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#285867 Another Homade Wye Guide

Posted by xet on 22 September 2010 - 02:18 PM in Homemades

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You have now finished.

That's a pretty intense angle you've got there, do the darts feed well? I think its too steep.

Yeah I know I cut it like that because I wanted to get this update up quickly and didn't realize that it was so step until I triend using it.

#280486 Another Homade Wye Guide

Posted by xet on 17 July 2010 - 10:56 AM in Homemades

This is my first post so don't pester me about this and that. So I think it's about time a made something usefull so I decided to make a homade wye and a how-to for you guys. To my fascination nobody has made this and these are ridiculusly easy to make.

Okay we are going to need 3 things:
1/2 pvc tee
1/2 pvc coupler
Some sort of adhesive

First off get your tee and coupler like so

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Then sand/cut your tee like so

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Then cut/sand your coupler like so

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Then glue it together and throw some white tape on it and your done

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Comments and questions are aprreciated.


#285848 Another Homade Wye Guide

Posted by xet on 21 September 2010 - 07:19 PM in Homemades


Ok made this version slighty modified, here's a firing demo.

Ok basicaly you are going to need a few things other than a driveway and hotglue.
You are going to need:
pvc cutters
epoxy ( I'm using the plastic fusion kind.)

You are going to need to put a tee in a vise like so.

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Then cut it here as shown.

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After you have cut the top piece of the tee off you are going to sand the shit out of it as shown.

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Then you are going to get a coupler shown here.

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Then put the edge of the coupler and seat it in the groove here.

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After you have finished those two steps you should have something that looks like this.

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Then cut the coupler until it looks like this.

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It should sit on the tee you cut earlier like this.

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Then grab your epoxy I'm using plastic fusion kind here.

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After you have epoxied the two pvc fitting together and allow at least 4 hours of cure time you should have something that looks like this.

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You have now finished.

#280682 Another Homade Wye Guide

Posted by xet on 19 July 2010 - 10:54 AM in Homemades

Have you tested this yet? It seems like the dart would get snagged on the Tee, where it goes from the 45 to a 90 degree angle.

This wye work extremely well although I don't understand why people ask me this question when they probably have the materials to go and make one. ( Not flaming you cheyner it's just that most people have the materials to go and make one.)

Yes most people do have the materials to make a wye. I ask because you say nothing about making the the actual 90 degree angle of the tee into a 45 degree angle. You cut off the top coupler, then glued on another coupler cut at a 45 degree angle. That means there would be a lip that is on a 90 degree angle right at the end of the 45. So, are your darts bending even more to get around this? Or did you sand it out so there is no lip?

I did sand it but not for dart fall but rather there were burs on the inside of the tee. I might make a rev. 2 Just deciding if It would be worth the time to make a small change.

#280567 Another Homade Wye Guide

Posted by xet on 18 July 2010 - 11:23 AM in Homemades

I made one of these like a week and a half ago. Did you sand out the insides of the hole so the darts will feed?

I did sand it but it was burred on the inside but I geuss you could sand the inside for more optimal dart fall.

It's more about how long your darts are. Obviously streamlines are too long for a normal Wye, so I would think cutting the PVC at a lower angle would allow for longer darts. I haven't tested this though, so I could easily be wrong.

Actually these wyes do work with streamlines which I found quite strange I tried it on my mega missle which has a relatively low air output but it did'nt fire on the first shot but rather on the second shot.

Have you tested this yet? It seems like the dart would get snagged on the Tee, where it goes from the 45 to a 90 degree angle.

This wye work extremely well although I don't understand why people ask me this question when they probably have the materials to go and make one. ( Not flaming you cheyner it's just that most people have the materials to go and make one.)

I believe that the standard angle for a pvc wye is usually 45 degrees, but I think that I've heard somewhere that it is not the optimal angle.

Just think of it as the letter Y, its angles are 45 degrees hence the name "wye".

#280571 Another Homade Wye Guide

Posted by xet on 18 July 2010 - 11:33 AM in Homemades

I made one and it fired every other time off of my hand cannon.

But you dont have a drive way that could actually sand.

#299586 Another Recon Mod

Posted by xet on 09 June 2011 - 01:19 PM in Modifications

What are ranges? Somebody has to ask.

Just guesstimating here but I would suspect it to be around 60 feet? Also, do you have have any plans for reinforcing the plunger tube due to the fact that Recon's PTs seem to be prone to breaking

#288793 Area 52 Blaster Modification

Posted by xet on 23 November 2010 - 10:39 PM in Modifications

Damn I'm suprised that you even had enough of a temper control meter to fully mod this thing, I would have thrown it across my street way before I completed the mod.

#280849 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by xet on 20 July 2010 - 11:28 PM in Modifications

Got another paintjob finished.

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#280808 Modification and Paintjob Pictures

Posted by xet on 20 July 2010 - 11:24 AM in Modifications

Finnaly got a seriously taken paintjob finished my theme was vice versa

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#288923 Nerf In The News

Posted by xet on 25 November 2010 - 10:44 PM in General Nerf

This is just bullshit I mean seriously as said before the media is paid to find fucking propaganda like this, as well as twisting your words to mean what the media wants them to be. They're going batshit insane over a Nitefinder shooting 75 feet MAX. If a dart that could only go 75 feet and it hit you at 75 feet would'nt even hurt.

#284302 Pump-action Crossbow

Posted by xet on 29 August 2010 - 10:21 PM in Homemades

Any names? I thought up one though not very originally I guess you could call it the AAPA Bow ( An Actual Pump Action.) Until you name it some related to diddle as Kane said.

#290335 Toy Story 3 Blaster

Posted by xet on 06 December 2010 - 10:32 PM in Modifications

Then again, I have a few other pretty worthless blasters I've bought recently to mod, so apparently I'm an easy target for these guys :) Still fun to try at least once, though.

You can't have answers to what you don't explore.
Also good job modding this piece of shit.

#298339 Very simple crossbow modification

Posted by xet on 20 May 2011 - 09:37 PM in Modifications

Tell ya what bro, I'm pretty much answering for everybody in my opinion (tell me otherwise if you disagree) but this mod is pretty much a waste. We appreciate newer members at least making an attempt to make a write up but with no pictures and about a paragraph of instructions without explaining anything this is just a waste of space.

#281043 Want To Have A Shotgun Effect For Your Blaster? Try This

Posted by xet on 23 July 2010 - 12:08 PM in Modifications

So recently I wanted my blaster to have a shotgun effect. So I devised a way to do exactly that.

First what you need is this piece from a quadshot:

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Then cut pieces of pvc to about 2 inches like so. (4th piece not pictured)

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Then glue each piece of pvc into these holes.

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After you're done it should look something like this.

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This mod is in a way defense when somebody is rushing not " look I can shoot 3 darts a hundred feet"
Feedback is appreciated.