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#354395 Your First Snap

Posted by Phillip Roy on 20 June 2016 - 05:35 PM in Homemades

This is a very nice write-up. Now you got me all nostalgic over the maverick handle. Has anyone made a homemade with a twist fit barrel for elites?

#354564 3D printing a flywheel blaster

Posted by Phillip Roy on 25 June 2016 - 04:10 PM in Homemades

That makes a lot of sense, I'll start off with 3D printed wheels, drilling holes to try balance the mass, but I'll probably eventually just grab worker wheels, or modify salvaged stryfe ones, if they don't work. Thanks for the heads up!
On a side note, has anyone tried using these? I mean I'm planning on using NiMH AAs, and I don't want to strap 20 batteries to my blaster, but it would be hilarious to see someone utilise the full 50K RPM.

Use IMRs by lions wholesale. They fit in the stock battery tray, give good voltages, are rechargeable, and come at a good price. Take a look into it.

#354523 3D printing a flywheel blaster

Posted by Phillip Roy on 24 June 2016 - 08:30 AM in Homemades

3d printing the whole baster would not be ideal because the flywheels used by common blasters (such as the Stryfe) are made of molded plastic. However, you may pick up a trick or two by just making a custom shell. The printing project itself, being your learning ground, should be of a simple and modular design. Take for instance, the Nerf Stryfe: it all boils down to a mag well, dart pusher, and flywheel cage. For the flywheels, it would be smart to gut a blaster for them or buy aftermarket. 3d printing always gives me the warm fuzzies so I hope you are successful.

#354354 One handed strongarm?

Posted by Phillip Roy on 19 June 2016 - 12:44 PM in Modifications

Are you specifically wanting a one handed springer? I know you said not to recommend the Hammershot, but what about the barricade?

Edit: I understand the barricade is a flywheel, but I suggested it as a suggestion for a revolver-like secondary as opposed to the strongarm.

#354422 battery charger

Posted by Phillip Roy on 21 June 2016 - 10:04 AM in General Nerf

Get some IMRs from Lion Wholesale. They are AA sized and can be paired with dummy batteries for some good voltages. Furthermore, they are cheap and rechargeable.

Edit: And now I know! Thanks shandsgator8.

#355654 Beauties and Beasts

Posted by Phillip Roy on 19 August 2016 - 09:41 PM in General Nerf

I would like to hear some suggestions for some Nerf Blasters that fit the role of a "Beauty" or a "Beast". A little exposition is in order in order to clarify the analogy being made and the context of me asking.


I recently have renewed the Nerf Club at A.S.M.S.A. and became the President/Doyen/Master/Whatever of it. So for the first meeting I would like to educate these Nerf noobs on the fact that pretty blasters aren't always the best one to pick. For example: during the club fair earlier today, I had a Vulcan EBF laying as a display item on the table. Everyone who had an above average interest (in context of the school's average interest) seemed to drool over it. Needless to say, I held back from saying it was a C-list blaster as to not deter them from signing up. 


Now for the analogy: Beauties would be something like the Vulcan. They look pretty/awesome/rad/killer/overpowered/whatever but don't tend to measure up on the field. Beasts would be something like the Pyragon or Titan. They perform awesome/rad/killer/overpowered/whatever on the field.


I plan on making a PowerPoint slideshow game to quiz the members on which blaster is more powerful than the other displayed. All I need is for you guys to list some blasters that fit the bill of each description.

#355829 Beauties and Beasts

Posted by Phillip Roy on 26 August 2016 - 04:49 PM in General Nerf

I like Astech's suggestion. I do plan on having many club competitions such as: dueling championships, floor vs. floor battles (we live in a multistory dorm), and best modded blaster. I enjoy the idea of motivating them to bring their own blasters, for the club's equipment I inherited is sub-par. I would like to note that the PowerPoint is only ~5 slides long and by quiz I meant "who thinks which one is better". I do understand that no matter the person they always seem dry, unless you are Billy Mayes. Thanks for all the help, but I have other questions regarding the Club. Would Langly prefer me to keep this topic despite its title or create a new one?

#354431 Any War Stories?

Posted by Phillip Roy on 21 June 2016 - 02:38 PM in General Nerf

Does anyone have an silly, interesting, or cool tales from a war to share? I most certainly do!

It was my Youth Group's first full scale war, we had bought four Apollos, Hammershots, and many more. My team was wrecked every round by my youth pastor, who chose simple and effective tactics. When we wound down the festivities, it was around four A.M. We were to wake up early the next day for breakfast so we laid ourselves to sleep. I merely closed my eyes and before me was a crouched figure clad in a Rival Mask and wielding a Zeus. I immediately began flailing in self defense on my seat cushion bed only to realize I was patient zero of foam induced PTSD.