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#168575 Sm500 Questions

Posted by serpent sniper on 12 August 2008 - 09:21 PM in Off Topic

The Sm500 is a great gun. Having owned 2, I can say that they were some of the best air pistols. They got 2k performance, and were more comfortable to hold.

Modding them is easy. One thing to be sure of is NOT to plug the pump. I guess the valve is prone to being blown. It was the consensus on the NIC that the pump was not to be plugged. It gets the range of a singled, pump plugged 2k without plugging anyways.

#15337 New Guns

Posted by serpent sniper on 31 December 2003 - 05:17 PM in General Nerf

Maybe its that blue thing I found...the jet squadron mini or whatever. ;)

#164528 Blastfire Questions

Posted by serpent sniper on 25 July 2008 - 07:50 PM in Modifications

Okay, I have been doing my research on the blastfire. I know that the pump is finicky, so I have some questions.

Let me lay it out;

I have the old edition,

I want to integrate several guns.

Here's what I am wondering;

Ideally, I'd plug the pump. Should I? I want to fully pressurize the integrated guns without making the blastfire's trigger pull ridiculously hard.

Should I opt for an additional at2k pump below the bf's for the integrations? If so, should I still plug the bf's pump?

I'm just concerned about fucking up my bf, and having to settle for a hornet.

#3863 Tenchu 3

Posted by serpent sniper on 23 April 2003 - 05:36 PM in Off Topic

You mean Tenchu 2? Thats the one that came out recently, isn't it?

#3758 X-stream Max Shot

Posted by serpent sniper on 21 April 2003 - 07:03 PM in Off Topic

Your local TRU. Duh. :(

#29398 Happy Birthday

Posted by serpent sniper on 24 June 2004 - 11:41 AM in Off Topic


Woo! Now I have enough money for a vsr-10 g-spec!

Oh yeah, I'm gonna be selling a bunch of guns soon, probably for cheap. I just need to get my mom's camera fixed

#29541 Happy Birthday

Posted by serpent sniper on 25 June 2004 - 11:56 AM in Off Topic

Bastard teenage dealers


Yeah, I have a maxshot, but thats for another topic.

#3858 Happy Birthday To Zero.

Posted by serpent sniper on 23 April 2003 - 03:48 PM in Off Topic

Yay! Happy birfday! Or birthday...nah birfday. otanjoubiomedetougozaimasu(japanese):lol:

#16623 Broken Larami 1000

Posted by serpent sniper on 18 January 2004 - 01:42 PM in General Nerf

Okay, the same thing happened to mine. I tried everything, but I didn't work. I singled it, but it sucks this way... Namm, whatever you do, don't single it. Try to get a sm1500 or at2k barrel assembly off someone or something, I hate it now, it just sucks.

#14834 Wtf?

Posted by serpent sniper on 21 December 2003 - 09:09 PM in Off Topic

Well...uhh...since this topic is entitled "WTF?" I figure that this post isn't off topic too much. What the fuck is this? Don't click unless you are ready for the consequences... Seriously, I am gonna have nightmares... I mean, is that some sort of shaven sasquatch, or deformed man? I just have this picture of that thing going around in my house while I'm asleep. Christ.

#21429 Happy Birthday Lech

Posted by serpent sniper on 16 March 2004 - 08:43 PM in Off Topic


I'd send you a present, but last time I shipped anything it cost 15 bucks for postage. :nugget:

#163771 Ultimator Missle Problems

Posted by serpent sniper on 22 July 2008 - 07:38 PM in General Nerf

You pretty much answered your own question. If they're unusable then the value can only increase by making them usable.

An ultimator missile isn't some kind of antique. Glue some craft foam fins on it, you won't ruin the patina.

#16510 Ss2/blast Hammer Intergration

Posted by serpent sniper on 16 January 2004 - 07:10 PM in Modifications

Pretty cool, the blast hammer seems like a good, quick backup shot. Like OMC said, go for a cool paintjob...like arctic camo or something.

#170503 Cpvc Couplers

Posted by serpent sniper on 18 August 2008 - 11:54 PM in Modifications

A thin layer of pvc cement works well too, and would be a more permanent solution.

#15825 Anyone Know Anything About This Gun?

Posted by serpent sniper on 05 January 2004 - 09:31 PM in General Nerf

here ya go
Unfortunately, I took down the pics...

Its a nice gun. Whoever said that it has the same barrel as the SM5k, thats what I thought, it doesn't really though.

Damn, thats a nice price on bass pro shops, buy one people...and forever shall you refer to it as the serpent-cannon! Or don't...

#15611 The Crossbow

Posted by serpent sniper on 03 January 2004 - 06:59 PM in Off Topic

Thats cool. Nerf better make some xbows like that...*sigh* I love sci-fi weaponry... ^_^

#25328 My Forum

Posted by serpent sniper on 01 May 2004 - 08:32 PM in Off Topic

I made it for a local band that has the shittiest message boards, and I wanted to do something nice for them. I just wanted a better place for us to talk, but you have to act like you're being productive and badmouth a forum that you haven't even been to. All I did was ask about some fucking skins. :wacko:

#25361 My Forum

Posted by serpent sniper on 02 May 2004 - 09:56 AM in Off Topic


Hah... I dunno why thats funny, but it is.

So, nobody knows about skins, I take it? Oh well.

EDIT: Nevermind, I found some skins.

#25318 My Forum

Posted by serpent sniper on 01 May 2004 - 05:22 PM in Off Topic

I made a little forum with the free thing they have. Can someone help me make/ get some skins for it? I don't like how it looks (all light blue).

#12080 Sd Fires

Posted by serpent sniper on 28 October 2003 - 09:51 PM in Off Topic

Grinch -I'm sorry, but I laughed about the mile thing... Thats soo dumb.

Anywho, its times like these when I value living in Wisconsin... nothing ever happens here... I'm serious the top story on the news is always the packers or some other trivial thing... I feel sorry for you Californians...with all the fires and landslides and earthquakes...and Ahhhnold.

#15402 Pirated Dvds

Posted by serpent sniper on 01 January 2004 - 12:15 PM in Off Topic

The one thing I dont understand though is how they get movies like the Matrix Revolutions and Return of the King before they even come out?

Uhh...they sit in the theater and tape it...

On Dateline or 20/20 or whatever, a few years ago, they had this thing about pirated videos, and some of the people did exactly what I said. It was funny, 'cause the tops of peoples' heads were showing... :lol:

#19629 Lookin For A Gun

Posted by serpent sniper on 23 February 2004 - 05:05 PM in Homemades

You mean "ballpup"... :mellow:

Speaking of which... *pulls out P90*

*gives N3man a few bursts*

#29542 Happy Birthday

Posted by serpent sniper on 25 June 2004 - 12:07 PM in Off Topic

Too bad for you. You only have one more year before drinking loses its fun.

^_^ Just kidding.

Have a good one though.

#106758 I'm Back . . .

Posted by serpent sniper on 20 May 2007 - 04:48 PM in Off Topic

Aww, badass, frost vectron! LOL, I remember a few years ago I made some of those pens that launch beads, which you had on one of your sites. Those things were sweet, and worth all those lunch detentions. Hehe.

Anyways, by now I realize that I just dug up a nearly month old topic. Sweet. It's just cool to see some familiar names when I happen to log on, which has not been in eons.

Also, hey to diablo, groove, piney, and omc. *remembers who you are* :lol:

#8952 Dammit Spoon

Posted by serpent sniper on 31 August 2003 - 05:03 PM in Modifications

Pliers? A stick? Just try stuff...

#11727 Airjet Stinger

Posted by serpent sniper on 22 October 2003 - 08:55 PM in Modifications

I bought one once...blew the valve...reteurned it..the end. They suck, the valve blew with about 4 pumps, and the POS barely shot 15 feet... You'd be wasting brass...

#14602 What To Get A 7 Year Old Kid?

Posted by serpent sniper on 18 December 2003 - 05:04 PM in Off Topic

Lego was awesome.


#29615 Nothing On The Topic...

Posted by serpent sniper on 26 June 2004 - 04:04 PM in Off Topic

The dude that turns into the cassette tape can really dance.

Now I wish transformers was on. ^_^
Or Beast Wars.

But not transformers armada, that show is ghey.

#16502 Equilibrium

Posted by serpent sniper on 16 January 2004 - 05:07 PM in Off Topic

If it reminded you of books that's because the movie is a bit of a rip off of Fahrenheit 451, a Bradbury book set in a disyutopian future where books are burned by Firemen and all must conform.  Until one Fireman begins to understand the value of books and turns against his order to help an underground resistance (kind of) challenge authority. 

Yes, we all took sophmore English.

Pffft. You must be some dumb sophs... :lol: nah, but I just read that (frosh english). But yeah, took the words right out of my mouth, just like Fahrenheit 451. Gun kata...cool stuff.

What's your favorite fight? I like it when he saves the puppy.

*spins shotguns around*
police leader guy: "Oh shit! Shoot 'im!"
*shoots two policemen in the face*

Tee hee. Or when he pops out those little spikey things on the bottom of the pistols and beats everyone to death...

#4029 First Shot

Posted by serpent sniper on 26 April 2003 - 04:52 PM in Modifications

I cpvc'd mine. It gets 65' flat. You just saw off the stupid pole thing that the dart goes on, then sand that down, drill a bigger hole thats a little smaller than the cpvc, and then plumbers goop the cpvc barrel on. After that I added some hotglue for support where the barrel goes through the black peice.

#169728 A Few Of My Lightsaber Kits Lit Up With Luxeon

Posted by serpent sniper on 16 August 2008 - 01:14 PM in Off Topic

Those are nice. I used to collect sabers 5 or 6 years ago, of course then all the blades were EL. Luxeon is a lot nicer.

#18161 Capitalization Rule

Posted by serpent sniper on 04 February 2004 - 06:48 PM in Site Feedback

*Hands Groove "Best Onomatopoeia Award"* That made me laugh...slightly.

#20770 Not Nerf, But Cool...

Posted by serpent sniper on 05 March 2004 - 11:05 PM in Off Topic

They have that thing at backyardartillery.com.

#25677 Got Punk?

Posted by serpent sniper on 07 May 2004 - 07:12 PM in Off Topic

Anti-Flag remind me of Good Charlotte now. Silly kids.

I take offense to that.

*slaps zero with glove* *pours some type of drink on zero's face* *insults his mother or lover*

I challenge you to a duel.


Well, I'm glad thats resolved.

#24979 Got Punk?

Posted by serpent sniper on 27 April 2004 - 05:54 PM in Off Topic

Oh man, sounds awesome...except for sum 41...bleh. Now I just need $6.

#256490 Help With Paypal

Posted by serpent sniper on 16 November 2009 - 06:43 PM in Off Topic

Seriously? Call the bank...

#11730 Best Conversation Starters

Posted by serpent sniper on 22 October 2003 - 09:11 PM in Off Topic


Dude, its Spanky...sparky as in Spark_Plug is a moderator...

#9166 Best FPS

Posted by serpent sniper on 03 September 2003 - 09:02 PM in Off Topic

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory...its free! I'm sure those other games are better, but I'm a cheap bastard seeking cheap thrills... :lol: *props to good ol' ZT for tellin' us about that game*

#18805 Xxl Gun

Posted by serpent sniper on 11 February 2004 - 09:37 PM in Modifications

I'll be damned. Never would have guess the skeet shoot looks like that...

And Janga...was that some kind of racially-fueled remark for the soul purpose of showing your hatred towards native americans? *pulls out knife. . .h2h knife*

#171823 The Chilibow

Posted by serpent sniper on 23 August 2008 - 05:17 PM in Modifications


I'm glad you were able to get a barrel on the 750 with it being cut down as much as it was.

As for the plunger head, why not search for a new o-ring?