.)

#128835 Music

Posted by raw shrimp on 06 November 2007 - 06:45 PM in Off Topic

Punk Ska and Rancid. They get there own music genre.

#128429 Stock Streamlines

Posted by raw shrimp on 03 November 2007 - 01:46 PM in General Nerf

Ok so, When ever i fire my stock streamlines, they fishtail or swerve off to the side. I know its cause of the hole on the side. Is there any way to make the gun more acurate with stock streamlines? Or is there any way to make the dart not swerve to the side?

#127088 Socal Wildfire Help

Posted by raw shrimp on 23 October 2007 - 09:26 PM in Off Topic

I live right next to one of the fires. It sucks with all this heat and ash in the air.

#123476 The Verge Of Insanity: Postponed

Posted by raw shrimp on 18 September 2007 - 10:53 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll see if I can let my mom let me go. Let alone get a ride there....

#122933 Zombie Games.

Posted by raw shrimp on 13 September 2007 - 10:10 PM in General Nerf

WOW. It must be so fun to go days on end, just playing that. That seems extremly fun and entertaining. I wish I actaully knew people that nerf now.

#122164 Irvine High

Posted by raw shrimp on 05 September 2007 - 03:51 PM in Off Topic

I realized the other day that a lot of wars are held in Irvine. I just started to mod. I just wanted to know if anyone lives in Irvine, and are going to Irvine High.

#121568 Target Nerf Guns

Posted by raw shrimp on 29 August 2007 - 08:32 PM in Off Topic

My local Target Is selling BBBs but its some kind of special. Is any one else's target doing that?

#117976 Air Restictors

Posted by raw shrimp on 02 August 2007 - 03:24 AM in Modifications

First of all, the little spring-loaded air restrictors primary purpose is to slow a piston down after there is no resistance (when a dart has left the barrel, or when you are dry firing) so if it's make a REALLY loud sound whenever you fire, like, the same sound it makes with no dart, your barrel is probably too loose.

Second, (and contradictory to my first point, I know) all guns without air restrictors should NEVER be dry fired (fired without a dart) because you will just be slamming the piston against its stop. I don't know what gun you're refering to, but some have fairly delicate pistons, that, unless you've reinforced, can break if you do that too many times. Same goes for having an improperly sized barrel...you need enough barrel friction to hold a dart in place until maximum pressure has built up. If the dart pops out after the piston has only traveled an inch or two, the head is just going to freely slam that extra distance once the resistance is gone.

But yes, guns without restrictors sound like they're trying to kill themselves.

Ok thanks. The gun i used was the firefly. I did renagades mod. I didn't know if i did somrthing wrong, or something snapped.

#117973 Air Restictors

Posted by raw shrimp on 02 August 2007 - 01:53 AM in Modifications

When i take the air restictors out of a gun, when i shoot it sound really bad. Like its hitting somethimg teally hard. Does this happen to anyone else? Or is it the air going out faster?

#117070 Nite Finder Copper Barrel

Posted by raw shrimp on 24 July 2007 - 11:38 PM in Modifications

Trust me don't get Brass. It doesn't work as well as using 1/2 inch CPVC. I did a CPVC coupler mod on mine and it gets about 65-70". Another reason why you shouldn't get the Brass and get the CPVC is cause the Brass is like 7 bucks while the CPVC is only like 2 bucks.

Is there a difference between CPVC and PVC? I tried using PVC but it wouldn't fit in to the Nitefinder when i put it together.

#116966 Nite Finder Copper Barrel

Posted by raw shrimp on 24 July 2007 - 12:45 AM in Modifications

I heard that 1/2" copper is too big for Micros and too small to fit Megas. Just buy some PETG from OMC.


#116963 Nite Finder Copper Barrel

Posted by raw shrimp on 24 July 2007 - 12:33 AM in Modifications

For the nite finder, instead of replacing the barrel with brass, petg, or pcv, could i use copper for the same effect? Because copper ws the only thing i could get a hold of, and it doesn't seem to work.

#116048 Longshot Help

Posted by raw shrimp on 16 July 2007 - 08:46 PM in Modifications

I don't know much about LongShots, but I would suggest that you lock the stock in place using the bottom on the side of the stock... How old are you, new [raw] Shrimp?

Im 14. I just joined a little while ago.

But even with the stock button is in lock, after you shoot about a clip, it goes back into the default mode.

#116044 Longshot Help

Posted by raw shrimp on 16 July 2007 - 08:39 PM in Modifications

I recently purchased a lonshot and whenever i use it, the stock goes back from being in the extended form.

I was just wondering if this happens to any one else, and if there was any way to fix it.