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#52689 Blowguns

Posted by MattPaintballer on 17 April 2005 - 02:47 PM in Homemades

Wow! Nice blowgun! It looks just like my friend's blowgun, but this one is for Nerf.

A while ago, Duce posted a picture of some of his stuff, along with one of those stick horse things. I responded saying he should turn the horse thing into a blowgun. Here is the thread on NHQ.

#54803 Blowguns

Posted by MattPaintballer on 13 May 2005 - 04:13 PM in Homemades

siler, do you use micros or megas? Stock darts or Stefans? And what size PVC did you use?

#55997 Brass Eagle Blade02 Mod

Posted by MattPaintballer on 29 May 2005 - 10:47 PM in Modifications


Dude, that's costly. It's usually $30 for the gun, 10 cents for a Stefan, and ~20 cents for one shot out of the little cartridge. That's ~30 cents for every shot, though Stefans are reusable. Still, ~20 cents a shot WILL add up quickly if you consider how good the RoF of this thing is.

It's still cool though. Way cool. I think it's good that you added air restriction. What ranges are you getting? I would restrict it to about 50' flat because of it's insane RoF for a single-shot gun and it's mad accuracy.

#55068 Caff - California Foam Fest

Posted by MattPaintballer on 17 May 2005 - 09:36 AM in Nerf Wars

And if ANYBODY brings flour bombs or anything gay like that...

Just because you said that, I am going to ride my bicycle down there with a backpack full of flour bombs, just for you. :P I wish I could come.

#56041 Caff - California Foam Fest

Posted by MattPaintballer on 30 May 2005 - 01:55 PM in Nerf Wars

When I went into TRU today for the first time in months, and saw that they have re-released the SM 3K's in double packs, I just about fainted. SM3K 4-EVER B10TCH!!

Those are Airtech 3000's, buddy.

Close enough though B)

#47446 Ch-ch-ch-changes Redux

Posted by MattPaintballer on 17 February 2005 - 09:24 PM in News

WarCraft 3 Campaigns has a Karma system kind of like that, but it's slightly different. This is how it works:


Regular Users:
You get 5 points per day, and each Karma you give uses 1 of your points, and each counts for 1 point of positive/negative on the inflicted user. If you get X amount of positive Karma, you get an increased amount of points per day. If you get Y amount of positive Karma, your Karma points count for 2 points of positive/negative on the inflicted user. In this case, X is less than Y.

You get like 15 points per day, and each Karma you give uses 1 of your points, and counts for 3 points of positive/negative on the inflicted user.

You get unlimited points per day. Each counts for 5 positive/negative on the inflicted user.


Regular Users:
If you have less than 10 positive Karma, you cannot give Karma points to other users.


Administrator has complete power over Karma. He can set people's Karma to different levels, and he can disable specific people from using and receiving Karma.

There's probably other stuff I forgot.

#45070 Check This Out.

Posted by MattPaintballer on 29 December 2004 - 02:25 PM in General Nerf

The Maverick is out, too.

#43857 Christmas Day Poll

Posted by MattPaintballer on 12 December 2004 - 12:19 PM in Off Topic

Well, technically I will be skiing on Christmas Eve and coming home early Christmas Day, but its so early that I put with family because either way, I'm with the family, and we'll be around the tree about 7 hours after we get home.

And btw Ompa, iRivers are not worth their money. The battery lasts only about 4 hours, and sometimes it will stop playing for no reason. Just get an iPod. More bang for your buck, easier to use, and it actually works.

I just got a 20 GB iPod for my b-day yay!!! It was actually 3 days early, but whatever! Now I just need to get some music on it... Crap. I have too much music! Wait, that's kind of a good thing... I still don't have enough to fill my 'Pod up though.

#60221 Chronicles Of An East Coast Nerfer

Posted by MattPaintballer on 26 July 2005 - 12:17 AM in Nerf Wars

Ouch, sounds like a crappy trip. Except for the 'Geddon part, of course.

Hope ya had fun!

Oh and may I reccomend something along the lines of these or these for your poor experience in traveling. Any type of closed headphone cancels noise amazingly, and you can always put it next to your sleeping buddy's ears to give him or her a wake up call.

#56589 Close Quarters Battle

Posted by MattPaintballer on 04 June 2005 - 07:20 PM in General Nerf

D. Entering and Clearing. Entering a room is the most dangerous and tactically trying part of cqb. When entering, line your team up on the longest part of the wall next to the door. The man in front is called POINT. Now move one man to the other side of the door. He is called BREECH. Breech will slam door in and POINT will lead the team in. Once in, Point will go to the farthest corner on the same side of the room as he entered. All will follow. Breach will pick up rear, facing away to make sure they don’t get trapped from behind. The team splits and each clears a corner of the room. They only clear THEIR corner. All have the responsibility of center.

That only works if the enemies stay in the center, which they won't, trust me.

Good article though.

#46661 College!

Posted by MattPaintballer on 28 January 2005 - 09:11 PM in Off Topic

HAHA! We are suppose to get an ice storm here in Alabama....Call in the National Guard!......I swear people down here think it's the end of the freakin world...They should go up north where I'm from and see some REAL snow....

HAH! You think that's bad? They closed school here 'cause we got like half an inch of snow. Yup, that's the desert for ya'.

#58158 Cutting Pvc

Posted by MattPaintballer on 24 June 2005 - 10:43 PM in Modifications

Okay, I'm wondering how you cut PVC and get a straight, precise, even cut? I'm using PVC cutters and they are never straight, it always cuts the barrel at an angle.

So what tool(s) do you use to cut PVC and get a good cut?

#42822 Cyclotron Worth Buying?

Posted by MattPaintballer on 28 November 2004 - 07:41 PM in General Nerf

Its range is actually pretty decent for a ball gun.

Define 'decent.' Unless you think 6-7 feet is a decent range for a $15 Nerf gun, -- scratch that, more like USELESS HUNK OF PLASTIC -- then no, the range on the Cyclotron is NOT decent. Falcon over at Nerf HQ modded his Cyclotron so somehow it shoots 40-50 feet, and it shoots faster too, but he didn't say exactly where he put his rubber bands. So until somebody tells us of a useful mod and how to do the mod, (I'm not trying to be rude to you, Falcon, I know that you said a write-up was coming soon.) Cyclotrons just plain old suck IMO. The spring in the magazine sucks and puts barely any, pressure on the balls, meaning they load slow, which leads to misfires, and misfires=JAMS; not as in the tasty treat that goes on bread, but as in foam balls wedged in the breech/firing mechanism, stopping you from shooting. So that basically stops you from firing fast. Alright, the main thing this gun was made for (rapid fire) aside, let's look at the rest of this gun. I'm a small dude, the Cyclotron is a big hunk of plastic. It's size is comparable to the N-Strike Unity System. Even though the N-Strike is bigger, it is more comfortable than the Cyclotron. It's also pretty heavy compared to other blasters because of all the plastic. So that renders it pretty useless for raiding, because you can't run fast with it. Also because it's big, you are a bigger target. It's hard to hide with a Cyclotron, not to mention you can barely crouch and you can't crawl without being noticed. Okay, so far that means 1. No shooting fast, 2. No running, 3. No hiding, 4. No crawling. Also, it takes two hands to shoot, and it's pretty hard to carry around a sidearm when using the Cyclotron. Reloading is harsh, it takes quite a while. To get the clip, you have to rip it out of the gun (quite annoying, sometimes it gets stuck) and DROP YOUR GUN! You have to just leave it there and let it sit while you grab the balls! Then you have to round up the balls, and you have to shove them in the the clip, which provides JUST enough force to unload itself and shoot each ball about 4 inches. That means you have to hold the balls inside the clip while you grab the other ones. You would hope that because this gun is so big, clunky, and slow, that it would be accurate, but no, it's not accurate AT ALL. Just the slightest bit of wind will make the balls fly in every direction, maybe even towards the shooter! Not to mention that even with absolutely no wind, the balls will never follow a specific pattern. But most of you would suspect that because that's how ball guns usually are (I am NOT in ANY WAY saying that all ball guns suck! Some of them are quite good!) If you shoot one ball, just don't expect the next one to go right where the previous one went. So far this means that if you use the Cyclotron, you can NOT 1. Shoot fast, 2. Reload fast, 3. Run, 4. Crawl, 5. Shoot accurately, 6. Use a sidearm. Isn't that bad enough? Cuz that's not the end. I am going to restate what I said at the beginning of this post. The Cyclotron can only shoot 6-7 feet! So basically this is what you cannot do if you use the Cyclotron:

1. Shoot fast
2. Reload fast
3. Run
4. Crawl
5. Shoot accurately
6. Use a sidearm
7. Shoot from a distance

I will say that some of those things are POSSIBLE, but they are not PRACTICAL with the Cyclotron. For instance, you CAN crawl, but it is hard, slow, and really doesn't benefit you. You can crouch, but you're still a huge target. You might be able to get used to the inaccuracy and be able to sort of predict where your shots will land, but that doesn't make the gun any more accurate. You can use a sidearm, but you have to drop your Cyclotron to do so. To tell you the truth, I would rather use my sidearm as my primary than my use Cyclotron. It is actually possible to shoot your Cyclotron semi-fast, and pretty fast with a spring upgrade and Falcon's mod, but without those mods, your gun will jam, I can almost garuntee it. Also Falcon's mod will give you ranges comparable to a stock NiteFinder.

#60369 Dartsmithing Tips Archive

Posted by MattPaintballer on 27 July 2005 - 06:17 PM in Darts and Barrels

Colored hot glue.

#58450 Dartsmithing Tips Archive

Posted by MattPaintballer on 29 June 2005 - 04:31 PM in Darts and Barrels

None that I know of.

Moves the weight around inside the glue dome, throwing off the balance. Both Suave and I have noticed this.

I really don't have any dartmaking tips, and if I did you should do the opposite of what I say because my darts suck.

#58523 Diffrent Nf And Maverick Colors.

Posted by MattPaintballer on 01 July 2005 - 12:27 AM in General Nerf

That NF is so fuckin' sexy. Sexidom it is, sexidom it is.

I wish we got that NF and the original one instead of that yellow and blue crap.

Now Mavericks come with DVD's and the air restrictors are glued on, but that's both in France and here. Only our Mavs look better in my opinion.

#49068 Distances

Posted by MattPaintballer on 08 March 2005 - 09:56 PM in General Nerf

By the way, I do realize that sometimes you get lucky and hit someone at the ankle or foot, but I don't count on those shots.

I wouldn't consider those "lucky" only because most of the time the person will start running or keep running and then deny he/she was shot there. Unless of course it was from close range, and it left a huge welt. Then it's funny because you say "Oh, really? Then what the hell is that welt doing there?"

Anyways, yeah you're right on the effective range thing.

#48714 Distances

Posted by MattPaintballer on 04 March 2005 - 10:37 PM in General Nerf

My cement driveway is cut neatly into 7-foot squares.

Same with mine, but there's only 3 rectangles...

NO.  You absolutely do not do that, becasue that is how people get to thinking that their NF gets 80' and they saw a Crossbow shoot 200'.
Two words, I'll even bold them:

I agree with you on the measuring tape thing, but dude some NF's do actually get more than 75 feet, even though yours might not. I hate it when people say that somebody's ranges are inacurrate, false, etc., because usually they are just saying that because their gun gets less range than the posted ranges.

#52607 Do You Recommend The Maverick?

Posted by MattPaintballer on 15 April 2005 - 10:44 PM in General Nerf

I haven't seen that mod, but what if you could make a Maverick that had interchangable (sp) clip/turret thingies (Like the powerclip)? That would be schweet.

You can.

#50679 Does Anybody Else Play Runescape?

Posted by MattPaintballer on 27 March 2005 - 02:35 AM in Off Topic

My favorite is Runescape Classic. It is WAY better then WOW or any other games :)

#47153 Dremel Bits

Posted by MattPaintballer on 13 February 2005 - 01:50 AM in Homemades

The brown and grey grinders suck pretty much altogether. I have no found a good use for them yet.

Actually, I used the brown grinder on the Titan. When I was cutting the restrictor at the base of the gun, I first used a green cone-shaped bit to get through it, then I used a brown grinder to smooth it off. The brown piece fit almost perfectly in the barrel stub thing. It's soooooo smooth now.

#54198 Ebay: Jurassic Park Blaster

Posted by MattPaintballer on 05 May 2005 - 09:37 AM in General Nerf

A cool case. Think of Lefty's/Southpaw's Uzi2K integration.

#54991 Family Guy - Season Four

Posted by MattPaintballer on 16 May 2005 - 09:21 AM in Off Topic

I think TV is become more and more crude, not to sound like my grandma, but I cringe at the thought of what my children will be watching 20 years down the road.


What he said.

Dude, Family Guy is a good show. It makes you laugh, which is good for your heart.

#42618 Favorite Bad Nerf Gun

Posted by MattPaintballer on 26 November 2004 - 10:51 PM in General Nerf

Does it have to be Nerf? I have two submissions that are not by Hasbro...

First off, there's Off Limits Track 'n' Blast Room Defender (Room Defender for short) I've never seen one in person but they look like fun...

Secondly, there's a Nerf knock-off Skeet Shooter. My friend lost the skeet shooter part so I never got to see it, but the gun stinks. (he uses his "First Shot" thing) It appears to me that the skeet shooter is probably better than the gun... I wonder which one gets more range?

#42665 Favorite Bad Nerf Gun

Posted by MattPaintballer on 27 November 2004 - 03:16 PM in General Nerf

First off, there's Off Limits Track 'n' Blast Room Defender (Room Defender for short) I've never seen one in person but they look like fun...

whoa!! why does nobody have one of these?

I'm waiting for X-Mas or my birthday... cuz I'm broke.

Oh, and as for a bad Nerf gun? The Electric Eel always looked so awesome to me and the glow-in-the-dark darts were like hi-tech to me... My brother's friend got one and I shot it once and was very disappointed... Also that gun that was like a bat and had wings that folded out as shields... and it had a light... and it shot special "teeth" darts that were like dentures... that always looked so awesome! Nerf had some pretty cool ideas but they forked them up with poor quality stuff :unsure: kind of like Mega Bloks... they had some ideas that were cooler than LEGO's but you would get them and you would always be disappointed due to the VERY poor quality plastic and that the pieces would never stay together... My had this Wild West Mega Bloks set that was as tall as I was when he got it... gravity made it fall apart

#51446 Favorite Band

Posted by MattPaintballer on 03 April 2005 - 02:01 AM in Off Topic

If you browse NHQ, this is probably no surprise to you...


Angus Young is absolutely one of the best guitarists EVAR! He is extremely creative and does some of the best solos I've ever heard, and he is very improvisational. Look at any of their songs. They are AMAZING. Thunderstruck, it's pretty hard to pluck that fast. And who would've thought of such an amazing riff? Back in Black. Rarely does a band use pull-offs, and NEVER that fast. And I've never heard a rythm guitarist as good as Malcom Young. AC/DC ROCKS.

Another really good band is Lost Prophets. Lost Prophets uses a lot of instruments and they're sound is different from most.

And I'm tired of hearing about this rap crap. IT SUCKS. There is no musical talent involved in rap WHATSOEVER. I even made up a song about it, but we won't get to that because I don't want anybody stealing it :D. Some rap is just people talking. I can talk fast too, but does that mean I have any talent? No. I will never like rap, ever. Never I tell you!

So you know what I say to rap? "For those about to rock, we salute you."


Edit: Grr typo (and no I am not referring to 'evar.' That was done on purpose)

#52560 Favorite Nerf Guns

Posted by MattPaintballer on 15 April 2005 - 09:26 AM in General Nerf

I still want some other guns that look cool. These include:


The Expand-a-blast may look cool, but in a nerf war it's not a very effective gun. Trust me that gun sucks in nerf wars of any kind, but I've only used it unmodified. So it may be good enough to use in a nerf war if it's modified.

Modified, the thing kicks. Cxwq used it as his primary for a while.

The good thing is my friend has one unmodded, along with a Vortex Firestorm and 2 Blastfires, and he doesn't know a thing about nerf or what anything is worth :). I'm gonna give him like $15 for the whole lot, and he'll probaby take it.

#51963 Favorite Nerf Guns

Posted by MattPaintballer on 08 April 2005 - 05:02 PM in General Nerf

SM1500 and SM750, so far.

I still want some other guns that look cool. These include:

Big Bad Bow
Max Shot

I like to do integrations, and I really like improving on certain aspects of guns. For example, a problem with the BBB is that it takes a long time to reload, leaving you vulnerable. Being the short, small, young person that I am, the BBB is probably higher than my waist, which makes reloading even harder. That being said, I plan on integrating an AT2K into the front handle, and an SM750 into the scope. (if/when I get a BBB)

General Primevil, why would you single barrel your AT3K? They have (or had) 6 barrels so it would have a higher RoF.

#62153 Firefly In Stock At Walmart.com And Dart Tag

Posted by MattPaintballer on 17 August 2005 - 08:50 PM in General Nerf

I saw them at the TRU in Vegas near the mall.

Dart Tag: $41.99
Firefly: $24.99

I think those are the highest prices we've seen aren't they?

#62371 Firefly In Stock At Walmart.com And Dart Tag

Posted by MattPaintballer on 21 August 2005 - 10:55 PM in General Nerf

That would be really hard to get the timing right though. It is timed so that the turret rotates and shoots for every trigger pull, which is perfect for the FF but its trigger pull is most likely different than that of an AT2K.

What you could do to remedy this though is to hook up the FF's cocking mechanism to the firing pin of the AT2K, so you pull back the orange slider to shoot, and just pull the trigger to line up the barrels. This would only work if the turret mechanism is like the Maverick's - a full trigger pull (not the release) lines up the barrels, and a full trigger release gets them unaligned.

#60186 Firefly Out Online

Posted by MattPaintballer on 25 July 2005 - 05:36 PM in General Nerf

AT2K 2-packs are at Target, 3K 2-packs are at TRU.

#56911 Firefly Speculation

Posted by MattPaintballer on 07 June 2005 - 07:35 PM in General Nerf

Happy 12th birthday torch...

Aww man why did you have to mention that on the boards.... Now we just lost our hasbro worker... This means we won't be getting anymore valuable information on these new guns. :cry:

WTF are you talking about?

OMC & Talio gave us information on these guns, while cheifthe gave us information on the Maverick. We'll still have information. Torch didn't tell us anything.

Edit: navy seal posted while I was away.

#60401 Firefox Users,

Posted by MattPaintballer on 27 July 2005 - 10:49 PM in Off Topic

I did this a couple months ago. It really helps with space/bandwidth-whoring ad-infested sites (read MySpace).

Firefox is just too awesome. I don't think I could live without tabbed browsing. And my computer would be dead by now if it weren't for Firefox's awesome security.

#54965 For The Spelling Impaired

Posted by MattPaintballer on 15 May 2005 - 06:35 PM in Off Topic

Fagmunch isn't a word.

#54930 Funniest Nerf Shirt

Posted by MattPaintballer on 15 May 2005 - 01:13 PM in Off Topic

I am SO getting that shirt.

GOP means the republicans, but what does it stand for exactly?

#62945 Gas Prices

Posted by MattPaintballer on 02 September 2005 - 09:00 PM in Off Topic

I'd be curious to know how much the government wastes trying to get rid of pot. That's an even more pointless exercise than the war.

I don't know if this is true or not, but one of my friends told me that the government spent more money trying to get rid of marijuana than all the other illegal drugs combined. Which reminds me...

"...third world countries like Canada"
- Our President

I think politicians are much more irritating than hippies.

You're a genius. *added that hilarious quote to my signature, while playing with my butthole*

#62836 Gas Prices

Posted by MattPaintballer on 31 August 2005 - 07:24 PM in Off Topic

I hope this isn't considered spam or against the rules. If it is, I apologize.

Sept. 1,3, and 11th are national no gas buying days.  If most of the country doesn't buy any gas on those days the oil companies will go near bankrupt and have to lower their prices to stay ahead.  Just something to think about.

#51335 Getting It To Say I've Read A Topic

Posted by MattPaintballer on 02 April 2005 - 02:08 AM in Site Feedback

If you click View New Posts, there is a thing that says to mark all topics unread and return to the index. I just open all the topics I want to read in my tabs, then click that in my open tab and close that tab, then I can read all the topics and it thinks I've read them all.

#52919 Good News, Bad News

Posted by MattPaintballer on 19 April 2005 - 07:12 PM in General Nerf

YES!!! I dreamt it would happen, but I seriously doubted it with things like the Powerclip and stuff. I mean, every little 6 year old out there would rather have a fully automatic 10-shot clip loaded gun over a single shot arrow-shooter that's taller than they are. But this is freaking awesome!

Please say the rest of Hyper Sight will be re-released too (without lying) PLEASE?!?!?!

#53039 Good News, Bad News

Posted by MattPaintballer on 20 April 2005 - 09:45 PM in General Nerf

Getting a spare BBB will be beastly.  If they do change the color, they will probably change the plastic, which mean it would almost definitely be better, but I guess we'll see...


He also said somewhere that they are considering making it quieter, which is awesome. When I heard a BBB being primed for the first time (it was in a video) I thought the person in the video broke it or something, but it was just the really weird cracking/snapping noise it makes during priming.

Edit: Grr Typo