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#131923 Outtakes Of Nerf

Posted by ultra920 on 10 December 2007 - 04:00 PM in General Nerf

......what did you say? how did that happen?

#131919 Big Blast Problemo

Posted by ultra920 on 10 December 2007 - 03:37 PM in Modifications

If you don't have angle irons, use some super glue to hold it in place, then put some epoxy putty around it for support. Then use a dremel to sand it. Unless I'm thinking of something else.

#131888 What Do Other People Think Of Nerf?

Posted by ultra920 on 10 December 2007 - 07:08 AM in General Nerf

Don't worry Piney, it isn't that creepy. Actually, i mentioned it at an airsoft war, and now some of the guys either want to learn to mod/ want me to mod their guns. Its kinda coo, convincing them to try it out.

Will:I had something similar, but it was a longshot.

#131809 Red Dot Sights

Posted by ultra920 on 09 December 2007 - 03:46 PM in General Nerf

Ways to avoid milsim:
  • shove gun down pants
  • Funny tshirts
  • Viking helmets
  • costumes
  • dance!
  • sing

#131808 What Do Other People Think Of Nerf?

Posted by ultra920 on 09 December 2007 - 03:41 PM in General Nerf

Speedballers hate Nerf because of its slower ROF. Come to think of it, speed-balling kinda sounds a little gay.......

I got some Airsoft friends that can enjoy Nerf. Mostly, the ones like me who's guns shoot between 175 and 280 FPS a less dicky about it.

JJ9: Girlfriend likeing Nerf huh?How long are the barrels on those things......

S1per: Lol, just, lol. That's the only way i can describe that.

#131807 Console Wars

Posted by ultra920 on 09 December 2007 - 03:34 PM in Off Topic

Better not include me as a fanboy. I don't think the 360 is bad, i like it. But, for some reason i utterly despise the Wii. My favorite game series is MGS. While it is silly at time, it also has a extremely high level of seriousness. That really can't be truly replicated on the Wii. Really, it depends on the type of games you like to play. If you don't like serious games, get a Wii. If you like me, and like some silly stuff, but also want a decent, more serious plot, it is more of a choice between 360 and PS3.

#131805 Night Finder Hop Up

Posted by ultra920 on 09 December 2007 - 03:23 PM in Modifications

Read the subtitle. EXPERIMENT. It can be more of an idea that had been actually done.

SHA: the test may not be 100% accurate. It was a weird kind of day. I'll try a comparison with more constant wind. I found it easier to aim, but that's just me. When i angle, its hard for me to aim. There has to be someone that has a similar problem. I'm actually trying to do this on my LBB, hopefully it would make more sense on a gun like that. I just used a Night Finder to test the theory.

#131774 Console Wars

Posted by ultra920 on 09 December 2007 - 12:11 PM in Off Topic

I still have hope in the PS3. It has only been out for a year, remember the first year for 360? Graphics were being outclassed by the PS2(except COD2), and the only games were Perfect dark, COD2, and crap in a box with a 360 logo on it(sold 400,000 copies). The Wii can't see me having.

Prometheus: <_< couldn't put it better.

PS: can anyone tell me who came up with the Wii? Sounds like it was made up by a drunk Japanese guy on a roller coaster.

#131772 Night Finder Hop Up

Posted by ultra920 on 09 December 2007 - 11:59 AM in Modifications

OK, you all should know what a Hop up is, right? For those who don't, it is on guns and is used to get the effects of angling a gun without losing accuracy. As you know, angling a blaster can cause it to be hard to aim.

All you need for this mod is a barrel that can move around a bit and a regular rubber band.

  • Do a normal mod:Ar's, spring replacement, ect. When you do the barrel replacement, make sure you have a relatively thin wall so the barrel can move around.
  • OK, get a rubber band. Start on the bottom of the barrel with it strait. Pull up and cross it. Now, pull it back towards the cocking handle, and set it down. make sure it isn't secures ON the cocking handle, because it may through of accuracy. Here is a rough idea of what it should look Posted Image
  • Now, if you did this right, the barrel will be angled. Adjust the rubber bands down so that it is perfectly strait. It should look like this:
Posted Image

Range comparison:

Normal flat: 53, 50, 55 Normal angled: 60,63,68

Hop up flat:49, 53, 53 Hop up angled:59(bad dart?), 65, 60

Overall, it is a simple mod that if used correctly, can be extremely effective. I tested it in a war and it is extremely effective. After some practice, i can change in about 1 second. I found it to be most effective if someone is trying to run away, or providing covering fire for your rapid fire guys.

#131626 Danasoft

Posted by ultra920 on 07 December 2007 - 08:39 PM in Off Topic

Or, you can declare war on him.

SN: He turned 13 october, but joined at 12.

#131579 What Do Other People Think Of Nerf?

Posted by ultra920 on 07 December 2007 - 02:36 PM in General Nerf

So, I guess Nick has metal balls?

WHOOSH!"AGH!" Now he doesn't.

No. Its some kind of Magnetics metal ball things i got from my German Grandma. Plus, there are these holes were you screw in plastic rods. I connect 3, and the thing gets recoil! Can anyone explain that?

Dark Shrimp: Well, you joined at 13, and i assumed you were modding. How do they not know? Do they know you are posting as Dark Shrimp yet you often exclaim "I LIKE TURLES"?

PS: Is it supposed to sound like your mildly retarded when you say that?


Plus, there are these holes were you screw in plastic rods.

Hehehe. That was seriously unintentional.

#131574 What Do Other People Think Of Nerf?

Posted by ultra920 on 07 December 2007 - 12:30 PM in General Nerf

As long as the nerfers have eye protection and i use safety darts, my parents are fine with it.

My friend Nick is afraid of my guns. But, probably because my LBB shoots metal balls. <_<

My friend Robby might get into it. Of course, only if modded does he even CONSIDER taking it seriously.

Everyone else is either OK with it or think its stupid. If they think it is stupid, or it is only for babies, i shoot them with a NF with uncovered weights.

#131572 Polycarbonate Help

Posted by ultra920 on 07 December 2007 - 12:09 PM in Homemades

I don't know about you, but i don't have a plastics shop anywhere near i live. That can mean he might not. Can you think of any other places you can get plastics cheap?
EDIT: whups, didn't see were he lives.

PS: can you think of anyplace i can get plastics in north Nassau county?

#131563 Tech Target Basics

Posted by ultra920 on 07 December 2007 - 07:05 AM in Modifications

If you dremel down the barrel enough, you can make a coupler of sorts.

Also, if the glue winds up inside the barrel, dremmel the barrel.

#131512 New Nerf Blaster From Hasbro

Posted by ultra920 on 06 December 2007 - 08:01 PM in News

Death: the pics may be from different views, so it may not be 100% accurate.

Prometheus: Well, looks doesn't really mean much.

#131511 Check This!

Posted by ultra920 on 06 December 2007 - 07:56 PM in Off Topic

Who is this guy? Reminds me of Solid Snake, only i really don't care what he says, and it isn't as good.

penguin: nice idea. I'm gonna watch the ending of MGS2 and jot down the whole thing.

Angel:I can make it impressive for you: drink 3 beers, and spin around for 45 seconds.

#131491 Tommy Twenty

Posted by ultra920 on 06 December 2007 - 07:05 AM in General Nerf

It takes a while in order to warm up. make sure your darts are just the right size, or they will jam.

#131393 Lbb Prob

Posted by ultra920 on 04 December 2007 - 03:13 PM in Modifications

Waiting for the glue to dry...

worse comes to worse i can just replace the internals. But, I'll keep the shell. It's name is David, after Solid Snakes name. I have a vague pic of a guy with a bandanna and mullet smoking.

Now i need to convince my dad to let me go to an actual war.

#131386 Lbb Prob

Posted by ultra920 on 04 December 2007 - 07:08 AM in Modifications

What you do is hot glue the fork part back on. Then once it is in the correct position douse it in plumbers goop. Thats what I did and it works great. Also on the pump I would recommend to stop problems later to goop the handle at the stress marks part were it goes from flat to the lump.

Thanks. Will do.

#131343 Lbb Prob

Posted by ultra920 on 03 December 2007 - 06:41 PM in Modifications

Why not. Not in much of a hurry. Got a war Friday but i could just ass well use my Night Finder.

#131339 Opening A Ruff Stuff 10 Dart Blaster

Posted by ultra920 on 03 December 2007 - 06:16 PM in Modifications

Rubber bands? I thought the only mods was to upgrade the motor and help seal the feeder.

#131336 Lbb Prob

Posted by ultra920 on 03 December 2007 - 06:07 PM in Modifications

Well, i had finally optimized my lbb, and its pretty accurate. However, the part of the trigger that pulls the pin on the tank broke. It would look like this:

1 1

1 1



Snaped right off, and i really don't want to buy another. It has a name! Anyone want to help poor little David?

#131324 Outtakes Of Nerf

Posted by ultra920 on 03 December 2007 - 03:36 PM in General Nerf

i just used a ball gun in a war yesterday. Every time i would pop out i would shout, very loudly


To make a long story short, they did.

#131323 What Do You Want For Xmas '07?

Posted by ultra920 on 03 December 2007 - 03:31 PM in Off Topic

Brr. Hot topic. My crotch would kill me if i got pants there.

Actual list:
  • PS3
  • COD4
  • Uncharted
  • Motor storm
  • Mag strike
  • Zelda DS( forgot name)
  • Dremel w/ starting bits
Most likely not gettin a dremel. Probably need to use the money i saved up from reffing soccer. I swear, i was always stuck with this one team who would NEVER listen to the whistle. I would blow it really loud, and the coaches ears would be ringing by the end.

#131255 Good Sale

Posted by ultra920 on 02 December 2007 - 03:37 PM in General Nerf

Actually, i've seen disk shots around $15. Depends on extra equipment.

#131224 Outtakes Of Nerf

Posted by ultra920 on 02 December 2007 - 09:21 AM in General Nerf

Ive got a few:

* shooting my neighbor in the ass with a LBB, and he couldn't crap for a week.

But really, i got a story:

Its a small 1vs1 with my friend Nick. Were in my basement, he had a mav, and i was stuck with a nf. I knew i was screwed, so when he was behind cover reloading, i hid under a cardboard box. He pops up, and looks to see me not there. He goes upstairs, and i follow him. he searches other rooms, and i make a beeline to my bedroom. I popped out a LLB, ls, mav, NF and grenade. And once he opened the door: totally bombarded.

I won. :(

#131222 What Do You Want For Xmas '07?

Posted by ultra920 on 02 December 2007 - 09:11 AM in Off Topic

Joe: Charlie Oscar Delta 4? Is that basically Call Of Duty 4?

Corn man: Dremel one out of plywood.

#131129 What Do You Want For Xmas '07?

Posted by ultra920 on 01 December 2007 - 07:38 PM in Off Topic

*world domination

*M4 socom w/ SOP mod

* 1000 daylaborers, 250 nf's, 300 at3k's, 150 lbb's, 500 ls's and an uber xbow for declaring war on Avalon(local apartment building)

* dolphin with a fucking laser beam on it's head.

* optumus prime

#130941 Are You Kidding Me?

Posted by ultra920 on 29 November 2007 - 03:57 PM in General Nerf

diddled by one guy with an RF20.

So thats why he made the barrels so long.......

Ontopic: part of the badassness of the Xbow is the intergrations. So, it has the possiblity to be a short and long range weapon of destruction.

#130940 Need Help With Macromedia Flash 8

Posted by ultra920 on 29 November 2007 - 03:42 PM in Off Topic

Sure? Never happened to me. Besides, copy+paste does the same thing.

#130861 Secretivness Of Mods

Posted by ultra920 on 28 November 2007 - 03:48 PM in General Nerf

Imagine what would have happened if CXWQ had never publicized the use of brass as a barrel material?

OMC will be a hell of alot hapier.

On topic: Well, it is not something you want to make TO public, especially in school. I think Blockhead put it perfectly.

"whats in there?"SECRETS!

#130793 Runescape?

Posted by ultra920 on 27 November 2007 - 03:20 PM in Off Topic


Level: I stoped playing and got a fucking life.

I might start playing for the ocasion. Just don't get really nerdy. Ive gotten over MMOs because i realized the combat system ussauly sucks. But, there are some with a normal system.

#130709 Sesame Street

Posted by ultra920 on 26 November 2007 - 04:03 PM in Off Topic

I think the whole joke was that people SERIOUSLY fucking believe this.

Yeah, i thought it was serious, which is why i thought it was funny. I don't get the Times because i chased some kid of my lawn with a NF because he didn't take no for an awnser.

#130622 For The Love Of Forums...

Posted by ultra920 on 25 November 2007 - 10:21 AM in Off Topic

Think of it this way: Do you want them drunk ON Nerf Haven.

11! What happened to them?

#130565 Stock Streamlines = Major Range

Posted by ultra920 on 24 November 2007 - 06:21 PM in General Nerf

Still, if its not accurate, its not worth it. did you see the flight path. I did the same thing but the darts soared up high, causing them to spin around and loose all sense of effectiveness.

edit: damnit Retiate, beat me to it.

#130470 Nerfing's Against The Rules...

Posted by ultra920 on 23 November 2007 - 04:59 PM in General Nerf

penguin: In my technology class, we might make a nerf gun. Most likely not though, considering she probally dosen't understand how springers or air guns work.

sharpie: Were the fuck would a kid get napalm? What, are they selling it at dollar stores? People get stupider and stupider as years go by.

#130469 What Do You Like About Nerf?

Posted by ultra920 on 23 November 2007 - 04:50 PM in General Nerf

All of the inuendo me and my friends come up with. I swear, it would make Carb's inner fourth grader die of laughter.

#130360 Speed Cubing (rubik's)

Posted by ultra920 on 22 November 2007 - 01:33 PM in Off Topic

How do you do that? Memorize it? My personal record is a year! 50 seconds! And you started only a month ago. Who knows, maybe some people can, and some can't.

#130351 Nerfing's Against The Rules...

Posted by ultra920 on 22 November 2007 - 10:00 AM in General Nerf

My science teacher is a bit not as hard about it. Heck, he brought in a LBB for an experiment. Science is fun! :D

#130350 All Aluminum Paintball (and Nerf) Bolt-action Rifle

Posted by ultra920 on 22 November 2007 - 09:55 AM in Homemades

Man I wish I had that M4. I love guns and always have. My personal favorite is the .50 BMG with Armor piercing rounds. I wonder if it would be possible to build a NERF version of the Barret, guess I need to start thinking about that. And I hope that the new boltniper.com venture works well for you.

To do what? the .50 BMG is overkill on anything short of a tank. I know games only show minor injury from them but the force ebhind that bullet actually EXPLODES people who are shot with it. it will send pieces of you every were about 100 feet out.

But someone did put a casset mag on a titan and it punched through cardboard. I tried it myself and it does go through so if people are using shields you could get them through the shield but most titans aren't allowed at wars due to the fact that they can be painful.

The .50 BMG also uses AP rounds witch are for anti personal use (obliviously). And I have seen what the .50 does, its sick. I saw a person kill some one with it on youtube (from iraq) and it split his skull in 2 from over a mile away. As for the clipped Titan, Starbuck did that. Its called the Artemis Arms Mountain Rifle.

I've seen those things. It makes these explosion like things in the sand, dirt ect. Scary.

prometheus: How much higher is the friction?