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#222264 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 07 April 2009 - 07:28 PM in Nerf Wars


Who wants melee weapons? (IE combat knives, tonfas, bayonets, etc. This means no swords or hammers. Only exceptionis a gravity hammer, because that would own.)

I often find myself running out of ammo at wars. So, I made a duck tape Ka-Bar. Since then, I've been winning all of my friends' wars. What do you guys think?

Personally, I think it seems kind of pointless for anything war-related, save just messing around in-between rounds or something. Melee weapons really don't have much useful application in outdoor and/or large-scale wars. On the other hand, that one dude's PASG bayonet in the Massacre 3 videos was pretty beastly.

#224221 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 17 April 2009 - 09:22 PM in Nerf Wars

Update: It's beginning to look like only me and Francesca(who's validating) will be coming. I overestimated a bit on both people who wanted to come, as well as people who could come.

#233777 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 01 June 2009 - 02:12 PM in Nerf Wars

How many darts should Francesca and I bring? For a fairly large-ish war like this, I was thinking around 300 per person. And is there any limit to how many one may bring?

#216614 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 06 March 2009 - 10:46 AM in Nerf Wars


If the burn ban ends, I may bring smoke bombs for bombs in the bomb variant. That was a lot of bombs for one post...

And a lot of b's, too.
Smoke bombs sound a little dangerous, but... I like it. At least, I like the concept. I'm not exactly sure how this Bomb round would be played. I can imagine it with an electronic "bomb" (read: Cosmic Catch ball?), but a smoke bomb seems hard to keep track of.

#214649 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 24 February 2009 - 12:26 PM in Nerf Wars

By the way, I am coming. The only people who aren't coming for sure is my Nerf group, IBNA-U713. If they ended up being able to come also, it'd be me + 3 or 4.

#210458 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 08 February 2009 - 01:45 PM in Nerf Wars

If this works out, I may end up bringing several friends. No way to be sure though.
But I agree, we really need to figure out a location.
Also, why aren't any other Texas Nerfers posting in this thread? Where's TriggerHappyAzn, P.C. III, Uncle Hammer, sub280, parentshatenerf, and all those other guys? We need people to attend this.

#211176 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 10 February 2009 - 05:40 PM in Nerf Wars

I really think you should ban singled Titans. Those things are just scary, and I would NEVER want to be shot with one, even from 30 feet. Stefans are fine. They are more or less safe, assuming you don't get shot in the eye. Singled Titans are safe only from 70+ feet. And even then, it's pushing it.
Regarding the no all-black guns thing, my sidearm is a black and silver NF, but it's trigger is orange. If necessary I could flag it with colored paper or E-tape, would that be fine?

#212100 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 13 February 2009 - 09:50 PM in Nerf Wars

Should be able to come. I'm working it out, as I said, but I might be bringing a few members of my clan too.

#234968 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 08 June 2009 - 12:05 PM in Nerf Wars

Maybe you mean something like the game of Execution in G.O.W. 2, wing'd man? That plays out where each team has a leader, and everybody else are guards. If the leader of one team is killed, the other team loses, and vice-versa. Perhaps we could adapt that to where each team has only one "assassin" at a time and only that assassin can kill the enemy leader. And then if the assassin dies on one team, they have to choose one of the guards to become the new assassin.

... Or something like that. :unsure:

#235333 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 09 June 2009 - 09:54 PM in Nerf Wars

Also, are we going to have a pistol round? If so, will all types be allowed, or only springers?

#245919 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 06 August 2009 - 11:28 PM in Nerf Wars

Awesome war, you guys. Really really fun, and great to connect all the faces to the usernames.

- The war being remarkably well planned out. You did a great job, SchizoMC, and it was the first ever Texas nerf war, too.
- Getting a Scorpion Bow from Darkside--- dizzy was right, it's NOTHING like a BBB.
- Meeting some really cool people.
- Schizo rickrolling us.
- Talking about various Nerfhaven-related topics with said people.
- Awesomesauce location, except for the ungodly heat.
- Sweet pistol rounds, probably the most fun I've ever played.
- Schizo's stock Titan. 'Nuff said.
- Not getting horribly sunburned.
- Seeing those cool NF holsters made out of poly folders in use.
- Getting some pretty sweet footage with my mom's HD camera. (But none of the pistol rounds!)
- Darkside being awesome and letting me use some e-tape to fix my K9 when the hot glue melted off from the heat.
- Seeing everyone else's guns.
- Me shooting at Wing'd Man with my K9, said K9 jamming, him cocking and aiming his Daedalus(which is beast by the way, mad props) at me, him pulling the trigger, me being terrified(it was my last life), and the dart being a dud and fluttering out of the barrel like a butterfly. :)
- Having way more darts then I would have ever needed. I still have like 70 in my pocket as I'm typing this.
- Selling a few guns.
- And more to come soon.
- The heat! My face got redder than a beet in the hot Texas sun...
- We just kind of screwed around in the staging area for like an hour in between rounds.
- Getting shot in the thigh point-blank by Darkside with his 2K, and getting this huge nasty bruise from it.
- My K9 jamming a lot, and not shooting as far as I had hoped.
- Me sucking in the Team Deathmatch round.
- Getting blisters and having to walk barefoot the rest of the day... on the hot pavement...
- Me dropping my NF like a thousand times during the Team Deathmatch round. I really need to make a holster.
- The CTF round, but that was largely our fault. Our flag was way too hard to find, I admit, and it turned into a bunch of boring standoffs/rushes. However, there was like NO shade and NO cover on our side, so it wasn't really balanced.

#246074 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 08 August 2009 - 02:05 AM in Nerf Wars

Posted Image
One big happy family... sort of. Get your armpit out of my face!

Wow, my smile looks really retarded in that picture... Also, I just noticed the random PistolSplat sitting in the corner of that photo.
I'll try to get my photos up tomorrow or so, but I'm not really sure how to upload from my mom's camera, so it could be a good while longer.

EDIT: Schizo, I'm pretty sure those goggles are mine, since I think we're missing a pair. PM me.

#247070 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 14 August 2009 - 08:48 PM in Nerf Wars

Alright, so I only have a very limited amount of pics right now, but by tonight or tomorrow, quite a few more should be uploaded.

Posted Image
Walking to battle.
Posted Image
Smile still looks stupid, even in our photos... dangit... Other guy from The Colony (in the pink shirt) striking an awesome pose with the DT3 set.
Posted Image
Awesome ammo holder, made out of random barrel stubs glued to a Crossfire shield, that one of the guys from The Colony, TX had. Proved to be extremely effective.
Posted Image
Jack on his cell phone, holding a Hyperfire, looking a bit concerned. Calling in reinforcements, perhaps?

#245755 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 06 August 2009 - 08:00 AM in Nerf Wars

This is the outcome of a huge amount of work-hours spent between me, Francesca and Jack.
Posted Image

#245635 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 05 August 2009 - 05:04 PM in Nerf Wars

God! Jack, Francesca and I only have like 300 darts to split among each other for the war as of now. Darkside, do you have any medium wall PETG to sell? I need to rebarrel my 3K, and I can't exactly order some from OMC the night before the war....
Schizo, no problem. I only have one flag, so it'd be more suited for Bomb rounds.

#242802 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 19 July 2009 - 09:19 PM in Nerf Wars

Ok, Francesca, me, and Jackal/Jack are all going to be coming, and I think I speak for all three of us when I say I am incredibly pumped and cannot wait till this this thing to goes down.
And 3 weeks? Beast. I think I just had a minor anxiety attack about darts though... 3 weeks and 400 to go.

EDIT: Also, usually singled BBBB's are allowed, so long as they aren't plugged... right?

#245013 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 01 August 2009 - 02:41 PM in Nerf Wars

So, the way things are looking, I may have to drop out of my own war. This doesn't mean the show won't go on. Far from it. I leave my trust in Salmon and Sputnik. If I can't make it - and I'll post the day before confirming - I want you two to take over.
Finally, I've decided on times for the event. DAFT '09 will start at 1 PM on Thursday. It will go on until 5 or 6. This decision was made due to temperature concerns.

I hate to say it, but frankly, I'm not sure if we are up to that. I mean, me and my friends are pretty young, and it seems like lot to ask to suddenly volunteer us up to the stage. We'll do what we can, but... no promises. Hopefully, everybody will just be able to get together and have a war, even if there isn't really a designated host.
On a different topic, is anybody bringing anything to trade? I may be able to bring a few things, a Titan, a Maverick, a screwed up Xbow shell, and others.

EDIT: @SchizoMC: You should at least show up, even if you don't have much. Ask someone to loan you a gun or something. And you could just pick up the darts you see on the field, if nothing else, and use them.

EDIT2: The official list of stuff I may be able to bring:
- Seriously messed up Xbow shell and plunger rod, crap PJ, cut up, "the works", no screws
- Most of a +bow, missing plunger+plunger tube assembly
- N-Strike Magstrike
- Longshot shell, missing most screws
- Hornet shell, "Hornette" style, no screws
- A few Longshot clips
- Handle-less red DTG, no ARs, other mods
- AT2K pump
- Most of a red BBB, would be in pieces if I even brought it
Stuff I'm looking for:
- Big Salvo(!!!!!!11)
- AT2Ks
- Expand-A-Blast
- SMDTGs, both spring and air
- Original (black and yellow) 4B
- Lightnin' Blitz(!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!1!!!eleven!!!!)
- Old-style SM1500, other Supermaxx guns

#245441 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 04 August 2009 - 12:41 PM in Nerf Wars

I could bring along a Nerf Stormfire "Flag" for the bomb rounds, or the CTF rounds for that matter.

#210007 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 06 February 2009 - 10:18 PM in Nerf Wars

Sorry just joking around. The school looks good, lot of cover.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but darkside, you have to learn. 'Round here, that kinda thing ain't gonna fly. I suggest you don't do it again.

@SkitzoMC: He only has 5 posts. It was a mistake, yes, and a pretty big one at that, but he doesn't deserve to be banned for it.

#209748 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 05 February 2009 - 06:12 PM in Nerf Wars

Ok, this looks good. I'm not completely sure, since I can't really get a sense of proportion, but it looks pretty big for a nerf war with what, 10 people? It looks like a cool location nonetheless.

I'll ask it again: Is this going to be the Season of Foam war, or is the SOF-T5 holding that independently in Dallas?

Also, would you guys allow a pump-plugged RSCB clipped BBBB with a ton of dead space?

#208796 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 01 February 2009 - 10:08 PM in Nerf Wars

PLEASE get this war to work. A war in Texas would finally get some attention to this state for nerfing, especially if it's in the Season of Foam travel list. If it's all figured out, I'll go. As for organizing a place, the only place I can think of is somewhere in Austin, where the Maker's Fair is, but I doubt using the place is free, as it is HUGE. It'd be perfect though because it has one huge indoor building, and tons of outdoor space. I'll try researching some more places.

It'd be preferred if it were in DFW. Austin's kinda 6-8 hours away, and all... ;) Thanks, anyway.

PM me, though, with the details, and I'll put it (And any others you come up with) into consideration.

Yeah, but it'd be super convenient for me! :ph34r:

Just kidding.
But seriously, Austin has some pretty awesome venues. Nerfing in Zilker Park would be truly Effeminate.
But it's your war. I could come either way, most likely.

#197832 Modifying A Longshot?

Posted by Salmon on 21 December 2008 - 07:22 PM in Modifications

Thanks a bunch TatumBull. I now have a fully working petg'ed LS with the stock breach. I'll post pics in a sec.
EDIT: Pics are here

*big pics with descriptions of said pics*

Few things I'm going to answer here. The 1/2" petg was bought at petland. It has e-tape over it to create a better seal with the 9/16. Yes I cut off the stock breach head because it was unnecessary and got in the way of the 9/16.

I'm PETGing my LS like that, but instead of just sticking a stub of smaller PETG/brass/copper in the breech, I've cut the most of the breech off as one would do with an Angel breech. I think this should work out but I just want to make sure, so does anyone know of any reason it wouldn't work?

#208894 Daft 09

Posted by Salmon on 02 February 2009 - 12:30 PM in Nerf Wars

I know that this is just barely even planning stage, but the Season of Foam thread lists this war as August 6th. I'm kind of confused there. Is that the final, decided-on date (assuming we want this war in the documentary) or is the SOF-T 5 holding a war here on that date?

Anyway, I looked on Google StreetView and I found one or two parks, namely Fair Park and Old City Park in Dallas. Fair Park looked okay if we really wanted an outside war, and Old City Park looked kind of fancy for a nerf war... It looks like an indoor war might be our best bet. But finding a suitable location might be even harder than finding a good outdoor one. I'm not sure about Arlington though. Maybe I'm missing something.

EDIT: Here in Arlington doesnt look too bad.

#173759 The Official Snapbow Writeup

Posted by Salmon on 30 August 2008 - 06:24 PM in Homemades

Nice job, is accuracy good? Also, as far as ranges, you said somewhere between a +bow and a Crossbow; would that mean around 115' or so?

#152995 Why Did You Choose Your Username?

Posted by Salmon on 24 April 2008 - 08:58 PM in Off Topic

Well, Salmon has been my nickname since, like, 3rd Grade. So was Silver Dragon, but I think this name is waaaaaaaaay cooler. :blink:

#162082 Primary Guns

Posted by Salmon on 09 July 2008 - 02:35 PM in General Nerf

My Mark III X-bow named Fibonacci Jekkyl & Hyde The Conqueror Worm(it's a Poe thing) that gets about 70 feet 130 feet 110 feet flat. As a sidearm I either use a blue Hornet, my brassed Splitfire, or my PPK'd, brassed nf which I have named "SPARtAN"(Salmon's Pistol Allows for Rockin' Austin-based Nerfing)

#166764 New Nerfer Database

Posted by Salmon on 06 August 2008 - 09:45 AM in General Nerf

I don't know much about coding or anything, so I may be wrong, but couldn't you just put everybody in the database by going to thier profiles and copy-pasting the URL in? It would be easier to just have them do it themselves, but maybe if people refused to sign up you could do that. But I see a problem in it, that if someone could do something like that, and you didn't want to be signed up for whatever reason, you couldn't be completely secure.

#140098 What Was Your First Nerf Gun?

Posted by Salmon on 13 February 2008 - 10:44 PM in General Nerf

Well, I'm really new to nerf, since I practically didn't even know what it was, but...hmm... I think my sister might have gotten me that gun thats green and has a pump, as in the one Groove integrated into his beloved Xbow, or something once for my birthday.

#166467 New Nerfer Database

Posted by Salmon on 04 August 2008 - 12:05 PM in General Nerf

I'm added. While not quite as "flashy" as Frappr, it's still much more organized. I like it a lot.

#166777 New Nerfer Database

Posted by Salmon on 06 August 2008 - 11:11 AM in General Nerf

Ok, sorry, I thought this was the finished version. Nevermind.

#208039 Season Of Foam Trip Map

Posted by Salmon on 30 January 2009 - 10:17 PM in Nerf Wars

Sweet god thank you Falcon. Finally, FINALLY a Nerf War in Texas. I really hope I can come.

#156768 Favorite Video Game Weapon

Posted by Salmon on 23 May 2008 - 09:22 PM in Off Topic

The Impact Hammer or Shock Rifle from UT3. Blowing people into smithereens with a jackhammer-on-steroids is just plain entertaining. The Shock Rifle reminds me of a Xbow for its amazing power and awesome looks.

#183938 L+l

Posted by Salmon on 15 October 2008 - 04:35 PM in Homemades

Wowzers. Put that thing in a "smoked" plastic framo like on the PlusBow rev 2, and it'll probably be just about the best homemade sidearm I've ever seen

#139151 Arr!

Posted by Salmon on 07 February 2008 - 04:16 PM in Homemades

You can't make an automatic Nerf gun that operates on a single breech that would fire any faster than a semi-automatic without it mangling the darts.

Yeah... I tried. Except mine was a springer.

#253239 Nerf In Popular Culture

Posted by Salmon on 11 October 2009 - 10:09 AM in General Nerf

On TNT I saw an ad for a new show, "Men of a Certain Age", and this one guy's son is walking around the house in a Hulk costume(?) with a Titan.

#205910 What Guns Do You Use?

Posted by Salmon on 24 January 2009 - 11:06 AM in General Nerf

Indoors/CQB, Brassed AT3K and maybe Tsunami-SG7 BBBB.

Outdoors, my super-effective NF and... nothing as of now. I had a PETG longshot, but that failed because of issues with the copper part of the breech, I'm making a Doomsayer but I really screwed up the rotating mech and I need to buy a new one, and on my SuperMAXX 500 "rifle", PETG proved to be too tight a fit for airguns with Best Materials foam. I need to get some more 9/16 brass for that one. I'm also looking in to buying a BBB, since I've heard they're good and they now come in hot-looking red and black, but to me, it seems like reloading might get slightly tedious. I'm slightly amused by the fact I have a collection of at least 20 guns and not a single one of them works for me as an outdoor primary.

#176059 Ecno - October 11 - Coplay, Pennsylvania

Posted by Salmon on 08 September 2008 - 09:25 PM in Nerf Wars

Put me down as a big maybe. My dad goes up to Virginia alot this fall for work, and if he checks his schedule and he does have to go up around this time, I could possibly go. Again, its at least a five-hour drive there from Virginia, and I have no idea how we would get our guns and darts up there(mail?), so it's an extremely low chance, but it is at least possible.

Well, if you're driving why whouldn't you just take your guns with you in your car?

No, we fly to VA then it'd be a 5 hour drive to ECNO.

#187691 Favorite Rock/metal/alternative Song

Posted by Salmon on 05 November 2008 - 06:54 PM in Off Topic

Almost any Panic at the Disco, particularly from "Welcome to the Sound of PRETTY. ODD." On an entirely different note(pun not intended), I like Arch Enemy pretty well. The Last Enemy and Rise of the Tyrants by Arch Enemy... amazing.

#176185 Ecno - October 11 - Coplay, Pennsylvania

Posted by Salmon on 09 September 2008 - 05:22 PM in Nerf Wars

Yeah, turns out my dad actually doesn't have ANY trips to Virginia in October, so it looks like I'm not gonna be able to come. Sorry. I really want to go to one of these fall/winter East Coast wars, and since my dad goes up often it'd be so easy if it worked out, but it hasn't so far. But maybe next year...

#176014 Ecno - October 11 - Coplay, Pennsylvania

Posted by Salmon on 08 September 2008 - 07:34 PM in Nerf Wars

Put me down as a big maybe. My dad goes up to Virginia alot this fall for work, and if he checks his schedule and he does have to go up around this time, I could possibly go. Again, its at least a five-hour drive there from Virginia, and I have no idea how we would get our guns and darts up there(mail?), so it's an extremely low chance, but it is at least possible.