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#184624 Ecno - October 11 - Coplay, Pennsylvania

Posted by DX-Robert on 20 October 2008 - 02:21 PM in Nerf Wars

I've been sick for the past week and so neglected to get some reflections in.

The Good:
Actually making it to this venue [thanks to Keef].
Meeting some new targ...I mean new players. ;)
The ruin with the hallways - wicked awesome place.
Lining up a picture-perfect hit on Kuhlschrank through a window.
4 pretty quick hits in the first round.
The pistol round in the speedball area - not an ideal location, but our team rocked.
Dave and his 4 craps during the course of the war.
The car ride back - the stories, oh the stories of Keef's past. Talk about separation anxiety - SAVE ME MOMMY SAVE ME!

Not so good points:
The ink on my darts smearing all over my hands. Note to self - find a sharpie or forget the labeling.
Not surviving to the end of some rounds. Doesn't happen often.
The Maximizer letting me down. It shoots far, but can't hit a thing.
The airsoft siege in the chucrh - never was hit but the whole thing was ridiculous.
Like most wars, this was an all-day affair for me. Left CT at 6 AM and arrived back at 11:15 PM.

#299120 Apocalypse 2011

Posted by DX-Robert on 01 June 2011 - 11:22 AM in Nerf Wars

Any of them also work for me.

#299523 Apocalypse 2011

Posted by DX-Robert on 08 June 2011 - 12:17 AM in Nerf Wars

Benbo231, if you have a souped up Longshot, just use that as your primary. Reserve the Stampede for specific rounds where low range, high ROF would come in handy. It would just make a lot more sense that way. An LS, depending on how it's modded, would be competitive, while you'll have trouble hitting anything with a stampede. Most east coast nerfers use homemades now, you'd be taking a stampede against pumpbows, RBPs, SNAPs, and the such. You can still do it, but it might not be all that much fun.

#302477 Apoc Round Schedule and Sign Up

Posted by DX-Robert on 29 July 2011 - 03:31 AM in Nerf Wars

I don't particularly care where I get placed. I have a history of getting stuck on the most random teams in Apoc clan rounds...Mass...Ohio...most recently Canada...and I'm the only person from the freight elevator never to fight for a freight elevator team. So wherever works. Maybe resurrect "orange tape" for the 4th team.

@Jigglypuff: You'll only get your ass kicked if you lose your cool. Aim straight, dodge fast, stand your ground defensively, and be aggressive offensively. The formula does not change regardless of who you are fighting. If you come into a round thinking about how badly it's going to play out, well you already lost. Unaligned nerfers tend to do fine...the last survivor of the Ohio team wasn't from Ohio (wink).

#301638 Apoc Round Schedule and Sign Up

Posted by DX-Robert on 16 July 2011 - 12:32 AM in Nerf Wars

1 - 4 Team Deathmatch
2 - Deathmatch
3 - Full Roster Deathmatch
4 - U3 Objective
5 - 4 Team Deathmatch
6 - Deathmatch
7 - 4 Team Deathmatch
8 - Full Roster Deathmatch
9 - Deathmatch

I've got to try just one little round that isn't a deathmatch...and I miss the Great All-American Gorefest.

#115719 Nj Nerf War (bcno)

Posted by DX-Robert on 13 July 2007 - 09:02 PM in Nerf Wars

I am interested in buying a crossbow if anyone is in the mood for selling [and I will have money on me].

I was able to narrow down my guest list to 2 confirmed and 7 maybes. That doesn't sound great, but at one point there were 16 maybes. Out of the 7, I doubt any are seriously going to make it. It seems like everyone, including Nibordude, chose this weekend for trips out of town.

#114318 Nj Nerf War (bcno)

Posted by DX-Robert on 03 July 2007 - 02:25 PM in Nerf Wars

All the good Jersey wars tend to be in the Southern part of the state. I don't have a car, so I've never made any except APOC, since I was in the area. It would be nice to have a BCNO, for the sake of actually having a war nearby.

#114306 Nj Nerf War (bcno)

Posted by DX-Robert on 03 July 2007 - 12:50 PM in Nerf Wars

Speaking of, we need another BCNO. I was going to plan one in April and completely forgot. I'm not sure if Glen Rock is the best location though, as Wilde Memorial Park is very small. Ridgewood has some very nice parks, but the good ones tend to be popular and filled with people.

#115625 Nj Nerf War (bcno)

Posted by DX-Robert on 12 July 2007 - 10:05 PM in Nerf Wars

Oh, I forgot about that reference. Nibordude has forgotten the world and replaced it with his girlfriend. I will make an attempt to get him to come though.

#115055 Nj Nerf War (bcno)

Posted by DX-Robert on 08 July 2007 - 06:42 PM in Nerf Wars

I'm going to try and double the current headcount. Bad luck and half-assed mobilization only gave me 2 others for the first BCNO. I should have better luck this time around.

EDIT - I have invited 31 friends who have either nerfed with me before or shown interest in the past. Don't worry, these are not totally random people and none are younger than soph in high school. I'm expecting that the majority won't be able to make it, but a good amount still should.

EDIT 2 - 3 confirmed and 10 maybe so far.

#115546 Nj Nerf War (bcno)

Posted by DX-Robert on 12 July 2007 - 10:16 AM in Nerf Wars

Duxburian are you bringing Axl Rose with you?

I don't really know him...

Right now I have 2 confirmed, 13 maybes. I'm going to try and make the maybes confirm yes/no today. I won't be able to supply them all if I get more than 5 people, but oh well. I survived the first BCNO with just 30 darts, of which 12 were stock. Compare that to Apoc, where I brought 450 and returned home with less than a quarter of that.

Label your stefans, but don't expect to recover more than half of what you shoot.

#215041 Bcno

Posted by DX-Robert on 25 February 2009 - 10:49 PM in Nerf Wars

Unfortunately, I probably won't be able to attend as I've got a home meet on that date. I really miss shooting the north Jersey guys, hopefully there will be another one of these later. However, please add me to the Maybe list anyway - you never know what might happen.

#224103 Bcno

Posted by DX-Robert on 16 April 2009 - 11:49 PM in Nerf Wars

Still holding onto a sliver of hope, but seeing as Sat is supposed to be like 70 degrees with sun and light wind, looks like my meet is in no danger of being cancelled. Running 3 races too, so there's virtually no chance of making the war. Hate to miss this one, some of my favorite people are there. Well, on the upside it gives Echnalaid more time to get desensitized to maxshots so that he can be ready for maximizerphobia, kicking it up a notch :P

#118808 Apoc Reaction

Posted by DX-Robert on 08 August 2007 - 10:55 AM in Nerf Wars

Oh, would any of those converted darts happen to be the ones that Vacc and I kept asking for at the end of each round but never managed to find any of?

I gave you and the piles the ones I found after each round. Many just sat in the piles round after round, I noticed because I'd always look in there, then leave in disgust after not seeing my own darts.

I actually didn't find all that many of yours afterwards, maybe 10-15. I'll return those to you at the next war i am able to attend. It's not my fault that I sweep for darts while others talk.

Edit: "Perhaps hundreds" was an exaggeration - I just counted 137, of which 14 are horsemen darts.

#118772 Apoc Reaction

Posted by DX-Robert on 07 August 2007 - 11:16 PM in Nerf Wars

That definitely beat Apoc 06 as the most fun war I have attended.

What went well:

-Surviving a "30v30" round with all of my lives
-Leading a long Staggered Defense in a forest round that saved us from sure death [we nearly won that round]
-Snapping my 9 consecutive rounds of being on the tape team streak
-Representing the LCM after they all died in the Effeminate clan round
-Running circles around Nightshift when they kept saying they should kill me and then send one person at a time
-Picking off someone from Nightshift every ten minutes or so and not dying until just before the whole round was done
-Finding perhaps hundreds of converted darts after the war - I'm easily set for my next three wars
-Not passing out - I was designed for extremely cold weather, not extremely hot weather

What didn't go so well:

-Running down Evil, having my crucial shot miss, and feeling his shot find my neck
-Getting shot in the head during the second Civil War round
-Being careless with my last life in the first forest round
-Missing great opportunities with my wildly inaccurate Longshot

My only suggestion for the next Apoc is to not host it on the surface of the sun again.

#119320 Apoc Reaction

Posted by DX-Robert on 12 August 2007 - 09:21 PM in Nerf Wars

You are really good at hiding with the camera shadow - not sure how people accidentally shoot you

I almost shot him several times - he kept popping up near me and the camera sure looked like a gun during those moments.

I also figured the credits would be screwed up.

The spelling of my name was...interesting. You have no idea how many people have absolutely butchered my name, but that one was new. Usually its the "urian" part that ends up with extra u's or e's or god knows what. Hence why my name is "DX" - people may not be able to spell "Duxburian" when it's right there on the computer screen, so "DX" makes it easy.

Other than that, great job on the video!

#94580 Holiday Raffle

Posted by DX-Robert on 15 November 2006 - 10:07 PM in General Nerf


#232739 Mcno 2

Posted by DX-Robert on 26 May 2009 - 08:41 PM in Nerf Wars

You guys have full permission to lie and make up anything about me if it will get his mom to change her mind and let him nerf again. You probably could pass me off as his cousin, I don't think anyone at that war knew my full name so you can just make one up. I hardly even look like a diddler or a murderer...in fact with this haircut I just got today i don't even look 20.

#233356 Mcno 2

Posted by DX-Robert on 30 May 2009 - 12:19 AM in Nerf Wars

DX: You did tell me your real name to explain how white it was. (I don't actually remember it...shhh!)

Robert Lewis Webbe. I used to keep track of how many people I tricked into thinking I was white, but stopped counting once it went into the thousands. Involuntary race-breaking is an extremely rare ability, you usually have to be both post-racial and post-ethnic to do it. I don't think anyone at the war really grasped the concepts of who I am, but at your ages I wouldn't expect you to have encountered them. I lack certain aspects of identity that most people assume are rigid and a person is born with. If you're vaguely interested, look up transracial adoption, post-ethnicity, meta-ethnicity, and ethnogenesis. These are things you won't encounter in school or mainstream culture, but will allow you to see American society in a way that is not fully-realized, aka, you will be peeking at a future possibly centuries away from being mainstream reality.

@Jewstein: Don't sweat the bad grades. There's more to life than churning out A's. You don't need to ace every subject, people are naturally weak at something. As long as you have strong strengths, it will be enough to please colleges and employers.

#228929 Mcno 2

Posted by DX-Robert on 07 May 2009 - 10:57 PM in Nerf Wars

5:30 express it is then, earliest train out of Westport. I'll be moving through the city while you all are still sleeping.

/me just loves parents...

Edit: 99% of nerfers would not do this, so the war better be worth the taxi, 2 trains, and 5 mile walk it will take to show up.

#223727 Mcno 2

Posted by DX-Robert on 14 April 2009 - 10:30 PM in Nerf Wars

I am a maybe. May is finally out of the reach of track meets, but this would be the Saturday right before finals. I potentially only have one final though. Echnalaid, what is your view on Maximizers? Since my one and only maxshot broke, I've been using a maximizer as my primary.

#228914 Mcno 2

Posted by DX-Robert on 07 May 2009 - 09:07 PM in Nerf Wars

I usually confirm on my own schedule but I'll give it to you today on one condition - that I get a ride from the train station to the war site. If everything goes as planned, I'll be arriving at the Jersey Ave station sometime between 8 and 9 AM. It's about 5 miles away and while that's in my walking range, I'd really rather not have to go that far that early in the morning. Availability of transport also affects how early I have to get up [if no one can come get me then I need to take the 5:30 AM express in order to reach Jersey in time to walk from the station].

#223883 Mcno 2

Posted by DX-Robert on 15 April 2009 - 10:15 PM in Nerf Wars

It does indeed hit harder than a Maxshot, but I don't know the actual ranges. It definitely hits 80, perhaps 90, I dunno about 100. Range is not consistent with this gun like most others - this is not a gun that one can just pick up and be good with. it takes practice to control and aim, much more than anything else I've ever used. It's a nice challenge to try and wield as well as being extremely rare - I believe only two nerfers use modded Maximizers in wars.

I'd respect your decision either way, though I have used it at BFNYII, ECNO, and HvZ here on campus, and there have never been any problems with it. +Bows are more powerful and they're generally accepted.

#152530 Njno - April 20th

Posted by DX-Robert on 21 April 2008 - 10:28 PM in Nerf Wars

Wow, I can't believe I missed a war at Glen Rock. Since that's literally down the street from where I live, it's usually a done deal like the past two. Oh well, I'll catch the next one and Apoc for sure.

#314580 NJNO5

Posted by DX-Robert on 20 April 2012 - 10:34 AM in Nerf Wars

Due to schedule changes, I may be able to make it now.

#313203 NJNO5

Posted by DX-Robert on 20 March 2012 - 10:11 AM in Nerf Wars

I won't be able to make the 21st.

#314616 NJNO5

Posted by DX-Robert on 20 April 2012 - 08:27 PM in Nerf Wars

So, I was able to re-arrange my schedule and will be coming! The weather appears to have also taken a turn for the better, with no rain until later in the evening. It won't be sunny, but will be dry and warm.

#314700 NJNO5

Posted by DX-Robert on 23 April 2012 - 10:28 AM in Nerf Wars

Feel better Popatachi! I hope you got home alright and got all of your gear (we put everything in your trunk). Hope to see you back on the field soon!

#312410 NJNO5

Posted by DX-Robert on 04 March 2012 - 12:38 PM in Nerf Wars

I am a maybe at this point.

I feel that Babbage is more balanced in objective gametypes (specifically carpe, VIP, and territories) while Bicentennial gets better straight up deathmatches. I think it's easier to make hits in deathmatches at Bicentennial - there are less routine trees to provide everyone with cover. At Babbage, you get more stalemates as people go tree to tree and avoid the open. However, those trees make for excellent objective gameplay because 3 sides have good options for attack and defense. Bicentennial is better when there's been rain, since it has sand rather than mud. Judging from my dart bags, it also returns more darts, since there were no leaves and the grass was short. I can't really judge which one scales better. Babbage is fun with about 16 people, but I don't know if there's ever been 24 there before. We can expand it into the second tree area, but there's not too much to do in the field. Bicentennial could have room to expand down the path near the woods, but I don't know what is back there. It also has a problem that the cars are parked right along the trees to the left, which makes carpe difficult since you don't want to shoot in that direction on defense.

#329634 Dart-related Nerf war accidents and dart safety tests

Posted by DX-Robert on 11 May 2013 - 12:13 AM in Darts and Barrels

Nibordude's BCNO hit used to be infamous among NIC old-timers. It might be one of the better data points if you want to contact him about it. Long story short, he took a direct hit to the eye from a Crossbow in an era where weights and heads were not well-regulated. I'm not sure if the dart was a 5/0, 3/0, or slingshot weight. It sent him to the Emergency Room and I believe he has some permanent damage in that eye. However, I no longer remember all the details.

#355880 And we're back....

Posted by DX-Robert on 20 September 2016 - 12:42 PM in News

It's great to have NH back, thanks for fixing it.  When NH goes down, modding goes back to 2005...the social media groups and channels are NOT a replacement for NH guides and write-ups...

#279315 July 3rd Lake Artemesia Nerf War

Posted by DX-Robert on 02 July 2010 - 09:40 PM in Nerf Wars

So...I had a few primaries shipped from home, but they have not arrived yet. The only thing I have to shoot with at the moment is a stock SM1K that I bought earlier this week and am in the process of modding, plus a BBB that I got from Target about an hour ago. I have darts, although some of them are from past wars and some from a last minute Home Depot run. Basically, I'm about as prepared for DC area nerfing as the federal government is for cleaning up oil. It would be awesome if someone can bring a loaner primary and a loaner pistol for me tomorrow. PETG would be amazing too, it would allow me to finish the SM1K mod, which has no barrels. That could be done on-site.

#279761 July 3rd Lake Artemesia Nerf War

Posted by DX-Robert on 08 July 2010 - 04:43 PM in Nerf Wars

TBD = To be determined. Most likely somewhere around NW DC or one of its metro-accessible suburbs. I'll do some riding this weekend to look around.

#279722 July 3rd Lake Artemesia Nerf War

Posted by DX-Robert on 07 July 2010 - 08:46 PM in Nerf Wars

I would be willing to host a war in a TBD location on the 24th or 31st if there is interest.

#279331 July 3rd Lake Artemesia Nerf War

Posted by DX-Robert on 02 July 2010 - 11:48 PM in Nerf Wars

This was kind of a last minute thing that some of my friends threw together. I didn't know we'd be going to Boston else I wouldn't be booking tickets at quarter to 1. I decided that the early afternoon train isn't worth it. I'd have to go all the way out to College Park for like 2 rounds, then go all the way back to Tenleytown to switch stuff and then all the way back out to Union Station. That's like an hour and a half of Metro travel for a handful of rounds, if that. And with no real primary or pistol.

So yeah, I'm going to have to scratch. Hate doing that, only the 2nd time in 5 years. But, whatever, I know there is interest in more wars around the area and by then I'll have my proper guns, proper darts and all.

Thanks about the PETG, please buy as much of it as you can (like 10ft if there is 10ft). My usual white foam is perfect for thinwall PETG and too tight in most other barrel materials.

#278877 July 3rd Lake Artemesia Nerf War

Posted by DX-Robert on 28 June 2010 - 02:21 PM in Nerf Wars

The only issue I have with Artemesia is that it\\\'s so open. I think that games are most interesting when there is abundant mid-range cover, which both reduces the need for range and makes breaking standoffs easier. Artemesia certainly isn\\\'t lacking in woods, but they tend to be dense and the trails are filled with runners and bikers. Of course, I don\\\'t know how the venue will turn out until I\\\'ve actually fought on it...

I checked out some parks last weekend. Several parks in the area seem to have the same problem of dense vegetation with long, narrow trails. Great for hiking and running, bad for fighting a Nerf war. Have not looked at too many open-air parks yet, so far the ones I\\\'ve seen get heavily used.

EDIT - There appears to be some kind of filter or something that is breaking apostrophes in my post.

#278794 July 3rd Lake Artemesia Nerf War

Posted by DX-Robert on 28 June 2010 - 12:16 AM in Nerf Wars

Just a reminder - this is coming up soon. Weather looks dry so far, but plan on 90+ heat.

#279323 July 3rd Lake Artemesia Nerf War

Posted by DX-Robert on 02 July 2010 - 10:41 PM in Nerf Wars

Fuck umm

I actually might have to cancel attendance, and this is why -

I have to leave this Sat (spending the 4th in Boston) and while there are trains offered that depart DC in the afternoon, no one wants to pick me up in Boston wicked late at night (it's a 7 hour train ride).

My choices are:

A 9 AM train that gets me there at a reasonable hour, but causes me to miss the war
A 1 PM train that gets in later, but lets me take part in some of the war

I'll decide within half an hour. Really don't want to bail, but also really don't want to get in late. I'm definitely interested in that thinwall PETG, if I can't come, please get Ben (Doom) to buy it for me and I'll pay him back.

#277493 July 3rd Lake Artemesia Nerf War

Posted by DX-Robert on 11 June 2010 - 11:54 PM in Nerf Wars

At this point I am a definite unless an event comes up, but I doubt that there are any conflicts. [BTW to the usual crowd, I'm in DC for the summer, so i won't get to see you guys until Apoc]. Looking forward to meeting new people in the DC area this summer though!

#305475 TEPAW 4! Reunion ~ PA war

Posted by DX-Robert on 07 October 2011 - 07:41 PM in Nerf Wars

Hey Hero, can I get your number in case I get lost? Never been to the venue before.