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#351484 My Nerf shot counter V2

Posted by Kingbob on 12 February 2016 - 11:36 PM in Modifications



So I re-jigged the wiring, its now using the 4xAA's for just the arduino side of things. The motors are now powered by a 7.4V 4000mAh LiPo stuffed in the butt of the gun.

The displayed voltage is for the LiPo, and the RPM counter now works heaps better, though it has a bit of trouble keeping up at full RPM!


So all my issues solved, and a nice little performance boost as well :D


Pics and a video soon.

#351477 Would anyone be interested in an ammo counter kit?

Posted by Kingbob on 12 February 2016 - 08:13 AM in Modifications

Yeah i use an internal switch to sense insertion. Actually repurposed one of the existing lock switches.

#351464 Would anyone be interested in an ammo counter kit?

Posted by Kingbob on 11 February 2016 - 10:12 PM in Modifications

Hmm, I wonder how small an OLED i can find... i know some are 0.96", might fit :D

#351463 My Nerf shot counter V2

Posted by Kingbob on 11 February 2016 - 10:10 PM in Modifications

How's this little project coming along man?  


Havent touched the Stryfe since the weekend, will hopefully be able to re-wire the power for the rpm sensor tomorrow and will be done.

#351455 Would anyone be interested in an ammo counter kit?

Posted by Kingbob on 11 February 2016 - 08:21 AM in Modifications

Measured them, they're 9.5x13mm.

Heres 2 on the back of my Rayven.


#351445 Would anyone be interested in an ammo counter kit?

Posted by Kingbob on 10 February 2016 - 07:47 PM in Modifications

Counting up is far simpler because it doesnt require knowing the size of the magazine to set the initial value.


Of course then its a matter of stopping it counting at the right value. Otherwise if you keep pulling the trigger it'd keep counting.


The 7 segment displays i used are about 18mm high from memory, they're the smallest i could find.

#351430 Would anyone be interested in an ammo counter kit?

Posted by Kingbob on 09 February 2016 - 10:19 PM in Modifications

Assembled would be easy to do.

#351426 Would anyone be interested in an ammo counter kit?

Posted by Kingbob on 09 February 2016 - 09:06 PM in Modifications

I've been asked by a few people if i'd make them one of my 7 segment style ammo counters like i used in my Stryfe and Rapidstrike:



If i make up a kit, including pre-loaded arduino, all components, switches, and a custom made PCB, would anyone be interested?



#351425 Stampede internals question

Posted by Kingbob on 09 February 2016 - 09:00 PM in Modifications

I'll br cracking my Stampede open this week pending upgrade work. Got a full colour 1.5" OLED prepped for it already, so will see how that motor mechanism works.

#351424 My Nerf shot counter V2

Posted by Kingbob on 09 February 2016 - 08:48 PM in Modifications

If it was resistance it wouldnt change when the usb port is plugged in.

#351414 My Nerf shot counter V2

Posted by Kingbob on 09 February 2016 - 06:46 AM in Modifications

Debouncing is mostly for switches, gives you a small delay so that it only gives you one reading instead of potentially multiple.

The problem i have is that its almost not reading at all when the motors are going.

#351408 My Nerf shot counter V2

Posted by Kingbob on 08 February 2016 - 10:00 PM in Modifications

Nah its not a debounce issue, it reads fine if the motors arent being driven.


Ie: if i press the motor button the reading is wrong, but if i release the button, it reads correct while they're still spinning. Its only wrong while they're under load.

Unless its plugged into usb.

#351403 My Nerf shot counter V2

Posted by Kingbob on 08 February 2016 - 09:18 PM in Modifications

Yeah will do pics tonight, and diagrams once i get the rpm issue sorted.


I think its a voltage/current supply issue. When the motors are powered, the rpm counter is unreliable, but let the power button go, and it counts properly.


Unless its plugged in to USB, in which case it works fine with the motors powered. My guess is that when the motors are running, either the voltage drops too low for the sensor to read properly, or they draw too much current and the sensor cant pull enough from the arduino. But with USB plugged in it can draw from that. 


Might be as simple as switching the sensor to get power from the battery instead of the arduino.

#351401 My Nerf shot counter V2

Posted by Kingbob on 08 February 2016 - 07:12 PM in Modifications

It's flash not ram that's the issue, they pretty much all have 32k.
But I had some success last night, had to change the oled driver library for a smaller one, which meant changing fonts, but got it down more than enough.

I did find a small bug with the rpm counter to do with current draw, but it does all work now.

#351394 My Nerf shot counter V2

Posted by Kingbob on 07 February 2016 - 11:40 PM in Modifications

In this case unfortunately no. Its the size of the added libraries that push it over. The library for the OLED is already large so that takes up a load of room. I have had a couple of ideas to try and shrink it but havent had time to try them yet.

#351382 My Nerf shot counter V2

Posted by Kingbob on 07 February 2016 - 12:16 AM in Modifications

Well I finally got the RPM counter installed and hooked up, so thats been properly added to the oled display now. Updates every 500ms so its not as rapid to change as i'd like, but the faster it updates, the less accurate it is. Ideally i'd only do it once/second, but that really looks slow. Not entirely sure how accurate it is, running on 4x alkaline AA's i get a max of around 6000 rpm, that sound right for stock motors?


Also my little arduino compatible voltmeter arrived this week, so tested it out and works nicely. Will also work out current draw, but im not using that, and it sends it all over i2c to the arduino so only needs 2 wires to connect (besides power etc).


BUT, hit a snag when i integrated it into the main code. I'm using an arduino nano which like most arduinos has 32k of flash. The longer the code, and the more libraries it uses, the bigger it gets. The library for the OLED is quite big and i was already around the 29k size. When i add the 2 libraries that the voltmeter uses, i end up about 2k over.


I need to include the libraries otherwise the voltmeter simply doesnt work. I'm trying to trim down the code, get rid of anything unnecessary, but it doesnt look good.

Only other option is to use a different arduino that has more flash, but to get one thats small enough means using a $20 arduino instead of a $4 one. Ironically it'd be cheaper for me to add a second nano, and a second oled, which im half tempted to do.

#351380 Stampede internals question

Posted by Kingbob on 07 February 2016 - 12:01 AM in Modifications

Ahh it is a 360, thought so.


The plastic gears that do the retracting and gearing of the motor seem like they might not last if the motor gets sped up with a few extra volts, are there any upgrade gear sets etc available anywhere?


Or, could look at replacing the mechanism altogether with a stepper, or RC servo.

#351354 Shot counters for my Stryfe and Rapidstrike

Posted by Kingbob on 05 February 2016 - 12:05 AM in Modifications

Without wanting to sound insulting, if i still need to provide an Arduino, a power source, a counting mechanism, and trigger mechanism to make your counter work, then what does your counter actually do?

#351352 3D printed parts

Posted by Kingbob on 04 February 2016 - 09:44 PM in Modifications

A good set of calipers to measure, and i tend to use Sketchup to draw parts.

#351334 3D printed parts

Posted by Kingbob on 04 February 2016 - 02:25 AM in Modifications

Typically you're going to have to design most models yourself. I found very models for the parts i wanted to print on mine.

#351293 My Nerf shot counter V2

Posted by Kingbob on 02 February 2016 - 08:01 AM in Modifications

There are actually a load of options for screens, all the way up to 7". Found a nice 2.8" touch screen that has my interest, but needs at least an arduino uno, so certainly needs a larger gun to fit that in. Might fit in a stampede.

#351290 My Nerf shot counter V2

Posted by Kingbob on 02 February 2016 - 12:40 AM in Modifications

I just ordered a couple of these to try out.




Bargain at $10 if they work. Little bit more complicated than the blue one i used which is i2c, but will see how they are when they arrive.

#351287 My Nerf shot counter V2

Posted by Kingbob on 01 February 2016 - 08:53 PM in Modifications

Yeah its a battery powered springer. Has a geared motor that drives a toothed slider to retract/load/fire the dart. I only had a brief look around when i took it apart to paint. Did have a look at mod guides or anything, but given the plastic gears and slider, wont be able to juice that motor up too much. 


I was thinking of using a high torque servo instead.

#351272 My Nerf shot counter V2

Posted by Kingbob on 01 February 2016 - 12:17 AM in Modifications

I'm looking at doing a full bore electronic mode to a stampede once it arrive also, including a full 18ga rewire, battery mod, everything but motor change out. Maybe we could collaborate on it.


Nice, i actually have 3 stampedes i picked up 2nd hand locally for $50. Ive painted 2, one red/black, one white/black, but they're still works in progress, im not hugely happy with the flat red i used. Ive removed the AR from one, and tweaked the spring pre-load a bit, but nothing major. Havent poked around the inside much beyond that.

#351264 My Nerf shot counter V2

Posted by Kingbob on 31 January 2016 - 05:40 AM in Modifications

Oh, and i plan to use that full colour OLED in a Stampede.

#351263 My Nerf shot counter V2

Posted by Kingbob on 31 January 2016 - 05:35 AM in Modifications

The good thing about the small round magnets, can drill a small hole to recess them into the mag.


Decided the blue OLED would be good in an old Rayven i picked up for cheap since it didnt work. Turned out to a loose wire so no biggy.

Removed the jam door lock switch, and disconnected the magazine lock switch, though I re-purposed that one for the Arduino magazine detection. Also used a microswitch for the trigger. The cable hanging out the top plugs in to the other side of the gun. Having a connector makes disassembly simpler, and the wires are nice and long so can fold open the gun without disconnecting it if not needed.



Mounted the display up the front, and a switch above it. I used an Arduino nano, purely because it has the usb port on it. I just poked around until i found a spot i could mount it easily with the usb port accessible from outside so i dont have to open the gun up to modify the software. Hall effect sensors mounted in the magazine slot on a piece of styrene that puts them at the right distance. You can see the connector for the cable on the other half of the gun top right, as well as the power switch.



Close up. I used right angle header strips on the Arduino so the pins dont interfere with the internal barrel tube.



Mounted a display mask on the outside to cover the non active areas of the screen. Mounted with some nice stainless hex screws through the body and pcb of the screen. Also repainted the gun black and white, though the paint isnt finished yet. Added the power switch at the top. Wanted to put in an illuminated switch but couldnt find one to fit.



Powered up.




The RPM counter isnt yet functional, but will use an IR led/receiver pair on a flywheel. Have the parts, just not wired in or written code for it yet.


Will also pick out the RAYVEN and NSTRIKE molded text in black paint, and add a few silver details here and there. I left the trigger/motor switch/mag eject switch/and barrel orange. 



#351249 My Nerf shot counter V2

Posted by Kingbob on 29 January 2016 - 08:41 PM in Modifications

Hadn't even considered using a voltmeter to check the switch, thanks for the tip. The optic IR is a tcrt5000 and is a 4 pin sensor the combines the ir led and detector... it works off reflection for detection, you can use that for your rpm sensor, because of how the color detection.

Eventually I'm gonna get hall effect sensor to use instead of the reeds, and my magnets might be to thick for how I want to apply them. Do you have a link to what you used?


I always have a good multimeter on hand, even just the continuity tester can help solve problems.


I bought 3503UA hall effect sensors since i had one of that type so could test before they arrived.



And 2x1mm rare earth magnets: 



I did also get some 3x1mm magnets as well, and some square 6x6x1mm ones. 


Is the mag: 00 a way to count how many times you've reloaded? Maybe a timer to show how long it's been running


Mag: 00 shows the currently loaded mag size. In this case no mag is inserted so it says 00, but i might just make that blank unless a mag is inserted.

Im not happy with the layout of the bottom section yet though. Spent an hour making it work, 3 hours playing with the layout lol

#351239 My Nerf shot counter V2

Posted by Kingbob on 29 January 2016 - 09:04 AM in Modifications

Picked up a 1.5" full colour OLED today. This is red but the camera makes it look orange, and im still toying with the layout.



#351234 My Nerf shot counter V2

Posted by Kingbob on 29 January 2016 - 01:11 AM in Modifications

2 wire reed switches are typically normally open, a 3 wire reed will have a normally open, and a nomally closed pin. Easy to check which is which with a multimeter. May also want to test the switch with multimeter while applying a magnet to make sure the switch works.

Then I'd connect one end to a digital pin on the arduino, other to gnd. 

So try this. 


int reedPin = 1;  //or your preferred digital pin #
void setup() 
  pinMode(reedPin, INPUT_PULLUP);  //to set that pin to input pullup mode, so by default it should read high
  Serial.begin(9600); //setup the serial port so you can use the monitor
void loop() 
  if (digitalRead(reedPin) == LOW) { //check to see if the pin the reed switch is on has gone low
    Serial.println("The reed switch has been closed by a magnet.");  //output a message to the serial monitor
  delay(50); //wait 50ms before proceeding, this will help debounce the switch




Apologies if thats really basic, i dont know how well you know arduino or coding.


Assuming your reed switch works, and magnet is strong enough, load that with your reed switch connected, and open a serial monitor (under the tools menu). It should then output "The reed switch has been closed by a magnet." continually while the magnet is present.



You could use an ir led to optically check to see if a mag is inserted, but its kind of overkill when a switch will do.

#351191 My Nerf shot counter V2

Posted by Kingbob on 28 January 2016 - 01:18 AM in Modifications

Btw if you do want any arduino help, happy to assist.

#351190 My Nerf shot counter V2

Posted by Kingbob on 28 January 2016 - 12:00 AM in Modifications

The way it works at the moment is that if there is no mag inserted, then it says INSERT. This is detected by a switch, once inserted it detects the mag size the same way as my other one, using hall sensors and micro magnets, and then shows mag size and rnds remaining. The rnds remaining assumes you inserted a full mag.

Then the shot counting works the same as before, using a switch or hall sensor on the trigger, which will depend on the gun. Once it reaches 00 it flashes the reload sign.


Its currently setup for battery supply V and A draw, but i might make that just the voltage, and add an RPM indicator like you suggested. I'd do that via an IR sensor on one of the flywheels. Not sure how fast it could update the display though, probably only once or twice/second max.


For your plan, an RGB led is easy to drive. For mag insertion detection in my stryfe and rapidstrike i just re-purposed one of the existing switches used as part of the locking mechanism, but the Centurion may not have that available. A hall effect sensor would be easier than a reed switch though, they're smaller, and dont need as large a magnet to operate. The magnets i'm using are only 1mm thick, 3mm round disk magnets that can fit anywhere. Cost me about $3 for 50 on ebay.


To use a reed switch you could use a digital or analog input, detecting when it closes in the presence of a magnet, completing the circuit and driving the pin high or low as you prefer. I'd go low, as you can set the pinmode on the arduino to use its internal pullup resistors. A hall effect sensor would only work on an analog input, as it outputs a voltage relative to the magnetic field. With a 5V supply, it outputs 2.5V with no magnet present. In the presence of a north or south magnetic field, the voltage either drops, or rises. That way it you can detect even a weak field, and dont need a full contact like a reed switch. It also lets you do two detections from one input. So a mag marked with a north magnet may be a 6 shot. A mag marked with a south magnet might be a 12.


You'd definitely need IR to check that a dart is chambered though, thats something i hadnt considered doing. I had thought about detecting how many rounds are actually in a magazine, but i'd need to modify every magazine for it.

#351165 My Nerf shot counter V2

Posted by Kingbob on 27 January 2016 - 09:00 AM in Modifications

I've had it a few months but hadn't done anything with it, so sat down on the weekend and knocked that up. I'm still playing with the layout though.


That oled is purely blue,  can get white too. The only red one I've seen is too big for most nerf guns. But I'm tempted to get a full colour one so I can do a mix of red and white. 

#351152 Shot counters for my Stryfe and Rapidstrike

Posted by Kingbob on 26 January 2016 - 09:26 AM in Modifications

Hi Kingbob

Thanks for sharing this information with the nerf community.


No worries.


Heres a peek at my next one :D



#351150 My Nerf shot counter V2

Posted by Kingbob on 26 January 2016 - 09:23 AM in Modifications

Edit: circuit in post on page 2 here: http://nerfhaven.com...er-v2/?p=351846




So heres a peek at my next Arduino Nerf round counter. Will have some extras this time...




Its not fitted to a gun yet, so im pressing switches manually.

#351148 Shot counters for my Stryfe and Rapidstrike

Posted by Kingbob on 25 January 2016 - 11:53 PM in Modifications

Ok, just a momentary switch. Did you happen to have a wiring diagram for the entire thing? I don't think I saw one on the front page.


Theres a full circuit diagram in post #14:



Also in the first post as an update/link.

#351115 Shot counters for my Stryfe and Rapidstrike

Posted by Kingbob on 25 January 2016 - 09:55 AM in Modifications

What kinda trigger switch did you utilize for the stryfe trigger counter?


Just a micro lever switch, some pics on the first page.



#351112 Shot counters for my Stryfe and Rapidstrike

Posted by Kingbob on 25 January 2016 - 07:38 AM in Modifications

Source files here:

Rapidstrike: https://drive.google...iew?usp=sharing

Stryfe: https://drive.google...iew?usp=sharing


They're pretty much the same, but the Stryfe version is setup for a switch for the trigger counter. The Rapidstrike version is set to use a hall effect sensor and magnet for the counter. Both have the code for each, but commented out the non relevant part. You'll see when you look. They'll work in any gun, i just differentiate them by how the trigger counter is activated.


Its pretty well commented so you should be able to work out whats what, where to change pin assignments, timings etc. 

Its currently only setup for a 6, 12, or 18 magazine. But you can easily add 25 and 36 detection. 


Its also sensitive to the direction of the magnets (north or south) so test before gluing any in place.


You'll also need the LEDControl.h library from here: https://github.com/w...ontrol/releases

If you dont know how to install a library, info here: https://www.arduino....Guide/Libraries



Any questions, happy to answer, and any suggestions, happy to hear!

#350374 Shot counters for my Stryfe and Rapidstrike

Posted by Kingbob on 01 January 2016 - 01:47 AM in Modifications

Sonofa... just put my Rapidstrike back together after a paintjob, and looks like ive lost or thrown away the little white plastic piece that pushes the switch at the front of the magazine, which is normally used as a lock, but i re-purposed to turn on the arduino! Probably threw it out thinking it was a part i didnt need! Suppose i better grab some styrene and look at making a replacement!



#350350 Shot counters for my Stryfe and Rapidstrike

Posted by Kingbob on 31 December 2015 - 11:45 AM in Modifications

The 2 hall effect sensors i used are capable of detecting 9 different magazine sizes between them (and only using 2 inputs in the arduino). Thats more than enough for all the nerf magazines: 6, 12, 18, and 18, 25, 36 drums. But yes could add a 4 bank dip switch accessible from outside somewhere. But the magnets i used were like $3 for 50 on ebay, and only takes a few seconds to add one to a clip.


Btw if anyone wants the Arduino code for the circuit above, happy to share.

#350309 Shot counters for my Stryfe and Rapidstrike

Posted by Kingbob on 30 December 2015 - 03:42 AM in Modifications

Wow dude, have you considered a different type of display or even doing a "camera" sight which would route a small camera in front to a display in the back? Kinda like that nerf gun with the camera but minus the recording option...


This one was specifically going for the counter look from Aliends for a RapidStrike, but I'm currently playing with a couple of small OLED displays. One is a blue monochrome 128x64 dot display thats about 1" wide, another thats an awesome red but about 2.5" wide and doesnt really fit most Nerf guns, and a small 1.3" full colour OLED.


Looking at things like displaying batt voltage/maybe current draw, mag size, rounds used, possibly motor RPM etc. Also add a switch for single/rapid fire and have that mode displayed. Could also add a purely fun switch/display to select ammo type such as Normal, Armour Piercing, Tracer, Explosive etc :D

Plus when the rounds reach zero it can flash "Reload" or something.


Am looking at fitting one to a Stampede or a Rayven once i work it out properly.


I did even consider adding a range finder, and have the range displayed, but the cheapest suitable components i can find are about $100. Dont want to spend that much.