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#88337 Dremel Nearly Killed Me

Posted by meiser5 on 25 August 2006 - 07:13 PM in Off Topic

Thats odd... I have never seen one of those before. Where did you get it? I,d post a pic of mine but my camera is busted. B)

Meiser--- :blink:

#88540 Need Assistance Modding A Longshot

Posted by meiser5 on 29 August 2006 - 02:20 PM in Modifications

Dude, not cool. You need to be honest all the time man that way people do not think you are full of shit.

Back on topic I cannot help you at this point because my camera is not working but when you open the gun up just take your time and be careful.

Meiser-- :) Riding out Tropical Storm Ernesto...

#88541 My Rf20 Needs Repairs...any Advice?

Posted by meiser5 on 29 August 2006 - 02:22 PM in Modifications

Open it up and lube the o-ring, it is probably dryed out.

Meiser---:) Riding out Tropical Storm Ernesto...

#88543 Worst Weather Experience

Posted by meiser5 on 29 August 2006 - 02:37 PM in Off Topic

Title pretty much covers it. Since we are about to be hit with Tropical Storm Ernesto in my area I got the inspiration to see what all you guys worst experiences were.

Meiser--- :) Riding out Tropical Storm Ernesto...

#88544 My Rf20 Needs Repairs...any Advice?

Posted by meiser5 on 29 August 2006 - 02:45 PM in Modifications

Basically you are going to unscrew the gun and open the gun up. then you are going to take the pump and lift it out of where it is mounted. There should be a grey end-cap holding the pump handle and shaft together. Pry it apart and pull the shaft completely out of the tube.(Wow, that did not sound right... :blink: )At the end of that shaft will be a little rubber ring. You are basically going to take lots of lube and put it all over the o-ring ant the inside of the shaft then put everything back together.
I really hope this helps somewhat...

Meiser--- :) Riding out Tropical Storm Ernesto...

#88586 Worst Weather Experience

Posted by meiser5 on 30 August 2006 - 02:09 PM in Off Topic

Mesier where do you live? It ain't gonna be a tropical storm for long when it gets into the gulf,the waters are only about 1-2 degrees cooler then they were for katrina.

EDIT: You'll have to excuse what was said above, I hadn't seen where it was headed for awhile. The last time I checked it had it going for the panhandle of florida and now it's already making landfall at the tip as a TS. So it probably won't be a hurricane or a TS for much longer.

I live in the Volusia/Flagler County area, and I had not checked the weather for a couple hours until they downgraded it, so basically they were full of shit when they said it was going to hit with 50+ winds. The biggest gust we have had so far is 15, and that was for like six seconds....

Damn news people...

Meiser--- :angry: Riding out Tropical Storm Ernesto...( Supposedly)

#88589 Confrontation With A Tru Employee

Posted by meiser5 on 30 August 2006 - 02:32 PM in General Nerf

Showing the employees of TRU a link to a nerf sight may be a good start. I think that until the nerf moding community is more main stream in toy stores we will constantly be faced with dilemmas, like the ones discussed here. So I say spread the word. When you’re buying a gun at a store talk about how fun it is to take apart and change. Talk about learning air flow dynamics and the physics involved. Talk about the time and effort put into the craft. Too often we buy the guns and hope nothing happens or that we don’t get a look. I say hide no more, sing praises and hymns of nerf in the store. Speak out I say and explain the joys you feel to the world. Then and only then my brothers in arms can we truly claim to be the Merry Makers of Foam, the Magical Modifiers of Toys, and the Lords of Nerf.

Priceless... Seriously are you a preacher or something, I think I might start going to church again because of that... No wait, to many old people who want to talk to you. I'll pass.

Back on topic, that really never happens around here where I live, frankly because "No One" nerf's in my area. It is so bad that I can still buy the really old guns like manta rays and sm-1500's in my area as well as the new ones. In fact, they look like they have made an accomplishment when they see someone walk out of the store with a couple of guns.

Meiser--- :)

#88654 Worst Weather Experience

Posted by meiser5 on 31 August 2006 - 02:07 PM in Off Topic

Yeah guys, it was definately blown way out of proportions. And to comemorate how well this topic is doing, I present THIS, George Carlin is like the word of reason.

Meiser--- ^_^


Sorry about the Canada part.

#88671 Magstrike

Posted by meiser5 on 31 August 2006 - 06:52 PM in General Nerf

It is like 24.99$ in my area.

Meiser--- ^_^

#88737 Lock N Load Question

Posted by meiser5 on 01 September 2006 - 06:09 PM in Modifications

*** Sorry, my stupid friend posted this. I have to change my password. Sorry.***

Meiser--- :D :unsure:

Okay sorry about that, the password is set, and I shot my friend with my titan in the nuts...
Now, the ranges seem way off but I am not there in person so I do not know, if they are 100% percent accurrate congrats on having one of the most powerful LNL's I have ever heard of. And welcome to NerfHaven.

#88815 Nerfers In New York

Posted by meiser5 on 02 September 2006 - 06:14 PM in General Nerf

Take a look at the Frapper Map in Flaming Hilt's signature. I think that is where it is.

Meiser--- :rolleyes:

#88817 My New Improved Sm5000

Posted by meiser5 on 02 September 2006 - 06:30 PM in Modifications

The beauty and power of that gun brings a tear to my eye, and a lump to my pants...
Oh my, did that get said out loud?

Just joking around guys, Ryan that gun looks great though and it is very cool that you only need 4.5 pumps to get 150 ft. Very sweet gun.
My one true question though is how long does it take to load and fire it?

Meiser-- :rolleyes:

#88947 Perfered Nerf Guns And Combat Styles

Posted by meiser5 on 03 September 2006 - 09:48 PM in General Nerf

Because I live in Fl., I am rarely in a Nerf War. But when I am able to go to one, or host one, it is usually a small affair. My weapons choices vary as to whether I am indoors or outdoors, so I will start with that. When I am inside, I will usually use my RF20 or my PC as a primary and carry a Maverick or Nightfinder as a back-up. When I am outdoors, I tend to stick to a decent long-range weapon like a 3B or a soon to be Longshot. And my secondary will be a PC with a Nightfinder as a last resort gun.
When it comes to my playing style I like to be as stealthy as possible, and therefore I am usually all over the place and because of that I am able to set lots of ambushes up. I will also pull phycological ambushes on people like getting them into a small area then blasting heavy death metal music while me and others pick them off at a distance, this works very well in night wars. But basically, that is how I roll in a nerf-war.

Meiser--- ^_^

#88949 New Longshot Mod/integration

Posted by meiser5 on 03 September 2006 - 09:59 PM in Modifications

:huh: ...

:o ...

^_^ ...

:lol: ...

:D ..



#89098 Steve Irwin Died!

Posted by meiser5 on 05 September 2006 - 02:12 PM in Off Topic

Yeah this was rather sad news.

And exactly what was said earlier: that was a really rare instance. Honestly, it's amazing that the stinger entered at the right angle to get past all of his ribs.

At least Mr. Irwin died doing what he loved most, working with animals. He evaded danger this long, it's too bad he met his fate.

That he did...
Mr. Irwin, we all salute you, now go in peace... To that croc-pit in the sky.
You were one of the good ones.

Meiser--- :)

#89099 School

Posted by meiser5 on 05 September 2006 - 02:28 PM in Off Topic

Already started where I live, like four weeks ago. I live in Florida aka. God's Waiting Room.

Meiser--- :)

#89100 11 Year Old Children Should Not Posses Or Play With Airsoft Guns

Posted by meiser5 on 05 September 2006 - 02:40 PM in Off Topic

If it were me, I would go over and just try to speak to her and explain to her what you had told her previously when you warned her about the " adult language and other vulgar acts that may not be suitable for children under the age of 14" when she first met with you. If she still does not agree with you or will not even listen to you, then just tell her or have your parents tell her that you will not allow her son to go with you guys to play airsoft and not to ask you for any favors ever again to make sure something like this never happens to stop any problem before they start.
Be sure to talk to her in person if you can.

And one final tip, stick to the rules you and your friends set, they are there for a reason.

Meiser--- :)

#89101 Mech Tommy 20 Air Zone Blaster By Buzz Bee Toys

Posted by meiser5 on 05 September 2006 - 02:46 PM in General Nerf

That still does not get over the fact that everybody or almost everybody thinks it is a peice of shit.
Now don't get me wrong, it has it pro's, but it's cons are far greater and outway its potential.

Meiser--- :)

#89112 11 Year Old Children Should Not Posses Or Play With Airsoft Guns

Posted by meiser5 on 05 September 2006 - 04:11 PM in Off Topic

Lancaster, he was asking for some serious advice, I know you are joking but post helpful advice nextime.

Meiser :) RIP Steve Irwin...

#89193 Steve Irwin Died!

Posted by meiser5 on 06 September 2006 - 02:12 PM in Off Topic

I heard he pulled the stinger out before he died--he killed himself--the loss of the stinger in his heart caused rapid blood loss and loss of blood pressure so he was dead before he got to shore.

Now that is hardcore. Real men do that sort of stuff.

That is a rumor on ABC's part, when they asked John Stainton what had happened, he said that Steve was unconcious almost as soon as he got to the surface of the water, his crew got him back to Croc-1 where he later died of injuries. Everybody thinks that he pulled the stinger out himself because one of the crewmembers misheard what the producer had said, then went to the local news with it. Thus starting the rumor.

Meiser-- :unsure: RIP Steve

#89259 Streamline Dart Refills Are On Their Way

Posted by meiser5 on 07 September 2006 - 02:00 PM in General Nerf

I feel helpful today, so here you Go.

Meiser--- :ph34r:

#89268 Alternative To Cutting Down Ls Spring Replacement

Posted by meiser5 on 07 September 2006 - 03:25 PM in Modifications

If you put enverything back together right you should not need to do that to your clip, but that is a great idea to fall back on if your gun still won't take the clip... Good job.

Meiser :ph34r:

#89349 Nerf Melee

Posted by meiser5 on 08 September 2006 - 07:21 PM in General Nerf

Never mind this, crappy mistake... Sorry. Someone please erase this.

#89352 Nerf Melee

Posted by meiser5 on 08 September 2006 - 07:39 PM in General Nerf

Sorry for the double post but my search function messed up when I did the pre-post search, I found a similer topic on this when I re-checked... I appologize and it will not happen again.

Meiser--- :(

#89515 A Forida Nerf War

Posted by meiser5 on 11 September 2006 - 02:27 PM in Nerf Wars

Check the frappr nerf map in Flaming Hilt's signature for more florida nerfers.

Meiser ;)

#89692 A Forida Nerf War

Posted by meiser5 on 14 September 2006 - 03:09 PM in Nerf Wars

Location wise, I might be able to come if it is moderatly close to my house( no more than 1.5 hours away), if it is well that is great.
Time wise, I do not know, I have a lot on my plate right now, school, job, boy scouts( Yes, I am a Boy Scout...),
and other meaningless tasks that one must to do acheive what they call a life. So that is going to be a significant problem...
Driving wise, well, the "no more than 1.5 hours away" comment explains everything... Damn I need a Driver's Permit. My parents get very aggitated when it comes to driving long distances.
So all in all, I will pretty much see what I can do to show up. Dont count on anything.

Meiser--- B)

#89753 High-cap Mags For The Longshot?

Posted by meiser5 on 15 September 2006 - 07:40 AM in Modifications

Patience, only time will tell.

Meiser--- B)

#89761 Longshot Grenade Launcher

Posted by meiser5 on 15 September 2006 - 01:53 PM in Modifications

Well this is not really an integration, it is more of just me not having anything to do because I am home with the god-damn flu. Enough about that, here are the pics. And for those of you that want to actually do something like this, it is pretty much self explanetory.

Posted Image

Here is a picture of the guts of the SM 750 that everybody loves so much. I made a simple pull trigger out of some fishing line and a hook from one of the dart tagger bags.

Posted Image

This is going to be your ammo, or you can just stick a barrel in there,really does not matter.

Posted Image

Ah, good old duct tape. Well this is what it looks like on the top rail.
The thing gets maybe 25ft. level and about 30 or so ft. angled.
(I had to use a 1ft. ruler to measure so I do not have the exact range)
That 25 to 30ft. is without the O.P. valve plugged so I can maybe squeeze 8 or 9 more out of it.
Here are some more pics...

Posted Image

Posted Image

Yes, the barrel is a tad off because I did a sloppy tape job.

Meiser--- B)

P.S. Sorry about the size of the pics.

P.P.S. Just lubed the pump and plugged the O.P. valve and fired it five times with 2 pumps, and five times with three pumps.

--2 Pumps Level--

--2 Pumps Angled--

--3 pumps Level--

--3 Pumps Angled--

#89765 Longshot Grenade Launcher

Posted by meiser5 on 15 September 2006 - 03:18 PM in Modifications

It is not staying there, I am eventually going to integrate it into a firefly but it is going to be here for know.

Meiser--- B)

P.S Like I said, I am changing it around, and I will add a barrel if I can get to Home Depot, but for know I will keep it the way it is so I can use it in a grenade style skirmish or something.

#89820 At2k Problem

Posted by meiser5 on 16 September 2006 - 03:30 PM in Modifications

Here is how the pump works... When you pump the air it goes through a rubber valve at the end of the shaft. Because the gun is one giant tank that valve is the thing that holds all the air in the tank in. The other valve connects to the trigger. But you said it fires so that valve is not the problem which leaves two possibilities..

A. There is a crack in the tank.

B. The pump valve it screwed up.

I do not think it is A. because if there was a crack the plunger would not shoot out like it does, it would all go out through the crack. This leads me to beleive that the plunger valve is the culprit. I honestly do not know a way for you to fix it without breaking the pump off of the main tank. PM me if someone else cannot help you.


#89822 A Forida Nerf War

Posted by meiser5 on 16 September 2006 - 03:36 PM in Nerf Wars

I live in Flagler County, man I wish more people lived here, we have plenty of parks and lots of wooded areas where we play paintball. So Palm Coast is just an idea, but I know it is not going to happen because everybody lives in the Orlando area and on the West Coast.

Meiser--- B)

#89832 A Forida Nerf War

Posted by meiser5 on 16 September 2006 - 04:35 PM in Nerf Wars

Im sorry I said it like that, I meant we play paintball in the woods but there are a lot of parks in the area.
We also have an awesome patch of woods right behind our house that we play in.

Meiser-- B)
Sorry I got your hopes up...

Check out the parks in this site...


I live right up the road from the INDIAN TRAILS SPORTS COMPLEX.

#89845 War Movie

Posted by meiser5 on 16 September 2006 - 09:35 PM in Off Topic

Pretty cool, the edits could use some work but it was a pretty good vid. Oh, by the way, the Superbowl Football music gave it a Chuck Norris feel :) .

Meiser--- B)

#89846 At2k Problem

Posted by meiser5 on 16 September 2006 - 09:38 PM in Modifications

Sorry for the DP, but OMC is right, I have been here for almost a year posting every other day and I still only have like 129 posts. Slow down dude... Or you might be banned if CX gets aggitated.

Meiser--- :)

#90103 On The Subject Of Pineapples

Posted by meiser5 on 20 September 2006 - 02:11 PM in Off Topic

To one of the best Banisher of Trolls/ Administrators/ Moderator, Happy Birthday Pineapple!!!! :P :o :lol:

Meiser--- B)

#90104 A Forida Nerf War

Posted by meiser5 on 20 September 2006 - 02:20 PM in Nerf Wars

Info, I need info. I am getting anxious about this. Were is Florida Nerfer anyway? I have not seen him on the boards in a while.... Oh well, I will try PMing him and some other people I know on the boards to get this thing going again.

Meiser---- :P :lol:

#90159 Request: Supermaxx 250 Internals

Posted by meiser5 on 21 September 2006 - 02:03 PM in Modifications

All I have is the 350, there both similer but I am not going to post pics of it unless you want me to.

Meiser :rolleyes:

#90187 A Forida Nerf War

Posted by meiser5 on 22 September 2006 - 02:10 PM in Nerf Wars

Sorry I have been a post-whore on this thread but guys come on, lets get this thing moving. We are going to need a Host for the war, that host is going to need to get the plans together then get with the people that are thinking about coming to get a date set up. My trigger finger is screaming at me... :rolleyes: :(

Meiser--- :blink:

#90218 A Forida Nerf War

Posted by meiser5 on 22 September 2006 - 09:36 PM in Nerf Wars

I would gladly step foward but I live like 3000000000 miles(huge exageration) from any where were there is more than one nerfer...
It is kind of hard to schedule a date with a park or other area when you are two or three hours away from the place. I say, get a list of where everybody lives, then get a top five of the most reasonable places to go, have them discuss the places, then start making the leadership thing happen. After that, that leader can go ahead and make things happen, kind of like a forced presidency.

I know my grammer is way off, please forgive me, I just got home from a crazy football game...

Meiser--- ^_^

#90459 A Forida Nerf War

Posted by meiser5 on 25 September 2006 - 02:19 PM in Nerf Wars

Lakeland is actually a pretty decent place when you think about it... Unless anybody has any objections, that looks pretty good. And having people who you know in those kinds of positions makes the whole preparing process easier. I am still having issues with my schedules but that is a place I could probably come to if there was a Nerf War.

Meiser--- B)