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#199950 Nonstandard Game Types - Ideas, Rules, Etc.

Posted by WuLongTi on 31 December 2008 - 11:56 AM in Nerf Wars

Hi, Nooby here. Sorry to dig up old threads, wasn't sure where all this would fit or if I should create a new post...

I've been LARPing for ages now and I've decided to get back into it. That said, I really wanted to do something new, rather than the old fantasy type. I really wanted to find a LARP with a sci-fi theme and made use of NERF weapons. I really couldn't find anything out there at all, much less in my area. So I've decided that I'm just going to have to come up with my own.

Now, I'm pretty new to the NERF thing so I could use a lot of help with the combat systems and weapon requirements from some grizzled veterans.

My objective is to develop a system that will make use of NERF weapons, high-end boffer swords, armor, magic and run on as few rules as possible. (Firm believer in KISS) I also want this LARP to be attractive to folks that do not have previous LARP exp and can jump in with a low learning curve.

The setting of the LARP is kinda like Shadow Run or Rifts where you have a "not-too-distant-future" set up with some Psionics and some elves and trolls running around. Ultimately this system should allow for Legolas vs Snake Eyes vs a T-800. This game will not, however, have a whole lot of political role playing or character driven stuff... it's mostly going to be combat in costumes. I want this LARP to be more like Halo than Final Fantasy

Right now this is all in the development stage and I'm looking for help. I know that if I created a rule system around the NERF guns and opened up the game without help from you veterans, then someone could show up and completely break the game because I didn't know about Stefens or a singled Titan or something.

If anyone could help me out, I'd greatly appreciate it.

#201233 Looking For Help Developing A Nerf Based Larp System

Posted by WuLongTi on 05 January 2009 - 08:56 AM in Nerf Wars

What does "LARP" mean.

It's short for Lame Ass Real Pretend or something. Watch the movie Monster Camp if you want to feel good about yourself. I was trying to make a "Larper's will never get laid" joke, but I couldn't think of anything with the letters.

You don't have to everybody knows it's true.

Wow, somebody's got a lot of hate. I guess every forum needs it's trolls. Probably stems from some jerk in renfaire garb taking his lollipop. Though from reading through the forum prior to posting, I fully expected something from OMC. In fact, I would have been shocked if he didn't add a hateful comment.

We respect Nerf, why won't anyone respect LARP? We don't drive around calling you guys dorks or little kids. Why don't you just keep your mouth shut if you don't have anything nice to say (your mother should have taught you that)?! PLEASE DON'T BE A JERK BECAUSE OF PEOPLES INTERESTS AND HOBBIES (your mothers should have taught you that, too)!


Just let it slide man, there are always going to be people that feel the need to make others feel small in order to make themselves feel big. Ever since that one video on YouTube with the lightning bolt kid, LARP has been an easy target. Though before that D&D players were easy targets too. Typically any thing that requires imagination as a fundamental part of a recreational activity is subject to ridicule. It's a part of life. Retaliation flames just feed he troll, not worth it.

For what you're talking about, I think it would be simplest to stick with stock guns, because you don't have to do any sort of judgement calls on whether a mod is "too much". Anyway, for indoor play, most stock guns would get pretty acceptable ranges out of the box.

well, you've sold me. Though I may allow the removal or air restrictors since that's a fairly easy mod to do. Based on what you said I think I may limit the ammo to stock ammo so that there is uniformity there and no worry about weighted stefans taking someone's kidneys out.

It sounds like a lot going on in a real-time environment. Essentially, you'd be talking about A Nerf war, but having to keep track of three different kinds of ammo, and where you got hit. It's not math, but it would still be a lot to keep track of if things got hectic.

while that may be true, it's still a lot simpler than the standard LARPs using hit points, damage modifiers, differing amounts of damage, different kinds of damage... etc..

How did you see magic being used in this system? As in, on an offensive level (I cast Magic Missile!), or as an aid to the firefight (healing/armor/protection). There's other ways you could use it, but they'd be more difficult to implement in a real-time environment.

Yeah, I've played with several of those 'other ways'... In my system, magic would be kept pretty simple, much like the combat system. There are no 'magic missiles' or 'lightning bolts', but there are some simple combat effective effects. For example there is a telekinesis branch that allows you to peg a target with a bean bag while calling 'back 5' and the target moves backward 5 steps. Similar are the 'forward, left, and right' commands. There is a hold command that will 'freeze' your target like a statue, but in order to pull it off you have to peg them with 4 bean bags in a row. There is a 'mind shackle' type of command that will make your target fight for your side... the only "spell" that I have that could actually cause damage to a player is 'fire' and that consists of a can of pink silly string that will cause the same amount of damage as a class 1 round if not removed within 10 seconds. There is more of course, but all of it changes the combat dynamic rather than actually causing or protecting from damage.

#201275 Looking For Help Developing A Nerf Based Larp System

Posted by WuLongTi on 05 January 2009 - 04:40 PM in Nerf Wars

As it happens, I can think of some relevant LARPs whose rulesets you ought to familiarize yourself with.

The first is The Isles, which is an nTeraction/Accelerant LARP, founded by Ford Ivey back about four or five years ago. NERF weaponry features heavily in an effort to rep flintlock-style firearms. The current rules are at http://www.kzinhome.net/isles/

There's also EndGame, with which I am less familiar, which is sort of an alien/zombie holocaust LARP, so again, lots of NERF.

There's also The Osiris Sanction, which is more of an ARG (when it actually runs, which it hasn't in a couple of years) but uses AirSoft for the "Virtual" segments.

Interesting, I'll check them out thanks!

Although I don't do any LARP games, I have found from experience that often less rules make things better.
That is not always the case, but less rules seems to be the best way to go in this instance. The current rules divised look much more simple than LARP rules in the posted link. The less you have to stop and calculate the better. Things should flow much more smoothly with less calculation and more action.

That's my intent, I figure that the steeper the learning curve for new players, the less likely they are to stick around.

#200567 Looking For Help Developing A Nerf Based Larp System

Posted by WuLongTi on 02 January 2009 - 01:56 PM in Nerf Wars

Hmm, I play that kinda Nerf with my dad, my little brother, and my friends. Those rules sound good and similar to ours.


PS: I pm'd you my email.

you guys wear armor and swing a sword in addition to firing a maelstrom of nerf projectiles? if that's true, you have the coolest dad ever. ;)

My ultimate goal is play as a character remarkably similar to Snake Eyes and not do any math while fighting. No system I've found yet will let me do that, so I'm making my own. ^_^

#200560 Looking For Help Developing A Nerf Based Larp System

Posted by WuLongTi on 02 January 2009 - 01:41 PM in Nerf Wars

Nerf blasters are a completely different kind of weapon from the usual LARP fare, so the kind of LARP you're trying to run will dictate how you regulate it. Usuall weapons are very short range (bean bags, boffers), so you're limited to speaking distance. Nerf would allow people to engage when they're not really in speaking distance, so it would really change the social aspect of the game. Also, are you planning on it as indoors or outdoors? Modded ranges are overkill for indoors, not to mention potentially damaging to interior walls.

For those reasons, I'd recommend unmodded blasters, and then regulating how many of them are in the game. Missile launchers would make for great roleplaying, but make them expensive or hard to obtain in-game. If you want to get more into character interaction, a Maverick/Nightfinder is probably your best bet. That, and the inherent characteristics could make for some cool play mechanics.

Which makes for another question: are you looking to do "real time" battles, or more round based? A mav or NF could make for some interesting rules for a round-based system (i.e. the "laser" on a NF would allow someone to get closer by three steps and then move back, in order to simulate better aiming, a mav could be allowed two or three shots per round, as opposed to one for a NF).

Interesting.. interesting...

I would prefer to have the games be indoors if for no other reason than it's easier to retrieve all of your ammo and you don't have to worry about onlookers or potential police issues. When it comes to modification, would you allow removal of air restrictors, or should all guns be stock plus paint?

Combat will be realtime and likely squad based. In this system there are no "hit points" or "life points" and I'm rather adamant about not having to do any math in my head while I'm taking or dealing damage. Instead of swinging a foam bat around yelling "5", you'll be shooting guns that are broken into 3 classes based on range. Also 3 classes of ammo (small cal, high cal, and armor piercing) marked with different colors. if you have class 1 armor you can ignore class 1 rounds to that area, class 2 armor can ignore class 2 rounds to that area. (there is no class 3 armor) More or less, your limbs and torso will go from being good to damaged to dead depending on your armor and the class of ammo.

Toss into that melee weapons and a magic type of system and keep the action going fast with minimal down time for explaining or interpreting rules. Or atleast that's my goals.

#200466 Looking For Help Developing A Nerf Based Larp System

Posted by WuLongTi on 02 January 2009 - 08:15 AM in Nerf Wars

Hi, Nooby here.

I've been LARPing for ages now and I've decided to get back into it. That said, I really wanted to do something new, rather than the old fantasy type. I really wanted to find a LARP with a sci-fi theme and made use of NERF weapons. I really couldn't find anything out there at all, much less in my area. So I've decided that I'm just going to have to come up with my own.

Now, I'm pretty new to the NERF thing so I could use a lot of help with the combat systems and weapon requirements from some grizzled veterans.

My objective is to develop a system that will make use of NERF weapons, high-end boffer swords, armor, magic and run on as few rules as possible. (Firm believer in KISS) I also want this LARP to be attractive to folks that do not have previous LARP exp and can jump in with a low learning curve.

The setting of the LARP is kinda like Shadow Run or Rifts where you have a "not-too-distant-future" set up with some Psionics and some elves and trolls running around. Ultimately this system should allow for Legolas vs Snake Eyes vs a T-800. This game will not, however, have a whole lot of political role playing or character driven stuff... it's mostly going to be combat in costumes. I want this LARP to be more like Halo than Final Fantasy

Right now this is all in the development stage and I'm looking for help. I know that if I created a rule system around the NERF guns and opened up the game without help from you veterans, then someone could show up and completely break the game because I didn't know about Stefens or a singled Titan or something.

If anyone could help me out, I'd greatly appreciate it.

#200513 Looking For Help Developing A Nerf Based Larp System

Posted by WuLongTi on 02 January 2009 - 11:23 AM in Nerf Wars

This is the first LARP I've ever attempted to start so I want to make sure that I don't leave anything out.

Also, I'm pretty noobish about NERF so I need an insider view as I'm developing the combat system. I want to make sure that the system is balanced, really easy to pick up, and a lot of fun to play for folks that have never LARPed and those that have been LARPing for years.

I know that people will end up bringing modded guns (I would) so I want to make sure that my system accounts for that as well.

If you send me your email address in a PM, I'll send you an invite for the google doc that I've been writing the rule book out in.


#204659 Larping Weapons

Posted by WuLongTi on 19 January 2009 - 08:56 AM in Off Topic

Iron liege makes nice looking weapons. If you can afford one, and if you are willing to wait until they get around to you, You can get a nice looking weapon. Many LARPs don't allow them because the thrust tip is almost non existent, and they are really hard. Also they are latex weapons, which means once anything happens to one they are useless, as they are really hard to repair, unlike foam and tape boffer type weapons. I have seen folks spend the hundreds of dollars they charge for them to have them get broken before the end of the first event of use, and I have seen them get turned away because they don't pass a games safety check in, but they are pretty.

I own 2 of his weapons. They're not all latex. Infact, only the pummel and the guard are latex, the blade itself is actually covered in fabric. As for a thrust tip, you're right and the maker warns against thrusting with these weapons, however he does offer an upgrade to your custom weapon that includes a thrust tip. You're also right in that should the weapon be damaged you can't repair it by slapping some more duct tape on it. I think that ironliege offers a repair service for his weapons though...

I imagine that since it's custom work, if you really wanted a blade covered in duct tape he'd be willing to do that for you...

#204169 Larping Weapons

Posted by WuLongTi on 17 January 2009 - 04:22 PM in Off Topic

Well I cant post a link to the rules system doc that I'm working on as it's set to invite only. (dont want any one stealing my ideas before I get the game rolling) but if you're interested in checking it out send me a PM and I'll invite you. Do bear in mind that it is still very much in it's infancy.

Also, for LARP weapons without equal I recommend ironliege.com. I've bought a few weapons from him now and when my new game takes off will likely buy more.