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#361629 PSA: Nerf Guns May Cause Eye Injuries!

Posted by Famine on 20 September 2017 - 03:52 PM in General Nerf

I encourage everyone to please take the time to read this important article on Forbes.com which was written by Dr. Robert Glatter.


In this article, Dr. Glatter warns that "Hasbro now has a product on the market known as Nerf darts".  These darts, which are "akin to bullets" have caused minor eye injuries for 3 people in the UK which required them to use eyedrops for a short period of time.  Dr. Glatter goes on to further warn that these darts can be made even more dangerous through modification as shown in this video.


I implore anyone who is organizing any event using these new Nerf darts to heed the expert and well informed advice of Dr. Glatter; please use full-face protection and avoid modifying these darts in any way.  Failing to follow these guidelines places everyone in risk of minor eye injury and/or death.


Thank you.

#277705 Fuck It!

Posted by Famine on 14 June 2010 - 10:39 AM in Nerf Wars

So what is this, two weeks out?

Looks like the Attendee List is at 8 people - any of those 'Maybes' care to make up their mind?

Oh, and ........ *Bump*

#276093 Fuck It!

Posted by Famine on 26 May 2010 - 05:08 PM in Nerf Wars

Count me in.

#274669 Nj Apocalypse 2010

Posted by Famine on 13 May 2010 - 08:26 AM in Nerf Wars

Yeah, I'll be there.
I feel like I should put myself down as a 'Maybe' though, just so I can fit in with all the cool kids.

#274587 Deal 2010

Posted by Famine on 12 May 2010 - 08:56 AM in Nerf Wars

So, anyone else planning to pussy out at the last minute?

#274517 Deal 2010

Posted by Famine on 11 May 2010 - 07:45 AM in Nerf Wars

Four days to go and the weather forecast looks to be in our favor. If anyone has any questions, now's the time to post them.

100 darts damn it!

#273941 Deal 2010

Posted by Famine on 03 May 2010 - 02:13 PM in Nerf Wars

Ok kids, I've been involved with planning and hosting Nerf Wars at Deal Test Site since 1999. I tell you this so that you will believe me when I say that I have accumulated some Wisdom over those 11 years. I'd now like to share some of that Wisdom with you:

Water: Each player will need a gallon of cold H2O to see them through the day. Smart Money would add a bottle or two of Gatorade on top of that. DO NOT FUCK AROUND ON THIS. FYI - I've learned from experience that packing a single, insulated canteen is cheaper and easier than carrying around individual bottles of water.

Food: We eat lunch as time permits so pack something non-perishable in a brown bag and be prepared to eat on the move if needed. Try to avoid anything that's heavy in the grease/oil department, you don't want that shit sitting in your stomach after running for a few hours in 80% humidity. Due to this year's high LGLF turnout, I feel it prudent to remind you that Clams Casino or anything else from the Raw Bar is STILL not recommended.

Guns: I suggest bringing two primaries (especially if one is an airjet) and a spring pistol. Make sure that at least one of your primaries can be converted into a single-shot, single-barrel weapon. The pistol will be required for some of the rounds. Some players like to pack a small repair kit but I wouldn't go overboard here. A screwdriver, pair of pliers, superglue, and e-tape should cover a wide variety of sins. Leave anything else in your car, you don't want to be lugging around a toolbox all day.

Ammo: 100 Darts per player is the average. Anyone who's been to Deal will testify to it being a Big Place. We'll be moving from field to field throughout the day and rarely have the time to do a thorough dart sweep. Hopefully the Proliferation of Slug Darts (specifically of penis-foam manufacture) will make it easier to use one another's darts.

Misc: Sunglasses, a watch, sunscreen, bug repellent, weird medications. All good stuff to have.

So that's that. Two weeks to go and I am salivating for this war.

#273470 Deal 2010

Posted by Famine on 26 April 2010 - 07:36 PM in Nerf Wars


Captain Slug
Titan Kind

Wow. That attendee list is just... wow. This is going to be some very serious nerfing, the likes of which hasn't been seen in the community for too long. I haven't seen an attendee list like this since 'geddon 2001

#273382 The Grid Code Indoor Arena War

Posted by Famine on 26 April 2010 - 08:58 AM in Nerf Wars

This was a great event in every way.
The indoor arena exceeded my expectations, everyone there was a great Nerfer who had successfully cleared Puberty, and Talio kept the whole thing moving like a well-lubed plunger head. Kudos to Talio.

My Highlights:
- Collision with SeoulMan
- John Woo-style sliding, we need doves next time
- Being impressed by the two guys using Longshots
- loser duels with JLego and Ted
- The hopper clips drawing immediate protest
- My team choosing being declared unbalanced within 45 seconds of the round starting, I have truly perfected my art.

#270211 Deal 2010

Posted by Famine on 24 March 2010 - 04:17 PM in Nerf Wars

This is ridiculous. We should be using Vortex Rings.

#269190 The Grid Code Indoor Arena War

Posted by Famine on 15 March 2010 - 12:38 PM in Nerf Wars

Talio, can we call this Nerf War 'PAiN' for Pennsylvania indoor Nerfing? Please??

I'll pay you an extra dollar.

I just feel like the West Coast and mid-Coast are really schooling us in the cool war name department.

#240018 New Jersey Hackerspace

Posted by Famine on 03 July 2009 - 08:04 PM in Off Topic

I just hope I don't show up to this one in Philly to find it's full of worthless hipster fucks who can just draw pretty pictures and work on their stupid bikes.

You didn't watch the YouTube video, did you?

Good luck with your hackerspace Langley, there are several sarcastic remarks I could post regarding such a thing but I'll just save them until the next time I see you.

#239324 Apoc Warm Up

Posted by Famine on 29 June 2009 - 08:41 PM in Nerf Wars

Not with my schedule. 2. Including yours.

So why don't you plan and host a war that accommodates your schedule? For just this once, stop relying on Talio to provide your life with prefabricated moments worth remembering. Ass.

#239137 A Very Important Season Of Foam Update

Posted by Famine on 28 June 2009 - 08:02 PM in General Nerf

I really wasn't following SoF that closely but a fellow Nerfer brought this announcement to my attention yesterday. I was obviously both shocked and dissapointed that this annoucnement, after two weeks, had yet to garner at least one Effeminate Fail posting. I mean shit, this has been getting hyped for well over six months right? And then it gets topped off with this weak sauce only 3 or 4 weeks out?

Well, time to set Right these here Wrongs. I tried to go for something travel themed;
Posted Image

#239091 Ddt.........s

Posted by Famine on 28 June 2009 - 05:04 PM in Nerf Wars


That was the first, and probably last time most of you will see me, unless you decide to come to a New England war.


Here comes a flood of pics.
And many, many more to come. Reached picture limit.

Ice - I like you man but next time can you just link us to your Photobucket album instead of pasting every image into a post? It just makes browsing the thread.... easier.

BTW - I scavenged the park today and recovered 200+ darts. I'm tempted to make a milk-carton style 'Do you know this dart?' thread.

#239035 Ddt.........s

Posted by Famine on 28 June 2009 - 12:57 PM in Nerf Wars

Yesterday was a great fucking war. With the exception of the 'Mag-7 Vs' raping, every round fun and competitve. Everyone there gave as good as they got.
Quid pro quo, douchebags!

#238813 "2009 Dew Tour"

Posted by Famine on 26 June 2009 - 08:10 PM in General Nerf


Sponsered, competitive play for a team of four Nerfers. $6k cash prize. For ages 17 and under. FUCK!


#229987 2009 Nerf War Schedule

Posted by Famine on 13 May 2009 - 12:33 PM in Nerf Wars

And yes it is.

I think you need to prove it.

To Falcon, not me. I'm fine.

#228280 Dcno Spring 2009

Posted by Famine on 05 May 2009 - 01:52 PM in Nerf Wars

I can go if I ride with omc.

Fine, I didn't want you to ride with me anyways. I don't even care.

#227676 Dcno Spring 2009

Posted by Famine on 02 May 2009 - 04:30 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm a definite. Let me know if I should bring my vastly superior, microwave-safe, SaranWrapstacles. They are awesome and lock in freshness.

#226737 Nj Nerf Out - Needs Clever Name

Posted by Famine on 27 April 2009 - 10:11 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey everyone;

Sorry for the delay but I had to catch a flight to the West Coast pretty early on Sunday morning. I'm writing this post from my laptop in a Starbuck's in Seattle, Washington. I kind of hate myself a little right now and this coffee tastes like shit.

Anyways, I just wanted to thank everyone who showed up on Saturday. The heat was brutal, the rules at times were ridiculous, but god damn I had a great time Nerfing with you all. I've certainly gained a new respect for most of the Nerfers who attended which I can't say has happened at any war I've attended over the past 2 years.

- Ted was there.
- Ted was only there half the war.
- Surprise appearance by THE Angel.
- Being surprised by THE Angel's affection for Swayze.
- Being surprised by being Swayzed by THE Angel.
- Scoring four consecutive hits with Doc Terror.
- Having Doc Terror be openly distained by both Captain Slug and Splitlip
- The most ignoble ending to a Gunslinger match EVER.
- Working with Evil, Kurt, Slug, and Groove to severly punish the other team for going in the 'Bad Box'.
- Waiting around two hours for someone's parents to show up. You know who you are. I like you, but next time you will be left to the diddlers and harsh justice of Park Rangers. OMC was Chicken McHungry.

Alright, I'm all fucked up from time zone differences. I'll see you all later.

#225471 Nj Nerf Out - Needs Clever Name

Posted by Famine on 24 April 2009 - 02:10 PM in Nerf Wars


#225433 Nj Nerf Out - Needs Clever Name

Posted by Famine on 24 April 2009 - 08:45 AM in Nerf Wars

I will not see the pure name of Swayze be sullied!

Magic - If you check this thread tonight, I need to know the #/names of whatever henchchilds you're bringing with you.

#225183 Nj Nerf Out - Needs Clever Name

Posted by Famine on 22 April 2009 - 10:17 PM in Nerf Wars

Alright we're only about 2 days out.
Anyone else going to pussy out at the last minute?
No? Good.

If you have any questions, now's the time to ask. I've updated the first post with pretty much all of the relevant information so make sure you read it over.

See you bitches soon.

#224567 Bcno

Posted by Famine on 20 April 2009 - 03:41 PM in Nerf Wars

A "Blue Shirt" is now the official name for some annoying as hell guy who comes to the war, barely nerfs, cannot follow directions, and finally when he does, is a TERRIBLE nerfer. Everyone knows someone like this if you've been to a war.

I happen to know a whole clan of Nerfers who fit that precise description.

I take that back. I wouldn't call Jlego terrible, he's actually pretty good.

#223977 Nj Nerf Out - Needs Clever Name

Posted by Famine on 16 April 2009 - 04:04 PM in Nerf Wars

Ok, I am really excited to announce a new Special Rule type that we will be trying out at NNJNO.

Game Type: Swayzeland
Teams - 3, Swayze - 1
Win Condition: Achieve your Team's Goal

Team: Ruskies
3 Hit Points per Member, 6 Darts per Member
Goal: Eliminate all FBI Agents.

Team: FBI
3 Hit Points per Member, 6 Darts per Member
Goal: Eliminate all Ex-Presidents

Team: Ex-Presidents
3 Hit Points per Member, 6 Darts per Member
Goal: Obtain 12 Darts per Member of your Team. Surf a Tsunami.

Solo: Swayze
Unlimited Hit Points, Melee Attacks Only (A Swayze attack is an Instakill)
Goal: Eliminate all opposition in 20 Minutes or Less

There you have it. And remember, no one puts Parkway in the corner.

#223800 Nj Nerf Out - Needs Clever Name

Posted by Famine on 15 April 2009 - 04:36 PM in Nerf Wars

Talio, what barrels are you using? I should have something that will fit your stuff.

I don't think the kids should be reading stuff like this.

#221962 Nj Nerf Out - Needs Clever Name

Posted by Famine on 06 April 2009 - 09:52 AM in Nerf Wars

What's the rules on those new Nerf swords? (Allowed or no? T-T)

Ok, here's my ruling on Nerf Swords:
An unaltered, Nerf brand, sword is legal if used in a safe and responsible manner.

Now that being said, my personal opinion is that bringing a sword to a gun fight is retarded. Expect to be picked last every round, mocked constantly, and if you're on my team I'm going to tell you to put the god damn thing away and use a gun.

Unless it's a Zombie Round.
I don't plan on running any Zombie Rounds.

#221854 Nj Nerf Out - Needs Clever Name

Posted by Famine on 05 April 2009 - 06:30 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey kids, I've picked the final location for the war and have updated the first page accordingly.

We're going to try out Tatum County Park in Middletown. I just walked the park today and really liked what I saw. The area I have in mind is right outside the Activity Center and it's basically a flat picnic area that's divided by a grid of low hedges (about 4' high) with a few trees interspersed. I'll try to get some pictures posted by the end of the week.

This is a huge park with plenty of varied terrain. In addition to the main area, I also scouted out a few heavier wooded groves, some trails, and I even found those steps from the end fight scene in Fellowship of the Ring.

For those of you who are trying to rely on public transportation, the Middletown Train Station is only a mile from the park. If you can get your ass there I'll make sure you get a lift the rest of the way. If anyone feels they need my cellphone please PM me for it but don't depend on me having it with me once the war starts.

As it stands we're looking at about 16-17 Nerfers which I think is a great turn out BUT I would love to see us hit 20!

#221078 Nj Nerf Out - Needs Clever Name

Posted by Famine on 01 April 2009 - 04:32 PM in Nerf Wars

Revision would be nice, yeah... Titans? really? At APOC the titans were kind of a load of crap...

Ok, ok. I revised the gun rules on the first page. I'm sure everyone will be much happier now.
JLego - Any word on you coming?

#221004 Nj Nerf Out - Needs Clever Name

Posted by Famine on 01 April 2009 - 07:54 AM in Nerf Wars

Whoa. Craziest gun rules ever. No plugged splitfires (airjet), yet allowing plugged titans? If you need some help setting some rules, I'd be glad to help..

Yeah, my whole aspiration with this war is to fuck Groove and his fancy new Guru. He's an asshole.

I'll revise the rules to something clearer in a minute.

#220909 Nj Nerf Out - Needs Clever Name

Posted by Famine on 31 March 2009 - 04:30 PM in Nerf Wars

How about you give me a nerf gun you don't want in exchange for me showing up.

How about you read the first post which has been updated with additional info?

And no.

#220710 Nj Nerf Out - Needs Clever Name

Posted by Famine on 30 March 2009 - 04:16 PM in Nerf Wars

Is it because the crossbow is only half painted, and Doc Terror was half human, half cyborg? That's probably my best guess, considering i've only seen re-runs my dad recorded.

Magic, Shut the Fuck Up. I do not want to hear that your dad has his own re-runs of Centurions. Do you have any idea how old and dirty that makes me feel? Insensitive prick.

Anyways, Splitlip did in fact PM me first so he has thereby Won a Nerf Gun I Don't Want. But Wait!

As chance should have it, Split desires a gun that I Don't Not-Want But Don't Necessarily Need. He and I are working out a deal on the side which, if amicably settled, may still allow you, Magic, to...

Win a Nerf Gun I Don't Want!

So consider yourself kind of lucky. I guess. We'll see.

In the meantime, I will be posting some updates to the first post later this week outlining some of the specific needs for this war (shit like how lunch will work, pistol rounds, etc).

#220685 Nj Nerf Out - Needs Clever Name

Posted by Famine on 30 March 2009 - 12:49 PM in Nerf Wars

Wow, this clan rivalry is just really... something. Actually this whole thing is just kind of embarrassing, so far Mag-7's rogues gallery is comprised of a Team Leader who leads retreats and a one-armed man. Tell you what Split, you let me know what you feel fair Clan Match rules are and I will totally run them when you guys feel you're ready.

In the meantime let's move on to something a little more exciting. Now is your chance to
Win a Nerf Gun I Don't Want!

Ok, so as none of you know or care, I have begun work on modifying new stock-Crossbow that I'm hoping to have finished in time for summer. Before I cut into virgin plastic I am attempting a prototype to ensure that all of my mechanically unsound theories prove true. Below is a picture of the prototype which I have dubbed - Doc Terror.

Rule: The first forum member, who is attending my April war, to correctly identify the inspiration/origin of the name Doc Terror will Win a Nerf Gun I Don't Want!
Posted Image

Have fun!

#218937 Nj Nerf Out - Needs Clever Name

Posted by Famine on 20 March 2009 - 02:26 PM in Nerf Wars

Just a quick update kiddies. I'm working on narrowing down which park the war will be hosted at but I can tell you that it will be between Exits 114 and 105 on the Garden State Parkway - probably not more than 2 miles from the exit itself.

Starting next week I'm going to revise the first post with some further updates explaining what, if any, special supplies or guns should be brought.

At some point I will also be holding a contest for attendees, the winner of which will get a free Nerf gun that I don't want!!

#217119 Nj Nerf Out - Needs Clever Name

Posted by Famine on 09 March 2009 - 03:46 PM in Nerf Wars

This will be the second of Mag-7's hosted wars and based on how well March Metldown went I don't think you'll want to miss it. Expect fast paced rounds, innovative game types, and lots of 'your mom' jokes. Lots.

When: Saturday, April 25th. War starts at 10am.

Where: Tatum County Park - Middletown, NJ

Directions: The distance from Garden State Parkway Exit 114 to the park is less than 2 miles.
- Take the Garden State Parkway to Exit 114 for Holmdel/Middletown.
- As you come off the exit ramp, turn on to Red Hill Rd. so that you are heading East.
- At the traffic light, bear Left on to Van Schoick Rd. Go 1 mile.
- Make the first Right on to Holland Rd. Go about 1/2 mile.
- Turn Right at the sign for Tatum Park / Holland Activity Center. Go about 1/4 mile.
- Park.

BROWN BAG YOUR LUNCH - Sorry, no hour long Greasefest at the local Diner. Pack a lunch and bring water.
3:15 Hit-Count.
All gun hits count.
Any hit disputes are resolved in favor of the shooter unless a 3rd party can vouch that it missed.
No guns that I think shoot too hard or too far.
Doomsayers are subject to banning. Even if I don't think they shoot too hard or too far.
Don't be a dick.

Special Game Rules:
Game Type: Swayzeland
Teams - 3, Swayze - 1
Win Condition: Achieve your Team's Goal

Team: Ruskies
3 Hit Points per Member, 6 Darts per Member
Goal: Eliminate all FBI Agents.

Team: FBI
3 Hit Points per Member, 6 Darts per Member
Goal: Eliminate all Ex-Presidents

Team: Ex-Presidents
3 Hit Points per Member, 6 Darts per Member
Goal: Obtain 12 Darts per Member of your Team. Surf a Tsunami.

Solo: Swayze
Unlimited Hit Points, Melee Attacks Only (A Swayze attack is an Instakill)
Goal: Eliminate all opposition in 20 Minutes or Less

Attendees (17)
Famine (me)
Magic (+2)
Captain Slug
Zach Attack

#217069 March Meltdown

Posted by Famine on 09 March 2009 - 11:36 AM in Nerf Wars

I had an awesome time at Saturday's war, easily the best Mill Creek war in several years. Some of the new players looked promising.

The rivalry between Mag-7 and The LGLF is off to a healthy start. For those of you who missed the opening act, a desperate struggle is forming between the two clans over the future of East Coast Nerf! Mag-7 believes that Nerfers should be forced to actually Nerf at Nerf Wars where as The LGLF ardently believes that Nerfers should instead spend the war lounging around in pajama pants circle jerking one another off. We'll see where Act II goes from here.

Looking forward to the next NJ Nerf War. I might start a thread today to see if we can some interest in a late-April war.

#202865 March Meltdown

Posted by Famine on 12 January 2009 - 05:37 PM in Nerf Wars

Pro: I will be there.
Con: My postwar comments will now be much less interesting.

Question: Am I allowed to use both a modded pistol and a stock gun for that round or do I have to choose between the two?

#152111 Njno - April 20th

Posted by Famine on 19 April 2008 - 11:07 PM in Nerf Wars

We'll be breaking for lunch. Tomorrow's forecast calls for partial clouds and a high of 62 degrees so... fuck I dunno. I just hope everyone brings plenty of ammo. See you all there.

#151883 Njno - April 20th

Posted by Famine on 18 April 2008 - 06:48 PM in Nerf Wars

Could someone who knows the area can give me instructions to get to the park from the train station? Is there anyone who feels comfortable with giving me a cell phone number in the most probably case of me getting myself ass lost? PM if you do.

CPG - If you're getting off at the Boro Hall station then the park is just a few blocks down the street. Check out the link on the first page, switching from satellite to map view should show you what I mean.

Either way, check your PM box for my cell #.