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There have been 354 items by Duke Wintermaul (Search limited from 22-January 97)

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#331754 An Updated Proton?

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 10 July 2013 - 05:20 PM in General Nerf

It's officially a repaint.

Looks spiffy tho.

#332804 zombiestrike

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 08 August 2013 - 09:50 PM in General Nerf

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Or, next time we can just use Google okay?

#340029 New Blasters

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 04 July 2014 - 08:16 PM in General Nerf

If you're going to be 'that guy' and start this thread up, at the least give us the links.


"Attacknid".Hasbro scrapped the original name when they bought the rights, they're 'Combat Creatures'.

#346070 Stryfe help.

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 09 April 2015 - 01:01 PM in Modifications

1. DO NOT PAINT THE INSIDE. If you absolutely must use a light layer of black vinyl dye.
2. I've had bad results with any dye other than black, your proposed white vinyl dye 'basecoat' is laughable. If you need a white surface prime the blaster with black vinyl dye then use a dollar rattle can of white.
3. If all your internals are removed you'll be just fine dipping it in water, the water will have no effect on the terminal tabs left inside the blaster. Just make sure it's all dry before you solder.

I've done more Stryfe's than I can count, you'll be fine if you follow my above suggestions.

#336027 Barricade Ext-battery mod

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 24 December 2013 - 02:37 PM in Modifications

I think that barricade is rocking man.

OK that is my first mod write up what did ya think?

It wasn't really a write up. Next time, just slap your pictures here and we'll see it.

#338028 War of Roses II (OH)

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 04 April 2014 - 12:15 AM in Nerf Wars

Assuming metal free substitutes will be okay in the dartsmithing genre? Specifically Snicker darts.

Put me as a maybe, we'll see how my course work is that week.

If I do show, I'll bring a core so we can do some DTC.

#342596 supermaxx 5000

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 28 October 2014 - 11:21 PM in General Nerf

Does nobody use the 'Sold' and 'Completed' tags when looking on eBay? It's by far the best method to gauge the current prices of anything really.



Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 30 January 2014 - 03:05 PM in General Nerf

I'm always up for some Ohio action.

#342302 Tactical vest

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 07 October 2014 - 07:21 PM in Off Topic

The rig I ran for a few years. Fits 18rd strait clips.

#331766 Can I use this?

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 10 July 2013 - 09:32 PM in Modifications

Like Mully said, no petro and silicone based. should be good.

It looks pretty fluid, so the % silicone must be low. I use white lithium for internals, as it's much more liquid than the 90% silicone grease i use for plungertube seals.

#336469 Columbus Indiana

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 13 January 2014 - 07:35 AM in Nerf Wars

Mid-west war, Wooo!

Iron out those details, and I'll most likely be there.

#330722 Pyragon arm problem

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 10 June 2013 - 11:58 AM in General Nerf

Ahem. If the arm is broken, I'd first attempt to diagnose what caused it to break. These things aren't supposed to do that, unless you re-clocked it, or say, removed that funny rubber bumper thing.

He might have installed the rubber bumper upsidedown. Since it's wedged shaped, the 'top' , longer, portion of the wedge should make contact with the arm first. If it's upsidedown, there is much less of a cushion upon firing the blaster.

#336143 Any nerfers in or around Cleveland OH?

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 29 December 2013 - 02:40 PM in General Nerf

I'm based in Dayton, but spend most of my time up at Toledo for school.

You can look in the members tab and sort via location to find anybody actually in Cleveland.

#340115 Bowling Green War (OH) #4

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 06 July 2014 - 10:37 PM in Nerf Wars


BGUndead is hosting a HvZ tourney Aug. 15th.

#340491 Bowling Green War (OH) #4

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 17 July 2014 - 07:49 PM in Nerf Wars

I need to hear rolecall on this war, I might be canceling it. My woman wants help moving into her Apartment on the 16th, it's either war with you guys and sleep on the couch or cancel the war and make her happy.

Will still be attending the BGUndead event on the 15th.

#356669 What type of cpvc fits mega darts.

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 07 November 2016 - 08:23 AM in Darts and Barrels



http://nerfhaven.com...l=+mega +barrel

#342102 RM2 Battery Question

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 21 September 2014 - 02:25 PM in Modifications

Just get some standard 1.5v AA sized rechargeable batteries, no need for a fancy battery pack.

RM2 Motors are actually only rated for 3volts, I'm of the opinion that stock batteries are the way to go.

I've done extensive chronograph testing on RM2 motors, running them on the normal AA cells they outperform a stock Stryfe by 40feetpersecond.

Running them on standard AA cells is actually overvolting the motors, in my experiences trying to run them on anything more will quickly burn the tightly wound brushes.

#339685 Bowling Green War (OH) #3

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 21 June 2014 - 06:34 PM in Nerf Wars

Did Anyone show up? Sorry I missed this, I worked third shift last night and tonight. Could have gone on a 60hr bender, but the drive home might have killed me.

Friday, Aug 15th BGSU is hosting an invitational. Host BGWOH#4 on the 16th and I'm there.

#331918 Sonic Bazooka Issues

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 14 July 2013 - 04:50 PM in Modifications

So, here is my air tank.
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It seems perfectly normal, have an internal shot.
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And this is my extended pump.
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Some 1/2 thinwall pvc over the stock pump.

My plugged opvr and unplugged air holes.
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At first i thought i had plugged these with the pvc, so i drilled some holes to allow air inlet.
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I now believe it is an internal issue with the tank. The pump will force itself up, and thus the pumped air is still in the pump. That means there is an issue with the tank's sealant system with the pump.

I'm boned.

#331917 Sonic Bazooka Issues

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 14 July 2013 - 03:56 PM in Modifications

My Sonic Bazooka doesn't want to hold pressure.

On the back stroke of every pump the tank releases all its pressure. I can pump once, and hold to pump firmly into the tank, and the tank will hold and fire this pressure. Once i move the pump backward, too pump it again, all the pressure is released. I can feel a puff of air from the front end of the tank.

I can see absolutely nothing wrong with the tank, and thus have included no pictures. If you think it will help, i'll upload a video showcasing the issue.

If anyone knows why the tank will not accept the pressure from the pump, please let me know.

The pump has been extended, but this in no way altered the plunger's head. The pump has also received a dribble of silicon grease.

#336172 PTC Fuses on Blade 180 motors

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 30 December 2013 - 06:18 PM in Modifications

Since nobodies answered you yet, I leave mine on. I have found no hindrance associated with them on the bakers dozen of blasters Ive swapped.

Your power supply should in no way trip them, these were made to fly. And so our darts shall fly.

#346173 Help!!

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 14 April 2015 - 08:02 PM in Modifications

Looks like the rear lock in the Rampage boltsled. It's only friction fitted in,easy to fall out.

I end up removing all three locks and fixing the catch bar in place, so you don't really need it.

#358466 Kinda weird questions about nerf mods.

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 08 March 2017 - 07:50 PM in Modifications

A slip of rubber band and a *slighly* smaller sized screw driver should work.

If they're too far gone for this simple trick to work you'll need to drill them out.

If you drill them out slowly you shouldnt damage any of the other parts.

Push comes to shove Stampedes are $10 tops, cheaper if you can find one at a thrift store.

#359826 Modded barricade vs modded stockade differences

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 11 May 2017 - 03:33 AM in Modifications

The Stockade doesn't use 130 motors, so fitting aftermarket ones in is a little trickier.

The Stockade also has a higher crush cage, as it was designed to use Elite darts not Whistler ones.

#359725 xd better than elite?

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 07 May 2017 - 08:00 AM in General Nerf

The XD line is a sham, a marketing scheme to get people to buy two of the same blaster because it's a different color.

Most are the same, some are worse.

The Retaliator lost about 20feetpersecond with the XD sham.

If you have a choice, get the Blue Retailator


#359282 Maximum Voltage for an MTB Rhino Motor

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 17 April 2017 - 01:29 PM in Modifications


#340832 Rampage trouble.

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 31 July 2014 - 12:29 AM in Modifications

It sounds exactly like a boltsled lock problem, but you say you cut what tooth off the breech? If it's what I'm thinking then it should not interferer with the boldsled. Unless it's a botched job.

Any internal pictures?

Also, there's a small tooth lock in the back of the plunger-carrier that is only secured via shell friction and is often lost by new modders.

#346554 Price of a Reactor?

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 04 May 2015 - 07:20 PM in General Nerf

99ยข at every thrift store in America.

$5 if you're trying to make a profit.

If you ever have a question on blaster value again just go to eBay and use their advanced search setting to browse sold listings, let you know what people are willing to pay.

#335630 supermaxx 1000

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 25 November 2013 - 07:58 PM in General Nerf

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What what. 2 condition issues, first is that the auto rotate does not work. From what i've read about this blaster, that is a very common problem. 2nd, the orange rings on the front that connect the two shell halves have been removed, i opened this blaster to try and fix the auto rotate; there is a small bit of plastic that has broken off/gotten lost and i never got around to fabricating a replacement.

Other than that, this blaster pumps up just fine; no air leaks, and fires wunderbar.

The shell is in pretty good condition, especially for a 19/20 yearold plastic toy.

#337940 Columbus Wars?

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 31 March 2014 - 09:53 PM in Nerf Wars

Plan? No. Attend, Yes.

#343828 Interest in a SouthEast Ohio war?

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 02 January 2015 - 03:14 PM in Nerf Wars

If you don't want to go to the weekly wars in Cincinnati you could check these guys out.

#358531 What are some good off-brand vortex rounds?

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 12 March 2017 - 07:13 PM in Darts and Barrels


#330522 War Footage from Australia?

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 03 June 2013 - 01:44 PM in Site Feedback

I would put it in Off Topic. This seems the best place for it.
Even if, by definition, off topic is for anything unrelated to wargames.

My second option is the wars thread. Because, you know, its from a war.

#329862 EAT Winners!

Posted by Duke Wintermaul on 15 May 2013 - 03:38 PM in General Nerf

Congratulations to our two winners!

In first place is Asamere, with his lovely poem recanting absolutely nothing! He is receiving an Elite Alpha Trooper, completely free!

And bringing up the rear is Guitarzan, for his mention of Warcraft Three! However, he goofed and called Wintermaul a tower defense. Thus, he pays shipping.

Both items are being shipped tomorrow morning 9am! I apologize to anyone who did not submit an entry due to the mods closing the forum. I was 'suggested' to redo the giveaway with stricter parameters, but i think you guys did just fine!