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#71127 My First Mod

Posted by Valar on 17 January 2006 - 05:11 PM in Modifications

This is my very first mod and I'm pretty happy with it. I don't know what the range on it is, but I can tell you it has alot more power than it does stock. I added a crayola barrel (I wanted to do brass, but I couldn't find any 9/16" inch, only 1/2", but I think I know where I can get some now), I also took off the air restrictors, put some electrical tape on the plunger and usually have bands on it (The paint is still drying, so the bands aren't on it right now, obviously).

Posted Image

I just used some Testors Car Model paint that I had laying around. It looks alot splotchier in this picture than it does in real life.

I also have a few questions, if you guys don't mind awnsering them.

First of all, should I put some kind of enamel on the gun now, so that the paint doesn't chip?

Second of all, this is kind of off topic, but somewhere at my dad's house, I'm pretty sure I have an old Sharp Shooter 1. From what I remember when I was a little kid, it was a pretty powerful and accurate gun, and it was definetly my favorite when I was younger. I understand that it fires a very rare ammo, but could it be modified to shoot another kind of dart, and would it be worth it?

#71659 Maverick Mod Problems

Posted by Valar on 25 January 2006 - 05:33 PM in Modifications

Yesterday afternoon I attempted to mod my maverick, pretty basic mod, I just wanted to take out the air restrictors. So, after I opened the gun up and took out the turret, I disassembeled the turret (which was much harder to open up than anything on the internet made it out to be, the orange plastic would not come off the metal rod for a LONG time). After I finally got it open, I took out the springs and additional plastic rods. I gutted the inside of the orange rings and glued them onto the turret. When I put the gun back together, each barrell fired a different distance, a few fired with more power, but one fired with significantly less. So, I decided to try to fix this.

After taking the gun apart again today, I made sure all the orange rings were gutted equally, and they were. I looked for a place for the least powerful barrell to be leaking air, but couldn't find any. I applied a little glue to where a few possible places where air could be leaking. When I got the gun back together, 3 barrells were firing with less power, and 3 with above average power. I have NO IDEA what could be causing this. Any thoughts on what the problem could be? I'm pretty new to modding, but I don't think I did anything that major to screw it up. Thanks in advance for any help you guys can provide. I think this gun may be destined to the scrap heap.

#71660 loser

Posted by Valar on 25 January 2006 - 05:40 PM in Modifications

I couldn't find any AT2ks at Target either. I'm actually on the verge of buying a twin-pack in the box off of ebay, if I can't find one in the target in my home town. (I'm a college student, and I live about 45 minutes from my hometown.) It's difficult to find anything in this town. Even toys r us only carries Fireflys and Mavs. No Airtechs or BBBs to be found.

#75836 Indoor War Darts?

Posted by Valar on 11 March 2006 - 03:59 PM in General Nerf

I'll agree with stefans not being good for indoor use. I was just screwing around with a 3 foot length of petg, and used it as a blow gun with a stefan. I blew the dart across my living room and it hit a window. The window is definetly cracked now, not broken, but cracked for sure. I won't use stefans indoors anymore.