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There have been 439 items by ItalionStallion (Search limited from 17-January 97)

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#738 Avatars

Posted by ItalionStallion on 20 January 2003 - 06:10 PM in Site Feedback

I want to put my NWO logo on, but its too big.

#5154 New Jersey Apocalypse

Posted by ItalionStallion on 31 May 2003 - 02:38 PM in Nerf Wars

A rain date is a set makeup date for incase it rains or something else bad happens.

#29115 More Love From Hasrbo

Posted by ItalionStallion on 21 June 2004 - 11:46 PM in General Nerf

Ehh, no offense but those guns kinda look cheesy. It kinda seems like they are trying too hard.

Besides that i think the new guns are gonna be awesome. IM kinda skeptical of the designs, but meh.

Thanks for the pics though.

#50644 News From Hasbro '05 Part 1

Posted by ItalionStallion on 26 March 2005 - 07:03 PM in General Nerf

Honestley, i'd put money on it being the splitfire. I think there are a few reasons for it.

#1, Talio seemed very excited about this one. I really don't think he would get too excited if it was something a gun like the lightning blitz or mono blast.

#2, The splitfire was a pretty successful gun. The whole design is very simple yet very effective. It packs a huge punch in a small package. That also means that the production costs will not be as much as it would be with something like a 1500 or BBB.

#3, Hasbro KNOWS that the NIC will buy loads of these. Even a guy like me who doesn't even nerf anymore would pick one up.

As i said, i've got a hunch its going to be the SF.

#29117 More Love From Hasrbo

Posted by ItalionStallion on 21 June 2004 - 11:52 PM in General Nerf

Ohh i know, thats why i said thanks for the pics.

I wasnt really directing any of that at you. Infact im greatful that you posted those pictures

#51445 News From Hasbro '05 Part 1

Posted by ItalionStallion on 03 April 2005 - 01:36 AM in General Nerf


I have a feeling its going to be the Crossbow..

#40674 Election 2k4

Posted by ItalionStallion on 03 November 2004 - 04:26 PM in News

Man..Bunch of liderals around here.

Im not going to get involved in a huge political argument, because i could really care less.

All that matters to me is that G F'N DUB WON!!!! Yeeesss.

#40704 Election 2k4

Posted by ItalionStallion on 03 November 2004 - 06:50 PM in News

This was brought to my attention and i feel has a direct relation to the people on this board.

-The young crowd(18-24) did not vote. Apparentley 1 out of 10 of them voted for Kerry. Basically, if more young people voted, then maybe things would have been different.

I dont know, i just thought that was a pretty cool statistic that applied to alot of us..

BTW I heared Hillary Clinton is running in 08, all i can say is if you vote for her then you should be shot..=

#41253 N-strike Maverick

Posted by ItalionStallion on 09 November 2004 - 07:40 PM in General Nerf

You....are....god! Im sorry, had to quote family guy there..

Fantastic design. Im usually not a big fan of the newer guns, but this thing looks amazing. I've got a few questions (that have not yet been asked).

1. Willl this be released with another color scheme? I personally love it when there are multiple colors of the same gun.

2. It fires micros, right?

3. Will this include any extras (i.e target, dvd, etc)

Thanks for all your help.

#41288 N-strike Maverick

Posted by ItalionStallion on 09 November 2004 - 11:48 PM in General Nerf


No offense, but nothing will outsell the eagle eye.

As for the N-strike, i have noticed they are featured in my toys- r- us, target and k-mart ads. PLus They are featured prominintley in the toys sections (especially at TRU). Great job on advertising! Thanks!

So the n-strike line now has the hornet, titan, scount, nitefinder, maverick and SSPB. What guns next??? Maybe a re-released PC....(i really hope he was lying). The powerclip would be IDEAL for the n-strike line.

#11342 Forum Contest!

Posted by ItalionStallion on 12 October 2003 - 10:13 PM in Modifications

COuld i have a slight extension? IT may take me about a week extra because i have football and its gonna take me a while to develop and scan my pics.

#12396 As And Pb Vs Nerf

Posted by ItalionStallion on 05 November 2003 - 07:42 PM in Off Topic

I cant take these faggot paintballers anymore. They say the same thing over, and over, and over again.

All this BS about how nerf is pussy and what not. I swear to go i wish i could go right to this kids house and punch him right in the face. I wish i could punch every paintball or airsoft faggot who says nerf is pussy.

THis brings me to something, if your so badass than why do you wear protection? I dont see any nerfers wearing huge masks with chest and knee pads.

#11668 Holy Crap! Stefan's Back!

Posted by ItalionStallion on 21 October 2003 - 09:32 PM in General Nerf

Thats pretty cool, the "stefan" is back. The genious whom developed the homemade dart.

New nerf lines, and competitors. Old sites went down, new ones went up. lots of stuff has happend.

Yeah nerf is kinda picking up on both coasts again, but its still dead as ever here in the midwest. ^_^

Good to see you back, even though i dont really know you.

#19475 2004 Nerf Lineup

Posted by ItalionStallion on 22 February 2004 - 12:12 AM in General Nerf

Concerning the lanard stuff. As i stated in a different thread they bought my eagle eye off of me, and their address states that they are out of california.

I emailed the guy who bought it and told him that i really liked his product and that we were rooting for lanard. The response was just, "i am glad you like our product, we plan to make some really neat blasters in the future". I think that hints a few new guns in the future (probably a copy of my gun). I emailed the dude back, but i got no response.

About these new nerf guns, i am kinda confused over the whole thing, are they all at one dock or what. And t he DVD dealy, i dotn know i think this is waay to confusing.

And OMC and talio, do you think you guys could draw a pic of the guns in paint so we could understand it better?


#63700 Your Armory

Posted by ItalionStallion on 15 September 2005 - 06:07 PM in General Nerf

If i never sold any guns, my arsenal would be almost as big as Orange's.

Orange, how many guns are you off from having EVERY Nerf gun ever? I know you dont have a Batman gun...

#53451 Your Ride?

Posted by ItalionStallion on 25 April 2005 - 03:47 PM in Off Topic

IS, that really wasn't shot toward you, I'm sorry if you took it that way, this just happens to be a specific vice I have.

Im sorry dude. I just thought it would be a fun conversation to find out what everyone here drives.

Personally, i think my car is my favorite item. Its not that it "represents me" "is my expression" its just something that i like a whole lot and really enjoy. I would find it MUCH more enjoyable to play around with my car as opposed to my computer or a Nerf gun.

I honestley can't wait to save up my money to get some parts on my car. Its something that for me, makes working seem worthwile.

#53411 Your Ride?

Posted by ItalionStallion on 24 April 2005 - 09:34 PM in Off Topic

And the dickwagging commences. I drive a car. It has four wheels and an engine. It shifts when I push the clutch in, stops when I hit the breaks, and moves forward when I hit the gas. And you know what? Past not having to get a new one and it continueing to do those very same things for the smallest ammount of money I can possibly put into it, I don't give a fuck what else it has. In fact, it's purple. Crossbow purple. It's the gayest thing I've ever owned, and I don't give a fuck. You want to know why? People who gauge their value and worth on the automobile they drive really need to give base jumping a try. Only fuck the parachute.

Really guys, who the fuck cares what car you drive? They fuck up the enviroment, ruin the economy, and are gerenally doing more then pushing the self centered bullshit that this country and everyone trying to be like it into the pit of fucking despair.

Drop it, just because you drive a nice car doesn't mean you're fucking Lord Vader. You're not cooler because you drive a Honda! You're not a better person because you're car happens to be 10 years newer then mine. Notice something about this thread. Everyone's quick to comment on their own cars, but not on anyone elses. Why? Because no one fucking cares!

You want to know what model my car is? No, you don't! You don't really fucking care, because all you care about is what car you drive and how nice it is.

And one mroe thing about cars. Guys, and you know who you are, if a woman will sleep with you because you have a nice car, she's not worth the time of day.

Jesus H. Chirst,


Please..freak out.

I was just trying to start up a conversation..


#53752 Your Ride?

Posted by ItalionStallion on 28 April 2005 - 08:36 PM in Off Topic


Still..with that kind of car i guarantee you'll do a little racing.

Or atleast i would..

#53295 Your Ride?

Posted by ItalionStallion on 23 April 2005 - 08:05 PM in Off Topic

I'm just curous to see what everyone around here drives.

Currentley my car is a 1999 Acura CL 3.0 V6 V-tech. I don't have any mods done to it but i am saving up for several.

#12689 Matrix Revolutions

Posted by ItalionStallion on 10 November 2003 - 08:17 PM in Off Topic

Look at star wars. I bet noone thought they would make new movies. Yet hollowood and the public wanted another one so they made 3 prequels.

IF they made another one everyone would see it. They would really have to do some major writing to make a sequel. But if they do it right they can make it huge.

Only time will tell....

#12624 Matrix Revolutions

Posted by ItalionStallion on 09 November 2003 - 08:20 PM in Off Topic


The movie really disapointed me. They didnt settle anything like in the last one. The whole movie was hard to get in to. It was the exact opposite of the other movies. This one had one huge fight scene and that was it. I agree with SS, they have to end this movie. I mean come on! You cant end a movie with a peace with teh machines!!!!!

Ohh and NEO did not die, he practically cant die. Hes the one.

I still dont think trinity should have died either, that added nothing to the movie.

Heres what they did not solve or explain:
The french guy
How the oracle came back
Neos powers
How all those people lived (they said everyone died in thelast one)
Tons of other stuff

THey have to make a sequel, because they ruined they whole trilogy with this movie.

All in all the most disapointing movie i have ever seen.

#12743 Matrix Revolutions

Posted by ItalionStallion on 12 November 2003 - 11:43 AM in Off Topic

Its amazing how much they screwed the up the whole matrix trilogy. The first and second movie were great and i could watch them many more times. But this one just sucked so bad. Throught the whole movie it was just sooo boring. THe huge fight scene with the sentinels was cool but that shouldnt have consumed 3/4s of the movie. This might have been the worst ending to any movie ive seen in my entire life. Its amazing how much they have fallen after the second film. The second film was very well witten and played out very well. This one just was horrible. IMO one of the reasons that revolutions sucked was because they had to rush through the entire movie. The second movie accomplished a little bit. But this one needed to resolve several issues. IN the end all our questions that we had at the beginning were still there. The only way to save the matrix as one of the best series of movies of all time is to make a sequel and/or prequel.

Ohh and what my belief on the prophecy of the one was that the only reason he was made was to buy time for the humans. Thus the people inside the matrix have time to re-build, etc. Thats so incredibly stupid. Honestley if NEO would have killed all the machines and returned the humans to their dominant role on earth, the movie would not have been as bad as it was. Its as simple as that.

All in all the wachowskis must have been out of their minds when they wrote this.

#19160 Im Done Nerfing :(

Posted by ItalionStallion on 16 February 2004 - 07:09 PM in Off Topic

A similar incident like that happend at a KCNO. We had a kid who didnt think to wear eye protection. He was shot with an Xbow and was blind for 2 weeks and is permanentle disfigured.

I fell bad for you and your bro, hope everything ends good.

#41278 X-bows

Posted by ItalionStallion on 09 November 2004 - 10:21 PM in General Nerf

OK, im REALLY confused here.

How the hell did KB toys, a company whos on the brink of going out of business, obtain thousands of Nerf crossbows (presumably)? It wouldn't be too bad if it was a gun such as the blastfire or the sm1500, but the crossbow has been out of circulation for nearley 10 years.

Am i seeing this wrong? I don't really know WHAT to believe here.

#45470 Nerf World Order

Posted by ItalionStallion on 05 January 2005 - 12:53 PM in News

Holy shit dude. You freaked me out..

I thought you were talking about my clan..

#41035 X-bows

Posted by ItalionStallion on 07 November 2004 - 01:54 AM in General Nerf


Well dont worry, i dont any Nerf gun would EVER be destroyed.

Nerf guns are usually a good product because its so easy to re-sell them. Old guns usually aren't outdated and out-of-style.

#41429 X-bows

Posted by ItalionStallion on 11 November 2004 - 12:30 PM in General Nerf

Well yesterday i callled all the KB toys store in the Kansas City Metro area. Unfortunatley none of them have it and half of them dont even have Nerf guns.

So you say Big Lots has them? Or am i reading that wrong..

#5586 Paintball

Posted by ItalionStallion on 10 June 2003 - 10:15 PM in Off Topic

If you look at the last announcement made by Hal, and then you read the comments, you'll see OutBurst's one in there.

Thats exacly where i found it.

Anyway i think this dude should be banned, fo what he did at NO, and here.

#5391 Paintball

Posted by ItalionStallion on 08 June 2003 - 03:04 PM in Off Topic

I was right! I was bored today so i went at looked at old NO and found this comment from a user named outburst (this guy).

" Posted by OutBurst on Sunday, October 27, 2002, 11:16 AM

Well, finally, I show that I will rule forever. I am a God and you all suck. So fuck off. "

My NO memory isnt as bad as i thought.

#5378 Paintball

Posted by ItalionStallion on 08 June 2003 - 12:02 AM in Off Topic

I remember him. He sounds like that guy on NO. When it died and people could leave final words, he said "you all suck and i am god". I remember that pretty clearly.

#52863 Good News, Bad News

Posted by ItalionStallion on 19 April 2005 - 03:14 PM in General Nerf

SHIT! I was just going to try to sell my BBB too..


This is still very, VERY good news. The BBB is arguably the best gun ever. I'd like to see how they re-design it.

#40785 Half Life 2

Posted by ItalionStallion on 04 November 2004 - 05:46 PM in Off Topic

I've seen a few videos, all i can say is WOW. The game looks nearley flawless.

Too bad i cant play it.

#55249 Next-gen Console E3 Pics

Posted by ItalionStallion on 19 May 2005 - 08:28 AM in Off Topic

Man..That X-box 360 looks fugly. The ps3 looks really cool. Nintendo on the other hand is a bit strange.. It looks good but is really bland.

So has Nintendo finally gone to full size discs? Or are they still screwing around with those small things.. (forgive me, im not a technology geek)

#35615 Nh Fantasy Football League

Posted by ItalionStallion on 28 August 2004 - 02:29 PM in Off Topic

I've got 2 solid running backs so im pretty happy. I like to trade so ill be sending some trades out soon.

#32140 Nh Fantasy Football League

Posted by ItalionStallion on 22 July 2004 - 07:17 PM in Off Topic

Ill play, whats the league # and pw?

#31314 Nh Fantasy Football League

Posted by ItalionStallion on 15 July 2004 - 05:28 PM in Off Topic

I've been doing fantasy leagues for a few years now. They are pretty fun actually.

Id join if its ok with you.

EDIT: Its the yahoo league, right?

#32142 Nh Fantasy Football League

Posted by ItalionStallion on 22 July 2004 - 07:45 PM in Off Topic

IM Styles Clash, NerfMan is Sid Viscious and CX is NhThugs.

Only 3 people? Come on we need more than that.

#32219 Nh Fantasy Football League

Posted by ItalionStallion on 24 July 2004 - 12:22 AM in Off Topic


I believe thats LDM.

#36270 Nh Fantasy Football League

Posted by ItalionStallion on 02 September 2004 - 08:39 PM in Off Topic

Randy Mcmichael (3rd best TE in league)

No offense intended, but where do you rank Gonzalez, Heap, Winslow, Shockey, and Crumpler? Pollard and Williams are kind of a toss up with respect to McMichael, but the other 5 are clearly superior.

Yes i believe hes 3rd, probably 4th. look at his team HES WITH THE DOLPHINS. They have no running back and 1 decent reciever. This guy should put up huge numbers.

Pollard sucks, Shockey had an off year last year and Winslow is a rookie.Crumpler? pff.

I'd be willing to trade him and one of my other recievers to upgrade a little..

#49182 Somebody Hacked Spanky!

Posted by ItalionStallion on 09 March 2005 - 10:36 PM in General Nerf

I saw that earlier. Hacking is just on of the dumbest things ever. That along with spyware and pop-ups...

I realise there are some people who dont post here. For those people I am going to open gravity nerf back up just until everything gets fixed.

Heres a link:
