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#16701 Reckoning 2004

Posted by Mantis on 19 January 2004 - 07:33 PM in Nerf Wars

Excellent, now we just need Wangley and the Homos to get in gear.

And I doubt a video will be made. We're more of a picture group, videos are cool and all, but they take forever to edit.

#16693 Reckoning 2004

Posted by Mantis on 19 January 2004 - 05:55 PM in Nerf Wars

You're pretty dumb.
When you have a stroke, one side of your body goes completely numb.

#16944 Reckoning 2004

Posted by Mantis on 23 January 2004 - 04:20 PM in Nerf Wars

What say we reschedule, because Hersh said he might be able to come, some of our team cant come, and the rest of them wont be able to make it.

We might as well figure out a weekend later on that will work.

#17059 Reckoning 2004

Posted by Mantis on 25 January 2004 - 08:59 AM in Nerf Wars

Odds are its too late for any of the out of towners to read this, but I'd bet on the park being open. Last time the road leading into it was snow-covered, so of course the town wouldnt wanna open it and risk being sued.

#16315 Reckoning 2004

Posted by Mantis on 13 January 2004 - 05:35 PM in Nerf Wars

If I toss in an extra $2, will you do a table dance when I buy a night finder?

And the Whore semen havent said anything lately, something tell them to stop playing Operation and get in the game.

#16990 Reckoning 2004

Posted by Mantis on 24 January 2004 - 01:20 PM in Nerf Wars

Sounds good. If the park is closed for whatever reason, I think we could all park a block or two away and hoof it there and jump the gate.

#17007 Reckoning 2004

Posted by Mantis on 24 January 2004 - 04:16 PM in Nerf Wars

Yeah, a controller isnt a bad idea. I think everyone brought all the controllers they had last time and we only had 10.

#16704 Reckoning 2004

Posted by Mantis on 19 January 2004 - 08:23 PM in Nerf Wars

Excellent, now we just need Wangley and the Homos to get in gear.

As I was saying

#12942 Reckoning 2004

Posted by Mantis on 17 November 2003 - 12:03 PM in Nerf Wars

I'll put some down on him slipping on an ice patch and hurting his hip.

As a side bet for who will find him in his crippled state first, I bet it will be someone who'll stick him in a hole in his house and lower lotion down in a bucket, and you know the rest.

#16534 Reckoning 2004

Posted by Mantis on 16 January 2004 - 10:57 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm in. I was worried Hersh might not be able to make it, for college or one thing or another.

And c'mon guys, if the high is 41, thats almost 15 degrees warmer than today, and odds are the wind cant keep up the way its been until Sunday *knocks on wood*.

#16416 Reckoning 2004

Posted by Mantis on 15 January 2004 - 09:10 AM in Nerf Wars

Now watch, we're gonna be toughasses and war this sunday and the weather is gonna blow semen out its ass at us, then next sunday its gonna be 60 and sunny.

#16615 Reckoning 2004

Posted by Mantis on 18 January 2004 - 09:58 AM in Nerf Wars

Yeah this new snow isnt anyone's fault, nobody saw it coming. Besides, it is NJ and all, the weather sucks more often than not, so we kinda have to always be ready for this, we've just lucked out in the past.
After all, this isnt Souther California, God damn it.

#461 Reckoning 2003

Posted by Mantis on 09 January 2003 - 07:37 PM in Nerf Wars

The only sign I've ever seen in nerf was the "no fires" at Mill Creek.

#423 Reckoning 2003

Posted by Mantis on 08 January 2003 - 02:19 PM in Nerf Wars

OOOO! I call being the big black guy who takes care of the white tigers!

18 is a good amount, especially since it will be some damn cold, it will keep things moving.

#305 Reckoning 2003

Posted by Mantis on 03 January 2003 - 06:56 PM in Nerf Wars

You might get your wish. From what Evil tells me, the LGLF arent even sure if they are coming. So if they dont come, that leaves 11 LCM, and 5 horsemen. Not too big, not too small.

#300 Reckoning 2003

Posted by Mantis on 03 January 2003 - 05:13 PM in Nerf Wars

I guess we could try a variation of CTF. I think I might know a place where we could do an attack and defend. The clan will have to talk it over and decide on a good place.
And gunned down, the 4 horsemen are just part of the clan, there are other people in the clan.

#294 Reckoning 2003

Posted by Mantis on 03 January 2003 - 02:37 PM in Nerf Wars

CTF is pretty useless, especially for you guys. The forest is rather thing this time of year, and dont forget about how we kicked your asses the first time we did CTF.
And about the forecast, we'll try not to fag it up, but like I usually say, phone spelled backwards is enohp.

#8696 Rebuild No

Posted by Mantis on 24 August 2003 - 09:28 PM in Off Topic

Cx, you will be in my prayers.

#8611 Rebuild No

Posted by Mantis on 22 August 2003 - 12:52 PM in Off Topic

It would be impossible. NO was a rather unique site, and many of the people from it have left, so even if you did reopen nerfonline.com, it wouldnt be NO.

#8631 Rebuild No

Posted by Mantis on 22 August 2003 - 10:17 PM in Off Topic

I dont know about that. We could mail the Horsemen over to England in crates, then they would go on a nerfing rampage until he was found.

#8642 Rebuild No

Posted by Mantis on 23 August 2003 - 09:17 AM in Off Topic

*sees GD run to BJ's for a completely different reason*

#8787 Rebuild No

Posted by Mantis on 27 August 2003 - 03:45 PM in Off Topic

Wow, someone went and remade it even after we all concluded that it wouldnt be the same and might suck.

Props to whoever that is.

#8682 Rebuild No

Posted by Mantis on 24 August 2003 - 01:30 PM in Off Topic

I miss the fire spewing penis of death :angry:

#4480 Realistic And Dynamic Defense Plans

Posted by Mantis on 12 May 2003 - 05:12 PM in Off Topic

Evil, you wouldnt be able to handle the level of sheer coolneed that weapondry would provide. But at least you're shopping smart, you're shopping S-mart.

I was pondering the situation, and I came up with an interesting question. What makes a zombie seek out the living? It is not their sense of sight, since they hoarde the area from miles and miles away. So, it must be either their sense of smell, or some extra-sensory...sense. But if it is smell, what if we could make a zombie repellant, or something to mask our human-smelling-ness. Not just cologne, maybe airtight suits or hunting clothes that hold your stinkiness in.
If we could trick the zombies into thinking we were one of them, we could easily wipe them out, and not have to move anywhere.

#4536 Realistic And Dynamic Defense Plans

Posted by Mantis on 13 May 2003 - 01:26 PM in Off Topic

If we could trick the zombies into thinking we were one of them, we could easily wipe them out, and not have to move anywhere.

Sure, they wouldn't care about that zombie that's attacking them with a FUCKING FLAMETHROWER now would they?

Maybe they would attack that person, but they wouldnt hoarde him. I think only the one being attacked would attack the attacker.

#4596 Realistic And Dynamic Defense Plans

Posted by Mantis on 14 May 2003 - 05:21 PM in Off Topic

Howard, if Day of the Dead didnt (suck) teach us anything, its that anything will be penetrated by the zombies. Someone is liable to go crazy what with it being such close quarters. And if there is only one big door, how do you get more supplies? And for my final point, where would you find something to this effect?

#4310 Realistic And Dynamic Defense Plans

Posted by Mantis on 06 May 2003 - 10:20 AM in Off Topic

I agree with the ideas of isolating yourself and the other survivors, but melee weapons seem useless, even dangerous to yourself. Since zombie-ism is a virus, its transferred through the blood right? Or something along those lines, which is why they bite to infect. So, if you go 1 on 1 with a zombie, and some of his blood splashes onto a scratch you have, you might be infected.
What if, you set sail on a ship, and fished for your food and found a way to change salt water to fresh water? The epidemic would not affect you, being out in the ocean and all. Maybe even just the bay, assuming they cant swim. You could just bring about 500,000 Brita filters on board, some fishing poles and crab trabs, and you are set! Eventually the zombies may die, and then you could go back on land, who knows.

#4403 Realistic And Dynamic Defense Plans

Posted by Mantis on 09 May 2003 - 01:19 PM in Off Topic

Pop rocks could work. First, you fly overhead (in a hang glyder I would imagine) and sound a horn, then they all look up, and you carpet bomb the place in pop rocks. Then you do the same with tons of soda. (Note: This theory only works if zombies dont know how to close their mouths.)

#4338 Realistic And Dynamic Defense Plans

Posted by Mantis on 06 May 2003 - 08:12 PM in Off Topic

Well, it seems that zombies mostly enjoy humans. But in times when they are starved, they are seen eating smaller animals (Night of the Living Dead or Dawn of the Dead, cant remember). But if the virus would transfer over is the question. The virus seemed to affect humans only at first, so it may take thousands of years for it to evolve and be able to survive in other animal's cells.
My question is though, is it possible that someone gets knawed on so much by so many zombies that they simply die instead of becoming one? Sometimes huge swarms are seen eating one carcass.

#549 Ranting Or Just Telling The Truth?

Posted by Mantis on 13 January 2003 - 02:43 PM in Site Feedback

Guys, if you have the chance to make your gun sexy, why not take the opportunity?

#433 Ranting Or Just Telling The Truth?

Posted by Mantis on 08 January 2003 - 03:17 PM in Site Feedback

I totally agree. The LCM started with myself, the shindidg, and the twins just shooting the hell out of each other in my basement. We didnt have any mods. I might have poked the X out of my 5000 arrow barrel, but thats it. Eventually we started modding guns, got more people, and needed rules, simply because it was chaos with all these people and nobody ever dying. As Vacc points out, ideas are best done out of necessity.
I think wars can still differ from east coast and west coast styles. At large scale wars, those are the only two though. Though if your clan is having a small 6 man war, you might as well make up some cool rules and scenarios.

#8317 Powerclip

Posted by Mantis on 16 August 2003 - 03:02 PM in Modifications


Posted Image

#115253 Poll: Do You Cuss?

Posted by Mantis on 10 July 2007 - 09:56 AM in Off Topic


#15318 Pirated Dvds

Posted by Mantis on 31 December 2003 - 10:13 AM in Off Topic

Maybe they are okeys instead of okleys and thats why you got them so cheap.

#19332 Perhaps The Coolest Mod Ever

Posted by Mantis on 19 February 2004 - 03:43 PM in Modifications

Ok jackass, I got kinda excited when I read the title of your post. Then I see you just slapped a blue light on a gun with a red light. I coulda done the same, probably for a lot cheaper. Take some blue seran wrap and tape it on, and presto!

From Mantis with love.

#4746 Open Invitation

Posted by Mantis on 18 May 2003 - 06:05 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm not sure about this, but I think the only laborers in the clan are me and the Shindig. For me, I could probably get out of work fairly easily as long as I knew somewhat beforehand.
But last year, we did a massive amount of wars during the summer. Especially before Apoc, we did about 8 wars in July-August alone.

#8428 Ny Nerfers

Posted by Mantis on 18 August 2003 - 08:40 PM in Nerf Wars

Your logic is almost good, but you still don't capitalize words right.

#12559 Number Of Guns

Posted by Mantis on 07 November 2003 - 11:29 PM in General Nerf

I've always found two to be too (heh heh all the to's in one sentence) cumbersome, even if you have a holster or a strap.

#15347 Non-nerf Blowgun

Posted by Mantis on 31 December 2003 - 06:51 PM in General Nerf

No, I think all of the LCM's were around 30, 36 is a bit much.

#152115 Njno - April 20th

Posted by Mantis on 19 April 2008 - 11:29 PM in Nerf Wars

I found myself having some spare time on this holiday, and stumbled back on my favorite nerf website.

If it is cool with the powers that be, I may come, accompanied by a few brave lads.

Don't count on us, but if we do make it, I'd appreciate the class of the NJ nerfing crew to show itself.

-LCM member #1