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#96628 Google Patent Search!

Posted by meiser5 on 15 December 2006 - 07:15 PM in General Nerf

Thanks Z80, you are a genious... Not only will this help me fix my wildfire but I know have a limited database of gun descriptions, parts, illustrations, ar restrictor details, ect. I think I feel like im in the mood know... To mod of course :)

Meiser5--- :(

#97177 Favorite Holidy Gifts

Posted by meiser5 on 26 December 2006 - 11:05 AM in Off Topic

I got this...

CFP-190 Hiking Pack/ Asault pack

The X-Box 360 which was a total suprise. A bunch of DvDs and music. And finally a WWII book about Bombers. Not to mention some nerf guns.

Meiser--- :D

#97783 Does Anyone Watch "twenty Four"?

Posted by meiser5 on 05 January 2007 - 11:18 PM in Off Topic

I got into it during the second season because the first one was suckish, so yes I watch it, and yes it is a good show.

Meiser5--- B)

#99144 Figured Most Of You Ls Lovers Would Want To Know

Posted by meiser5 on 02 February 2007 - 03:17 PM in General Nerf

Sweet Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!! I go in to nerf hibernation and at the end of my slumber they release the clips... There is a god... Time to go into hiding and make some nerf ammo belts and mod some guns... Mua ha ha ha...

Back on topic... Nice find... I will have to purchase some and do some clip mods.


#100186 Homemade Belts?

Posted by meiser5 on 22 February 2007 - 02:48 PM in Homemades

Since I have like six clips to my longshot I am in the process of making a ammo belt for them. I will be able to fit two clips into each pocket and the other pouches will be for extra cdts's.

#100187 Clothes

Posted by meiser5 on 22 February 2007 - 02:56 PM in Off Topic

I still don't get the point of this retarded thread. So... No comment here... :mellow:

#133844 What Did You Get For Christmas?

Posted by meiser5 on 26 December 2007 - 06:11 AM in Off Topic

Holy Cripes! Whaz up guys. Man has it been awhile. But to get back on topic, I got Call of Duty 4, and a 100 year old .22 pocket revolver.

#133845 Gamertag List

Posted by meiser5 on 26 December 2007 - 06:18 AM in Off Topic

Phantom Lord13 ... ... For XBoX!

#134126 Is Nh Losing It?

Posted by meiser5 on 28 December 2007 - 01:53 AM in Off Topic

Trust me, you are most definately going too piss off all the wrong people at the rate your going. OMG!111 BTW ... I<300 Darkshrimp

#150794 New Music...

Posted by meiser5 on 12 April 2008 - 11:50 PM in Off Topic

900th post. Wow, already I'm a whore.

FA, great minds think alike. Look at my post ;)

Not someth'in to brag about buddy.

EDIT: The lead singer of Daughtry is a bald fag.

Oh, come on. He's certainly not THAT bad.

Yes he is, no just stop yourself right there... When I listen to him sing I almost want the guy from No Country For Old Men to come out and kill me with his Co2 contraption...

I like to listen to Between the Buried and me, Dream Theater, and Dragonforce.

If you have listened to Through the Fire and Flames you have heard all of ther songs in my book, "omg my muzick iz totally teh good d00d... we play so fazt we roxxors your sox !!!!!1111one"

I listen to early 80's to early 90's rock and metal. I'll even throw in some Zeppilin, Sabbath, Doors, and some others that elude me right now. To each his own I suppose.

#150796 What's Your Fav Stock Dart

Posted by meiser5 on 12 April 2008 - 11:57 PM in General Nerf

This does seem pointless. It would have nice if you made a poll.

I tried to make a poll but it wouldn't let me ;)

That's when you do this to your puter...
Forgot how to enter URL's... Oh SHI.

I love the old supermaxx darts personally.