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There have been 9 items by UberLeetSniper (Search limited from 20-January 97)

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#296617 Bs-12 Advanced Tactical Nerf Rifle

Posted by UberLeetSniper on 26 March 2011 - 04:14 AM in Homemades

*takes off the ninja mask as he comes out of his corner to give his 2 cents*
Fucking brilliant man, you as always outdid yourself and probably set the bar even further. I knew you would be the one to set the standards when I saw the FAR which I still need to take a trip to the home depot to make, lol. But yeah, nicely done I always knew you were going to be one of the "prominent standardizers" for the lack of a better phrase. :P *puts his mask back on as he skulks back to his corner and starts to lurk in the shadows again*

#288895 Nerf In The News

Posted by UberLeetSniper on 25 November 2010 - 02:46 PM in General Nerf

Haven't posted here much, been afraid of the ban hammer, but I've been lurking around for about a year and a half and just wanted to give my two cents in.(forgive any spelling mistakes...I'm in the car on an iPad)
What the media did to our hobby, as far as the article goes is what I call typical media bullshit. They were probably watching the forum for months WAITING for SOMEone to slip through and be a moron then get their "statement" and as someone said in the comments section, slander the hobby. But as Talio said, for now on we will have to try to operate in obscurity as much as possible and even then if they get someone who slips through, they will probably remember the one important lesson out of all this, "no comment" me, I wouldn't say a damn thing. All of us in the NIC as a whole are a band of brothers and we have to look out for each other. We are a "foam military" of sorts but only a military for fun, harmless competition. Forgive me for using a word that probably isn't appropriate given the situation. As Brit said, let's forget this incident and just get back out in the beautiful sun and start flinging foam again. I won't go any further, I think I made a wall of text (the rage paragraphs)

#294304 Converting Super-soakers To Nerf Question.

Posted by UberLeetSniper on 10 February 2011 - 05:02 AM in Modifications

I gave up on this place a long time ago because of the non friendly vibe

Clearly, since you're still posting.

I find it humerous that he bags on Talio when it's Talio's forum. He disciplines trolls and idiots in his own way, most people would call it "douchebaggery" but like it or not, and believe it or not if it weren't for Talio and the mods being the practically drill sergeants they are, we wouldn't be at the magnitude we are now. If you don't like the way mods handle shit around here, for the love of god please don't fucking whine because it makes you look like an idiot, just leave the forum quietly and go to NHQ or W.E. place you find fits you. And yes I know I'm un-heard of around this forum, it's because I'm AFRAID to post because of the previously mentioned military-might. *chuckles* I live in fear of the banhammer...too much to even post. Back to lurking! *goes back to his corner and looks at his new pair of Barricades*

#296677 Could We Have A Sticky Thread For Notably Inactive Users?

Posted by UberLeetSniper on 26 March 2011 - 11:12 PM in Site Feedback

No it's not what I think but when you're writing a program specifically for the purpose of narrowing down posts like I previously mentioned, a custom-written program that runs on your computer for that purpose only, yeah I would think you would need an MIT level knowledge to make the program.

#296618 Could We Have A Sticky Thread For Notably Inactive Users?

Posted by UberLeetSniper on 26 March 2011 - 04:31 AM in Site Feedback

I agree with this idea, not that my yes holds a lot as far as who holds a lot of weight when deciding, per se. I may have a low post count but I only registered way back when to ask questions or give my 2 cents when I feel like I'm not going to get the ban hammer ( which is very rarely, ergo the low post count) anyways forgive me for drifting off-topic.
I agree with the idea because of what people have previously stated, respect among our community and plus if we have a list, it gives people easier access to oh how do I put it...easier accesss to a specific inactive's homemades. Plus yes if someone does pass, it gives us a quicker way of knowing rather than having to rifle through posts and sift through profile info, and e-mail and w.e. else NIC members and IRL buds of the person in question use to find their info on a person. I don't need to say this, but I will anyways...this board has been around for closer to a decade now, we have shiploads of posts, I don't think anyone, even if a prominent member of our community has passed, would be willing to rifle through the thousands, hell maybe even millions of replies to threads. Fuck if anyone would be willing, for their sake I hope they have an MIT-level knowledge for writing a program that way they can just narrow it down to posts pertaining to the person who we presume has passed away. Anyways I believe I'm rambling now, again forgive me, it's 2:30 AM here in Vegas, I'll shutup how. As previously stated just wanted to give my 2 cents on the idea, night folks, happy nerfing, modding, and crafting! :P

#260061 Sdno

Posted by UberLeetSniper on 29 December 2009 - 07:00 AM in Nerf Wars

Not going.

Nerf swords would be great for that, anyways I could probably go, I live in El Cajon....San Diego's only like 15 minutes away. Unfortunately I'm going on a cruise ship for a week from the 19th of January to the 26th. But if it's before then great, all I have to do is ask my parents, otherwise I can do it.

My armaments are the Recon, Raider, a pair (2) of Mavericks, and a pair of Strikefires, oh and also I have 1 blue and 1 yellow nerf swords

Every gun there is stock, unmodded, and also I want the host of the war to know that this is gonna be my first war so I'll probably be asking ALOT of questions and annoying him/her to no end because of that, heh heh

#260062 Sdno

Posted by UberLeetSniper on 29 December 2009 - 07:04 AM in Nerf Wars

Not going.

Nerf swords would be great for that, anyways I could probably go, I live in El Cajon....San Diego's only like 15 minutes away. Unfortunately I'm going on a cruise ship for a week from the 19th of January to the 26th. But if it's before then great, all I have to do is ask my parents, otherwise I can do it.

My armaments are the Recon, Raider, a pair (2) of Mavericks, and a pair of Strikefires, oh and also I have 1 blue and 1 yellow nerf swords

Every gun there is stock, unmodded, and also I want the host of the war to know that this is gonna be my first war so I'll probably be asking ALOT of questions and annoying him/her to no end because of that, heh heh

Ok I know double posting is extremely erotic but I needed to make a correction, I meant to quote Fragtacular because his zombie comment is what I was referring to when I said Nerf swords would be great for that

#296619 Nerf Dart Tag Speedload 6

Posted by UberLeetSniper on 26 March 2011 - 04:35 AM in Modifications

Holly fuck, I didn't realize the guys at Urban Taggers weren't kidding when they said a Speedload was a bitch to open up. You probably have to have a lot of patience and not get easily frustrated to even begin with that under-taking. Just so Y-brik doesn't have to be "that guy" what are the ranges after the mod?

#259631 National Us Nerf Tournament

Posted by UberLeetSniper on 23 December 2009 - 07:41 AM in Nerf Wars

Oddly enough I came up with this idea during the 4th of July. I've been thinking this through ALOT these past months. Ok anyways...
I had this idea where 10 kids in each state would be on a team. I already did the math...500 kids on each team (50x10=500).
4 teams would be made. Usual Nerf war rules (if it hits your gun it's a point, if you catch it it's a point etc. etc.) I am currently working on a website for the first team, I'll post the link when I'm done. We would end up scheduling an area that's easily accessible for each state. Now I know that sounds confusing so let me clarify how the chain-of-command's going to go down. 10 kids in each state, there would be a squad leader for each 10 kids in a state, who would then report to the Admiral. The Admiral would be in charge of all 500 kids. EACH SQUAD LEADER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SETTING UP AN AREA. The squad leader would then contact the Admiral and tell him he has an area. There's 40 kids in each state (10 kids per team). So those 40 kids would agree on a zone for their state and would report to their respective Admirals. They then would go to the area and as stated those kids would begin the war and shoot with the usual Nerf war rules (if it hits your gun it's a point, if you catch it it's a point etc. etc.). I have volunteered to be the first admiral, I live in California. I'm 13 and in the Boy Scouts. Why have I stated I'm a Boy Scout? I've gotten 3-4 Boy Scouts to go into the tournament. If you know military terms, great, if not oh well. I only know a few military terms, that's all I ask of you. To know just a few terms. I don't expect everyone to know all the terms, because I think that's impossible unless you actually joined the military. Well...that's all I remember, like I said I've been thinking about this ALOT...maybe a little too much. Heh.I will post later with more details, but for now, I just wanted to get the idea out to the NIC, because I think this could be revolutionary for Nerf....