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There have been 89 items by Switchblade (Search limited from 14-February 97)

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#5811 Stefans Weights

Posted by Switchblade on 19 June 2003 - 02:37 PM in General Nerf

Okay, someone (say, a mod?) seriously needs to sticky a thread with all valuable information about Stefans. Mmmk? And like Spoon said, 1/4 lb slingshot ammo. Anyway, this damn flood control...yarr.

#2010 Taglines

Posted by Switchblade on 04 March 2003 - 07:55 PM in Site Feedback

Okay, this is my final say on the shirts.

Good Ones (In no particular order):
1)NerfHaven - So Parents have something to blame violence on besides Video Games.
2)The reason for that little warning on the box
3)Real men use plastic guns

Hell-naw Ones: Got Nerf?

Everything else is ok. A'ight, I'm done

#2005 Taglines

Posted by Switchblade on 04 March 2003 - 06:15 PM in Site Feedback

authorite (I need an accent over the e)


Done ;)

Anyway, you guys really narrowed it down to some good stuff. Bravo. Except "I <3 Your Mom". Anyway, I'd be happy with any of the others.

#1115 Teamwork:

Posted by Switchblade on 05 February 2003 - 04:28 PM in General Nerf

Well, I'm a big fan of teamwork, but the guys I Nerf with don't really go for that (except for 1). They tried to go Lone Ranger...Except a couple of "you go that way, I'll go this way" things and pincer movements. In general, there's not a sufficient amount of teamwork in our games.

But yes, I think teamwork is essential. No matter what your style, teamwork is a must for sucess against good teams.

#2559 Tips To Get A Good Clan.

Posted by Switchblade on 22 March 2003 - 08:58 PM in General Nerf

There are three groups in Ohio that we've fought against.

Dammit, Black Blade, you're in Ohio? Now I can hunt you down for your meaningless posts! Hooray!

Get the "special" stefans.

#2485 Tips To Get A Good Clan.

Posted by Switchblade on 20 March 2003 - 05:42 PM in General Nerf

What VACC said. I just got one of my friends pumped about it (showed him some pics, including the "Bolt Action loser Rifle". We're gonna do a mod over Spring Break! Hooray!) And sorry to be a bitch, but I wanna keep this board very nice, so please use punctuation (,.?, etc.)

For example: Posted by Black Blade
"puddle of foam are you talking to me if so sure. "
Puddle of Foam, are you talking to me? If so, sure.

Sorry to humiliate you dude, but I really have hope for this place.

#2480 War On Iraq

Posted by Switchblade on 20 March 2003 - 05:26 PM in Off Topic

Batman, I'm pretty much with you on this one. Also, Milkbelly, I hear you. Whoever said we're sheltered warwise: Tru fucking that. Yeah, 9-11 was bad. But seriously, I wasn't that affected by it. And we have never had a big war with another country (other than England) on our soil. People just don't really realize that. "[insert country] is such a pussy, they won't fight!" Then that same person's saying "Oh my god, the fighting could be somewhat near us! We're all gonna die!" France has had the shit beaten out of their country. And as for the people who dis Bush, the majority don't know jack-shit about politics. They just say "He's a hick!". If you dislike Bush because you have a good reason, I'm just dandy. But considering all the shit that's gone down, he's been doing pretty good.

And please excuse the expletives, they're for emphasis.

#4336 X2

Posted by Switchblade on 06 May 2003 - 07:45 PM in Off Topic

Gee sunshine, are you ever unhappy?

#4321 X2

Posted by Switchblade on 06 May 2003 - 03:35 PM in Off Topic

You're no addict! You can't even spell crack! You're just the famed "suburban dumbass troll"! I hear their breeding grounds are on forums...