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#88497 Sooo Who Are You?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 28 August 2006 - 05:09 PM in Off Topic

I must say many and then some. Band, Scolars Bowl, Ag, German, Nerd, Honor student, Mild popular, shy, outspoken, sophmore, and other stuff. Just me.

Why did you list four synonyms? :blink:

Because here at Hazel Green High, those are not the same thing. Band people are there own type, scolars bowl is a trivial class to take and fun, nerd is like the people who know random stuff about random stuff, and a honor roll is well obvius. I can also list rotc as i am going to join soon. There is a huge catagory of people planing to go in the armed forces so id fall there too.

#88421 Sooo Who Are You?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 27 August 2006 - 01:19 PM in Off Topic

I must say many and then some. Band, Scolars Bowl, Ag, German, Nerd, Honor student, Mild popular, shy, outspoken, sophmore, and other stuff. Just me.

#88420 Pluto Demoted

Posted by moubeus5018 on 27 August 2006 - 01:02 PM in Off Topic

Our moon(if that is what you mean) is not a dwarf planet because it is a moon which revolves around us. Earth is not affected by the moon's pull because it is too big. Charon, however does not revolve around Pluto, they both revolve around each other.

thanks, I didnt get a chance to read the link above but when i did i saw that. If any of you have played metios for the ds, ploto and cheron are like the plante luna=luna. In the game they are 2 very small insignifigant, twin planets that revolve around each other in there orbit.

#88417 Pluto Demoted

Posted by moubeus5018 on 27 August 2006 - 12:46 PM in Off Topic

Haha Pluto got fired. Were back to 9 planets. (zena for you who dont know) was added. They are trying to add 3 more, but when the new classification came out they were droped. One was an asteroid in the belt, one was plutos moon, and the last one was farther out than zena.

Wait, if pluto's moon(and pluto itself) are dwarf planets, and pluto is smaller than the moon, why is the moon not classifyed as a dwarf planet?

#88163 Rifle Slings, Holsters

Posted by moubeus5018 on 23 August 2006 - 06:57 PM in General Nerf

Or you could just go and buy a sling for some cheap airsoft rifle and use those. those are stronger and are better for guns. only cost about 2 bucks give or take.

#87998 I Got To Get In An Ah64d Longbow Apache!

Posted by moubeus5018 on 21 August 2006 - 03:50 PM in Off Topic

I do have pictures and they have not been developed yet.
The only reason that most of airframe is fiberglass is weight. The pilot said that if all metal the engines would not have enough power.

I am waiting for a blackhawk to come in so i can get pics with me at the minigun.

#87916 I Got To Get In An Ah64d Longbow Apache!

Posted by moubeus5018 on 20 August 2006 - 03:56 PM in Off Topic

Thats awsome!!! Titanium heli!!! I want one <_<

Most of the body is actually fiber-glass and not metal. The titanium and other forms of armor are only around the vital areas. At least 60% of airframe is fiber-glass.

#87891 I Got To Get In An Ah64d Longbow Apache!

Posted by moubeus5018 on 20 August 2006 - 01:12 PM in Off Topic

At the airport near my home, a new hanger was built. It is in the middle of a civilian airport but this new hanger is for MILITARY planes and choppers. The mayor was there in the morning celibrating the new hangerr and the new military stuff so a ah64d longbow apache, a ah 58 kiowa, and a bell 206 trainer were flown in. :blink: I went later the day after big wigs left and I was the only guy that didnt work there, or news/big wig there. The apache is huge! it makes semi trucks look small. The main rotar blade is 16 inches wide. The chopper is about 20+ feet tall and 65+ feet long. The 30mm chain gun is about 3 & 1/2 feet long. The pilot came up and asked me if i had been in the cocpit yet. I said no, and he opened the canopy and let me get in. I got pictures everywhere. Gun, missiles, rockets, engines, cocpits, tail, rotars, everything. I go home and there was no film in my cammera. I was PO. Turns out that the helicopter was delayed and didnt leave until about 4:30 the next day so I was able to get a few pictures afterall. But I wasnt able to get the cocpit again, nor any with me in the pictures. ;)

What is really weird is the helicopter is NOT all metal. It is mostly Kevlar reinforced fiberglass. The pilot even said a .22 would go through it. :blink: He then explained that around the important areas(engines, cocpits, hydrolics, electronics, avionics, and such) are in titananium armor. It was so cool


#86538 Video Games

Posted by moubeus5018 on 05 August 2006 - 12:21 AM in Off Topic

/ way off topic

To opma:

I agree with you on most of your quote (just now noticing it) but the most useless nation I belive would be POLAND. But still France sucks. (I am not dissing anybody because of there country but just saying Poland was ran over by just about every euopean nation there is and then some.

off topic/

Back on topic

I have been playing rollercaoster tycoon 2 alot here lately without noticing.

#86526 Idea Of Longshot Mod

Posted by moubeus5018 on 04 August 2006 - 10:31 PM in Modifications

Well I mean a much smaller inside diamiter or brass even for a less chancce of suck back. The seal problem can be overcome by not ever removing the pistol(mod it first) so you can get multiple shots. I WILL NOT be attempting this at all because

1 dont know much about mods
2 dont have longshot
3 dont know if possible to do

#86500 Favorite Music Style -poll-

Posted by moubeus5018 on 04 August 2006 - 05:34 PM in Off Topic

people if I am the only one who like the beatles here \

Maybee. I dont like them personally. I dont like old stuff.

#86498 Idea Of Longshot Mod

Posted by moubeus5018 on 04 August 2006 - 05:29 PM in Modifications

I dont have the gun nor am I good at modding :( I just have an idea and wonder if it could work. :wacko:

Take the pre-existing barrel out of main part of gun, then put a tightbore barrel in the pistol that would go from the end of the pistol all the way back to the begining part of the gun where the original barrel was.(this is where I dont know if it could remotely stand a chance of being done) If the pistol is removed it will make the longshot's range drop but why would you not put the pistol on if you could use it to make a long tightbore barrel anyway? :huh:

I dont know about the seal of the barrel to the plunger tube though. :wacko: But if it could be done it should give huge range and accuracy when combined with stefans, air restrictor removal, and either a bbb or nf spring added. :D

So what do you think guys?

#86426 Video Games

Posted by moubeus5018 on 03 August 2006 - 04:49 PM in Off Topic

Right now I'm playing a lot of America's Army, Timesplitters 2 and Star Wars Battlefront 2. I mostly like shooters and some rpgs. Also there's Need for Speed Most Wanted. Smash is pretty sweet too.

Hey, Can you pm me telling how to beat the stealth eat shit.r training? I for some reason cant beat it. :wacko: Its pissing me off too. I cant play anymore because there isnt anything to do but fail at that mission. :angry: :cry: :( B)

#86424 Magstrike Questions

Posted by moubeus5018 on 03 August 2006 - 04:41 PM in General Nerf

Then i think u got yourself a leak.

No I dont think it has a leak. I dont have one but my friend let me try his and it seems good. I am just concerned that if you take it, pump it up, load and walk around for a while( not seeing anyone) and when you do see someone the gun might not fire all 10 darts and you would get caught with your pants down. I havnt seen this problem but it is an air gun like the titan which loses pressure pretty quickly.

#86367 Magstrike Questions

Posted by moubeus5018 on 02 August 2006 - 09:19 PM in General Nerf

Yeah I noticed it loosing some if not all its pressure relitively fast like in two minutes if you pump 20 times. If you were to be useing it in a big war or in a feild you would have to pump before you fired to make shure it still had any power to fire the clip.

The gun just sounds painful and john yelped when you shot him in the leg.

#86350 Video Games

Posted by moubeus5018 on 02 August 2006 - 06:22 PM in Off Topic

SOCOM close combat: first to fight, ace combat , black, delta force black hawk down.
You get the picture war or shooter games. B)

Bold is my fav games -_-

#86346 Favorite Music Style -poll-

Posted by moubeus5018 on 02 August 2006 - 06:15 PM in Off Topic

I like rock, hard rock, some metal, and some country.

Favorite bands include: Linkin Park, Korn, Nickleback, 3 doors down, Puddle of Mudd, Rammstein(german rock), stuff like that.

#86345 Magstrike Questions

Posted by moubeus5018 on 02 August 2006 - 06:07 PM in General Nerf

Yeh that thing stinks to be one the bad side of it. Trust me. Also I dont like the magstrike toi much. It seems like a poor choice as a primary. I say have it as a bunker defence macine gun with another guy loading the other clip while you fire and pump. I dont like it as a primary because the loosing the pressure and lack of semi auto.

#86213 Do You Remember?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 31 July 2006 - 09:12 PM in General Nerf

Yup thats right assassin nf. You do have quite a pile. How many guns do you have because I can never keep count.

#86212 Magstrike Questions

Posted by moubeus5018 on 31 July 2006 - 09:07 PM in General Nerf

Why do I have a strange little feeling that I know whos on the reciveing end of that in tomarrows war?:huh:

Ohh yeh I know. :mellow:

Its me. B)

#86136 Longshot In My Possession

Posted by moubeus5018 on 30 July 2006 - 10:53 PM in General Nerf

Ok to clarify I mean if you are shooting at a target really long away, you are going to angle the gun with it angled how far can it get stock or modded. Like if possible post the longest shot that youve gotten from the gun.

#85956 Longshot In My Possession

Posted by moubeus5018 on 28 July 2006 - 06:38 PM in General Nerf

These may have been answered in other threads but seen you have it ill ask you also.

1.) what bullets dose the pistol use?
2.) is the scope a scope or just a tube with crosshairs?
3.) clips and darts ARE NOT being planned to be sold seperatly at this time??
4.) is it a bitch to remove air restrictor?
5.) stefans do work right?
6.) range in practicall use(when trying to get most range by angleing) is how far?
7.) accuracy is good or bad?
8.) dose it make a good primary choice?
9.) do you see yourself useing the pistol seperatly because of size?
10.) would you or wouldnt you keep pistol on or off.
11.) too many questions?

Sorry for so many. ^_^

#85951 Do You Remember?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 28 July 2006 - 06:08 PM in General Nerf

I was never into nerf (too weak, I didnt even know about this page and couldnt mod ) so I consider the first gun I got the nf :rolleyes: because of my friend assassin nf. -_- :P

followed by mav, unity system, bbb, soon the magstrike, and longshot.

I dont have any siblings thus i didnt need to shoot anybody.

#85607 What's Your Favorite Gun?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 24 July 2006 - 01:07 AM in Off Topic

What are you talking about???? I never posted that. PM much.

#85495 Longshot Is Even Cooler

Posted by moubeus5018 on 21 July 2006 - 10:50 PM in General Nerf

Thats funny. But seriously i think 4 clips each should be good assassin. My convertied darts are kick ass. They can do alot of damage from a nf and they hurt like hell from bbb.

#85481 Longshot Is Even Cooler

Posted by moubeus5018 on 21 July 2006 - 07:27 PM in General Nerf


If you are too dumb to search for more info on stefans, then you are too stupid for me in good conscience to let you post on this forum. The search button is your friend here. There are more articles on setfans than I can count. If you had just viewed the stickies, you would have noticed this fine article.

I am very sorry. I wasnt thinking. You are right I have seen many of those topics. :P

#85479 What's Your Favorite Gun?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 21 July 2006 - 07:09 PM in Off Topic

The gun you are thinking of is the M3 super 90.

#85478 Help My Dear Sweet Hornet

Posted by moubeus5018 on 21 July 2006 - 07:04 PM in Modifications

Ohh. I didnt know that and was wondering.

#85477 Firefly Mod Went Wrong.

Posted by moubeus5018 on 21 July 2006 - 07:03 PM in Modifications

There's a little spring on the end of the plunger tube that pushes the nozzle-like thing against the turret. Make sure you didn't lose that.

The turret is really stuck together, you need to slowly pry the bottom away from the top. I used a flathead screwdriver between the white and clear parts. After I took out all the screws and other parts.


I will check to see.

There was a screw holding the turret together so i couldnt take it apart


l l
l l
l l
l X screw is here
l l
l l
l l

And I dont have a long enough screw driver that is skinny enough to get the screw out to get the turret apart

#85475 Who Are You?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 21 July 2006 - 06:53 PM in General Nerf

Never mind.
Dont want to revive old topic. Didnt notic that it was old and just noticed.

#85473 Longshot Is Even Cooler

Posted by moubeus5018 on 21 July 2006 - 06:42 PM in General Nerf

never mind

#85406 Firefly Mod Went Wrong.

Posted by moubeus5018 on 20 July 2006 - 03:47 PM in Modifications

Tweasers./Needle nose pliars

#85373 Magstrike Or Longshot?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 19 July 2006 - 09:16 PM in General Nerf

Can you just rip off the suction cups and put hg and bb's to make stefans?
Where can I get stuff to make them(note: needs to be cheap-Im flat broke :unsure: )
Will stefans work in the bbb and blowguns along with nf and mavs?

#85372 Longshot Is Even Cooler

Posted by moubeus5018 on 19 July 2006 - 09:13 PM in General Nerf


Here are a few other questions.
1.) If you take the suction cup off a stock dart and put hg and bb's will it work as a stefan?
2.) Why are they called stefans? :unsure:
3.) Can a real scope be mounted on the rail?

These may be noobish but I am new.


#85370 Firefly Mod Went Wrong.

Posted by moubeus5018 on 19 July 2006 - 09:06 PM in Modifications

There wasnt any way to get to the air restrictors to take them out. My screw driver wont get through that little hole to take the screw out that holds the turret together. I dont have a drill :angry: (damnit) so i cant drill out the hole. So if anyone has any suggestions on how to open up the turret without breaking and/or drilling please post. No i dont have a screw diver long enough that can go through the hole.

#85333 Fall '06 Blasters

Posted by moubeus5018 on 19 July 2006 - 03:12 AM in General Nerf

Few questions about longshot.
1.) How do you load/cock pistol?
2.) What ammo dose pistol use?
3.) How is the seal between the longshot barrel parts?
4.) Pistol range=?
5.) Release date ?(never mind)

#85331 Magstrike Or Longshot?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 19 July 2006 - 02:47 AM in General Nerf

I like the longshot but its ammo type is going to fuck people who cant buy extra ammo(you know good and well as soon as people see it in walmart they will buy as much as there is. And for stefans- not everyone uses them. They will totally screw us on extra ammo by chargin an arm and leg for 10) I want the magstrike more. Just because of the ammo. If the longshot was able to use micro darts it would be one of the best nerf guns. Unless I get like 30+ darts I'm going to just use my bbb mod until I get more darts.

#85330 Behold!

Posted by moubeus5018 on 19 July 2006 - 02:37 AM in General Nerf

Sounds like this gets as good/better stock range as longshot.
I think this might be the better gun.

#85323 Are You The Best Nerfer In Your "crew"?

Posted by moubeus5018 on 18 July 2006 - 11:58 PM in General Nerf

Nope. Im the loser in my group usually. Not that im trying to not get hit-but im a sharpshooter. I use really long range guns and I try to get good shots. Im not good at charging out with a mav. for example. Also I have a lot fewer guns, but 90% of them are modded and work perfectly. Whereas the best nerfer in my group (AssassinNF) has tons of guns but many malfunction and/or are broken. I am not the worst in my group but I am not the best. :blush: :lol:

Well... I could kick all four of their asses by myself in a war, but it'd be pretty tough.

(waiting for mobeus to flame me...)

Nope I am not going to.
You HAVE before.
Then again It depends on If its 1 on all.
And I think you forgot a few people(Alex, John, somewhat Megan, your m&d)

#85322 Longshot Is Even Cooler

Posted by moubeus5018 on 18 July 2006 - 11:46 PM in General Nerf

Is the gun worth getting?
Ammo will be really limited...
...only 12 rounds and your out.(unless you have stefans which I do not.)
And it only has a 40 ft stock range?
A mod bbb with crayola barrel i have has ABOUT 100ft. and can use all ammo other than mega.
I dont know to much about this gun, so here are a few questions.
1.) Can the pistol fire normal darts?
2.) Is this gun going to be sturdy?(( dont want it to break if I accedentally drop it while loading.)
3.) Is there anyway to make the gun fire normal darts?
4.) In your oppinion, what will be the farthest this gun will be able to shoot when it is modded.(Im not talking go xft. then drop, I mean angle it to get really far. Like you were trying to hit a slow moveing person or someone who is loading. Will it be as far as a bbb?)