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#83089 Kaf06-01, In Michigan...

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 10 June 2006 - 10:23 PM in Nerf Wars

I HAVE TACOS...maybe...lots of taco seasoned meat. I'm gonna try and see if I can bring enough for each person to have 2-3 soft/hard tacos apiece.

I might try and get a dozen or so of Bob Evan's biscuits. I might be able to do that...might...

I really hated to double post for just that...hmm...

So everyone all right with that cannon I have? I am very tempted to bring the sucker as a conversation piece, as well as maybe using it for minor artillery...unfortunatly I have been watching Band of Brothers lately and have a bit of WW2 surplus gear. I gotta get out of the tactical mindset now.

Also, FH, I'm gonna be goin to that lot at about 1-2 PM on Monday. One of the KAF (even though we lost that name in May, to be replaced with something sometime after this week) will be with me, if he got his bike fixed.
I'm gonna need some help on Tuesday morning with moving bunker materials around. If you aren't going to go make a ruckus around Kentwood, do you wanna help? It involves using...a hand cart? And a ratchet with crescent wrenches.

Then I run to Meijer...mmm...Monster...

Three more days! I already am checking my stuffs, just to make sure that I can get everything to fit properly.

Oh yeah, Hawkeye, the first post has had "Safety glasses REQUIRED" since before it was ever edited. I have a pair of 'sunglasses' which have held up to particles with more energy than Stefans, so I may be wearing those occasionally, as well as clear glasses at night. That shouldn't violate the rules...as far as I remember typing them...

No one should have any last minute questions...I hope...
If you do though, I can answer them still.

#83098 Favorite Aircraft?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 11 June 2006 - 08:03 AM in Off Topic

For helos, I like the Sikorsky UH-60 Blackhawk. The thing can be used for anything and can survive a crash as long as it is put down on the wheels. As well, every summer I used to have a dozen or so of these babies fly over head, as well as a Littlebird once and a pair of Apaches. When the president once came, two A-10s also flew overhead (with those previously mentioned Apaches following), once of which was doing some sort of 'S' maneuvering over the lake...they looked like Air National Guard.
Posted Image
One Fourth of July (maybe Memorial/Veterans' Day), a Blackhawk flew around my town at the highschool; the pilot having fun with the right-stick, left-pedal, throttleup...man those things are loud...

As for planes, I like the AC-130 gunship. The thought of a 105mm Howitzer shooting out of the side of a plane along with a tetra of miniguns and a pair each of 40mm Bofors and 20mm Vulcans is just mind boggling*...
Posted Image

*Unfortunatly both the 130U and 130H don't have the miniguns...and even still, I might be thinking of "Puff the Majic Dragon," a beast of a plane used in `Nam.

#83129 C.s.h.g.

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 11 June 2006 - 05:09 PM in Homemades

Ever consider making your own tooling? Err...it's only for plastics anyway, so why not?

#83130 Kaf06-01, In Michigan...

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 11 June 2006 - 05:18 PM in Nerf Wars

As for labelling, well, all my darts have little red dots on the back from when I counted them. Usually, people don't want to steal large quantities of darts. As well, most peoples' darts differ from eachother. So uhhh...I think Hawkeye was right awhile ago. Don't worry too much about FH. Also, I'll be going more around four to five, if I stop by on my way home. If ya ain't there, well, Tuesday morning it is.

Two more days? I think...

Gonna skip the Monster. I have enough 'Dew to last me and maybe others...that and a new watch with a thermo-meter is a bit more tempting. Mmm...knock-off diver's watches...

The biscuits are a no...damn...oh well.

#83151 Favorite Aircraft?

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 11 June 2006 - 10:24 PM in Off Topic

Oy, the SR-71, using JP-7 'napalm' to get it to mach 3, off the record mach 3.7...the forced-air intake engines are neat, since they do no rely on a fan (as much) to get the incoming air compressed for ignition. The plane also leaks like a collander until it gets above a certain altitude and stretches its, what, five inches due to friction heat?
Then again, the service record of never losing a plane(in combat)/pilot is pretty good to. I don't like the 'B' version (as pictured) even though the 'C' was neat...modified 'A' I think it really is. Funny how there are only three twin-sticks, the two 'B's and the one 'C'. It is also funny that that plane I seem to remember everything I ever learned about it...strange, especially since I hate the thing. Ha, it got replaced by satellites. Pff...

If it is high altitude, high speed aircraft we are talking about, then the X-15 takes my vote. Something about going at 7.5 times the speed of sound just kinda...well...it's more like a rocket though...
I am too lazy to go get a pic of it.

Civilian craft? I guess me sayin DC-3 would be bad, since those were normally C-3 cargo planes in WW2. How about...umm...I wish I knew more civilian aircraft.

Chuck Yeager, didn't he take the Bell X-1 to mach 1 back in...the 50s? The name finally rang a bell (er...no pun) as I was watching "Behind Enemy Lines"...er.

#83227 Kaf06-01, In Michigan...

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 13 June 2006 - 10:58 PM in Nerf Wars

Day 1 now officially over:
- Dozen or so stills
- 15-20min of vid, half is decent
- Total dart loss: 3-400?
- Estimated time spent tomorrow searching for darts: 3 days
- Shots fired by SOBR: 2 At targets: 0
- My 'kills': Dunno...
- My 'deaths': More than my kills...
- RF20 Kills: All but two pulls of the trigger...Niiice *applaudes*
- Number of scratches from rocks on my right side: lost count after 40somethin.
- Total cases of poison ivy: 1 possible
- Total cases of other plants: 1
- Total money spent on food: $50? More than?
- My amount of energy left: Time to use up the other 3 bags of FBR I bought and fix that SOBR as well.
- On a scale of 1 (neope) to 10 (must...go...) of how badly I want to take a shower: same number as spent on food.

Yeap...Tomorrow starts at around 9, so that'll be interesting.

#111927 A Realy Simple Home Made

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 18 June 2007 - 08:43 PM in Homemades

It seems to me as if blisters will appear rapidly using that handle.

Perhaps attach some sort of sleeve (1/2" CPVC?) using an e-clip in a groove on the end of that handle? That may increase opening time by all of a hundredth of a second, as well.

If one were really worried about opening time vs. ease of use, finding a compromise in length would be the simplest option in my mind. Obviously shorter = faster, longer = ease of use in this application...

Or just get some muscle on those forearms. Try taking a 2" or so cylinder (old piece of exhaust pipe), drill a hole in the middle (all the way through both sides), run a good sized length of string through the hole, tying one end to the cylinder the other to a plate-style weight (something you'd see on the end of a freeweight bench press bar). Twist the cylinder in both hands, wrapping the string around the cylinder. This should be lifting the weight in the air, at the same time exercising most of the muscles used when opening a ball valve.
Don't overdo it with wrist exercises: carpel tunnel syndrome is so enjoyable.

I like that duct tape sling. I may have to make one of those for my girlfriend's rifles...perhaps an AK.

#126416 The F.a.m.a.s.

Posted by GeneralPrimevil on 16 October 2007 - 08:02 PM in Homemades

Reminds me of a manually-operated version of half of a Barrett M82 action. Barrel moves back to assist in unlocking the bolt...

Not bad in concept. One thing I'd recommend including is how the 'sheath' around your breech opening be extended to the rearmost of the magazine well. That allows a minimization of dead space in your cylinder. Also, to minimize dead space behind your dart in your barrel, have the breech opening as close as safely possible to the end of the barrel. Another thing is perhaps some way of locking your barrel forward to prevent any mishaps or unnecessary damage to your barrel's breech end.

I'm assuming the reason you opted to use a slit in the bottom of your barrel instead of the end of the brass tube is to prevent misfeeding from any damage that may incur on the barrel's end due to the pressure against the plunger/piston-spring assembly. I'm also assuming your magazine won't be curved, unless I missed something in homemade magazine technique during the past year or so I've been gone :)

I guess not bad. I still prefer pneumatic devices due to less moving mass...but that's personal preference. For a simple multi-shot spring launcher it has potential on paper. Let's see how your prototyping goes.

If this is going to be based visually of of the real FAMAS, you could very easily integrate a sort of slide-mechanism to make this thing pump-action :ph34r: