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#190239 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 17 November 2008 - 12:49 PM in Nerf Wars

I think I brought the flagging tape to the summer SENO, but that doesn't help ya'll much as I will be unable to attend this one.

At least it won't be as ungodly hot.


You will be missed Cmdrmack...first post updated....

#190378 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 17 November 2008 - 09:34 PM in Nerf Wars

@CapnTac: What SF said, we have a pretty solid (but small) contigent in Augusta. This is only the second SENO since Zaxbys and I decided to give (re)birth to SE nerfing. I am willing to provide you stefans, how many do you think you'll need? I can probably get you about 100, which should be enough. We can debate pricing over PM, I'm not that concerned with price as long you get out there and nerf haha. Hope you can make it ;).

First post updated.

#193293 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 01 December 2008 - 04:21 PM in Nerf Wars

13th for the 13th page
(Still on the PS3)

Just an observation, but I think the SENO thread has the most pages of any war planning thread so far....so many stupid posts (like this one). But, for the sake of nerfing, VIVA LA SENO!!!

#190225 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 17 November 2008 - 08:40 AM in Nerf Wars

@Zax and Myster.E: I second the Home v. Away idea. That'd be awesome!

@rork: We had flagging tape at summer SENO...come to think about it...I wonder where that went....haha, don't worry about it, I'll try to get a hold of some more tape.

#189999 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 16 November 2008 - 12:17 PM in Nerf Wars

I need to discuss war logistics with you guys.

So is there gonna be a LoS Vs everyone else round?

We can if you guys want to haha. I'm up for it, not sure about the newbies we recruited though :lol: .

#185512 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 25 October 2008 - 02:59 PM in Nerf Wars

Alright! Added you to the maybe list shorty, hope you can make it.

#187644 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 05 November 2008 - 08:57 AM in Nerf Wars

It's coming faster than expected. :o

That's what she said :mellow: /immaturity

I'm so pumped. Less than 4 weeks til SENO. I gotta start making more ammo....
@rork: geez man, you're just full of surprises aren't you? We get to see the SNAPbow, the mini SNAPbow, and a secret weapon?!?! Can't wait to see what you instore for us ;)

HOLY COW I ALMOST FORGOT...we will be finished at 5 not 6. I forgot to take into account daylight savings time when I set the playtime. Sorry if I caused any inconvinience.

#189835 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 15 November 2008 - 02:21 PM in Nerf Wars

Alright my fellow SE nerfers, t-minus two weeks til SENO. I can hardly wait!

To any [LoS] members reading this, please PM or speak to me personally asap. I need to discuss war logistics with you guys.

#193607 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 02 December 2008 - 09:44 PM in Nerf Wars

First post updated. Glad you could make it Erin :D .

#193865 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 03 December 2008 - 09:02 PM in Nerf Wars

A Doomsayer, BBBBs, LBBs, SNAPbows, and rork's secret weapon...omg, it's like a SE nerfer's heaven....haha, I look foward to see that thing in action Aside.

First post updated. :rolleyes:

#195234 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 10 December 2008 - 05:28 PM in Nerf Wars

First post updated.

Due to some issues popping up, I will be a little late, but have no fear, the Augusta Nerf people will take care of you. I will also have to leave a little early for some church stuff, but it'll probably be getting dark anyways.


#195527 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 11 December 2008 - 08:01 PM in Nerf Wars

Done, first post updated. Woot.

#195634 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 12 December 2008 - 01:01 PM in Nerf Wars

Weather update: Things are pretty much cleared up now. The radar looks favorable for us. The area around my school is drying out, but I haven't checked the playing field yet. We should be okay for tomorrow (although it may be a little damp). Viva la SENO!

Today: Sunny and Clear
High: 54
Low: 34
Wind: WNW 10mph

Tomorrow (SENO): Sunny and Clear
High: 54
Low: 36
Wind: NE 6mph

If things go well, I'll be seeing you ladies and gents...er...just gents...tomorrow morning at the school. Nerf on!

#194955 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 09 December 2008 - 01:09 PM in Nerf Wars

I...*thinks of pile of unmade stefans*...definitely need to get to work....

#194657 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 07 December 2008 - 08:01 PM in Nerf Wars

Sorry to hear that SirTofu. Maybe we'll meet some other time.

#193882 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 03 December 2008 - 10:08 PM in Nerf Wars

That's right, sorry about that Zax.

A doomsayer, BBBBs, LBBs, SNAPbows, rork's toy(s), the new ZaxBlast...heck yes...

#194329 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 06 December 2008 - 02:05 PM in Nerf Wars

This is the second one week reminder haha. Viva la SENO!

Alright, people, we are now about one week from Fall SENO. VIVA LA SENO!

Some reminders:
- Eye protection is MANDATORY. We don't want anyone to get hurt by the uber-awesome guns making their debut.
- Bring some money because we'll order pizza for lunch. If you don't want any, you may bring your own food.
- Bring FLUIDS! Gatorade, water, beer. You'll be running around for 6-7 hours....okay, maybe not the beer...
- Dress accordingly. It is getting a little nippy now. I'd advise everyone to check their darts for cold-shrinkage.
- Status of public facilities is still unknown. Be ready to use some bushes. Enough said.
- Park in the parking lot directly adjacent to the playground.
- Go out there and rain foamy death upon everyone (in other words, have fun ).

I need the maybes on the list to sound-off asap so I can get an accurate count of everyone attending. Refer to the first post for addition info. If anyone has questions and/or concerns, feel free to PM me.

#185294 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 24 October 2008 - 11:47 AM in Nerf Wars

First post updated. As long as someone doesn't show up with an anti-armor Titan or a compressed-air bazooka, most airguns will be allowed.

@Zaxbys: Of course your ZaxBlast is allowed, it wouldn't be SENO without it :P
@A side: Got it, added him/her to the list.

#184817 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 21 October 2008 - 09:08 PM in Nerf Wars

Alright, after taking all of the opinions into consideration, I have repealed the idea of fortifying the red-white. The cover on the fields will still be in place.

Addressing the hi-power issue: I agree that there was a big gap in gun power at summer SENO (my converted vs. a DTG for example). I will make every effort to regulate what can and cannot be used. Airguns will be heavily regulated this time around. This should even out the playing field more.

EDIT: First post updated.
EDIT2: Woot, number 200.

#181816 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 05 October 2008 - 08:10 PM in Nerf Wars

Wait so is our clan officially called the League of Shadows?


The larger group of us in this area is Augusta Nerf, though.

[LoS] is our clan tag if you want to add it to your sigs. This is all technical stuff though, not important.

#182083 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 06 October 2008 - 09:36 PM in Nerf Wars

@Nonsense Man: *cry* That's too bad...maybe next year ;) . You'll be missed.

In response to Zax and SF: Yes, for those participating in the Greenbriar games, the Garrett campus has been declared a safe zone for SENO. You will be immune to attacks from other Greenbriar players. Those who try to violate this immunity will face a fierce 20 gun counterattack and will be forced to play in SENO...haha

#182184 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 07 October 2008 - 12:04 PM in Nerf Wars

SF you go to Greenbrier? And who did you clear this "Safe Zone" with?

No, SF goes to DFA, but he has a friend at Greenbriar or some other connection. Either way, I'll see to it that SENO is declared a safe zone (for the sake of the nerf war....). Don't worry about anything Zax, gotcha covered.

EDIT: First post updated.

#181002 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 02 October 2008 - 11:14 AM in Nerf Wars

Updated the attendence list.

About time ShadowFire. What took so long? ;) That makes...four of us from [LoS]. Good to hear from you and Zaxbys.

@Rover and Nonsense Man: Glad to see some Floridians this time around. Hope you can make it!

#180558 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 29 September 2008 - 09:08 PM in Nerf Wars

Well that sucks...haha, family comes first, no matter what. You will be missed.

#179967 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 27 September 2008 - 02:11 PM in Nerf Wars

SouthEast Nerf Outing (SENO)

When: December 13th, from 10AM to 5PM

Where: Garrett Elementary School
1100 Eisenhower Drive
Augusta, Georgia 30904

What to bring:
- Eye protection (this is mandatory)
- Proper clothing (it might be a little chilly in November)
- Enough fluids and edibles to keep you going
- Enough ammo for your weapons
- Your nerf guns (dur)
- Some money just in case we order pizza

For sure
Shadowblade +1 or more
ShadowFire +2 or more
Myster.E +1
Zaxbys +2 or more
A side of nerf +1
veginator +1


Alright, now that the details are out of the way. It is time for Fall SENO! WOOT! I'm glad to see some new faces this time around. I'm afraid Groove will not attend this time and he will be missed ;) . Other than that, I will see you Saturday morning in Augusta! Nerf on.

- Eye protection is mandatory for everyone under 18. We are not accountable if you sustain injury due to not wearing eye protection. There were some hi-power guns in play for summer SENO, and this time around, a good majority of the Augusta nerfers will be fielding BBBBs.
- Singled titans are banned. Period. Other than that, guns will be judged on a case-by-case basis, so bring a backup weapon just in case. Airguns will be heavily regulated.
- Dangerous guns will be banned on the spot. So put that howitzer away...
- Homemades will be allowed (SNAPbows, +bows, etc.), unless they violate the rule above.
- Loaner guns will be available for guests.
- We will probably chip in to buy pizza if some of us want to, so bring some money.
- Public facilities (water fountains, restrooms, etc.) may or may not be available, depending on if the Garrett Gym is open on that day, which I doubt. So make sure you're okay with that.
- Park in the parking lot right next to the playground, that is where our staging area is.
- The fields in the pics will have a little more cover. There will be cardboard emplacements to add more cover.

Posted Image
This is the overview picture of the playground. You can see the gym in the background to the top left. The gym marks the north boundary. We'll use that area if we need to.

Posted Image
Sorry for the blurry pic. You can see the "trench" dividing the playground in the middle. The other trench is in the treeline in the top right of the picture. This trench marks the east boundary of the playing field.

Posted Image
This is the courtyard between the two wings. It's perfect for small, close-range battles.

Posted Image
Here is the front of the school. The left edge of this yard is the west boundary of the field. Besides the few large trees to the right, there is very little cover.

You can get directions from GoogleMaps, MapQuest, etc. They also have an overhead view of the playing field. If you have any problems getting directions or any other concerns, feel free to PM me.

*NOTE* SENO has been granted safe zone status for the Greenbriar war. We will play as planned.

#180192 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 28 September 2008 - 04:00 PM in Nerf Wars

Updated the attendance list.

@konoha: bring as many as you think you need bring MORE than you think you need haha. I'd say a good 100-150 should cover you for the entire day. I usually never fire more then 10-15 a round (aim, don't spray and pray) but we'll do dart sweeps between rounds. As to weaponary, a BBB is a very good general purpose gun. I'd say bring it, you'll be okay against the BBBBs, depending on your style of play. We'll have some decent loaners just in case you don't want to use that. Make sure you have a reliable sidearm, I can't stress how many times my NF saved me during summer SENO. Oh, and you probably won't need to cool the darts, it'll be pretty cool around Thanksgiving anyways. Hope to see you at SENO!

@SirTofu: holy cow I forgot you were a GA person, I added you to the maybe list, hope you can make it.

#180291 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 28 September 2008 - 07:58 PM in Nerf Wars

The night before, I put my darts in the fridge of the hotel room I was in, however that was in the middle of summer. There was one dart that was in the sun all day that swelled to the diameter of my thumb. (Anyone else remember that?)

A side of nerf

I remember that, that was hilarious. GA heat is a beast haha. November should prove to be a bit friendlier towards us nerfers.

#182386 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 08 October 2008 - 11:56 AM in Nerf Wars

On topic: since it looks like the group is going to be fairly small, I'd like to try a round of viral deathmatch, as discussed in the recent "nonstandard game types" thread. Do you guys think that would be possible? ~Rork

Oh yeah, I saw that. I guess we could try it, depending on how many show up for the war. I know we're gonna try CS's Highlander CTF this time.

Alright, I might as well put up a list of the rounds we may play. So here we go:
Possible SENO Rounds
-Standard Deathmatch (FFA)
-Viral Deathmatch
-Team Deathmatch
-Highlander CTF
-VIP Escort

Any other suggestions will be considered, so if you have any good ideas, please tell.

#182260 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 07 October 2008 - 07:44 PM in Nerf Wars

Is Sf Gabe? If so I know the guy he knows...

Yup, SF is Gabe.

#184074 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 16 October 2008 - 07:40 AM in Nerf Wars

Alright man, guess it'll have to be next time.

@Erin (in the following post): done, hope you can make it!

#184611 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 20 October 2008 - 11:54 AM in Nerf Wars

I know that my modded watergun can go through at least two layers of cardboard. ;)

I'm sure most hi-powers can take cardboard easily. So our converts, the ZaxBlast, other armor-piercers will have no problem dealing with cardboard. It's just there to add another degree of strategy because most guns will not penetrate heavy cardboard.

I think we may set up several mini-hardpoints in addition to fortifying the red-white. One or two out front in that field and another few in the back on the soccer field. Last SENO had a little too much open space for my taste.

#184708 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 20 October 2008 - 09:32 PM in Nerf Wars

Just to clarify things, when I said mini-hardpoints, I meant a panel or two of cardboard, not a full-blown cardboard fort haha. I completely agree with Zax on noob camping.

#183546 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 13 October 2008 - 07:46 PM in Nerf Wars

The cardboard thing is kinda lame don't you think? It encourages camping which doesn't make for fun rounds.

Just my two cents...


No, I didn't mean full-fledge bunkers. Just a few panels to add a little more strategy because as of right now, that field is wide-open and encourages distant standoffs.

#183634 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 14 October 2008 - 12:04 PM in Nerf Wars

Poor squirrel...

Haha, I see what you mean Zaxbys, about the fortifications. Well, I guess we won't completely fortify the red-white-blue, just a panel here and there to give at least some form of protection. I cannot count the number of times I've been hit by a shot through the bars. And besides, the BBBB's and converted guns can penetrate most cardboard anyways ;) .

#182755 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 09 October 2008 - 09:12 PM in Nerf Wars

Already inquired about it and it is a negative... the SENO will not be a safe zone therefore we will just have to watch out but personally I am not worried about a few noobs coming to my turf... I say let them come I will simply show them what real Nerf is all about.

Ok, just letting the LoS SENO players know, we will come to the aid of our fellow Greenbriar brethren at SENO (Zaxbys and his group) in the event that they come under attack. They made time to play SENO with us, so we will return the favor through protection.

It probably wouldn't be smart to stage an ambush in the middle of a regional war anyways haha.

#183350 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 12 October 2008 - 07:21 PM in Nerf Wars

Nevermind what I posted before, Zaxbys got the okay for safezone -------v

We will play without interuption.

#183488 Fall Seno

Posted by Shadowblade on 13 October 2008 - 04:01 PM in Nerf Wars

Who would have shot at us? Organized sporting event? Safezone? Do you guys have like gang turf or something? :P
-A side of nerf

:blink: No, one high school here is doing some assassin war, you know, camp each other's houses and ambush people. The whole city is game, with the exception of private property, work, church, school, etc.

EDIT: First post updated. Oh, and this time around, the playing field will be slightly modified. The red-white-blue structure will be fortified with cardboard, prevent anyone from shooting through the bars (unless you have a high power). Bunkers might be placed on the soccer field so we don't have a wide open space with no cover.

#145734 Recon Rifle

Posted by Shadowblade on 18 March 2008 - 09:21 PM in Modifications

That looks kinda like the HK G3 battle rifle...pretty sweet.

Oops, sorry about that P.C.III

#222529 South East Tune-up War

Posted by Shadowblade on 08 April 2009 - 09:39 PM in Nerf Wars

If it rains?

I'll play in the rain.
Will you?

It'll be like the Effeminate rainstorm at the end of Summer SENO '08. Groove, Zax, MysterE, and I still have a gunslinger round to finish...

Man, I've never seen so much pre-war spam in my life...*sniff* I'm so proud of yall! :) Nerf on.

#219544 South East Tune-up War

Posted by Shadowblade on 23 March 2009 - 09:25 PM in Nerf Wars

Haha, I love how my stefan count/spam caught on in this thread as well. Lazy southerners for the win!

Good luck with the war! I hope to better see some of yall at Summer SENO (and SOFA for that matter)!