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#237770 A War In London?

Posted by ace of nerf on 21 June 2009 - 11:58 AM in Nerf Wars

I'll be in london on vacation from July 14th to late july. I would probably be able to go if you had the war then.

#235922 Abatton 3

Posted by ace of nerf on 12 June 2009 - 09:59 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey guys, havin' a war in Topeka, Kansas.

Kansas nerf war. It's gonna be a blast!

July 11th. Please be there by 11:00, we will probably wrap up at around 5:00.

Crestview Park
4801 SW Shunga Dr, Topeka, KS
This is where the sof war will be hosted.

Ace Of Nerf

#235959 Abatton 3

Posted by ace of nerf on 13 June 2009 - 11:00 AM in Nerf Wars

I just picked a random date in july. How about July 11th?

#237828 Abatton 3

Posted by ace of nerf on 21 June 2009 - 05:27 PM in Nerf Wars

Any updates on attendence?

#240415 Abatton 3

Posted by ace of nerf on 06 July 2009 - 12:49 PM in Nerf Wars

Here's the existing thread.

#240260 Abatton 3

Posted by ace of nerf on 05 July 2009 - 10:19 AM in Nerf Wars

Sorry guys, I'm canceling this. Low attendance, and I am too busy to prepare for this war.

I will make sure the war on August 5th goes on though.

#232560 Abbaton Two, Kansas Nerf War

Posted by ace of nerf on 25 May 2009 - 09:55 PM in Nerf Wars

Time is running thin! If you want to attend, please contact me soon!

By the way. Bring your swimsuit If you want to take a dip in the pool.

#233181 Abbaton Two, Kansas Nerf War

Posted by ace of nerf on 28 May 2009 - 09:12 PM in Nerf Wars

Will anyone volunteer to come early and help set up?

#233626 Abbaton Two, Kansas Nerf War

Posted by ace of nerf on 31 May 2009 - 05:25 PM in Nerf Wars


Posted Image
Names left to right. Tornado13, Ace Of Nerf, Homestarune, Equilox

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Equilox pullin' the fast swap.

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Drew with one of Trent's Equilox's shotguns.

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Daniel Homestarune playing a free for all.

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Equilox running from Homestar since he was out of ammo.

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Drew running around with Equilox's shotgun.

More to come!

#233580 Abbaton Two, Kansas Nerf War

Posted by ace of nerf on 31 May 2009 - 11:16 AM in Nerf Wars

Great war!

All the guns I made survived the whole day.
Having the war right next to my house
Everyone seemed to have a nice day
Drew got into nerf
Met 2 new people
Dodging Trent's super shotgun of doom

Getting hit by Trent's super shotgun of doom in the forehead
Seeing drew get hit the face ( he was the youngest there so I felt kinda bad )
The heat, It was so hot that hot glue started to melt, so I had to keep my darts in a cooler

Pictures soon!

#229262 Abbaton Two, Kansas Nerf War

Posted by ace of nerf on 09 May 2009 - 08:39 PM in Nerf Wars

What are you trying to accomplish by hosting abbaton two? Eh, pure Effeminateness. ( Inside joke from the first Abbaton )

A nerf war that all midwesterns should come too.

Great practice for the SOF war in August. The abbatons might be the only midwest wars until August.

May 30th. Everyone should be out of school and ready for some good ol' nerfing.
Probably start at 11:00 A.M. and end at 5ish P.M.

Topeka, KS
3630 Blue Inn Rd.
The location is on lake sherwood. We will be using an empty lot ( pictured below ) and homemade barriers will be used. Similar to the barriers at Massacre.

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Definite -
Ace Of Nerf

Maybe -

Hopeful's, but probably won't come-

#215758 Abbaton, Topeka Nerf War

Posted by ace of nerf on 01 March 2009 - 02:20 PM in Nerf Wars

Bump. Date chosen. If you had to pay road tolls to come, I will pay you back what you spent to come.

#218045 Abbaton, Topeka Nerf War

Posted by ace of nerf on 15 March 2009 - 12:58 PM in Nerf Wars

6 days left! I need to know who is coming and who isn't. Anyone coming please tell me. This will war will most likely be the last kansas war until august, be sure to attend!

#215279 Abbaton, Topeka Nerf War

Posted by ace of nerf on 26 February 2009 - 10:39 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey guys. I'm tired of waiting for a nerf war in Topeka, so I'm hosting one. I was just wondering when everyone's spring breaks where. So I could plan the war during them, or before them if the majority is on vacation.

My neighbors own the 80'x225' piece of land right next to my house, I thought it would be fitting for a war.

March 21, 09. Mark your calendars!

The address is.
Topeka, Kansas
3630 Blue Inn Rd.

Food will be pizza or grilled meat. My dad might just cook hamburgers and hotdogs.

From: 10:30-5 or so, must all be cleaned by 6.

Rounds will consist of:
Team Tactical
Redneck crazy round ( NO BOUNDARIES )
Mercenaries . . . you will see . . .

Singled Titans, multi barreled ones are okay if their pump is not plugged.
Plugged BBBB/LBB
Doomsayers are OKAY

Here is a picture, if you need more I can take them. It's just so easy to capture in one picture, so I only took one. Keep in mind we will set up obstacles. I want obstacles to be removable because I plan on switching them up every once in a while to keep it exciting.

Posted Image

Ace of Nerf + 10 or so

Rogue Warrior
Black Slate

If I'm missing something feel free to tell me. This is my first war, and I hope I've covered what information you guys need to know.

#215391 Abbaton, Topeka Nerf War

Posted by ace of nerf on 27 February 2009 - 05:29 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey guys, can you post when your spring break is and if you will be on vacation. If you have already posted, please edit the post.

Black Slate, Rogue, and Homestar, hope to see you there!

#202902 Best Full-auto Gun?

Posted by ace of nerf on 12 January 2009 - 07:08 PM in Modifications

I would like to modify a full auto gun. I was wondering what everyone's opinion was on which is the best? Please post after you have voted, include in your post two things. What you voted for and why?

Thank you for voting. Also, this is my first poll, so if something is wrong please point it out.

#202974 Best Full-auto Gun?

Posted by ace of nerf on 12 January 2009 - 09:55 PM in General Nerf

What gun do you think would be best?
Some examples:
Rapid fire 20

I am looking into making a full-auto primary, and I would like the members of the forum's opinion.

My last poll was closed, I think this happened because of my poor placement. Hopefully this will stay alive and help me get a good outlook on what I want to buy.Thank you to everyone who posted in my last thread, If you voted in the last one, you don't have to post or vote in this poll.

Sorry this is not a poll, but my computer is being retarded.

#193968 Bsa

Posted by ace of nerf on 04 December 2008 - 05:55 PM in Off Topic

I am a star, yeah it's not too great, but hey. It's better than nothing.

#233240 Dtb Modification

Posted by ace of nerf on 29 May 2009 - 10:27 AM in Modifications

Actually, Hi Yah, dart tag blasters don't really work with barrel replacements. The normal barrels shoot the same as new CPVC barrels or 17/32nds brass barrels. ( I've used a DTB with all three )

#233036 Dtb Modification

Posted by ace of nerf on 28 May 2009 - 11:08 AM in Modifications

Could you do a straw mod like you would do to the maverick?

Also how much range does it add when you add the DTB spring to the Maverick?

Good Write-up.

I don't think the straw mod would work the same way in a DTB.

I got 40 ft from AR removal and the DTB spring on my last one.

#232970 Dtb Modification

Posted by ace of nerf on 27 May 2009 - 10:38 PM in Modifications

Hey guys, here is a write-up on how to mod your dart tag blaster.

1) Take out all your screws. The screws in the cocking bar are different sized, so keep them separated. Here is what the internals look like.

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2) Take out the turret.

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3) Remove all screws from the back.

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4) Take apart your turret, here is what it should look like.

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5) Take these pieces out of the turret. The spring, and the three pronged disc. What is on the ground should be thrown away.

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6) Now take these pieces out of the turret.

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7) Use wire cutters to cut the prong. All you have left is the disc.

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8) Use sandpaper to sand down what's left of the prong.

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Here are your finished air restrictors.

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9) Put your air restrictors back into the turret.

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10) Take an ACE #49 spring and mark 1 inch from one end.

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11) Cut the mark so the spring is 1 inch shorter. Here is the finished spring.

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12) Now take these pieces out of the gun.

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Here are the parts taken apart.

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13) Take the old spring off. ( Keep it, it works wonders in mavericks.) Put the cut down #49 spring on. Here is a photo of the plunger rod with the new spring.

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#232973 Dtb Modification

Posted by ace of nerf on 27 May 2009 - 10:40 PM in Modifications

14) Remove the "o" ring. Wipe off the lubricant with your sleeve. Wrap a layer of e-tape around. Place the "o" ring back on and lube it. Here if your finished plunger head.

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15) Place all parts back in. Here is a photo of the modified internals.

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16) Screw your gun back together. Here is your finished gun.

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You're done! Now you have a DTB that shoots 50 ft!

Questions? Comments?

#233022 Dtb Modification

Posted by ace of nerf on 28 May 2009 - 09:53 AM in Modifications

Last time I cut out the AR's ( which was like a year ago ) the DTB's ranges went down the toilet. You have to be very careful when doing that step. I'll try to get through them today. Hopefully it will be done by tomorrow.

#232979 Dtb Modification

Posted by ace of nerf on 27 May 2009 - 10:54 PM in Modifications

What are you using to cut the spring? I'm scared to hell when sparks fly out of the spring when I dremel it.
Is that spring providing adequate plunger pull?

Really big bolt cutters handed down from my grandpa. Yea, without cutting it down the plunger pull wouldn't reach the catch, so that's why I cut it down.

Thanks K9. I wasn't really going for anything spectacular, just a clear, clean DTB mod.

#245990 Ex-sof Kansas War!

Posted by ace of nerf on 07 August 2009 - 03:57 PM in Nerf Wars

Geez, everyone is pulling the upgrade card on me. Haha.

Everyone at the war is invited to my house to swim if they want (after the war). It will be HOT at this war so a swim would feel nice.

#246052 Ex-sof Kansas War!

Posted by ace of nerf on 07 August 2009 - 10:38 PM in Nerf Wars

No community lunch??!?!?! Dang, well if anyone bring a purple big bad bow, an airtech 2000, or a landard shotgun ( the new one ) I will buy.

#244959 Ex-sof Kansas War!

Posted by ace of nerf on 31 July 2009 - 10:40 PM in Nerf Wars

Oh yes for those of you who were at the Abbaton war that I attended, I've made a major upgrade to my Shotgun.

I'll just matrix dodge it light last time.

So anyway, Equilox if you use PETG I will have thousands of darts that fit tight in that stuff.

If you want darts that fit CPVC I can sell you the ones I brought to abatton.

#245865 Ex-sof Kansas War!

Posted by ace of nerf on 06 August 2009 - 08:21 PM in Nerf Wars

So i can unload in the core with my magstrike? I like.

For dart buyers, I'm bringing about 300 darts with colored tips that fit cpvc good.

#222441 Foam Recommendations?

Posted by ace of nerf on 08 April 2009 - 06:02 PM in General Nerf

Get some white foam from SwiFTNerf. It fits great in 1/2 cpvc and is easy to find.

#194209 How Many Guns Do You Have In Your Arsenal?

Posted by ace of nerf on 05 December 2008 - 11:18 PM in General Nerf

I don't get to keep my arsenal. So, here's what I haven't sold lately.

1 Singled long shot, with camouflage paint.

1 Lbb, with pump plugged and cpvc barrel.

1 Maverick, with air restrictor removed, new spring, and sick paint job.

#198326 I Hate Some Employees

Posted by ace of nerf on 23 December 2008 - 03:29 PM in General Nerf

Holy shit, silentsnipe, that is so like you. I had that happen to me once, but it wasn't as fierce. When I was buying my first longshot while I was 12, the employee said " Do you big hefty men want to carry this yourselves?" ( Sarcasm ). Then I just walked out.

#196260 Is Sanding Necessary Before A Paint Job?

Posted by ace of nerf on 14 December 2008 - 11:29 PM in Modifications

Not really, but it help a little bit.

#258654 Kansas End Of Year War

Posted by ace of nerf on 11 December 2009 - 07:40 PM in Nerf Wars

Forecast calls for ice drizzle. Is this still on?

#258886 Kansas End Of Year War

Posted by ace of nerf on 13 December 2009 - 05:43 PM in Nerf Wars

The war was awesome. We need to have an all day zombie fest at that fort/playhouse.

Just. awesome.

#258890 Kansas End Of Year War

Posted by ace of nerf on 13 December 2009 - 06:00 PM in Nerf Wars

Maybe they should all have swords! :D

Kieth what is your gamertag? Link doesn't work for me.

#258485 Kansas End Of Year War

Posted by ace of nerf on 09 December 2009 - 09:47 AM in Nerf Wars

Can anyone tell me the weather forecast for saturday?

#257600 Kansas End Of Year War

Posted by ace of nerf on 29 November 2009 - 10:46 PM in Nerf Wars

I can't come to Olathe.

#257418 Kansas End Of Year War

Posted by ace of nerf on 27 November 2009 - 10:11 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm down for the 12/13th. If its Dec. 6 I can't go though, paintball tourney where I could win $1000 beats nerf.

#257760 Kansas End Of Year War

Posted by ace of nerf on 01 December 2009 - 10:00 PM in Nerf Wars

Topeka all the way. And as an insentive to have it in topeka . . . .

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All that will be for sale, VERY CHEAP.

#257945 Kansas End Of Year War

Posted by ace of nerf on 03 December 2009 - 09:53 PM in Nerf Wars
