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There have been 122 items by KBarker (Search limited from 22-January 97)

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#122387 Longshot Paintjobs

Posted by KBarker on 07 September 2007 - 10:27 PM in Modifications

I just put some grease on my foregrip slide, and it made it about 5 times easier to cock. I recommend it to anyone with a shotgun foregrip, especially if you painted it.

#122349 Longshot Paintjobs

Posted by KBarker on 07 September 2007 - 05:50 PM in Modifications

Paintjob took longer than I expected, but it's finally done. Angel breech with CS shotgun foregrip and industrial spring added. I'll get some foam on the foregrip soon, it's a pain to cock now.

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Breech Open:
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#100109 Leaking Homemade

Posted by KBarker on 19 February 2007 - 11:48 PM in Homemades

Try brushing soapy water on the joints, then lightly pressurizing it. Where you see bubbles, that is a leak. Mark these points, then clean off the PVC and apply epoxy.

#119609 Kbarker's Lbb

Posted by KBarker on 14 August 2007 - 01:12 PM in Modifications

'm going to paint it when I get all the bugs worked out.

Did anyone else catch this?

What's there to catch?

#119667 Kbarker's Lbb

Posted by KBarker on 14 August 2007 - 06:19 PM in Modifications

Yeah, they both fire off one trigger, so it fires 3 bursts of 2 darts each. It would have been cool to make it able to fire all 6 individually, but I couldn't figure out a simple way to do it.

You could make one spidey blaster's trigger-cord slightly shorter than the other, so you get alternating sequential fire.

There's only one cord.

Telekinetic - I don't get it. Need pics.

#119671 Kbarker's Lbb

Posted by KBarker on 14 August 2007 - 06:29 PM in Modifications

I see what you're saying, but I think it works better for me like this. I considered leaving the pull string out entirely and just sticking the push buttons out the side, but it would look kinda ugly. I see this being used as a last resort at close range, after missing with the LBB. In that case you'd probably fire off all 6 shots in one burst.

#119530 Kbarker's Lbb

Posted by KBarker on 14 August 2007 - 12:55 AM in Modifications

I am now starting to see what you guys mean.
I love the internal pics.

I knew you'd come around. The beauty of it is that you can make the tubing whatever length you want and it doesn't affect the power, since the pressure is stored right next to the barrel. And the barrel assembly is incredibly compact, you can put them onto anything. The hardest part is dealing with all the tubing, that's why I liked the LBB as the whole front of the gun is empty space.

#120195 Kbarker's Lbb

Posted by KBarker on 17 August 2007 - 10:05 PM in Modifications

This is truely amazing KBarker. I just have to do this. I have an LBB that is currently un-used, an old SM3K pump, and I'm about to have a set of the Spidey guns.

I have a few questions:

1. What's holding the Spidey guns in there?
2. What are the ranges of the Spidey guns?
3. Is it easy to bend that 1/8" brass to the shape you want?
4. Would It be possible to connect the Spidey guns to the LBB pump, and have both guns use that pump?
5. I'm assuming that's Petg. Can it fire stock darts, or is it Stefans only?
6. What did you use to connect the two Spidey guns to one pump?
7. Do you ever have trouble with darts from the Spidey guns hitting the LBB's main barrel as they fire?

This gun is awesome. Great Job, KBarker!

1. Hot glue. Lots of hot glue. They fit in the opening of the LBB like they were meant to go there, and they are tight on the larger tube that goes around the barrel. I believe it is 3/4" thin-wall PVC.
2. Don't know. I don't think it's nearly as far as Falcon and Baghead have been getting though, probably 40-50 feet.
3. No, it was a pain. Something more flexible would be easier.
4. No idea.
5. Yes, PETG. I don't use stock ammo much, it should still fire.
6. A Rain Drip tee connector
7. No.

Could you please elaborate on the trigger system.

Not sure what needs to be elaborated, there is a brass tube that runs from the spidey trigger tubes to the keyring, with a cable inside it. The cable is connected to a small piece of plastic that links the trigger buttons together. Pulling on the cable pushes the buttons in.

#119497 Kbarker's Lbb

Posted by KBarker on 13 August 2007 - 11:20 PM in Modifications

So, I got the super-cool Spiderman Dart Tag set, but didn't have anything good to integrate it into. Then I found an LBB at Walgreens, and here is what I've come up with. Still a work in progress, the fishing line I used for the DTG trigger is too stretchy. I arranged the Spidey guns around the main LBB barrel, and they are fired from a keyring that runs down to the handle. They are pumped with a pump from a SM3K, which is much larger than the stock Spidey pumps. It fills both guns in about 5 pumps. I still need to find/make a handle for the pump. I also took the handle off of the SM3K and used it for support in the front. The LBB itself has very simple mods, but it is really powerful. It just has a coupled 1/2" CPVC barrel, 12" long. I'm going to paint it when I get all the bugs worked out.

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#119694 Kbarker's Lbb

Posted by KBarker on 14 August 2007 - 09:11 PM in Modifications

One thing I've always wondered is, what does LBB stand for??

Lanard Blast Bazooka

Telekinetic- Thanks for the clarification. I'm not sure exactly how the trigger mechanism works, I think cutting there could wreck it. It seems like it should be fine, but I'm not willing to risk my gun for it. You are correct that the double hose towards the front is for a pump.

#119613 Kbarker's Lbb

Posted by KBarker on 14 August 2007 - 01:36 PM in Modifications

Yeah, they both fire off one trigger, so it fires 3 bursts of 2 darts each. It would have been cool to make it able to fire all 6 individually, but I couldn't figure out a simple way to do it.

#120138 Kbarker's Lbb

Posted by KBarker on 17 August 2007 - 02:24 PM in Modifications

Paintjob is done. I wanted some silver color on the gun, but I couldn't get my masking good enough. I may go back and hand brush it, it's a lot of black. I also finished up the pump handle, which is a SuperSoaker handle, fixed the keyring trigger by switching to picture wire, and added a sight. The SM3K pump actually takes about 7 pumps to fill up the Spidey guns, not 5 as I previously thought. I replaced the 12" barrel on the LBB with a 15" one, mostly for looks, it didn't seem to affect performance. Overall I'm very happy with the gun, the LBB has awesome power and accuracy and the SMDTGs make an excellent backup shotgun-type weapon.

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Barrel off:
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Keyring trigger. I used the smallest picture wire at Ace, 1/8"OD brass tubing, and some crimp-on wire connectors to set it up.
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The brass runs between the trigger tubes and pulls on a small plastic rectangular piece that connects the triggers together.
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#142414 Iron Man Magstrike In Stores

Posted by KBarker on 24 February 2008 - 07:07 PM in General Nerf

Look closely at the top of the Magstrike, you can just see the top of the second clip inside the gun.

#99092 How To Make Your Own Nerf Chronograph

Posted by KBarker on 01 February 2007 - 05:58 PM in Modifications

This is a great idea! The two microphones ensures that both sounds are loud enough to be heard, very clever! This is a much better way to compare a gun's power than ranges, which are mostly subjective.

#140755 How To Make Stefans From Suction Darts

Posted by KBarker on 17 February 2008 - 08:01 AM in Modifications

Those will work fine for a NF, but more powerful modded guns need more weight on the front to keep the darts from fishtailing.

#122942 How Many Pumps

Posted by KBarker on 13 September 2007 - 11:47 PM in General Nerf

This is probably because most people don't plug RF20s, since there isn't much point. There's no reason to need to fire more darts, since you are limited by the 20-round drum. The only slight benefit might be a slightly better range in the first few shots, but it's not worth the extra pumping time IMHO.

#122209 How Many Guns Do You Have In Your Arsenal?

Posted by KBarker on 06 September 2007 - 03:04 AM in General Nerf

I'll throw my arsenal into the collection. I usually buy guns, fire a shot or two, then rip them apart to mod them. I've linked some of them to my mod threads.

1- NF (Rifle)
1- NF
1- Clipped NF
2- Mavericks, CPVC'd
2- RF 20s (PETG'd)
1- Magstrike
1- Titan
1- Scout
1- BBB
1- Longshot (Angel breech, CS foregrip)
1- Manta Ray
1- LBB (with SMDTG integration)
1- Ripsaw
1- DT3

Casualties of modding:
1- Hornet
1- SM3K yellow
1- NF (intentionally, it was hacked up for the NF rifle)

#231227 Help With Kbarker's Nite Finder Rifle

Posted by KBarker on 18 May 2009 - 11:54 PM in Modifications

Thanks for letting me know about this. I have been very absent from Nerf for awhile, and I wasn't aware that Putfile went down, along with all of my pictures (nice of them to send an email :unsure: )

The parts used on the end of the plunger was a female-female coupler of some kind (not sure what size) that was PVC, not CPVC. I noticed that a 1/2" CPVC coupler fit pretty tightly in it. The larger coupler was turned down on a lathe (not something your average modder has). The CPVC coupler was expoxied into the larger one and that was epoxied onto the plunger tube. I added a screw in as well to make sure the glue didn't break from the plunger impact.

I've created a new page on my website that has all of my Nerf pictures, in better quality than Putfile had: http://www.teamveloc...cs.com/Nerf.htm
I'll add more captions later.

PMs generally work for me (I get an email), but if I forget to clear them out the inbox fills up and it won't take any more.

#124087 Halo 3

Posted by KBarker on 24 September 2007 - 10:49 PM in Off Topic

No 1080p for me, but I've got a 23" Samsung that does 720p. Can't wait!

#167514 Gears Of War Lancer Replica On Amazon

Posted by KBarker on 08 August 2008 - 10:46 PM in Off Topic

What a let down.

Looks like I might be building another one to sell around Christmas.

You could also gut the inside and integrate something into it. :)

#104301 Epoxy

Posted by KBarker on 06 May 2007 - 08:51 PM in Off Topic

In my experience, the worse the glue smells the stronger it is.

Elmers < hot glue < super glue < epoxy

#119033 Disk Shot Guns At Wal-mart

Posted by KBarker on 09 August 2007 - 11:45 PM in General Nerf

I saw the expansion pack at Wal-Mart today, as well as the full version for $50. The gun looks much like a NiteFinder in person, but the front end is much bulkier.

#119827 Did Nh Go Down Today Or Was It Just Me?

Posted by KBarker on 15 August 2007 - 05:35 PM in Site Feedback

Me too, probably down about 3 hours.

#98793 Clipped Nf

Posted by KBarker on 25 January 2007 - 12:08 PM in Modifications

Nice job man. Do you own that big drill press or whatever the hell it might be, or is it at your school or something?

That's a milling machine, and yes I own it.

#98861 Clipped Nf

Posted by KBarker on 27 January 2007 - 04:52 PM in Modifications

Oh well, the internals are easy enough to swap out with replacements from another $6-$8 NF.

Yeah, but I would have to smash the gun apart to get at them, since it is epoxied shut. The important parts are held on with screws though. Video is up: . I measured that red wall to be 45 feet away.

#98678 Clipped Nf

Posted by KBarker on 23 January 2007 - 06:14 PM in Modifications

I improved the seal dramatically last night by adding an O-ring. I realized all I needed to do was trim the stub barrel that hooks to the plunger just enough to allow an O-ring to sit there. It ended up being far easier than I thought it would be. I just filed down the stub and kept test fitting the ring, and eventually it was short enough to allow the clip to slide. The resistance was still high, so I lubed it with lithium grease. The O-ring made a huge difference in the gun's power, it is now nearly as strong as my singled NF.

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#98706 Clipped Nf

Posted by KBarker on 23 January 2007 - 10:38 PM in Modifications

Wow, it's really great to see a lot of new members posting up innovative stuff rather than being noobs. Welcome to the boards too.

Is it PETG for the barrels? You should read up on some stefan making tutorials. You use Foam Backer Rod(Also known as Cauck Saver) to make darts that will achieve superior range.

Yes, that is PETG for the barrels. I have some of Angel's red FBR on the way so I can make better darts. Right now I am using dart tags with the tips replaced with BBs.

#98727 Clipped Nf

Posted by KBarker on 24 January 2007 - 12:55 AM in Modifications

Dear sweet jesus no! If I understand your last post right, There is lithium grease on the O-ring. That stuff will corrode any rubber. I tested its "eating away" abilities last year. I took an O-ring and put it on an old cd stacker pole. The O-ring wasnt too tight but just enough to keep it in place. I then gave it a good dose of lithium grease. When I came back to it in a months time the ring had broken.

Oops! :wacko: I will wipe off the grease and put on some silicone, I think I have some around here. I don't think the grease has been on there long enough to cause damage, but I have extra o-rings anyway. Thanks for letting me know about it!

[quote name='CaptainSlug' post='98716' date='Jan 23 2007, 08:16 PM']
If you want a plastic-safe lubricant there's nothing finer than silicone spray lubricant.
And considering how much tailoring is required to fit this on to a nitefinder I don't foresee a kit being all feasible.

Yeah, I can't see kit being possible. The machining is really time consuming and even then the buyer of the kit would have to do a lot of work to get it put together.

[quote name='InkJet' post='98721' date='Jan 23 2007, 08:30 PM']
That is very very nice. Great first post!! Did you do this on a basic mill and lathe, or CNC? Because I own a regular mill and lathe, and might try to do that.

Do you have a catch on the metal where each barrel is? I see little divots in the metal, but all there seems to be on the metal piece attached to the NF is screws coming in. What is the adhesive looking substance near the bottom of the barrels? Didn't mean to interrogate you there, just curious, it's an extremely ingenious design, great job!!!

I don't have CNC, although I do have a DRO. This could be done with a very small mill just fine, you just need a T-slot bit for the clip carrier. I used a ball-end mill for the divots, but a regular drill bit should work fine. The things that look like screws are in fact spring plungers, Mcmaster part #3408A108. They have a little spring inside that pushes a small ball into the divots. This makes it snap into place, lining up the barrels. The adhesive is just to keep the barrels in. Using a 9/16" bit made the barrels very tight in the holes, but I figured a little glue was necessary to keep them in. The specific glue I used is a epoxy designed for plastics I got at my local Ace Hardware. It's my new favorite glue, since it dries in only 15 minutes and appears incredibly strong.

I am working on the 10-shot clip now, I should have it finished tomorrow. I am not just making it bigger than the 6-shot, I have some improvements in the works as well.

#98903 Clipped Nf

Posted by KBarker on 28 January 2007 - 05:55 PM in Modifications

You own a mill? Wow, I'm envious. How much did it cost?

I got it from a friend at a bargain price of $1000.

#98623 Clipped Nf

Posted by KBarker on 22 January 2007 - 12:45 AM in Modifications

Mmm, reminds me of my Electric Eel. Thumbs up.
How's the seal between the clip and your air source?

Not too bad, but not great either. There is a bit of packing tape in between the two, and the divots on the clip are slightly towards the front. This tends to push the clip toward the air. Ranges are OK, I haven't done any real measurement but it probably gets about 50 feet. It should do better when I get some real stefans made, right now I'm using dart tag darts with BBs instead of the regular tip, and they are very loose in the PETG.

It is definitely heavier than stock with all that aluminum up there, but it's not outrageously heavy. I wouldn't consider this a prototype, I think any future modifications will just be to the clips.

As far as doing a write-up, it would be little use to 99% of the people here, since to do this how I did it requires a milling machine, lathe, etc. The clip base, slider, and the round part on the front are all milled/turned from solid aluminum stock. I don't see how you could make the parts accurately enough with hand tools.

I finished the paint and belt clip. I'm pretty pleased with how the round aluminum piece blended with the rest of the gun. I decided not to paint the plunger and trigger since the paint on those parts just scraped off on my other NF.

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Here it is with all my guns:

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#98805 Clipped Nf

Posted by KBarker on 25 January 2007 - 08:09 PM in Modifications

I get most of my metal from Online Metals, www.onlinemetals.com. The clip is advanced manually, so it's not really a semi-auto. It would be very tough to rig a setup to automatically advance the clip when primed, but it would be insanely awesome!

#98816 Clipped Nf

Posted by KBarker on 25 January 2007 - 10:03 PM in Modifications

Even if the clip did advance when you cocked the gun it still would not be semi-auto.
Semi auto is pull the trigger,pull the tirgger,pull the trigger.
This would be cock,shoot,cock,shoot,cock,shoot.
Right now its cock,shoot,manually advance clip to the next barrel,cock,shoot,manually advance clip to the next barrel,cock,shoot,manually advance clip to the next barrel.

Semi-auto guns are like the Hornet and Blastfire.

I agree, I guess my wording was a little unclear. Still, a cock-shoot weapon with a 10-shot capacity and near NF power would be pretty sweet. I just remembered that I lubed the whole plunger with white lithium grease before I epoxied the case shut, so this gun is probably screwed :P

#98606 Clipped Nf

Posted by KBarker on 21 January 2007 - 10:27 PM in Modifications

Yay, I got verified to the Haven! :D Here is my current project:

Yes, you read that right. A NF with a 6-shot clip. The gun has all the usual refinements, no air restricters and a beefy spring. But mounted on the front is a t-slot that allows a clip to be inserted. The clip has little divots that two spring plungers push into to lock each barrel inline with the firing plunger. There is no limit on how large I can make the clips, I may make a 10-shot clip later. Ranges are not as far as my single modded NF, but they are not bad either. Check out all the build pictures on my Putfile page:

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The paint is drying right now. I tried to do chrome covered by black, then wipe off a little black on the edges, but it looked like crap so I just made it all black. I'll update with some pics later.

#98777 Clipped Nf

Posted by KBarker on 25 January 2007 - 12:11 AM in Modifications

Finished the 10-shot clip:

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I'll try to do a write-up of how I made this. First, drill the holes. For this clip, I chose to not drill the large hole all the way through, but instead use a smaller bit to go all the way through. This way, you can't accidentally shove darts in too far, nor can they be sucked in when you pull the plunger back. I also think it will give a better seal with O-ring. I used 9/16" for the large hole (this is a perfect, tight fit on the PETG) and 3/8" for the small one.

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Then I cut the aluminum stock down using the mill.

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Next, I slid this piece through my slider, with the spring plungers in. They made a line where they contacted the clip piece.

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I then took the spring plungers out and temporarily replaced them with screws. Then I put the clip in the slider, tightening the screws when the holes were lined up. This left marks on the clip base where the screws dug in.

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OK, so remember that line we made earlier? This serves as a guide to line up the mill for the divots. Making the bit centered on the line would work fine, but making it just slightly toward the front side of the clip helps the spring plungers push the clip onto the O-ring. Then just divot on the round marks with a drill bit or ball-end mill. The depth is somewhat critical, if they are too shallow the ball won't catch very well, and too deep makes the clip rattle around a bit. 0.020" deep seemed about right.

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I rounded the corners of the clip with a round-off bit, but a file would work fine.

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Now that the base is done, we need to make the barrels. Cut the PETG in to 3" or so sections, and deburr all the edges.

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Press them into the base, making sure they are straight.

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Then just put some glue on the base of the barrels, and the clip is done! The range appears to be just as good as my 6-shot clip. It looks pretty friggin huge on the gun, but it's not terribly awkward to use.

#100108 Cdr-s.m.

Posted by KBarker on 19 February 2007 - 11:45 PM in Homemades

You could also wire up the solenoid to the guts of a cheap RC car, then you could trigger it manually from 40 feet away when someone walks by. Awesome grenade!

#139703 Btg And Rf100

Posted by KBarker on 12 February 2008 - 12:31 AM in Modifications

Sorry to pile on, but come on, accuracy of .0002"? That's 2/10,000 of an inch! The aerospace company I work at makes precision ground tooling and can hold an accuracy of +/- .0002 on their very tightest tolerance parts. Keep in mind this is on machines that probably cost a quarter mil. Not to mention, digital calipers only measure down to .0005. As others have said, adding a swappable turret to an RF20 does not make it an RF100. It looks like you added a zero or two to every number in your post.

Nice gun BTW.

#122693 Barrel Tightness

Posted by KBarker on 11 September 2007 - 04:42 PM in General Nerf

This is in theory a good idea. The whole point is to help people choose a barrel size that matches the "tightness" of the original mod, even though it might be a different size due to varying FBR. However, it's unlikely to be effective since no one will take the time to measure it. I had the same idea with ranges, we really should measure muzzle velocity instead, but it's too much effort for most people.

#122778 Abp5k

Posted by KBarker on 12 September 2007 - 03:12 AM in Homemades

Shit, sorry.

#122777 Abp5k

Posted by KBarker on 12 September 2007 - 03:11 AM in Homemades

If you're lazy and have a lot of extra cash, you could have all those parts waterjet cut out.

#99359 10% Off At Hasbrotoyshop

Posted by KBarker on 05 February 2007 - 08:59 PM in General Nerf

I picked up two of the new yellow/grey night finders today and they came with a coupon in with the instructions.
Its for 10% off nerf products at the hasbrotoyshop.com . It says to enter NERF10 at the checkout to receive the 10% off and its good until 12/31/07

Just tried this out, and it works! Just enter NERF10 in the promo code box. Thanks for the tip!