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#22935 Bush's Space Plans

Posted by Formerly Sane on 30 March 2004 - 06:21 PM in Off Topic

Bush wants to discontinue the head start program, which helps young children belonging to poor families. How is his education plan good again?

ps. I must have some kind of ad software on my computer that sees what I'm looking at, because I've gotten like three pop ups saying "Who do you think will win? Kerry, Bush, or Other?" Creepy

#22781 Campus Nerf

Posted by Formerly Sane on 29 March 2004 - 04:29 PM in General Nerf

Aren't fascimile weapons "look alikes"? I would have a hard time confusing any nerf gun with a real weapon.

#22780 Your Nerf Website

Posted by Formerly Sane on 29 March 2004 - 04:26 PM in General Nerf

Cyclone Nerf

I really should update it soon; I've been getting lazy about that. The images on my site don't work unfortunately. Sucks because they really help with my write ups.

Mine isn't the best by far, but I hope it helps you.

#22709 Ideas For Ridding The Site Of N00bs

Posted by Formerly Sane on 28 March 2004 - 09:15 PM in Site Feedback

"I and the other admins thought about a short suspention, but your recent posts have forced us to sentence you to one month as admin of the n00b forum." ^_^

#22498 NerfHaven: Tribal Council

Posted by Formerly Sane on 26 March 2004 - 10:06 PM in Site Feedback

Yeah, I don't think Canada should be an option for being "voted off" eiter. Thats a few million people we exclude just because of a couple of people being idiots.

Xcaliber, please extinguish your torch and leave the island.

#22320 New Dart

Posted by Formerly Sane on 24 March 2004 - 07:04 PM in Homemades

I've used the stuff you're talking about. When it hardens it turns into a thick kind of foam if I remember right. Clay just doesn't seem like the right description for the post-dried pellets. Like Iron Rhino said, wouldn't it be too light to work? You said you put a bb in one, so were the others not weighted?

On the subject of whether it's nerf or not, I think that it is. Using C02 on a nerfgun eliminates pumping, which changes what seperates nerf with paintball. This new type of ammo is no different than the different ways stefans have evolved over the years into the zero dart and likewise.

The problem with converting to a new dart system, if a breech was made for this type of ammo, it wouldn't fit regular darts but if the darts were still loaded down the barrel, these and stefans could easily coexist. These "bruiser" darts could be easily adapted to clip systems. This raises the problem of easily having a huge payload for a single weapon and even using hoppers.I can see people using paintball barrels with these. Even worse, shooting them out of PB guns. The gap between paintball and nerf does not need to be bridged.

All in all, these darts seem fine when used alone, but with the shape advantage (darts must be loaded in one direction, balls like these could be loaded anyway like a paintball) and similarity to paintballs, I can easily see people using this one similarity between the two sports and mixing them.

Yes, give us information, pics, ranges, all of that. If the community wants this ammo to be shunned, there's nothing you can do about it except continue to use it by yourself or give it up. If everyone accepts it, the bruiser dart (even though it technically isn't a dart anymore) will add to the fun people have in nerf, as long as it isn't adapted to be used in conjunction with paintball. Though we at nerf haven have a tendency to stretch limits. :D

#22048 Game Ideas

Posted by Formerly Sane on 22 March 2004 - 04:57 PM in General Nerf

Here are the complete rules to two games I adapted for nerf straight from my website. loser is my favorite, for it is best played with only two people and alot of the time I only have my brother to war with. These are the only two games I play inside usually, because outside there aren't any hiding places and I enjoy playing these two at close range. Sometimes me and my friends will play a regular war with one hit kills and teams or whatever, but Capture the flag really is best played outside. Enjoy!


loser is a game I made up a while ago. To anyone who knows how to play "Bloody Murder" the rules are the same. The 'loser' gets an allotted time to hide with one gun. He finds a place to conceal himself and hides there. When the person is done counting, they leave the designated base and go out to look for the loser. The loser has to aim carefully and pick the person who was counting off. If the counter sees the loser, they call out "loser!" and run back to base.

For many player games, they can be played three ways. The first starts out with one loser and whoever he hits also becomes a loser. The last person standing wins the game, and the first person who was taken into the fellowship of the losers is the new starting loser.

For the second way I'm going to use and example: There are 3 losers and 3 counters. "loser!" is called many times and there are still the same 3 losers and 3 counters. Then one loser hits someone. The loser and his two buddies are now counters and the person who got hit and his other two players are now losers.

The third way, you start out with a close to equal number of counters and losers. When a loser hits someone, they both trade spots but the rest of the people stay in their positions. These games can be timed and at the end of the time limit the people who are counters all win.

That whole thing seemed long but if only two people are playing you only needed to pay attention to the first two paragraphs. Try to apply two people to the last three many player games and you'll get the same game play.


Hunter is hide and seek with Nerf guns. The "Hunter" who counts has the only gun and goes to find the people hiding. For the people who hide to win a round they have to either touch base, or survive a set time, I usually do two minutes. The first person who is shot with in those two minutes without reaching base is the next Hunter. Simple.

#21337 Ttg V2

Posted by Formerly Sane on 14 March 2004 - 09:52 PM in General Nerf

Posting one idea and a few minutes later posting again: BAD

Posting an update on whats already been said: GOOD

#21201 Good Modding Gun?

Posted by Formerly Sane on 12 March 2004 - 04:08 PM in Modifications

You should first decide what size dart you will use. If you want to use stefan megas, just use 1/2" pvc. If you want to use micros like most people, use the materials others are describing. My prefrences for micro darts are crayola barrels for spring guns and Sch. 80 PVC (the black kind) for ones with longer ranges.

Also if you already have red micro darts, they fit well in 1/2" pvc but if you're going with barrel materials for micro stefans, pull off the rubber tip and fix the end with a bb and hotglue.

Read this

#21198 Shotgun

Posted by Formerly Sane on 12 March 2004 - 03:29 PM in Homemades

That wouldnt work techno. The middle barrels would have the fastest air delivery, and the most air, whereas those outer barrels probobally wont even fire.

Thats just what I was thinking. To make it work it would be better to have the air come down one pipe and split in two directions. Working with only two barrels and keeping them as equally distanced from the source of the air is the best way to go. Put three darts down each barrel and you have a 6 shot shotgun. Better yet, instead of the two barrels make PVC couplers and have interchangable 6 shot double barrel clips.

#21197 Paintball Customizable

Posted by Formerly Sane on 12 March 2004 - 03:22 PM in General Nerf

DoubleLnL, start modding now and in about a week you'll understand the difference. And thanks for actually posting your view maturely instead of mindlessly like most of the fags that ask that.

#21196 Farthest Shootin Nerf Blaster

Posted by Formerly Sane on 12 March 2004 - 03:18 PM in General Nerf

Sorry, I got confused between DoubleLnL and Nerfer16.

DoubleLnL, the release valve plug works on just about every pump gun. When you take apart the blaster, just pull out the pump and at the end of it you should see a small hole. Just put a dot of hotglue over it.

Nerfer16, I'm not sure what's wrong with your gun. I know that some people have problems with their blastfires with making the dot of hotglue too big. I don't know if it also affects the 2k but it might.

#21152 Farthest Shootin Nerf Blaster

Posted by Formerly Sane on 11 March 2004 - 09:15 PM in General Nerf

Could you use a hot glue gun to plug the over-pressurization release valve to plug it up?

Well, there's your problem; yes, use hotglue. What'd you use to plug it up anyway?

#21118 What!?!?!

Posted by Formerly Sane on 11 March 2004 - 06:41 PM in News

I agree that you should write about "exotic" places to nerf. I'm really getting tired of hearing about parks and schools and I'm kind of tired of nerfing at my house. Also, like Nerfer16 said, indoor wars might be a good topic to cover. I don't believe I've ever seen an article on this. Indoor nerfing adds alot to a war if you have a big house, plus there are infinately more places to hide. Some games like thisare very good for indoors and I hear of lots of people playing inside.
That brings me to something else. You could write about different games and give a brief description of the rules. I'm trying to assemble a cache of war games, but I've heard of some and I don't know how they're played(ie. some type of hostage game or something like that)

#21059 Farthest Shootin Nerf Blaster

Posted by Formerly Sane on 10 March 2004 - 05:53 PM in General Nerf

You and your friends should slap on some eye protection and mod your guns, you won't regret it. By the way, whats the collective arsenal of you and your friends? I and the other people on the site would be glad to show you some good modifications for them.

#20821 New Nerf Guns Coming Out?

Posted by Formerly Sane on 06 March 2004 - 08:19 PM in General Nerf

Here's the Link

Why do I promote laziness?

#20401 Metal Storm

Posted by Formerly Sane on 01 March 2004 - 04:50 PM in Off Topic

However, imagine for a moment the officer isn't facing a defenseless plate-man, and instead is being attacked by a trained terrorist using an AK-47.

Now imagine it the other way around.

#20395 Metal Storm

Posted by Formerly Sane on 01 March 2004 - 04:29 PM in Off Topic

Someone could make a magazine that used barrels in it instead of bullets. That way an 8"(or close) clip could have like 200 shots in it.

#20392 Suck It Spielberg!

Posted by Formerly Sane on 01 March 2004 - 04:20 PM in Off Topic

Which LOTR movie do you guys think was the best? Personally, I think the first was the best for plot, the second was best for battle scenes, and the third was best for visuals. Overall I think I like the second a little more than the third.

*sorry for going a little off topic

#20333 Cluster Grenade

Posted by Formerly Sane on 29 February 2004 - 08:16 PM in Homemades

So you threw the barrel in a spiral motion and the syntrifical(sp?) force pulled the darts out and shot them everywhere? Could be useful, but what if you get shot with your own darts? Also it would be hard to get more than one cluster of barrels. You could probaby make your own with sections of pvc duct taped together. Pics would be nice.

#20224 How Do You Make Stefans

Posted by Formerly Sane on 28 February 2004 - 10:16 PM in Homemades

Half of me is glad he's gone, yet the other half feels like we didn't give him a chance :cry:

Maybe only 70/30 or 90/10. Wait, what was his name again?

#20219 How Do You Make Stefans

Posted by Formerly Sane on 28 February 2004 - 09:27 PM in Homemades

Hey hitman, that poop topic was gay. It must be hard not to be noobish, but at the rate you're going you'll probably be hated by everyone here by tomorrow. Post wisely and shape up.

#19516 Need Help On Website!

Posted by Formerly Sane on 22 February 2004 - 03:59 PM in Off Topic

I found a whole bunch of sites that explained that code, but I couldn't get the drive to open on any of them. Maybe it only works on older versions of microsoft or explorer?
The code

#19338 Perhaps The Coolest Mod Ever

Posted by Formerly Sane on 19 February 2004 - 04:23 PM in Modifications

That actually isn't that great. That kind of mod doesn't improve the actual performance of the gun, but at least you know your nightfinder is the only one with a blue light. I painted my Monoblast. Big deal, but it looks cool. More power to ya.

#19140 Crap.

Posted by Formerly Sane on 16 February 2004 - 02:50 PM in General Nerf

I usually use 1/2" SCH 80 PVC and the unflattened sections of the foam fits a bit loosely, but not too much. As for the flattened section, I spread one roll of the foam out in hopes that it will become unflattened some. Also, if I fire darts a couple of times that are bent, they straighten out. Maybe if I do the same thing with the flattened darts it will "break them in.

#19025 Crap.

Posted by Formerly Sane on 14 February 2004 - 06:54 PM in General Nerf

The people at aloghomestore.com sent me 100 ft of FBR, but it was rolled up tightly so part of it got flattened. Now when I fire the darts I just made the air escapes around the dart and they have incredibly short range. I know heat can make darts straighten out, but will it also make it reform it's round shape?

#18788 Nc Is Up!

Posted by Formerly Sane on 11 February 2004 - 06:43 PM in Off Topic

1/2, First of all I'm not ZATZAi. We have the same avatar. Second of all, we weren't talking about you, we were talking about screwing VACC. Third of all, listen to what everyone is telling you, and stop posting so much. Don't you have a life? If so, then get off the internet and go do something with it. As long as it doesn't mean VACC.

#18770 Nc Is Up!

Posted by Formerly Sane on 11 February 2004 - 05:54 PM in Off Topic

He's like a fucking juggernaut of posting fury! THERE'S NO STOPING HIM!!...oh wait, haha, yeah there is. Don't make me abuse the power that I so long ago should have been relieved of, halfie!


What power?... Oh fuck, yeah you should've been relieved of your ability to impregnate yourself ages ago...

Yes!!! Finally he'll need me again!

#18531 Nc Is Up!

Posted by Formerly Sane on 08 February 2004 - 10:28 PM in Off Topic

Nerf Center is finally back on the web, but when I joyously went there, the reviews section wasn't working. Go and see if it works for any of you guys.

#18529 Quiznos Ad?

Posted by Formerly Sane on 08 February 2004 - 10:14 PM in Off Topic

Most people don't know that it's from rathergood.com. That's its backround. They should have put the website at the bottom of the screen or something.

#18474 Wierd Dream

Posted by Formerly Sane on 07 February 2004 - 10:08 PM in Off Topic

Oh, that was you in the ditch at the end of my driveway? I thought it was just a dead body.

#18469 Wierd Dream

Posted by Formerly Sane on 07 February 2004 - 09:32 PM in Off Topic

I had this really wierd dream last night. I had left all of my guns outside and Groove came by and stole all of them. When I called him over he came up on my porch and cussed me out then openly carried my guns away. Hope I don't develop a serious case of grooveaphobia.

#18467 Supermaxx Air System Line

Posted by Formerly Sane on 07 February 2004 - 09:00 PM in General Nerf

Gamefreak, whats the range?

#18033 8" Pvc

Posted by Formerly Sane on 03 February 2004 - 03:30 PM in Off Topic

Does anybody know where I can get PVC with an 8" diameter from the internet?

#17856 Scope

Posted by Formerly Sane on 01 February 2004 - 05:26 PM in Homemades

The sight on the top of the BBB works really well on mine. I just look through and line up my target with the tip of the black tube thing on the top of the gun. From 40 ft. I can hit a 2 in. target using that gun. I was surprised that it really worked.

#17784 2004 Nerf Lineup

Posted by Formerly Sane on 31 January 2004 - 10:31 PM in General Nerf

It sucks that all the guns come in one set. Is hooking the hornet up to the bazooka the only way to prime it? If it is I bet we could hook up a pump to make it mobile.

We should all email Nerf and tell them to maybe put out a large spring gun or submit designs to them. Maybe they'll start to release really good guns (though this line is a good start) and possibly, dare I say, a remake Xbow.

#17782 Marshmellow Darts

Posted by Formerly Sane on 31 January 2004 - 10:14 PM in General Nerf

The reign of foam is over...

Marshmellows have arrived!!! :lol:

#17742 What Kinda Clips?

Posted by Formerly Sane on 31 January 2004 - 07:02 PM in Homemades

We aren't fighting over an IP address, we're using it as proof. I think you lose.

But anyway, I'd just like to add that you need to straighten the darts out a lot before you put them in the magazine, especially if it is gravity fed. Even though spring mags might be a little more complicated, they will insure that the dart will fall into the barrel.

First make a container out of any of the materials already listed. It should be about the length and width of a dart, and then make it high enough to hold 5 or 10 darts. Find a light spring and glue it onto a piece of wood or sheet metal or whatever material you're using. Then take that and attach it to the bottom of the magazine. Make a breech load system like the one showed in the Homemades section and attach the magazine onto hole in the barrel. Now when you twist the barrel a dart should shoot in place, ready to fire.

#17739 Marshmellow Darts

Posted by Formerly Sane on 31 January 2004 - 06:34 PM in General Nerf

I was at the state fair once and there were these college kids doing a demonstration with an air pressure gun they built. They built it out of PVC and shot marshmellows out of it too. I wonder if they nerf?

#17500 First Shot

Posted by Formerly Sane on 29 January 2004 - 01:53 PM in Modifications

Range is actually the same so I'm probably going to change it back to the original cocking mechanism...

How you did all that and still got it to perform the same way is beyond me.