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There have been 414 items by Spectre2689 (Search limited from 16-January 97)

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#14543 Saddam Hussein - Captured

Posted by Spectre2689 on 17 December 2003 - 06:12 PM in Off Topic

No sir, at no point in time did we have the BEST air force in the world. AT a certain point in WW2, the German Luftwaffe was the best air force. After the war got in to full turn, British and American planes ruled the skies. Canadians did indeed have quite the air force, but not as large as the others. Lancasters, handling as well as say...a pregnant cow...were frequently shot down on bombing raids, either by flak turrets or Luftwaffe. P-51s were only dispatched on short-range bombing runs, as they didnt have the fuel to carry them all the way to the destination and back.

#14374 Saddam Hussein - Captured

Posted by Spectre2689 on 15 December 2003 - 03:19 PM in Off Topic

Hitler killed millions. That's not a matter of weapons of any kind of destruction, the allies faught the Nazis because they butchered, maimed, mutilated, tortured, killed, and slaughtered. They were engineers of a genocide of which the civilized world couldn't imagine.

That would explain why it took the U.S. 3 years to get off their ass and do something then. And THAT was only because of Pearl Harbor. If Imperial Japan hadn't attacked the U.S., they just would've stayed there in their own happy little world.

#14525 Saddam Hussein - Captured

Posted by Spectre2689 on 17 December 2003 - 04:10 PM in Off Topic

If you're going to make fun of anything in the Canadian Armed Forces, make fun of the Air Force. We have a grand total of about 10 planes, what's left of our helicopters are falling out of the sky, and we have about 5 trained pilots to an aircraft. Our Air Force is a joke. Our Navy is not. In fact, we have one of the best navies in the world. Our ships are fairly modern, even though we have no submarines. With Paul Martin in place now, things should start to change with Canada's military. We just placed an order for a bunch of new helicopters, and a few weeks ago we placed an order for Stryker armoured vehicles (Although to replace our Leopard tanks? Hell no.) Also, recently, Canada's elites beat America's elites in a war game. And we have the best losers in the world. My rant is done.

#14541 Saddam Hussein - Captured

Posted by Spectre2689 on 17 December 2003 - 06:04 PM in Off Topic

Note: The subs are coal-powered and can't submerge more than a few feet. What good's a sub that can't submerge?

#14448 Saddam Hussein - Captured

Posted by Spectre2689 on 16 December 2003 - 07:15 PM in Off Topic

Ouch...nice turn around on the words...I deserved that...

#14437 Saddam Hussein - Captured

Posted by Spectre2689 on 16 December 2003 - 05:52 PM in Off Topic

I'll tell you what can't happen in this thread:

So I told Groove, no you can't shove that many hamsters up your ass without feeling some sort of discomfort.

Oh shit, I just contradicted myself. I'll shut up.

P.S. Don't take that seriously Groove, I just like having fun picking on the first person I think of when I do something :huh:

#28822 The Mmno Summer War

Posted by Spectre2689 on 18 June 2004 - 03:13 PM in Nerf Wars

Now that I'm done shitting all over myself and cleaning it up with a mustard container, I must say that I probably will be coming to the mini-war tomorrow. So if it's five of us, like you say, I say I'll be the odd man out, trying to fuck both of your teams over. Mostly Jeeves' team though, since I hate that damn RF20. Bastard....

What I'm bringing? My repair shop in a bag, of course, my NF, MS, SM1500, AT2k, and a 3 ft. long blowpipe. Also, I have marking tape. Bright green and bright orange. Might come in handy. What Cam will be bringing? Lots of elastics...right Cam? Right. I'm gonna be using some of your darts too, so... We'll also be bringing my walkie-talkies...right Cam?

Another interesting tidbit. My dad may be participating. If this happens, I say we have a 3-team deathmatch.

Other than that, I think I need to go shit all over myself again. See you all at 11:30.

And Hunter, thanks for the good words. We'll see about the co-operation and listing of Canadian nerfers. Best of luck at VANS.

#28045 The Mmno Summer War

Posted by Spectre2689 on 08 June 2004 - 06:09 PM in Nerf Wars

[Mike] Aaaaand some more pictures...stupid picture limit control.[/Mike]

[another ominously large assortment of pictures]
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[/another ominously large assortment of pictures]

I think that's everything. Sorry for the double post, and go fuck yourse...I mean have a nice day. ^_^

#28044 The Mmno Summer War

Posted by Spectre2689 on 08 June 2004 - 06:06 PM in Nerf Wars

[Cam] Okay, I got the pictures taken. It was a very hot day today (35*C), so I had to work hard not to pass out while rollerblading. We're posting under Mike so it looks like he's actually doing something in this thread. I do warn this will be photo heavy, 27 pictures, it may take a while to load them all. Sorry for this. [/Cam]

To the pictures!

[ominously large amount of pictures courtesy of Cam]
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[Cam]This is where I would like us to meet^. It's right beside the entrance to the forest.[/Cam]
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[/ominously large amount of pictures courtesy of Cam]

[Mike] Oh my flaming dog shit in a used latex condom. Wow. I missed alot. Then I had to make up for it by downloading, resizing, and hosting every single image you see above.

Anyways, I may be able to make the 19th war, and will be re-vamping my arsenal before then. I'm gonna "silence" my all-powerful NF, so that it really looks like a Mk23. (snicker) But until then, I'll be...writing exams. I'll be back home before Cam is even awake. Son of a...

So, until I post again, I bid you farewell. You sluts...[/Mike]

#28851 The Mmno Summer War

Posted by Spectre2689 on 18 June 2004 - 09:16 PM in Nerf Wars

EYE FUCKING PROTECTION. Without it, you're as good as a bystander to me.

Is it my twisted mind or is that a poor choice of words.

When next July gets closer, just give me some dates. That would be cool, you could be our Guest of Honour and wear a paper crown and get a comlimentary T-Shirt unbeknownst to you that it has a target on the back of it.

You're a sick sick man. I hope you know that. I only made the connection after you pointed that out. Which brings up a point... are there condoms specially made for eye fucking?

ANYWAYS, I'm going to sleep in an hour or so, in preparation to kick all of your asses. If you don't have eye protection, I will personally be shooting you in the dangling man berries so you learn. The result will be swollen dangling man berries.

So, see you all on the battlefield tomorrow.

P.S. My MaxShot is busted, so you'll only need to endure pain from my AT2k and my SM1500. Maybe my NF if you're lucky enough.

[EDIT] Cam, if you read this before the mini-war, bring our tape. Dave (guy who's making the site) needs to hear some of our stuff for "inspiration".

#33174 The Mmno Summer War

Posted by Spectre2689 on 04 August 2004 - 10:54 PM in Nerf Wars

No need my douchestick-ish friend. For Mike, the reaper of souls has...ah fuck it.

Yeah I'm on a computer in the internet cafe on the ship.

Shit, shit, shit, oooooo, shit, double shit.

21st...or 28th...28th is a no, that's when we should be doing the party at Pat's. I think. (Speaking of which, Cam, get people to check availability for that weekend. As in the band, and your significant other, and get the band to check availability for their significant others. Or in Ryan's case, the stray cat he found.)

21st however should be alright. That gives me more time to fix my guns and get some new guns and make darts and touch myself and wear pants. Disregard that last one.

Until the next time, farewell.

On to Ket...Kat...Ketan...uhhh...stupid fucking wierd Alaskan cities.

#33256 The Mmno Summer War

Posted by Spectre2689 on 06 August 2004 - 02:49 AM in Nerf Wars

Personal matters...it was a side note, come on man!

Anyways, the 21st should be good for me. Make sure Tony can come. Make sure! TONY! COME! 21st! COME!

And yeah...I sent an update yesterday, and will do so again tomorrow. Lemme know.

Until the next time, remember... two in the bush is worth one in the lemon!...whatever that means.

#26737 The Mmno Summer War

Posted by Spectre2689 on 22 May 2004 - 08:04 PM in Nerf Wars

(sigh) Looks like we're gonna be staying up until 2 in the morning on the day of the war making darts again. Ah well, was all in good fun.

Speaking of darts, Cam, go and get two of those huge rolls of FBR...I'll give you the money for one.

And can you hear a hooray for an August war? Why, you most certainly can. HUAH! Is everybody alright for early August? I'm going to be gone most of July (probably) and the last week of August. So, early August would probably be the best. I'm thinking the 7th or the 14th. How's that sound to everyone?

[EDIT] Just a small note, there is a good chance of there being some music this year. Once my iPod is fixed, I'm going to see what these little Koss speakers can do when I plug 'em in there.


I have 400 and counting. Uh yeah... well, I'm hoping to make 1000

Jesus Hank Christ.

#32561 The Mmno Summer War

Posted by Spectre2689 on 28 July 2004 - 11:05 PM in Nerf Wars

Creepy timing. Anyways, thanks for the rest of the information.

Coming: Yes
Friends: 2; Nick, Vince (maybe)
Need Directions: No
Need Equipment: No
Lunch: Bringing a decent lunch this time
Arsenal: MaxShot (2x), NF, SM1500, AT2k (2x), TTTSNB 1&2 (to throw at people)

Cam, I need you to get me some brass, some foam, and some weights. I'll pay you once I get back from Alaska. That leaves me a full week to get my ass in gear, fix my guns, and make my darts. If you'll do that for me, let me know the total cost of things. I'll call you tomorrow to talk about it.

#32555 The Mmno Summer War

Posted by Spectre2689 on 28 July 2004 - 10:04 PM in Nerf Wars

Right, so I decided it was about time to dig up this topic and get our asses in gear. What I need from everyone is the same as last time.

Coming: Yes/No
Friends: How many?
Need Directions: Yes/No (remember it's a new location from MMNO1)
Need Equipment: Yes/No (eyewear, darts, etc...specify)
Money or Lunch (choose)
Arsenal: What guns/How many?

As of now the war is still for the 14th of August at...Uhhh...I forgot the time. Around 11:00 I think, but I could be wrong. We'll be playing until about 5:00 or as long as you stay.

That's all I can think about to say at the moment. Respond with the above info.

Thank you and have a nice day, tube-steak boffers.

#29709 The Mmno Summer War

Posted by Spectre2689 on 27 June 2004 - 11:27 PM in Nerf Wars

Couldn't tell you the total count now, but its approximately...lots? I guess I'm going to be looking after this thread for a while now, since Cam is in BC looking after his relative (forgot which one...aunt I think, but I could be wrong).

Anyways, good to hear about another new addition, and the latest weapon that you can no longer own me with. It's all good. I need to go out and get my own foam, and lots and lots of brass. Vince just found himself an SSII, so I'm gonna be modding that for him, and I'm gonna finish his AT2k.

So yeah. That's it for now. Once Cam is back, we'll do a roll call using the old MMNO thread format. I'll dig it up at the appropriate time.

Ciao for now, and don't forget the bulls! The bulls are important! OH THE BULLS!...

I'm retarded :huh:

#27053 The Mmno Summer War

Posted by Spectre2689 on 26 May 2004 - 12:19 PM in Nerf Wars

Now what am I going to do with this Britney Spears shrine. Shit!

You can start by giving it to me. :P

Anyways, I checked out the area the other day, and I honestly have to say that I shit myself twice. The second time was when my friend tried to jump over this huge rock going down a hill and bailed out at the last second. Wet grass and stopped tires dont make for good conditions when you're heading towards a rock at 30 kp/h.

Anyways, there is a couple paths going through the forest that we could use as a border sort of thing that I have an idea for*. There's more than a few trees that you can climb up to get a good vantage point, or to film the war. And, there's a couple nice clearings in there too.

A couple things I'm worried about is the mosquitoes, but with enough Off! Skintastic we should be alright**. Another thing is people walking around down the paths and whatnot. A good way to counter this is if anyone sees a civilian walking down a path, say "Heads up, Nerf down." At this point, we would all stop moving, stand up, and aim your guns downwards.

* The idea I have is that one team will have to defend an objective with multiple breach points. Once the attacking team breaches the first line, the defending team has 15 seconds to run back to the next line and defend, and so on.

** I don't think the mosquitoes fall for that Off! shit anymore.

That is all. Nerf on.

#26404 The Mmno Summer War

Posted by Spectre2689 on 17 May 2004 - 08:28 PM in Nerf Wars

Wow, hey look at that. There's a bunch of brown stuff all over the...oh! I just shat myself.

Anyways, yeah. The school in question is Meadowvale Secondary...or something like that. I've actually only ever seen it once, and that was on a school bus. But I'm sure it will be alright. The path and clearing sound like a nice addition. Looking forward to that.

This time, we'll go try to take pictures of the area so everybody has a basic understanding of what it looks like.

The last thing I'd like to say is...BRING YOUR FRIENDS! (Except Argen...please for the love of God, Allah, Buddha, and whatever else there is, do NOT bring Argen.) I'm going to try to get a couple people I know from my school to join in, so it should be fun.

Ciao...Nerf on!

[EDIT] (3 days later) Uhhh...guys? Anyone?

#40475 Halo 2

Posted by Spectre2689 on 01 November 2004 - 03:16 PM in Off Topic

Personally I'm not into all this hype about Halo 2. I'm not going to put it down or talk it up until I've actually played it. I made that mistake with Doom 3. Remember all the people talking it up to the point of it being the next big thing in PC gaming and still being the next big thing after that? What happened to Doom 3? It sucked. It was repetitive and boring. Sure it had nice graphics, and a decent storyline, but it was all the same. I just can't see Halo 2 being THAT much better than the original. Honestly, what's the most they could change?

Assuming that I play it and find it interesting, I'll go out and buy it. But I really don't see how much of a difference they could make in gameplay if it's the same engine. So they have new guns, cool. Not that exciting. They have new levels. Could be exciting, we're yet to see. They have a new storyline. Assuming it's original, and well-written, it could be good. Otherwise, nothing. The graphics don't look any different than they did on the original Halo.

However, I have seen videos and some reviews for HL2, and had the chance to play it for a few minutes at a friend's house, and I will say right now that I will go out to Best Buy as soon as I get a chance and I will buy the first un-opened copy I see.

You are now free to insult my thinking.

#27016 Code Of Conduct

Posted by Spectre2689 on 25 May 2004 - 07:00 PM in Site Feedback

Your member account at NerfHaven has been temporarily suspended because it's time you were evolved out of online society.

Your account will not be functional until Oct 9 2031, 08:54 PM (depending on your timezone). This is an automated process and you do not need to do anything to expediate the unsuspension process.

That stuff just makes my day... Anyways,

See, the problem is that...look at all of the chances we've given this mullet guy. And he still doesn't learn. How many chances can you give somebody? How many posts does he have that he doesn't make any sense and hasn't made any effort to improve? This would be a nice case for "Ban Stupidity Outright."

#22496 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by Spectre2689 on 26 March 2004 - 09:39 PM in Site Feedback

Now...wait wait...what the fuck is with all the anti-Canadianism here? Why does everybody hate Canada? What has Canada, on the whole, done to you? I don't mean like one random fucktard like 1/2 'n' 1/2 or whatever that other retard's called with the super soakers. I mean as a country, what have we done to you? Nothing. I could blame the whole of America for spitting out retards like NinjaYoshi and Xcalibur, but I don't. I blame them as one person. I have a LOT of anti-American jokes here, but I don't post them, because I have respect. I'm polite. Unlike most Americans, I don't blatantly insult other people because I jumped on the Hate Canada Bandwagon. Think for yourself once in a while.

Anyways, I'm gonna have to vote Xcalibur off the NH island because he's a lying little turd and a hypocrite. Foolish sackbreathed bitchplank.

#22504 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by Spectre2689 on 26 March 2004 - 10:23 PM in Site Feedback

Meh, passive-aggressive is how I work. It's the Canadian way. And, I don't talk in AIM-speak. I don't even use AIM, since it blows whale penis. Usually I try to talk as close to normal as usual. Bah, whatever...

#22804 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by Spectre2689 on 29 March 2004 - 06:35 PM in Site Feedback

This will easily be one of my more useless posts. I'm gonna go piss on my cat in amazement now. But first, I had a couple words. Bitchplank, cockblock, scrotumcrow. I'm done. Carry on.

#22554 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by Spectre2689 on 27 March 2004 - 02:35 PM in Site Feedback

We all hate Canada. Deal with it, baby.

And I hate America, but you don't see me running around and waving burning U.S. flags, do you? But if I did...you would have to deal with it. There's Canadians on the forum, man. Deal with it.

#53356 Your Ride?

Posted by Spectre2689 on 24 April 2005 - 03:02 PM in Off Topic

Hopefully two summers from now I'm going to have enough cash to buy a 1993-1995 (Gen 3) Mazda RX-7.  It has a rotary that I'll probably swap out for a Toyota Supra engine (I forget the engine designation) that will definitely get reworked.

I'm...not too sure why you would do that. The reason RX-7s perform so well is because the car's light. The Supra engine is heavier than the RX-7's rotary, and would probably weigh the front down a lot more than it was designed to perform with. Why not just put an enormous turbo and intercooler on the existing engine?

[EDIT] And for the record, my ride is a pair of Firefly Zeal 2s. Nice comfortable shoes, like...

#19723 Lanard Blast Bazooka

Posted by Spectre2689 on 24 February 2004 - 12:55 PM in General Nerf

A couple Wal-Marts around our area have a couple MaxShots left over. I went to one about 30 minutes away and they had 3 of them. They also had about 10 AT2ks.

#19603 Lanard Blast Bazooka

Posted by Spectre2689 on 23 February 2004 - 04:24 PM in General Nerf

I saw this at the store when I bought my MaxShot. I didn't think it was worth picking up. If anyone gets good results, lemme know.

#19741 Lanard Blast Bazooka

Posted by Spectre2689 on 24 February 2004 - 03:15 PM in General Nerf

90-100 ft? Holy crap, I'm gonna go out and get one...maybe.

#19782 Lanard Blast Bazooka

Posted by Spectre2689 on 24 February 2004 - 06:51 PM in General Nerf

How the hell do i include a pic in my posts?

For fuck's sake man. There is a complete guide in the Site Feedback section of the forum. It's a friggin sticky for God's sake.

#20049 Lanard Blast Bazooka

Posted by Spectre2689 on 27 February 2004 - 01:15 PM in General Nerf

May I ask why you have the same barrel on both a spring-powered gun and an air-powered gun? And why I should try and get a discontinued gun instead of one that's readily available? And why I wouldn't just get them both?

Spork, go look at Wal-Mart in the "Games" section. That's where I saw it.

[EDIT] Yes Spork, I meant the new Lanard one. I only found that and a MaxShot at my Wal-Mart, no FirstShots or TripleShots though.

#19748 Lanard Blast Bazooka

Posted by Spectre2689 on 24 February 2004 - 03:44 PM in General Nerf

It was around $15 CAD I think, so I'd bet between $7-10 USD.

#42155 Half Life 2

Posted by Spectre2689 on 21 November 2004 - 03:07 PM in Off Topic

...There's an OICW? Wow.

Concerning Nova Prospekt, what kind of enemies are in there? I just got in the door and I'm already scared shitless. I wanna know what I should expect. Is it just combine? Or Ant lions? Or what?

And no problem. I haven't tried multiplayer yet, I'll try it when I get home today.

#42165 Half Life 2

Posted by Spectre2689 on 21 November 2004 - 06:26 PM in Off Topic

No kidding. I'm in a jeep, I just narrowly avoided getting my ass handed to me by a combine gunship, and I blasted the roadblock aside with my gravity gun. I race into a tunnel waiting for something to happen, but there's a white light at the end...LOADING. Excellent.

But yeah, they really need to fix that, if it's possible.

#42185 Half Life 2

Posted by Spectre2689 on 21 November 2004 - 09:48 PM in Off Topic

THEY don't need to fix anything, you do. Only takes me a matter of seconds to load with my system.

You tell my S-ATA WD 80GB 7200RPM with 8mb cache that. Or could it be Mobile Athlon XP +2500 OC'ed to +3200 (which, mind you, is perfectly stable)? Or maybe my ATI R9800 XT 128mb. Possibly my 1024MB of OCZ memory?

No, I really don't think it's my computer. Maybe your computer is on drugs?

#42143 Half Life 2

Posted by Spectre2689 on 21 November 2004 - 10:31 AM in Off Topic

Agreed, but I have one other gripe. The loading times are ridiculous. Although the game is very linear and you don't get magically teleported anywhere between loading (save the mis-teleport at the beginning), it still needs something to keep a person interested while it's loading.

Everything else is amazing. I remember the first (and only) time I shot the alternate fire on the pulse rifle. It went through somebody, fried him, bounced off a wall, and exploded in a flammable barrel surrounded by 3 cronies.

Ant lions are ridiculously fun as well. I don't quite remember where or how I got 7 ant lions at one time, but man did they own infantry. Got their asses handed to them by machine gun fire though.

Right now I'm in Nova Prospekt, and I don't really know what to expect. Lots of loud noises and creepy cages with blood on the walls. I couldn't figure out how to get past the first room, due mainly to the fact that I was too scared to explore the basement. I'll try again later with the help of the trusty magnum.

[EDIT] For those wondering about multiplayer HL2, voila. http://halflife2.fil...Test_Maps;33049 and http://halflife2.fil..._Mini_Mod;33099 ...aaand http://halflife2.fil..._Menu_Mod;33185

#42114 Half Life 2

Posted by Spectre2689 on 20 November 2004 - 01:06 PM in Off Topic

No, its a bad thing to put a superior game on a non-superior system. I'll bet you any money that if they port all 5 CDS of HL2 to XBox, it would explode. Completely just blow up in your face. To avoid this, Valve would need to kill the graphics on the game, not to mention all the scripts and physics going on, and completely gay it up. So, to all those that are patiently waiting for HL2 on Xbox: don't bother.

Also, I'm gonna have to disagree with you Groove. While gravity gun + circular saw + headcrab zombies is a ridiculously fun combination, gravity gun + engine block + headcrab zombies is just hilarious.

#40742 Half Life 2

Posted by Spectre2689 on 03 November 2004 - 10:12 PM in Off Topic

Death to consoles. I hope half life 2 never comes out for a console. Hell, if I had it my way, no FPS would ever be created for a console system ever again.

Amen. No console FPS I've ever played has been worth my time (except maybe SOCOM, but that's just because the rest of the game is amazing). This isn't biased either, because I have lots of consoles, including PS2 and Xbox, and lots of FPS games to go with them, including, but not limited to, SOCOM, MoH: Rising Sun, Halo, and the GTA games (which belong on the PC, no matter what anyone says), so I'm gonna end this unusual run-on sentence and restate a simple sentence. Death to consoles.

#40977 Half Life 2

Posted by Spectre2689 on 06 November 2004 - 12:35 AM in Off Topic

Thats because they love the Xboxers more. :D

Which explains why it's not coming out for XBox. Ever. If it does, I will diddle the CEO of Rockstar and sell his limbs on the black market.

But yeah, the first time I saw GTA3 on the PC I nearly wet myself (I saved that for the second time I saw it on PC). It's a good thing I have a PS2 so that I can play any of them regardless, but a downside is that I'm as wealthy as a drunk's nutsack. The money that I do have is going to HL2. The money that I don't have would like to be spent on GTA:SA, MoH:PA, MoV:V, and Guild Wars. A new guitar would be nice too.

#41903 Half Life 2

Posted by Spectre2689 on 17 November 2004 - 03:27 PM in Off Topic

Well, my poor ass didn't have enough money to go out and buy it yesterday. So my dad and I are going out today to get it. We have a strong relationship while playing games. I play, and he watches. Go figure.

And I feel no anger towards you oxide, only pity that you can't support the companies that bring you these great games.

#42136 Half Life 2

Posted by Spectre2689 on 20 November 2004 - 11:58 PM in Off Topic

But boy do I feel sorry for anyone that has to run the game on an older DX8 video card...(shudder). To think that that's probably what it would look like on Xbox.

Another thing is that since TVs run at a much lower resolution, you can't put anywhere near as much detail on it as you can on a monitor. I tried playing Call of Duty on a TV once, and the resolution was so bad that it was hard to see anything, even on a 30" screen.

Side-note: nevermind about my above edit, I found the way, and I feel stupid for not seeing it earlier. Shame on me.

[EDIT] General edit.