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#46558 Maveric Rev-6 Mod

Posted by Fuse on 26 January 2005 - 04:32 PM in Modifications

I noticed that once the air restrictors were taken out, there was a big gap between the source of the air and the dart. Is that what you're talkin about when you say to put foam in there and make sure there's a hole so the air can get out of?

Dont just take the air restrictors out. Drill them clear and then put them back in so that gap isnt there.

They are talking about putting craft sheet where the cylinder meets the plunger, like on a powerclip. It helps form a seal while still allowing the barrels to rotate.

#46158 Avatars

Posted by Fuse on 14 January 2005 - 10:57 PM in Site Feedback

This may be a dumb question, and this could also be the wrong place for it, but why not let users link to offsite avitars (with mods obviously having the say on what is accepted and not). That way people could have customs without using your storage or bandwidth so much.

Oh, and while we are talking about new general pool avitars; how about some Sealab 2021?

I think calling avitars is kind of silly, but a lot of people seem to be doing it, so I might as well.
I call Chopper Dave. Barring that, I call Hesh. :nugget:

#37368 Titan Mod

Posted by Fuse on 17 September 2004 - 04:08 PM in Modifications

Allright, this is going to sound dumb, but how the crap do you get the barrel off of the thing if you've already put it on? I read that you push and turn, but that doesnt help, neither does pulling. Is there some trick Im just not getting? Its definitely not that Im not applying enough force. Is there no way to get it off if Ive put it on completely (heard both clicks)? Im very frustrated.

Nevermind, it came off. I dont know WHY but it did. Ive been sitting here for over an hour, my hands are cut up from the plastic casing digging into my skin. My palms are red from the force. You know what? My dad comes home (Im home for the weekend), and hes a big guy, so I call him in to try. Im just showing him what to do, not even trying really, and the stupid thing just pops and unscrews. My Titan hates me.

#41270 N-strike Maverick

Posted by Fuse on 09 November 2004 - 09:33 PM in General Nerf

The SuperMaxxx 5000 was not named by the same guidelines, it was from the Larami product line and was named along those lines.

#41234 N-strike Maverick

Posted by Fuse on 09 November 2004 - 05:18 PM in General Nerf

Judging by the pegs or whatever you want to call them on the back of the cylinder it could rotate automatically with the cocking lever, if it was attached to a angled peice like is used to lift the PC or other similar mechanisms. That lever in the front looks like its designed for it to swing out for loading. There is a gap in the case where that peice is, so it looks like it swings out.

The gun is six barrels. You have to take into account the spacing between them. Look closer, youll see. Tho not all revolvers to date have been six barrels, that just became standard. I could be wrong, but I believe it was originally a weight/balance issue.

#41285 N-strike Maverick

Posted by Fuse on 09 November 2004 - 11:16 PM in General Nerf

First, thanks for the info.

Second, I dont expect him to be able to comment on the inner workings much, but here is a sketch of the first thing that came to mind for the rotating mechanism.

Posted Image

Just a thought. The slide turns that gear in the middle, which pushes forward that slider. The angled peice catches the little ridges on the cylinder, rotating it in to place for the next shot. To make sure the alignment is right there could be a spring of some sort that pushes in to a slot on the back of the cylinder. Im anxious to see how Hasbro has actually done it.

#41306 N-strike Maverick

Posted by Fuse on 10 November 2004 - 11:24 AM in General Nerf

I dont expect him to be able to comment

i really hope he was lying

The assumptions run rampant... <g>

My apologies if I offend the engineer. Its generally accepted as a social norm to use "he" when gender is uncertain. :cry:

I too seriously hope the gun has more power than the Scout. It doesnt need to be another Nite Finder, but a little more bang for the buck would be nice, especially with the added bulk of the 6-shooter.

I like how it doesnt swing out too much. looks like it will go in far enough to not be a problem, and swing out just as much as it needs to.

Anyone else notice the barrel design? It looks like the inside is wide enough for the rubber suction cup tip only at the top, and tightens to fit the dart pretty quickly, unlike just a little ring at the bottom or nothing at all. I assume this is to ensure the darts dont fall out, and give it a little more range. Nice. B)

#41375 N-strike Maverick

Posted by Fuse on 10 November 2004 - 09:16 PM in General Nerf

If you look at the barrels, they become skinnier in the back. Thus, that would not work.

That just looks like that for design proposes.

Im confused. What isnt for design purposes? Or do you mean visual design?

We are talking about the internals of the barrels as seen in the second photo.

#41370 N-strike Maverick

Posted by Fuse on 10 November 2004 - 09:02 PM in General Nerf

Ok if you look at the top of the gun there is an off white part that has ridges in it. Do you think this could attach to something? Cough Cough titan?

It is part of the N-Strike line, and thus would logically be integrateable into the Unity Power System.

#41338 N-strike Maverick

Posted by Fuse on 10 November 2004 - 05:15 PM in General Nerf

Question: can the darts be loaded from the back as well?

Unless I completely misread the pictures, No.

It looks like the barrel is only wide enough for the rubber tip at the top, so you wouldnt be able to get it in from the back.

I suppose stefans could be loaded from the back in spite of this, but I hope not. Leaving the back open wouldnt be a good design for a revolving chamber like that because you would need to be careful and make sure the darts arent sticking out of the back when you load it.

#40933 Election 2k4

Posted by Fuse on 05 November 2004 - 07:18 PM in News

Kerry: Dropped out of college, served in Vietnam. Got three purple hearts: each were from a self-inflicted wound, whether by accident or not. All of them could be tended to with a pair of tweezers and a band-aid. Earned a silver star, by shooting a half wounded man who was running away.

I cant believe anyone is still trying to call out Kerry for his awards in the Vietnam War. The data is VERY contradictory, and there is no way you can factually support your claims. There is evidence to both sides of that story, but the evidence against Kerry is mostly word-of-mouth from the Swift Boat Vets who got so much funding from republicans.

The Silver Star:

The official citations show Kerry was not awarded the Silver Star "for simply pursuing and dispatching" the Viet Cong. In fact, the killing is not even mentioned in two of the three versions of the official citation (see "supporting documents" at right.) The citations - based on what Elliott wrote up at the time - dwell mostly on Kerry's decision to attack rather than flee from two ambushes, including one in which he led a landing party.

The longest of the citations, signed by Vice Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, commander of U.S. naval forces in Vietnam, describes Kerry as killing a fleeing Viet Cong with a loaded rocket launcher. It says that as Kerry beached his boat to attack his second set of ambushers, "an enemy soldier sprang up from his position not ten feet from Patrol Craft Fast 94 and fled. Without hesitation, Lieutenant (junior grade) KERRY leaped ashore, pursued the man behind a hooch, and killed him, capturing a B-40 rocket launcher with a round in the chamber."

Two other citations omit any mention of the killing. One was signed by Admiral John J. Hyland, commander in chief of the Pacific Fleet, and the other was signed by the Secretary of the Navy. Both those citations  say Kerry attacked his first set of ambushers and that "this daring and courageous tactic surprised the enemy and succeeded in routing a score of enemy soldiers." Later, 800 yards away, Kerry's boat encountered a second ambush and a B-40 rocket exploded  "close aboard" Kerry's boat. "With utter disregard for his own safety, and the enemy rockets, he again ordered a charge on the enemy, beached his boat only ten feet away from the VC rocket position, and personally led a landing party ashore in pursuit of the enemy." In these citations  there is no mention of enemy casualties at all. Kerry was cited for "extraordinary daring and personal courage . . . in attacking a numerically superior force in the face of intense fire."

(From FactCheck.org)

The Purple Hearts are also easy to counter. For example: That rice/grenade incident DOES qualify for a Purple Heart, even if it was Kerry's own grenade. Friendly fire does qualify as long as it was directed at enemy forces or equipment.

Or how about Letson, the doctor who claims to have treated Kerry for a wound that supposedly was self-inflicted when kerry fired a grenade at rocks. How about him not being on the record as the doctor treating Kerry that day, and Kerry's comrades who were with him denying ever having spoken to Letson.

Kerry's war record was attacked in a childing smear attempt that was since disproven. It does not constitue a good argument against his campaign for president (which is now over, so I dont know why it even matters). There is little point in you bashing Kerry now, because as you have said, the election is over. I wont say I "bash" Bush, but providing facts about the man's policies DOES still serve a purpose as keeping informed on the leader of your country. If someone says something about Bush, insulting Kerry is not a good retort at this point. You keep saying the election is over, yet it seems to be you who I see mentioning Kerry's name the most.

#40900 Election 2k4

Posted by Fuse on 05 November 2004 - 03:56 PM in News

Wow..most of you are real assholes. Like kids. Don't know how to take victory or defeat, for that matter. Frickin accept that the election is over. Maybe if you spent your time trying to figure out WAYS or SUGGESTIONS to help the US, instead of just sitting there saying "Bush has won and now US will die", some progress could be made? The US government listens to the voices of its people. But they don't give a shit about complaining kiddies.

Keep in mind that nearly HALF of America disagreed with his being elected....why?

If you think it is time to move on (as I have said) then perhaps you should too. Like I said, you need to can it unless you get some facts, and changing your mode of attack isnt going to work when your old one is two pages back. Yes, the election is over, and yes it is time to move on, that does not mean we shouldnt correct someone when they are misinfromed.

#41000 Election 2k4

Posted by Fuse on 06 November 2004 - 05:22 PM in News

Listen AA, Im going to say this nice and loud, since you seem to have completely missed it every other time Ive poitned it out. KERRY'S QUALIFICATIONS ARE NO LONGER OF ANY RELEVANCE. Wake up, open your eyes, and at least read all the way through a god damned post.

Talk to me about economics once you get out of highschool, because you are simply parroting what you have been told and know little about the way things actually work.

#41125 Election 2k4

Posted by Fuse on 08 November 2004 - 08:25 AM in News

GA Man Commits Suicide at Ground Zero

#40769 Election 2k4

Posted by Fuse on 04 November 2004 - 09:02 AM in News

Im sad to hear Powell is going. It was nice to have someone willing to question the President in his decisions, even if Dubya just told him to hush. :lol:

#41011 Election 2k4

Posted by Fuse on 06 November 2004 - 07:47 PM in News

You may disagree with me on this, but in my oppinion stating faults in a leader is not the same as saying "damn, I wish otherguy had won". As I think I have said here (I may have not, I honestly have lost track of what I've said to who politically, obviously its a busy time in this regard <_< ) I believe that staying informed and informin others is a form of working for a change. Not necessarily as in trying to oust a leader, but in working with him as well. Information is the most important thing when trying to improve anything, including a country.

About "letting Bin Laden go". Yes, we did. We were in a position where, had we moved, his capture or elimination was almost certain. Bush issued an order for our troops to hold and give the indigenous forces an opportunity to capture Bin Laden. Great idea politically, would have made great headlines, but it didnt work. If capturing Bin Laden was as important as Bush used to say it was, then that was definitely a wrong decision. Our forces should have captured him when we had the chance, but the President chose not to.

I will never agree with Bush's economic policies. He is content to spend spend spend without trying to work off any of the debt. No one likes it, not even his own advisors. Im not saying taxing the rich is the solution, but Bush has offered tax breaks that are more likely to benefit the wealthy by drafting bills full of ambiguity. We need some serious economic reform, or the country will not do well. Our national debt has always been a serious issue, and it is growing at an alarming rate under Bush's policies. It will seriously hurt our nation if the debt continues to grow at the current rate.

Oh, and I apologize. I should not have brought age or educational level into it.

#40902 Election 2k4

Posted by Fuse on 05 November 2004 - 04:09 PM in News

I'm not saying you have to be pro-Bush, dipshit, I'm saying that maybe you could use your genious to HELP instead of being a royal jackass.

In my oppinion providing factually based oppinions is as good a way to help as anything else. Staying informed is the best thing people can do. Do I write my reps.? Hell yes. I take action for a change. I got suspended from school for walking out to protest the war. But you know what, somehow I still have time to read facts and try to pass them along.

#40656 Election 2k4

Posted by Fuse on 03 November 2004 - 07:51 AM in News

Adios, America.

Say goodbye to your economy. To your standard of living and any hope of a nice retirement. Say goodbye to privacy and freedom of speech. Say goodbye to chosing whether or not you are fit to raise a child. Say goodbye to being able to share your love with the person who is most important to you. Say goodbye to seeing your sons and friends any time soon. Say goodbye to freedom and justice, America, because you just slid that dagger right between its ribs.

#40660 Election 2k4

Posted by Fuse on 03 November 2004 - 11:21 AM in News

And now it's official. The only ringing from freedom it its death knell.

#40753 Election 2k4

Posted by Fuse on 03 November 2004 - 11:19 PM in News

AA, in terms of the reports, we have already had the discussion where I proved you wrong on that. Id be happy to link to the facts again for you, if you'd like. I'm sick of you shooting down anything liberal posted here with no facts to back your statements.

If you think we're completely fucked, there is always the option of moving to another country. Bush is here whether we like it or not. I am not a big fan of him and his administration, but I am at least trying to look at the positive side of things, and find ways to take care of the negative.

Yeah, I have said that I agree we have to make the best of what we've got. There is no campaigning against Bush at this point, hes got his second term, and he is our president. That however does not change the fact that when it comes to economic policy Bush has no idea what hes doing, and his own advisors have said so.

Besides, even if I wanted to move to Canada (Which I dont and have not seriously suggested to anyone, so I dont want anyone yelling at me to pack up and ship out), not everyone can just pack up and leave. I have a college education, a serious girlfriend, my friends, and my family. Even if I wanted to I couldnt just pack up my nerf guns and computer, grab my petty $5k savings, and move. Im sick of people saying that like it is a perfectly reasonable response to anyone who complains about our president.

There's a reason why there are two other parts to our government...so that the President can't have too much power.

The GOP controls the government now, and is predicting they will be the majority party for 25 years (likely not realistic). The system of checks and balances does not work well when one party controls the house, senate, and presidency. It never has, Dem or Repub.

#40630 Election 2k4

Posted by Fuse on 02 November 2004 - 09:46 PM in News

sn't MTV non-partisan?

Have you seen any of their Vote or Die material this year? It's quite biased against Bush. Hell, Im voting democrat, but I still think MTV has sorta run the good name of Rock the Vote into the dirt on this one. I agree he should represent the American people, and that is why I say VOTE. Period. Not Vote, and please vote for my guy! That time has passed.

FIDO, yeah, everyone has subliminal influences when it comes to voting. You have unknown pressures when it comes to the gas you buy. You cant control the world. Let them vote. It is their right.

So how about this Bush inviting the press into the White House for a last-minute interview? Personally I think its some dirty bullshit. Hes still scared, and they've come up with a sleezy tactic at the last minute. He should not be allowed air time without prior arrangements on election day while the polls are open. If he wants air time, the opposition should have been notified before hand.

What an asshole.

#40587 Election 2k4

Posted by Fuse on 02 November 2004 - 05:54 PM in News

Even more importantly, vote for the right guys.
Kerry Edwards.

What are you, MTV?

Vote for who you wish, just be sure to vote. If you dont vote you lose any right to complain about politics for 4 years.

GeneralPrimevil I think you can register 6 months before your birthday or something like that. You should be able to pull it off, I just dont remember the exact details.

Hows this:

And Then They Voted

While looking at a house, my brother asked the real state agent which direction was North because, he explained, he didn't want the sun waking him up very morning. She asked, "Does the sun rise in the North?" When another person jumped in and explained that the sun rises in the East (and has for some time), she shook her head and said, "Oh, I don't keep up with that stuff."

.... And then she voted!

I used to work in technical support for a 24x7 call center. One day I got a call from an individual who asked what hours the call center was open. I told him, "The number you dialed is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week." He responded, "Is that Eastern or Pacific time?" Wanting to end the call quickly, I said, "Uh ... Pacific."

.... And then he voted!

So my colleague and I were eating our lunch in our cafeteria, when we overheard one of the admin. assistants talking about the sunburn she got on her weekend drive to the shore. She drove down in a convertible, but "didn't think she'd get sunburned because the car was moving."

.... And then she voted!

My sister has a lifesaving tool in her car. It's designed to cut through a seat belt if she gets trapped. She keeps it in the passenger side door's map pocket.

.... And then she voted!

I was hanging out with a friend of mine when we saw a woman walk by us with a nose ring attached to an earring by a chain. My friend said, "Wouldn't the chain rip out every time she turned her head?" I had to explain to her that a person's nose and ear remain the same distance apart no matter which way the head is turned!

.... And then she voted!

My girlfriend and I were picking up some sandwiches from the sub place last week and she asked the clerk which one of two sandwiches was better. The clerk didn't have an opinion but did say that the first sandwich was more expensive. My girlfriend got a quizzical look on her face and asked, "If that's the case, why are they both listed with the same price on the menu?"

To this, the clerk responded, "I don't think they tax the turkey."

.... And then he voted!

I couldn't find my luggage at the airport baggage area. So I went to the lost luggage office and told the woman there that my bags never showed up. She smiled and told me not to worry because they were trained professionals and I was in good hands.

"Now," She asked me, "has your plane arrived yet?"

.... And then she voted!

So if these people are going to go vote, you better go vote too!

#40672 Election 2k4

Posted by Fuse on 03 November 2004 - 04:00 PM in News

After we all get it out of our systems, it's time to make America great, no matter if you agree or disagree with the leadership. It can be done; maybe not as we wish, but it can be done. That's the beauty of a democracy.

I honestly dont believe that can be done now. Not for at least 4 years. Bush is still pres, and the GOP pretty much owns the government of the United States of America.

You forgot one thing say goodbye to world peace and a voluntary army.

Thats what I was touching on mentioning sons and friends.

#40646 Election 2k4

Posted by Fuse on 03 November 2004 - 01:53 AM in News

Perhaps I should point out that when I posted that it was immediately after Bush invited the press into the White House, and at the time nobody did know about it, and Kerry wasnt doing the same thing. Smartass. Ever heard of the equal motherfucking time rule? (And yes, I know it wouldnt even have applied, Im talking principals)

B. there aren't networks that would pratically pay Kerry to do the same.

Liberal media? Its a fact that the majority of television stations are owned by highly right-wing people.

#40738 Election 2k4

Posted by Fuse on 03 November 2004 - 10:03 PM in News

No use of weapons of mass destruction by Saddam? Blaster, you forget about the gassing of the kurds?

Based on a 914 page CIA report (who wrote it, I forget) Saddam had no WMD or means of getting them. He disposed of the WMD's and means of getting them 10 years ago after the Gulf war.

You are thinking of the Duelfer(sp?) report I believe. The report Bush himself said would be the final word on the issue.

#40688 Election 2k4

Posted by Fuse on 03 November 2004 - 05:44 PM in News

I seriously have no clue how he won.

He won because Republicans are, and have been, very good at getting middle-American to vote against its own economic interest by presenting issues with little real importance. The Dems really needed to break the GOP hold on the middle to lower-class workers, becuase they continue to stab themselves in the foot time after time.

#40732 Election 2k4

Posted by Fuse on 03 November 2004 - 09:27 PM in News

Let's see if the Republican's predictions for a better economy, and stabilization on Iraq hold out in these next 4 years. I doubt that the Republicans would pull off any drastic legislation like the Patriot Act anytime soon unless they had a good reason. At this point, I don't think they can use 9/11 as an excuse anymore, and any future civil rights violations by the government will start to sway even the most hardcore Bush supporter. By the time that comes full circle, I no longer intend to be living here.

The Republicans are not going to give us a better economy. It is, and will continue to get worse. Bush's policys are shit, and everyone knows it.

In terms of a drastic legislation such as the Patriot Act, I guess you have missed the draft of the Patriot Act II (or The Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003) That Ashcroft sent around in Jan. of 2003. They dont seem too strongly opposed to the idea of finishing locking their mannacles around the American people's civil libertys. And if they do try it, I seriously doubt America would rise up. This election has proven that it most likey wont. Most Americans swallowed Bush's load deep-throat style when he said the Patriot Act was 100% justified and for our own good. Not a single person who voted for it read it front to back as far as Im aware. It was not written well enough, not specific and well defined enough, for something that deals so directly with the libertys of American citizens, and no one cared, because Bush told them not to. If you think that has changed just because Sept. 11th is a few years past I fear you may find yourself sadly mistaken.

#40716 Election 2k4

Posted by Fuse on 03 November 2004 - 07:36 PM in News

This was brought to my attention and i feel has a direct relation to the people on this board.

-The young crowd(18-24) did not vote. Apparentley 1 out of 10 of them voted for Kerry. Basically, if more young people voted, then maybe things would have been different.

I dont know, i just thought that was a pretty cool statistic that applied to alot of us..

BTW I heared Hillary Clinton is running in 08, all i can say is if you vote for her then you should be shot..=

Yes, the voter turnout in my age group was horrendous. Its more that turnout specifially in states such as Iowa and Ohio that really matters (all the dems in the state could have voted in GA and my vote still wouldnt have mattered), but yeah, the campaigns to get young people out there didnt really have any effect. It rose... by about the same ammount it normally does.

In terms of Clinton in 08, thats yet another reason why I find this election so depressing. Is there even an end to the tunnel for a light to shine on?

#40698 Election 2k4

Posted by Fuse on 03 November 2004 - 06:37 PM in News

I'd like to challenge the anti-Bush crowd here to avoid the laundry lists of problems from the last 4 years and focus this thread on what we can do, in your opinions, to fix the system.

I'll challenge the pro-Bush crowd, likewise, to avoid the "pinko lefties" type of bullshit. The least you could do is have the grace to win in a relatively civil manner. You're not helping your cause by pushing the rest of us away.

I agree with cq here. We all have heard the list a million times, and with Bush entering into a new term I think its time to let some of those things go at this point. Not forget about them, but find something new to talk about whenever the subject comes up. Bush has his second term, and there is nothing we can legally or realistically do about it, so that list isnt going to change a damn thing anymore.

I liked what Kerry said. The country now needs to pull together. Do I want to? No. I dont trust the current adiministration as far as my Commlink will fire. That doesnt change the fact that we are stuck with it. Im disgusted that the GOP now controls the entire government, and that the Supreme Court will likely be expanded to favor the GOP more, but I cant change it. Hell, I live in GA, one of the first states to go red. I never did have a say. But still, we have to do our best to keep Bush from doing such a piss poor job as he did last term. The hope of running him out is past, so its well past time to deal with him.

And just to touch on the draft issue again real fast: There will not be a draft. Bush has said it, Kerry has said it, everyone has said it, and even Bush isnt dumb enough to think it wont get him tarred and feathered. We arent going to have another draft, so drop it. We will continue to have a backdoor draft, where college students are pulled from studys to make good on a contract they signed never expecting the false war that we find ourselves in, but there is no stopping that, and technically they have no reason to complain. They did sign their life and body away, and when and where they are forced to hold to that contract was never a garauntee (For some reason I have no idea how to spell that word right now).

PS: I think the word you guys have been searching for is "theocracy". Welcome to the New America.

#46082 Nerf World Order

Posted by Fuse on 13 January 2005 - 04:56 PM in News

My pants are aflame with concern!

It's posts like that that make it all worthwhile.

#45578 Nerf World Order

Posted by Fuse on 06 January 2005 - 09:25 PM in News

I just realized that between now, and the initilization of karma NerfHaven is going to die.

Anyone smart enough to start an intelligent thread will probably wait until Karma starts so that they can get the karma points(?) from the thread.

So the only new threads that pop up will probably be chock full of hot spicy noobage.

I personally dont know why that would happen. Anyone smart enough to make a post worth reading hopefully isnt in it for the points. This isnt EQ37. You dont post here so that you can level up or anything.

Who really gives a rats ass about Karma points? The whole system is designed so it works itself out. Personally I plan on ignoring my karma points unless I find myself in danger of admin action (which I really dont see happening). If you post for points, chances are your post isnt going to get you any + anyways.

#45518 Nerf World Order

Posted by Fuse on 05 January 2005 - 09:01 PM in News

Im an old NO member, and while it had it's share of idiots, most of those were paintballers trying to get their jollies off while they were still lodged firmly in their pelvis, and my memories from there are almost all a plesant group of folks sharing ideas and a few laughs. Most of the posts I read here have little point and aren't entertaining. Mostly they are a waste of bandwidth. Truth be told, I don't check 80% of the topics here once I've read the initial post, if then.

Hopefully, once karma is in place and idiots are dealt with, the Haven will be able to bond together a bit more. At least, thats my hope.

I think the idea is that we can test karma with people the admins are already (somewhat) familiar with to make sure its working properly. Its dumb to try to calibrate a new device using an unknown variable.

Oh, and LastMan, cx said in the second post linked above that users will start with 50 points on a 1-100 scale, though of course by now he may have changed his mind.

#45500 Nerf World Order

Posted by Fuse on 05 January 2005 - 07:01 PM in News

If you don't have an account now, you're not likely to have one until Karma is done and fully tested.

I think you guys must have missed that part. Registration will be opened once Karma is done. Seems like a sensible solution to me.

#59346 Armageddon 2005

Posted by Fuse on 14 July 2005 - 07:10 PM in Nerf Wars

Yeah, that is a bit far. ^_^

But I'll discuss it with the folks this evening since its a family vacation. If I could get a rental car (under their name, no way Im getting one at 19 lol) and maybe make the drive the night before and stay with somebody or in a motel I might be able to make it work. I mean, heck, I just drove almost that far to ride skis with a couple of friends last weekend.

Man, I haven't nerfed in so long, if I show I'm going to get blasted. It'll be PE all over again when it comes to pick teams. :mellow:

#59719 Armageddon 2005

Posted by Fuse on 20 July 2005 - 02:04 AM in Nerf Wars

Well, Im here in San Francisco, but the farthest south we'll be going is San Simeon, so I won't be making it to the war. Gah, I'm in the same state at the same time as the war I used to dream about flying out to as a kid.... Frustrating, but oh well. Have fun everyone.

PS. Got any touristing suggestions for this area?

#59344 Armageddon 2005

Posted by Fuse on 14 July 2005 - 06:56 PM in Nerf Wars

Uhm, so OH SNAP! I just realized I'll be in California from the 18th-2nd. That includes Armageddon, right? I used to dream of flying out for this shit. If I can come, that is going to be awesome. Can I get an exact location that I can look up on a map and see if I can make the drive from San Fran?

Sorry, but woah am I excited about this discovery.

#37002 Mostly Complete Nf Mod

Posted by Fuse on 12 September 2004 - 10:32 AM in Modifications

I like how instead of cutting all the way through the case you got it to fit right in the ammo holder spot. Good thinking.

Thanks, I really like the positioning of the trigger on the SSPB the way I've put it together, its straight out from my middle finger so I can keep one finger on both guns.

That looks pretty cool tho. Makes me want to try maybe a double barrel mod and see if I can get it together like that. Has anyone else tried this?

#36964 Mostly Complete Nf Mod

Posted by Fuse on 11 September 2004 - 10:32 PM in Modifications

All right, I did this in my dorm, without access to most of my old gear like goop, bondo, hot-glue, or any barrel material. I’m going home next weekend to get my old stuff and buy some new materials (I just ordered some PETG, which I had never heard of in the old days). I plan on making this a bit prettier and replace the barrels on both the NF and SSPB portion of the gun. I also want to use bondo to clean up the hole where the light used to be, leave just enough room for the darts.

My goal was to put a SSPB in the front of my NS, and put ammo storage in the grip and old light cavity. Not really that hard, though all I had was a knife, no dremel or glue of any kind. I war in daylight and know how to aim, so that LED was useless and weighty.

What I did was simple, but I wanted to share this so people know it’s easy and do-able. Besides, this is my first mod in a couple years, so I want to show others. :) First you open the case and take out the air restrictors and such, all the standard plunger gun mods. Remove the light assembly; it’s a simple matter of undoing a few screws. The trickier part is cutting the gun down to fit the black pieces.

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I cut off the front bracket for the ammo holder, and trimmed the sides of the back bracket so that the SSPB fit snugly. There was no way to make it fit in the front half due to the angled cap on the plunger tube. I’m sure I could replace the tube or something to make it fit, but like I said I didn’t have the gear. I plan on modding the SSPB so it will fit better and put it in one of my other NFs and just trim this one down completely (PPK I think people are calling it), maybe put the LED back in - the lense.

You also need to trim down the ribs in the battery compartment. Cut them so that the black piece from the ammo slots in the front fits in at the back of the compartment. Just snug it up against the back piece that used to hold the contacts. You will also need to trim the black piece down some. If you look it’s thicker in the middle, just trim the thicker areas off with a knife and definitely cut off the little black pegs. The plastic is a bit heftier than most of the gun, but it’s not too bad. Slide it into the area you trimmed from the battery compartment and it should stay fine on its own. The trimming wasn’t an exact science, just keep trimming till it fits, there is a lot of extra plastic you don’t need because it’s not going to take much of a beating inside the gun.

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Here I have highlighted the areas I had to cut down. I know you can't see much detail; I just wanted to point out the areas. You should be able to figure how exactly what to trim on your own. One of the black ammo holder pieces is still whole in this pic while the other is fully trimmed to go in the grip of the gun. The one that is whole will be halved and trimmed slightly for the front ammo holder.

I haven’t gotten the ammo holder in the front yet because I don’t have any adhesive with me, but I've trimmed the hole so that I know it will work. If you just take the thin half of the other black dart-holder piece (not the one you put in the grip, that one I left whole) and trim the rounded edges it should fit horizontally in the area that used to hold the light. The entire piece won’t fit due to the rounded section between the two brackets. You will also need to cut out the peg that the light was screwed in to or the darts will hit it. Anyways, you should be able to glue the thin half of the black piece right in the front of the gun and trim the hole the light came out of just a bit too either side. I've already tested it and it works, I just need glue. :D

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It’s not the prettiest, but it works, and in my day that was what really mattered (I've seen a lot of shots taken at people with mods that don’t look purdy in my recent browsing). You now have two shots and 4 extra darts. The SSPB's firing button can comfortably be depressed with either your trigger finger or your middle finger (my preference). It fits very snugly in the back bracket (obviously since I had to trim the edges a bit) and doesn’t wiggle at all, either when pumping or firing. Very solid feel to it. I’m not even sure the duct tape is necessary, but Id rather not risk breaking the back bracket.

So that’s it. Sorry it's not perfect or 100%, but you get the idea. Like I said, I mainly was just proud that I got it to work as I had hoped. When I first saw the NF in Target I thought, "Hey, I don’t really Nerf anymore, but I should still get a gun to take to college for kicks, and this looks like a solid plunger design." Then I saw the SSPB on the rack above it and immediately knew I had to try to combine them, even though I hadn’t touched a gun recently. I’m glad to see both lived up to my expectations, especially since I bought 4 NFs because they were cheap. One for each suitemate was the plan... I got greedy. :)

#40662 Halo 2

Posted by Fuse on 03 November 2004 - 11:29 AM in Off Topic

In most its even better than that. You can now destroy objects and it has a lighting engine superior to splinter cell, or in fact any game out yet.

Where did you hear that? Its nice, but it is definitely not better than any game out. It also looks better in screenshots than in acutal play (the leaked vesion is all over my friend's dorm at GA Tech).

#40335 Halo 2

Posted by Fuse on 31 October 2004 - 09:06 AM in Off Topic

Hate to bursty your bubble okto, but Halo was being released on the mac and windows platforms at the same time. It was not made just for the mac, although its predicessors were.

Im pretty sure they did say Halo was coming out for PC, they just never said when, and thats where they got tricky. Sure, it did, it just took so long no one cared.